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Searched LGF articles for: Muslim Association of Britain (880 matches, in 36 pages)

Breaking: Iran Reaches Nuclear Deal With Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia, the EU and the US

Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 6:21:00 pm
Apparently this is a "first stage agreement," whatever that means: French Foreign Minister: Iran Nuclear Deal Reached. GENEVA (AP) -- The French foreign minister says Iran and six world powers have reached a first-stage agreement on curbing Iran's nuclear program in return for sanctions relief. Laurent Fabius gave no details as ...

Google Starts Caring About Child Porn

Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 6:11:58 pm
I'll forego the temptation to say "what took you so long:" Google's Eric Schmidt Announces New Blocks on Child Porn. Google's executive chairman Eric Schmidt has outlined how his company is introducing new measures to block child pornography from appearing in its searches. Schmidt explained the changes to Google's search ...

Muslim Brotherhood 'Uses Puppies as Firebombs?'

Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 12:09:52 pm
Yes, you read that correctly: puppy bombs. If you saw the headline and actually believed it for a second, then your bullshit detector is probably in serious need of a tune-up. Think about it for a minute--the Muslim Brotherhood soaked puppies in gasoline so they could lob them at the ...

Another Greenwald Lie: "Definitely Not the Case That Every Country Bulk Collects Communications"

Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 10:32:24 am
Hard to believe it was only a few days ago that activist Glenn Greenwald said this on CNN: It's definitely not the case that every country mass, bulk collects the communications of millions of innocent people... Because today, Greenwald's former employer The Guardian pretty much destroys Greenwald's dishonest claim: GCHQ ...

French Newspaper LeMonde Admits Getting NSA Story Wrong, Greenwald Still Digging

Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 10:29:22 am
French newspaper LeMonde is reporting today that NSA officials were not lying when they said the recent stories about NSA data collection in France and Spain were "completely false:" Surveillance: DGSE transmitted the data to the American NSA (Google Translate). According to our information, collected from a senior official of ...

Bryan Fischer Will Not Have Sex With a Man!

Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 6:41:35 pm
*ping* Speaking yesterday with a caller who identified himself as a "non-practicing homosexual," Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association reaffirmed his belief that homosexuality "is a matter of choice." When the caller asked if Fischer "could have sex with a man," Fischer was flummoxed and said he would never ...

Friday Night Solo Piano: Bruce Hornsby - 'Schoenberg Concerto - Paperboy'

Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 5:03:31 pm
YouTube Bruce performing "Schoenberg Concerto - Paperboy" at The ALS Association DC/MD/VA Chapter benefit concert on 9/25/10 at the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts in Virginia Beach, VA.

Megyn Kelly Desperately Tries to Rein in Sarah Palin

Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 11:16:34 am
YouTube Megyn Kelly had Sarah Palin on her new show on Thursday night, and the interview went about as you would expect it to go. Our favorite part came in the first couple of minutes. Kelly set Palin up nicely, asking her to comment on President Obama's suggestion that the government ...

How Ted Nugent Would Solve the Government Shutdown

Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 3:15:13 pm
Media Matters National Rifle Association board member and conservative columnist Ted Nugent claimed on a Florida radio station that the federal government shutdown could be resolved if the United States were "run like the Nugent household." He also suggested that a single person could do a better job than 5,000 federal ...

Right Wing Protesters Bring Confederate Flag to White House, Call on Obama to "Put Down the Koran"

Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 11:32:16 am
If you want people to believe that the Affordable Care Act is the worst thing since slavery, maybe it's not a good idea to wave a freaking Confederate flag at your White House protest. The symbolism is beyond appalling: the first black President of the United States protested with the ...

Tea Party Lawmaker Letter on Med Device Tax Repeal Authored by Lobby Group

Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 6:50:01 pm
-- in which we find that the Tea Party's hostage demands being put to vote by GOP house leadership are being written directly by K street lobbyists. Earlier today, House Republicans pushed one more step towards a government shut down by passing a continuing resolution that delays the implementation of ...

The people overseas who make your clothes are rioting...

Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 7:46:28 pm
...and it's not pretty: Bangladesh's government deployed paramilitary troops in the industrial belt of Gazipur to deter further protests as garment factories reopened after five days of violent demonstrations. "The situation is now relatively calm," Mostafijur Rahman, additional superintendent of police for Gazipur district, said in a phone interview. Television footage ...

Save the Date: Conservative Activist Says Obama Will Be Overthrown Nov. 19

Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 2:48:02 pm
Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman wrote Monday that the president had been indicted Sept. 18 by a citizens grand jury in Ocala, Fla., and convicted by a people's court of defrauding voters by using a false birth certificate to prove his eligibility for office. Klayman said Obama waived his right ...

Bryan Fischer's Latest Lurid Fantasy: Hillary Clinton Could Be Our First Lesbian President

Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 2:41:26 pm
Bryan Fischer of the hate group American Family Association again inadvertently wears his fantasies on his sleeve when he speculates that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin are having a "lesbian affair," which would explain why neither one of them really give a rip about their respective husbands peccadilloes. One of many ...

Instead of Gun Violence, Republicans Want to Talk About 'Mental Health'

Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:11:50 pm
Photo: Brittany Randolph via This post originally appeared at In the wake of a mass shooting, the National Rifle Association goes silent as its members and fans spew insults they learned from the movie Mean Girls at anyone who would dare talk about gun safety. This is typically followed in the ...

Michele Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, Steve King in Egypt

Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 10:38:46 am
YouTube Republican representatives Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), and Steve King (R-Iowa) held a press conference last week in Egypt, praising and thanking the Egyptian military for a July 3 ouster of what Bachmann called the "common enemy" Muslim Brotherhood. Via the Washington Post's Max Fisher comes video of the ...

Russian Newspaper: Snowden Reached Out to Russian Authorities While Still in Hong Kong

Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 7:03:42 pm
Russian newspaper Kommersant reports that NSA leaker Edward Snowden was reaching out to Russian authorities while he was still in Hong Kong. The respected Russian newspaper Kommersant is reporting that NSA leaker Edward Snowden approached the Kremlin for support and spent a few days in the Russian consulate in Hong ...

Maj. Nidal Hasan Guilty of 45 Counts of Murder

Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 10:50:29 am
Maj. Nidal Hasan has been convicted of 45 charges of murder and attempted murder, and faces a likely death sentence. FT. HOOD, Texas -- A military jury on Friday convicted Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan on 45 charges of premeditated and attempted premeditated murder in connection with the shooting rampage at ...

Glenn Greenwald, Super Villain: The UK Is Going to Be Sorry

Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 9:35:45 am
Glenn Greenwald is in a fine rage today, spewing threats at Britain to publish even more damaging documents: Glenn Greenwald to Publish UK Secrets After Britain Detains Partner. RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 19 (Reuters) - The journalist who first published secrets leaked by fugitive former U.S. intelligence agency contractor Edward ...

NYT: Greenwald's Partner Was Transporting Snowden's Stolen Documents

Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 5:40:15 pm
The New York Times report on today's huge libertarian freak-out has a very interesting detail, completely left out of the reports by the Guardian and Glenn Greenwald: Britain Detains the Partner of a Reporter Tied to Leaks. Mr. Miranda was in Berlin to deliver documents related to Mr. Greenwald's investigation ...

Glenn Greenwald's Partner Detained at Heathrow Airport, Massive Freak Out Ensues

Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 12:05:32 pm
Now why would the UK detain someone who lives with Glenn Greenwald, who's been leaking top secret UK documents? Wow. That's a real head-scratcher. Glenn Greenwald's Partner Detained at Heathrow Airport for Nine Hours. The real question is how Greenwald and his partner could have been so out of touch with reality ...

Bryan Fischer Recycles an Especially Dopey Jim Hoft Conspiracy Theory

Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 5:22:10 pm
YouTube American Family Association caveman Bryan Fischer came out with a real winner today, his special theory that Barack Obama was photoshopped into the situation room in the famous bin Laden raid photo. We should note that Bryan didn't come up with this idiotic idea all by himself, though. Bryan is recycling ...

Egypt's Descent into the Heart of Darkness

Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 11:30:05 am
The military's removal of President Mohammad Morsi opened up a can of worms from which the Egyptian polity is not likely to recover anytime soon. Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood had been busy attempting to impose its socio-political will on a nation that was largely unwilling to go along with their agenda. The ...

AG Holder Calls for Major Reform of Harsh Drug Sentencing Laws

Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 10:49:46 am
This is a huge step in the right direction, to start reversing the damage done by decades of America's insane "war on drugs:" Justice Dept. Seeks to Curtail Stiff Drug Sentences. WASHINGTON -- In a major shift in criminal justice policy, the Obama administration will move on Monday to ease ...

Voice of Russia's "Homosexual Expert": Bryan Fischer

Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 11:40:06 am
VOR also spoke with Bryan Fischer, head of the American Family Association, who has a different view on the situation. "Russia is not being homophobic, it's homorealistic - the Russian government is trying to take the issue into consideration and establish public policy to contribute to public health, as this ...

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