
Our Friends the Saudis

OldLineTexan1/14/2009 12:20:54 pm PST

re: #823 Gella

15 is not 10, also back then. life span was shorter then now
10 is not childbearing age

No kidding. Here I thought I had explained myself with the first sentence of the second paragragh. Well, so much for trying.

BTW, my grandmother died at 94.

For the folks who can read through an entire post, once a female child begins menstruating she is arguably fertile and is therefore (LIKE IT OR NOT) of “childbearing age”.

The social and/or religious mores that dictate WHEN the “child” is considered a “woman” are typically one-size fits all legal constructs.

The question, if phrased properly, is interesting. NATURE dictates that a ovulating female is ready to reproduce; NURTURE (rightly so, IMO) steps in to delay that so as to benefit society.