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EPR-radar5/03/2015 4:18:34 pm PDT

re: #59 ObserverArt

I would never say the board is not pro Clinton. To me the leap is saying everyone is a riding a bandwagon.

Realistically we really only get two choices. Clearly many think there is one. That is not riding being on a band wagon. It is the reality of the situation and the times. At least for what we know right now.

I should would like to know though, how you view Hillary if she isn’t a moderate. I can understand if she doesn’t fit your want of an economic wiz, but I really do not understand how she is not moderate, all things considered.

And I would totally understand if you do not want to define her.

Again sorry if I read you wrong. I am pretty sure you at least understand how I made the mistake of seeing your comment in the light of the typical GOP criticism of her.

Anyone would have to be living under a rock to not see the GOP portrays her as the most evil, liberal, feminist socialist commie ever!

My take on present-day US politics is very simple. Nothing will be solved until this problem of the GOP wreckers is addressed. The only plausible way for the GOP to start cleaning up its act is for the GOP to have a series of big losses in presidential elections (i.e., 40+ state blowouts).

Unfortunately, this would appear to be impossible, since the deep red states really are a fortress from which no (D) electoral votes will come for the foreseeable future.