
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

mcmeador2/16/2009 6:18:38 pm PST

re: #975 Catttt

You are using an apples and oranges argument. There are other issues with your logic, but let me address just that part. Taking task with a belief system is not the same thing as chiding someone or belittling him for how he was born - e.g., the color of his skin.

Yeah, you’re right. When you demean someone for being religious, you are attacking them for something that is likely a major part of what defines them as a person, rather than a mere physical quality resulting from their ancestry. Maybe I’m different, but I’d be a lot more offended if someone attacked my belief system than if they attacked me for my race. And Pat Condell isn’t simply “taking task” with religion. He’s making it a point to just be an offensive prick about it and degrading anyone who has those beliefs. Just because you think you can justify his sentiments toward religion doesn’t make his delivery of those views any less hateful.

re: #991 gman

So, you don’t have an axe to grind on when you’re bringing up Condell on a Coulter thread? hmmmm

Sorry, but if it looks like a troll (not many comments but questioning the host), and acts like a troll (trying to bring up pet issues on threads only somewhat related) it is a troll.

Btw, I checked your comment history so don’t pretend Condell isn’t a pet issue with you.

Wow, so apparently because I’ve mentioned Pat Condell once before in a comment that was on a post that mentioned Pat Condell, that makes this a “pet issue.” You are definitely reaching, but congratulations on the amateur investigative work, Encyclopedia Brown. And no, this is not an “axe.” In case you didn’t notice, not only is this a “Coulter” thread, but it is also a “hate speech” thread.

And the reason I don’t have many comments in my history is because, 1) I’ve been a member for less than 5 months, 2) these pages take forever to load because all the comments are on one page so I seldom want to bother with it, and 3) I have other things to do besides posting an average of about 150 comments a month. If you want to call me a troll, fine. If I’m such a troll, then just ignore me. That would at least keep you from getting on my nerves.