
Overnight Open Thread

unproven innocence3/21/2009 10:31:50 am PDT

re: #738 ciaospirit

And B. Hussein has a new circle of pastor friends. With this standout…Jim Wallis of Sojourners influencing BO on policy.

Sojourners: History, Actvities and Agendas

“America,” he wrote, “is a fallen nation.” Giving bladed voice to his ministry’s revolutionary views, Wallis detailed the Sojourners belief that religion must be seen in opposition to all forms of state government. “For us,” Wallis wrote, “the modern state is the great power, the great seducer, the great captor and destroyer of human life, the great master of humanity and history in its totalitarian claims and designs.” To replace the state, Wallis called for “a radical nonconformist community in the present world system, refusing to live by the norms and assumptions that control the behavior of others.”

Sojourners devoted much of the 1980s to living out this vision. The Sojourners community actively embraced “liberation theology,” rallying to the cause of communist regimes that had seized power with the promise of brining about revolutionary restructuring of society. Particularly attractive for the ministry’s religious activists was the Communist Sandinista regime that took power in Nicaragua in a 1979 revolution. The Sojourners community uniformly welcomed the Communists’ victory in the revolution.

Except for the religion thing, this sounds very much like the Weather Underground. BTW, the authors of Prairie Fire are listed as Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, Jeff Jones and Celia Sojourn.

I’ve long wondered if that’s a pseudonym of Kathy Boudin.