
Overnight Open Thread

gmsc4/25/2009 8:41:12 am PDT

Obama’s budget cutting - small potatoes

Lots of folks are having fun pointing out that Obama’s “$100 million budget cut” on a $3.69 trillion budget is pretty small potatoes.

Speaking of small potatoes, here’s my analogy:

A Big Mac has 540 calories.

A small McDonalds French Fries has 230. Looking at the picture at the McDonalds website, I could believe that there are maybe 42 fries in there, so call it perhaps 5.4 calories per individual fry.

So, Obama’s budget is like saying

“Please give me 370 Big Macs … and one french fry. No, not “a small order of fries.” Just a single, lone french fry.


Actually, I’m trying to lose weight.

Cancel that french fry - I’ll just have the 370 Big Macs.“