
Got a Big Hamas Fish

vxbush1/15/2009 2:08:42 pm PST

re: #857 HoosierHoops

So check this day started off bad when global wireless connections started refusing to dish out DHCP. Last week we had a Cisco core switch go down so of course my attention was on the infrastructure side of the house.
6 hours later and systems dropping faster than the the Colts in the play-offs..It was looking bad.. By chance somebody noticed a primary cert on the 802.1x secure network had expired globally. Thus authentication becomes center stage. When we logged into the Cert server nobody could remember the p/w for wireless WAP’s. The guy that set it up is wooking for Google now…
So for another 8 hours we mess around creating pvk keys for primary keys that would match a secondary certificate in a server store..No luck
At midnight a caller on our conference call figured it out and downloaded a fresh primary.secondary, key cert that authenticated to WEP, WAP and allowed TLS packets to pass on..
Today i spent most of the day deploying new certs..
/You’ll pry the 30” Dell from my cold dying hands

This is actually a serious problem in the tech industry, in my opinion. We have all these systems set up with password and passcodes and we know we shouldn’t write them down, but what are we to do with all the passwords we have now and the chances of personnel changing?

But fine, if I can’t have the monitor, I suppose I can wait. What i really need to do is get a newer TV that has a matte finish so my son doesn’t have such problems seeing it when the windows are open. Lower tech, yes, but rather more important.