
Saturday Afternoon Open

Varek Raith9/17/2011 5:52:04 pm PDT

re: #88 Obdicut

It’s also frustrating because while protests like that can be effective, there are much better openings for those of us who live in a democratic, free society. Join up with an actual union as a volunteer, write your congresspeople, work for those who you want to see get elected. Protest is well and good but it’s not nearly enough; it’s much more powerful to actually engage in the political arena. Obama won partially on the backs of a huge get out the vote operation.

Protest looks cool and is media friendly, but it’s got very limited utility. The Boathouse is being investigated by the labor board and relies on tourists for income. They have to cross the picket line to eat there— and the protesters are carrying signs showing that the restaurant received a “C” grade on sanitation. That’s an effective protest.

Protesting wall street on a Saturday? You’re not even inconveniencing them. You want to protest, get in their damn faces. Don’t just try to get your picture in the paper.

We need a blimp.
TWO blimps!