
Overnight Open Thread

Mad Prophet Ludwig6/08/2010 4:51:30 am PDT

re: #74 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Just in time for the zombie uprising!

OK all you zombie guys here is a survival quiz:

Zombies are caused by?

a) Voodoo magic
b) Chemical waste
c) Radiation
d) Retro Virus
e) It does not matter, shoot em in the head and don’t get bit!

The first place you go in case of zombie apocalypse is:

a) local gunshop
b) hardware store
c) local mall
d) super market
e) your well fortified bunker basement which has many shotguns, boxes of shells, a chainsaw, weeks of rations and a hidden escape route

The best vehicle to drive in case of zombie apocalypse is:

a) small econo-car because of fuel efficiency
b) SUV - right, it can go off road!
c) hummer - after all the army drives those
d) tank
e) did I mention the bunker? Driving is crazy!

Why flamethrowers are not a good anti- zombie weapon:

a) you might hit humans
b) gas will be a valuable commodity in the post zombie world
c) bulky things if you have to run eh?
d) the light gives you away
e) Great now I have flaming zombies coming towards me and trying to tackle me!

If you answered e to all of these questions you are well prepared. If you answered anything else….