
Overnight Open Thread

ausador3/06/2010 12:12:22 am PST

re: #7 cenotaphium

Hi guys. Quite a while since I’ve posted (I’ve been lurking though).

Just thought I’d weigh in with a couple of observations about the upcoming Swedish elections.. the latest polls have the semi-racist Sweden Democrats passing the 4% (of the popular vote) barrier for entry into parliament with some room to spare (about 5% or so). The theoretical danger is that they become a tiebreaker between the two blocs of parties, even though they’ve all sworn to never let that happen.

Even more interesting is the overwhelming amount of SD friendly comments left on any news remotely connected to politics on most of our major news sites. It strikes me as similar to the Ron Paul nutters ability to dominate any poll, even as their position remains a fringe element. At least I hope that’s the case here.
The majority of those comments come from a right-wing (for us) perspective, frequently citing economic or social cohesion issues, very often with the illusive spectre of kowtowing to Islam as the backdrop. Oh, and throw in some “wake up people”, “stop being PC” and “indoctrinated leftists” comments in there too. Frankly, most of what I read from the local web seem like a depressingly bad copypaste of what I read on anglosphere sites. :(

Anyway, that’s what I had on my mind right now.

Sounds about right, the nutjobs seem much more devoted to posting with more frequency and stridency than the average person. We need to develop a new “internet law” like Godwin’s that explains for every 50 extremeist posts you read there is really only one physically fit and possibly dangerous poster. The rest are overweight couch potatoes who can’t even walk up to their bedroom without getting winded or 13 year old boys trying to seem tough.

/ ;)