
Drudge and the Deniers

Charles Johnson11/27/2009 1:50:08 pm PST

re: #88 Naso Tang

When we discuss this topic here, we generally only refer to the USA and Liberals (or secular progressives) as being guilty of lying for nefarious reasons about AGW (scientists are of course always liberals, since they understand evolution).

However it is interesting that essentially every government on the planet has been suckered into believing this stuff, and even the biggest polluter, which is not known for its high ethical standards, China, has been fooled into agreeing it should clean up its act. Those Chinese are not known to be really dumb however, so this is puzzling. Perhaps it means that they are in on it? They want to destroy the USA by playing along?

We are lost.//

The conspiracy goes very very deep. Thank goodness we have Christopher Monckton and Exxon-Mobil to show us the Troof.