
Another Stealth Creationist Bill in Missouri

Aye Pod2/19/2009 4:34:41 pm PST

re: #884 Pabloanno

To correct pabloannos falsehoods - link to thread concerned:

For anyone who cares or is following this. And not really in reply to Jimmah cause I’m done talking to him.Jimmah used American Taliban unapologetically and even claimed it was a useful epithet to describe the religious right.

Oh how awful. To be more accurate, I was actually a lot more specific than just ‘religious right’ I was talking about the extreme religious right, the ones who believe that America was to blame for 9/11 - namely, Falwell, Robertson, The Phelps family. If you want to identify with that lot and thereby feel insulted, that’s your problem.

Jimmah, himself claimed that. Not even me or anyone else. Jimmah following me around and demanding proof of something that I claimed he said when he repeatedly say it is disingenuous, at best.

No you claimed that I had a pattern of hatred shown towards all religious people in my posts. You were asked to prove that claim by showing the posts where this is evident, you have been completely unable to do so. Your pathetic attempt to twist the issue here just shows once again how disingenuous you are.

Also, I wonder why I’m the one of the many people who took Jimma to task on that whom he’s asking for proof from?

What utter rubbish. Only a couple of other people as I remember had a disagreement with me over that post, one of those was merely because he hadn’t noticed the sarc tag - an issue that was quickly clarified. Only one person came at me with a bunch of personal abuse and lies and that was you.

If you hadn’t lost this round you wouldn’t be hoping I’d be banned. You’d be hoping I stick around for you to kick some more, you know for fun.

You are delusional. I don’t enjoy kicking schmucks like you around, it’s more of a duty thing.