
Video: ShapeShifter

Birth Control Works1/10/2011 11:22:37 pm PST

re: #91 SanFranciscoZionist

OK. Because you guys are my neat friends, I am going to share with you my dorkiness, and ask for some advice.

I just started an online MFT program. I am hoping (praying) to take out a Stafford Loan to cover the expenses, and also hopefully give us a little boost until we get my sweetie working again.

In an excess of dorky enthusiasm, I decided to take not the one class they recommend starting with, but TWO. Damnit. So I signed up for Class One (required) and Class Two.

(I became an overachiever in early middle age, after slacking through my teens and twenties. What can be done?)

So, today, it dawned on me for the first time that this is the situation with Class 2:

1. It requires two books, in the most recent edition, both of which are very hard to find and expensive. One of them is VERY expensive, and apparently not available in the latest edition until next month, but nevermind…

2. I ordered the two books in recent, but not totally new editions on where they were dirt cheap, but they still won’t get here until probably late next week. I am FAR too broke, and will be until the Stafford (please God) comes in to buy the books, especially the hundred-and-thirty-five-dollar one.

3. No local libraries have both these books. As I pondered this earlier today, I thought, “Aha! I am near Berkeley. I will go to UC Berkeley, and photocopy the chapters I will need.” Alas, the second book, the hellaciously expensive one, is not in any UC library.

4. Is a book really worth reading if NO library in the University of California system has bothered to buy it? Methinks not. I mean, a romance novel, maybe, but a serious academic work?

5. I have a paper due on Saturday night on the first chapters of both books.

6. Apparently the call-ins for Class One and Class Two happen at the same time.

I’m thinking of writing to the intructor, confessing my dorkdom, and dropping the class, but I’m mortified at the thought of telling the student services/registrar lady, after so merrily insisting on putting myself in the class to begin with.


Romance novel, what is it. I’m pretty good at finding obscure titles. Bibliophile that I am.