
Overnight Open Thread

yma o hyd6/22/2009 8:23:22 am PDT

Cripes, look at this!

‘from Tehran (earlier today): tell the Europeans, stop posturing
wasn’t human rights supposed to be so important to you?
you’re all full of empty slogans, aren’t you?
it’s hypocritical to keep pretending they care about human rights, when it’s really only economic interests they’re after.
there is no other option: everyone has to get involved to help us.
don’t you see, they’re massacring us here.
The United States cannot grant this man a visa!
This man doesn’t represent us!
this man cannot be invited to international summits!
they cannot make official visits to this country either!
you cannot believe it. they have turned this place into a killing field.
people are frightened to death here. they have gone quiet. the stores are closed.
there were plans to go and gather at 7 Tir [earlier today Tehran time] for that poor young woman Neda.
(tehranbureau - to be cont’d)