
Video: No Global Warming in the Last 10 Years?

wkeller9/07/2009 10:45:47 pm PDT

re: #946 Coracle

Been there, done that - on a previous thread at LGF. I looked at a half dozen random papers on that list, and they DO NOT make anti-AGW claims. Some of them, in fact do quite the opposite.

Nice argument from authority by the way. What part of the science community have you spent 40 years in? Climate science? Anything related to it? For all your claimed experience you don’t seem to show much respect for the scientific method when the conclusion is other than your preference.
THe only thing worse than ignorance is willful ignorance.

Last post on this since you might be many things, but a scientist isn’t one of them. My degree is in Computer Science with minors in mathematics, physics and chemistry. No, I do not work in climate science, but then scientific method is NOT about the field but about the science. I will simply say this one more time - you can not claim to follow the scientific method and while claiming that AWG is scientific fact. Perhaps if you had read more than 6 of the over 200 papers you might have seen the opportunity for a belief outside AWG. But, since it is proven science to you, so be it. The scientific community is littered with the corpuses of “certainty”.

The earth is the center of the universe.
You can’t break the sound barrier.
There are only 3 particles in an atom.
Cancer is a death sentence.
Man will never fly.
There are 9 planets.

This is a list that can go on and on and on. Your disregard for science is simply foolish on its face. You also seem to think I am making the argument that global warming (or AWG for that matter) doesn’t exits. I am not. I am simply making the argument that it is NOT scientific FACT that they DO exist – so I see no reason to kneel at the alter of global warming. I sure the hell see no reason to tax our economy to death to please a few alarmists.

So please, you may be many things, but a scientist - not so much.