
Seth Meyers: Trump Stuns CEOs with $1 Billion Quid Pro Quo, Lies About Biden's Insulin Price Cap

Romantic Heretic6/20/2024 2:08:59 am PDT

re: #89 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

The only “message” I can see such a voter sending is bragging to others that they’re not beholden to “the Duopoly.” They certainly aren’t sending a message to either major party.

That was basically his argument. ‘Democrats are just as bad as Republicans. Biden is just as bad as Trump. Look at all the shit that has happened in the last 50 years. Democrats helped make things worse.

“A plague on both their houses.”

Which I pointed out to him is true but also, in this case, irrelevant. If Trump wins things will get much worse and the purity pony’s message will probably get him killed.