
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/15/2009 12:22:29 am PST

re: #76 x-wing


token you’re making this difficult for me, I like green, but…. ;>}

These struggles are good for our (ever evolving) souls, I believe…

Seriously, we as a nation and society tend to get many, many issues intertwined, and politics, societal structures, religions, and science can get all balled up into what looks like a plate of spaghetti. Trying to unwind this mess is a real challenge, and often people just throw up their hands and walk away from the issues.

That happens here at LGF too, in the evolution threads, where many Lizards just won’t bother to go. Some are offended by Charles’ strong interest in the subject, others are probably bored by it. Nevertheless, it is part of our American society, this struggle that goes on in reckoning religion with politics and science.