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Searched LGF articles for: iraq study group (2,497 matches, in 100 pages)

Trump's Statement on His Birther History Is a Lie From Start to Finish

Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 11:47:03 am
Today we get a series of outright lies from the Republican candidate for president of the United States, in a self-aggrandizing statement about his history of promoting the grotesque right wing racist Birther conspiracy theory: "Hillary Clinton’s campaign first raised this issue to smear then-candidate Barack Obama in her very ...

In Ohio, Donald Trump Refuses to Say Obama Was Born in the US

Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 5:04:45 pm
Donald Trump's poll numbers have ticked upward, and he's getting cocky again. Today in Ohio, he signaled a return to the disgusting racist conspiracy theory that made him a right wing star: Trump defiant as polls rise, won’t say Obama was born in United States. In the interview, conducted late ...

Hillary Clinton Posts Epic Tweet Storm With 20 Questions for Donald Trump

Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 11:29:03 am
Hillary Has Questions - Curated tweets by Green_Footballs

Video: Mike Pence Refuses to Call Former KKK Leader David Duke "Deplorable"

Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 3:11:21 pm
Gino Santa Maria / Sometimes I can't even believe what's going on in this election. For example, who would have ever thought we'd see a Republican candidate for vice president of the United States refusing to say that former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is "deplorable?" YouTube UPDATE at 9/12/16 3:19:38 ...

Hillary Clinton's Pneumonia: The Real Story

Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 7:27:38 pm
JStone / As the media gear up for a week of faux agonizing over Hillary Clinton not telling them she had pneumonia right away! as soon as she knew! because they deserve to know!... here's what I see as the most important part of today's story. It only takes 16 ...

Trump Adviser Roger Stone Tweets Image of Nazi Mascot "Pepe the Frog"

Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 3:21:38 pm
A cartoon frog named "Pepe" has become a very well-known, quite ubiquitous symbol used by neo-Nazis and the racist "alt-right." So today, as Trump and his surrogates are pitching a huge fit of fake outrage that Hillary Clinton (correctly) called out many of his supporters as racists and bigots, close Trump ...

BREAKING! Jim Hoft Can't Tell the Difference Between "News" and a "Press Release"

Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 5:02:12 pm
DERP Yes, Jim Hoft truly is the Stupidest Man on the Internet. There's really no one else even close in the crowded field of dim-witted right wing derpitude. And today he proves it yet again with another BREAKING! post that's going to blow the "Hillary's Health" story wide open! BREAKING: 71% of ...

Video: Trump Lies About Opposing Iraq War, Says He Would Have Caught Bin Laden Before 9/11

Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 1:47:17 pm
YouTube In the middle of his 09/08/2016 speech about education in Cleveland, Donald Trump suddenly went on an extended rant about his record on the Iraq War, repeating once again the lie that he opposed the war "from the beginning." He didn't. And Trump didn't stop there. Trump also claimed that he ...

Watch Live: Trump Rants Again in Cleveland

Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:42:03 am
YouTube This is supposed to be Donald Trump's speech about "education," but as I write this he's once again feverishly lying about his record of supporting the Iraq War, and attacking Hillary Clinton. Since I started watching I haven't heard him say a single word about education. UPDATE at 9/8/16 11:47:02 am ...

Once Again, Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Link to Alex Jones Conspiracy Theory

Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:03:58 am
a katz / He was last seen at LGF when he retweeted notorious antisemitic white supremacist Kevin MacDonald, and before that when he gave an interview to a white supremacist radio show and subsequently invited the host of that show to the Republican Convention. And today the son of the Republican ...

NBC Executives on Matt Lauer's Interviews of Clinton and Trump: "Disaster"

Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 10:14:26 am
Turns out I wasn't the only one who thought Matt Lauer's performance in last night's "Command in Chief Forum" was simply awful. CNN's Brian Stelter reports that NBC executives are calling it a "disaster." One executive, speaking anonymously, was blunt about it: "Disaster." The morning after Lauer's back-to-back interviews of Hillary ...

Donald Trump's Most Awful Moments in the "National Security" Forum

Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 7:51:37 pm
He's "pretty good with the body language." Trump just lied again that he didn't support the Iraq War. Lauer let him get away with it. — Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) September 8, 2016 Reply Trump: "Under Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama the generals have been reduced to rubble." — Charles ...

Today's Email From a Donald Trump Supporter

Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 1:34:45 pm
Image via Shutterstock I haven't done one of these hate mail posts in a while, not because the hate mail has stopped, but because it's usually just the same old tiresome insults. But today I got one that seemed extraordinarily deranged... and that's always good for a laugh, if you're a ...

Stunner: Conservative Dallas Morning News Endorses Hillary Clinton

Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 11:08:19 am
JStone / The editors of The Dallas Morning News are so repelled by Donald Trump that for the first time in 75 years, they're endorsing a Democrat for president: We recommend Hillary Clinton for president. There is only one serious candidate on the presidential ballot in November. We recommend Hillary ...

Launching: The Little Green Footballs Meme Machine

Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 2:14:09 pm
Today we're announcing a great new toy for all our visitors to play with: The LGF Meme Machine! A permanent link to this new app has been added to the "Fun" menu in our top navigation bar. It should be fairly easy to figure out, but here's a quick introduction to ...

Charity Navigator Now Agrees: The Clinton Foundation Is One of the Best Charities in the US

Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 11:12:50 am
Charity Navigator's rating for the Clinton Foundation Our article about CharityWatch's "A" rating for the Clinton Foundation was one of our most popular posts in August, garnering more than 15,000 social media shares. But many people of the Trumpian persuasion tried to push back by claiming that the other major charity ...

Hispanic Trump Surrogates Bailing Out After "Mass Deportation" Speech in Phoenix

Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 11:16:32 am
By now it's no secret that Donald Trump's "outreach" to African Americans and Hispanics isn't working; his poll numbers with these groups remain abysmally low. In the latest survey by Public Policy Polling, Trump's approval rating among African Americans currently stands at approximately zero. Yes, I said "zero." And after his extremist ...

White Supremacists Absolutely Loved Trump's Anti-Immigrant Speech in Phoenix

Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 8:35:35 pm
Just thought I'd take a run around the Twitter accounts of some of the more well-known white supremacists tonight, to see what they thought of Donald Trump's utterly berserk anti-immigrant speech, and would you be surprised to learn that they all loved it? David Duke really loved this speech. — Charles ...

Trump Lies Again! Peña Nieto Says He Told Trump Mexico Wouldn't Pay for "The Wall"

Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 3:51:30 pm
Today in Donald Trump's press conference after meeting privately with Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto, Trump was asked by a reporter about his frequent forceful statements that Mexico was going to pay for the ridiculous gigantic border wall he says he's going to build. At every rally for the past ...

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox to Trump: "Stop Lying!"

Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 10:53:21 am
By now I assume you've heard that the Republican Party's alt-right presidential candidate is on his way to Mexico for a meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto. You may recall that back in March, Nieto likened Trump to Hitler and Mussolini. And Donald Trump has been emitting a steady stream of ...

Donald Trump Jr. Retweets Notorious White Supremacist Antisemite Kevin MacDonald

Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:29:26 pm
a katz / So today, the son of the Republican Party's nominee for president of the United States, Donald Trump Jr., retweeted one of the most notorious antisemitic white supremacists in the country, psychology professor Kevin MacDonald. The retweet is still visible in his timeline as I write this, but here's ...

Trump Fans Hold "Latino Outreach" Event in Los Angeles: "Operation Taco Bowl"

Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 6:55:55 pm
YouTube This is not a joke. Presented without comment, except to note that they couldn't even spell "Aneheim" correctly more than once in their big announcement. Oh, and also? Rape advocate Mike Cernovich is involved in some creepy way. Not a joke: #OperationTacoBowl is Trump's outreach to LatinosI can't fit all the ...

Report: Trump Campaign CEO Stephen Bannon Didn't Want His Daughter Going to School With Jews

Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 7:19:54 pm
The New York Daily News has some very revealing information tonight about Donald Trump's new campaign CEO, Breitbart publisher Stephen Bannon, and as someone who's been sounding the alarm about the disgusting racism and antisemitism at Breitbart "News" for years, let me just say: I am not even remotely surprised. Trump ...

Trump's Wacky Doctor Says He Wrote Health Letter in 5 Minutes

Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 4:03:15 pm
Credit: NBC News The doctor who supposedly wrote that ridiculously over-the-top assessment of Donald Trump's "astonishingly excellent" health has spoken to NBC News, and it doesn't get any weirder than this, folks: Trump Doctor Wrote Health Letter in Just 5 Minutes as Limo Waited. (Notice the diplomas on his office wall -- ...

White Supremacist Who Coined Term "Alt-Right" Demands Apology From Hillary Clinton

Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 11:57:43 am
Notorious white supremacist Richard Spencer coined the term "alternative right" (now shortened to "alt-right" because alternative is a pretty large word for white supremacists to remember) in 2010; we wrote about it at the time. Spencer is upset because Hillary Clinton correctly labeled him as a vile racist in her speech ...

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