
Overnight Open Thread

turn5/26/2009 8:54:43 am PDT

re: #891 Kenneth

My interpretation is that China is perfectly happy about these recent tests. The diplomatic fallout will be this: the 6 Party Talks will be finally declared a dead end (before you cheer that, consider what the possible alternatives are), at the same time the NoKo issue gets shoved onto Obama’s lap & pushed to the top of his agenda. China steps in a helpful offers to “solve” the NoKo problem by bringing Pyongyang to heal. The price for doing this is that North Korea will never be re-united with South Korea. Instead, North Korea, post-Kim, will become a Chinese client state & a pool of cheap labor for Chinese manufacturers.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a one-time Walmart director, did a heck of a job!

I hadn’t thought of it in that way, thanks. Yes China could play this to their advantage. What, if anything, has Hillary accomplished so far?