
Overnight Open Thread

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks12/26/2009 4:08:48 am PST

re: #88 suchislife

I do not consider it “entrapment”, as you put it, but a tweek of sorts on the Socratic Method. If you have a point of debate to make, I see nothing wrong with tricking your opponent into making it for you. This technique sometimes requires baiting questions, or in this case, images. I consider this a valid method of debate.

“Part one of the critique”, as you say, points to a perceived hypocrisy. I think this is valid, and I think this could be painfully illustrated in a subtle way. Done well, it could make the target look like a fool. Just sayin’.

“Part two of the critique”, as you say, is likely true. A cartoon peeing on this religious symbol, a cartoon peeing on that religious symbol… I too couldn’t give a crap. It means little to me.

Double standards exist. We see this every season with the “WAR ON CHRISTMAS!!1!”, while not a single mention is made of Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, or Saturnalia, or… take your pick.

I am simply suggesting a way, perhaps a silly and childish way, of getting a debate opponent to display their own hypocrisy by drawing them into making a point that invalidates their position.

Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, And What Not!