
Overnight Open Thread

MJ2/15/2009 8:31:28 am PST

How do you all like this loaded headline and story by al-Reuters:

Israeli brinkmanship puts Gaza truce in peril

JERUSALEM, Feb 15 (Reuters) - Outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is mounting a last-ditch effort to free a captured Israeli soldier by blocking an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire in the Gaza Strip until Hamas agrees to release him.

Whether Olmert’s brinkmanship can produce a breakthrough in the few weeks he has left depends on Israel making difficult concessions that could bolster Hamas, and on the Islamist group taking a gamble on the Jewish state keeping its word. Many diplomats are sceptical all the pieces will fall in place.

Hamas has no faith that Israel, which is about to change governments, will abide by commitments under the proposed ceasefire, mainly to keep Gaza’s border crossings open, if captured soldier Gilad Shalit is freed…

One of the more ant-Israel screeds in at least a week from these Jew-hating, terrorist supporting scum at Reuters.