
Welcome To Haredistan, 'welfare state that would make the Scandinavians jealous'

researchok1/05/2012 12:17:50 pm PST

re: #8 Alouette

PRI is the international version of NPRre: #8 Alouette

I am aware that problems exist in the community just like any other ethnic and religious group in the world but Haaretz would never write any such thing about Muslims or Palestinians.

Very true. As I noted, Haaretz has plenty of it’s own baggage.

As for PRI, see the wiki entry.

My main concern is what appears to be a society within a society- and that cannot bode well for any nation or group.

That the Haredim do not want to assimilate into Israeli society is their right, of course. Nevertheless, that doe snot preclude them from integrating into an open, free and democratic society. They cannot enforce their restrictive rules or behaviors on others.

For example, if they want segregated buses or exclusive neighborhoods it is only right that have that option available to them- an option they pay for. They cannot ask a free and democratic state to subsidize their restrictive rules anymore than a private segregated country club or golf course can ask the state to subsidize their activities or costs.