
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

realwest2/13/2009 9:10:53 pm PST

re: #873 Thanos Well Thanos you know how much I respect your opinion but the Dems got 60 votes in the Senate, just enough to pass it and to do that they flew some Dem Senator home - on a Air Force plane, authorized by Obama - from his mothers’ funeral. If EITHER Snow, or Collins or Specter had voted with the Republicans, then - at least as I understand it - the bill would have gone down in flames.
But, still and all, this is a DEMOCRATIC PARTY LAW and there’s no mistaking that at all. Because I love America, I hope this law really does help the economy out and let the Dem’s have all the credit. But I DONT’ think this bill is gonna change our economy for the better by very much and I think there is gonna be buyer’s remorse all over the place by the end of the calendar year.