
The Best Person Sean Hannity Can Find to Comment on Rep. Weiner: Mark Foley

Buck6/10/2011 3:39:48 pm PDT

Look, you made these statements, and they got updings.

They shocked me, but I guess I am easily shocked.

I have been clear that I do not think children can consent to sex with an adult, and you have said otherwise over and over and over.

Buck, do you understand that statutory rape includes consensual sex between the not-of-age person and the older person?
Statutory rape is any sex between a minor and an adult, even when the minor is consenting. This is because we don’t believe children have the capacity to truly give consent.
No, it’s not. There is nothing in the law saying that it’s violent. And the law says that a child cannot lawfully consent. It doesn’t mean children don’t consent. It means that in the eye of the law, just as consent granted by an impaired individual, it does not stand.

Again, in the thread the crowd agrees with your position.

That doesn’t mean I agree with it. I have been consistent on this, and no I will not change my mind.