
Eric Cantor to Netanyahu: The GOP Majority Will Be a 'Check on the Obama Administration'

Charles Johnson11/13/2010 1:25:17 pm PST

re: #94 BryanS

As well she shouldn’t have. Syria is not exactly an ally like Israel is. Doesn’t that make a difference to you?

I’d say no, it doesn’t make a difference. Openly saying you’re going to support a foreign power when their policies conflict with official US policy, for partisan reasons, sucks. Not to put too fine a point on it. Ally or not.

As you pointed out, Pelosi’s statements were more fatuous than affecting on any real policy. But that was her point going there—by comparison, what of Obama’s policies towards Israel exactly was Cantor countermanding? Obama hasn’t made any policy statement that the US was abandoning its relationship with Israel.

I thought that was the entire point of what I wrote. This really had nothing to do with support for Israel - it’s just simple pandering to the loony base.