
Video: No Global Warming in the Last 10 Years?

mt3_12349/07/2009 10:51:23 pm PDT

re: #960 wkeller

I will simply say this one more time - you can not claim to follow the scientific method and while claiming that AWG is scientific fact. Perhaps if you had read more than 6 of the over 200 papers you might have seen the opportunity for a belief outside AWG.

i agree with what you are saying, 6 out of 200 is not enough
but the ones i DID read said nothing of what you claimed (actually, even the opposite)
that’s why i followed up with asking you to point out the ones that ACTUALLY do support your claim

you have to help me here, it’s understandable that i can’t possibly read all those papers
especially after skimming a few and finding out they actually say nothing what you claim they do