
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

palomino7/12/2012 7:47:16 pm PDT

re: #42 Targetpractice

That’s the point, he did nothing illegal because companies like Bain have used their billions in clout to rewrite the rules in their favor. His opponents hit him time and time again with the reality that he was a corporate raider, a vulture capitalist, who was pledged to only one goal: Providing the biggest payoff to investors, even if it meant ruining thousands of lives in the process.

After all the other gop clown candidates dropped out, they warned Obama not to go after Romney on Bain or the very charges of vulture capitalism they had made themselves. Their reasoning: these kinds of attacks didn’t work in the gop primaries, thus don’t work. Period.

But the GOP primary voters and the electorate at large are two very different animals. The GOP base is far less receptive to any argument that could cause any subsidence of their raging unquestioning free-market hard-on.

Having said that, I’m not sure this all has legs. It probably should, but things like SEC filings and dates of full vs. partial control of Bain may be too abstruse for moderate to low info voters to care about.