
Overnight Open Thread

Occasional Reader5/04/2009 8:42:08 am PDT

re: #870 vxbush

But I’ve seen two people, each with bachelors in the same field, from two different institutions and the one with the degree from the “big name” school got the job.

Reminds me of when I was a “summer associate” at a big NYC law firm. One of our summer associate, er, associates was a young woman from Yale Law School. She was a total disaster, by all accounts… lazy, abrasive, and did poor work. Yet two of the “hiring partners” were overheard saying, in effect, “well… we have to give her a permanent offer, she’s from Yale.” She lasted about two years at the firm, before being shown the door.

I think the unwarranted prestige given to “big name” schools is nothing short of scandalous. (And I went to “big name” schools myself, so this is not a “sour grapes” thing.)