
Video: WH Press Secretary: Offensive Views Are Part of Trump's (And the GOP's) Base

EPR-radar9/18/2015 4:17:17 pm PDT

re: #78 goddamnedfrank

If they wanted him to double down he wouldn’t be skipping out on the Heritage Action Forum at the last minute. He’d just go and be his usual unmitigated asshole self. His campaign is desperately buying time in an attempt to sort this shit out.

What are Trump’s options?

1) Some more or less useless attempt at damage control, which will piss off his base and not impress any of his critics.

2) Double down and really try to sell flagrant anti-Muslim ideology.

If Trump and company see option 1 as a ‘loser’ and option 2 as a possible ‘winner’, they may take option #2 even though it is (hopefully) doomed to fail.