
Midday Open Thread

cliffster3/18/2010 4:12:06 pm PDT

re: #895 Killgore Trout

Does anyone know how long a tomato plant can live? I’m “hardening off” (getting them used to being outside) my indoor winter hydroponics garden. I realized that one of my tomatoes is over a year old at this point and still producing fruit just fine. If it get successfully transplanted outside It’ll be 2 years old at the end of the season. Can I do this indefinitely?

I’ve gone several years with some plants. Beyond that I don’t know. I’ve had some tomatoes that have stayed around and kept producing, and some that stayed around and quit producing. Peppers will keep giving it up until something kills them. Broccoli too, although it gets smaller and smaller. As for tomatoes specifically, depends on what kind. I’d bet the cherries will keep putting out fruit longer than the big boys.