
An Epic Performance Remastered: Snarky Puppy & Metropole Orkest, "The Curtain"

Targetpractice5/27/2024 2:04:55 am PDT

re: #89 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

In any case, there are some places where AI can really do a great job, for example in science research and technology, where the paramaters are clearly defined and limited.

But people are trying to use it to find ways to replace employees who need to use creative and social skills to complete tasks, where it often falls flat on its four-eyed face after tripping over its third leg.

I’m happy you pointed out the latter, because while the creative community are (justifiably) bent out of shape over the fuckery that outfits like OpenAI are engaged in, the bigger danger that Average Joe Sixpack should worry about is coming into work one day to find out that corporate has fired his old boss and replaced him with an “AI” designed to manage the low-level peons with greater “efficiency” at a much reduced overall cost.

The immediate danger isn’t Skynet wiping out most of humanity or Simone replacing Hollywood leading actresses, it’s that ruthless efforts to squeeze ever more blood from the stone leads to businesses basically hacking to bits and then torching the ladder behind them. If you think morale in the workplace sucks now, wait until millions of workers find out that their careers effectively plateaued and all those dreams of one day being a manager with a private office and the power to control the lives of others have been replaced with Hal 9000 telling them they’re not getting that annual raise because their productivity dropped 0.2% compared to last quarter.