
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

lawhawk5/04/2010 9:55:50 am PDT


You apparently didn’t bother to read the link or any of my coverage on Ground Zero. Maybe this will change your mind - the memorial is going to be ready by next year. 7WTC was completed in 2005. The Freedom Tower is 26 stories tall, and 4WTC is above ground level. Other parts of the site are awaiting construction for want of funds (which was the holdup for much of the construction as lawsuits had to be sorted out among the various parties involved).

Maybe this might inform you better? It’s almost like you’re stuck in a time warp thinking that nothing has been built. And you’re trying to argue this with someone who has been extremely critical of the Port Authority’s handling of the rebuilding because it wasn’t being done fast enough. It still isn’t, but to deny that there’s any work going on just isn’t paying attention.