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Searched LGF articles for: robert stacy mccain (680 matches, in 28 pages)

Hatefest in Washington DC: The Values Voter Summit

Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 10:16:50 am
If there's one right wing event that sums up the reasons why I ran screaming away from these lunatics more than any other, it's the Values Voter Summit, put on every year by a devil's brew of extreme religious fanatics preaching virulent hatred against everyone who isn't them. At the Values ...

Christopher: Andrew Breitbart's Race-Baiting 'New Black Panther' Story

Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 11:15:05 am
Tommy Christopher has a good piece at Mediaite today on Andrew Breitbart's race-baiting attempt to tie President Obama to the New Black Panther Party, with a look back at the right's history of using the NBPP to scare white people: Andrew Breitbart Obama Black Panthers Photobomb. During the 2008 campaign, ...

Pamela Geller Associate John Jay Openly Calls for Mass Murder

Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 12:35:24 pm
One of the groups founded by anti-Muslim demagogues Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer is called the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), an "umbrella" group that provides cover for their other activities and funding for their anti-Muslim advertisements. John Jay, one of the founding members of the board of AFDI and ...

The Tom Tancredo-Robert Spencer-Pamela Geller Convergence

Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 6:56:47 pm
Sometimes there's nothing you can say but, "Wow." Here's Tom Tancredo with an incredibly over-the-top anti-Muslim fear-mongering piece, attacking Rick Perry in Tucker Carlson's The Daily Caller: Governor Perry’s Muslim blind spot. Complete with quotes and links to hate group leaders Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller. Islam scholar Robert Spencer, head ...

Breitbart's Followers Go Ballistic, Agree with His 'Civil War' Fantasies

Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 9:16:16 am
Well, this post by Killgore Trout on Andrew Breitbart's violent murder fantasies really got the Fraud King lathered up. Breitbart and his Neanderthal followers were spewing hatred and insults at me all night long on Twitter -- at least 100 ranting tweets from his goon squad. And they're still at ...

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Publish Enemies List at Andrew Breitbart's Website

Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 12:40:00 pm
When anti-Muslim demagogues Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller want to make sure their explicit enemies list gets seen by as many borderline crazy right wingers as possible, they turn to Andrew Breitbart's "Big Government" website: The AFDI Threats to Freedom Index - Big Government. It's a list of almost every well-known ...

Mitt Romney and Robert Bork

Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 1:19:46 pm
I wasn't going to vote for Mitt Romney anyway, but now I'm really not going to vote for Mitt Romney, after learning that the so-called "moderate" Republican has selected as one of his chief judicial advisers none other than paleo-right throwback Robert Bork. ThinkProgress lists some of Bork's better known bad ...

Robert Spencer (Inspiration for Oslo Terrorist): 'How Much $ Did You Get?'

Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 12:50:16 pm
The main inspiration for Oslo terrorist Anders Behring Breivik was undoubtedly "counter-jihad" kingpin Robert Spencer; Spencer is cited dozens of times in Breivik's manifesto. Today Robert Spencer crawled out from under his rock, to accuse me on Twitter of being paid by sinister hidden forces. @Lizardoid It was a reductio ad ...

Robert Spencer Joins Pat Robertson: The Media Loves Radical Islam

Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 11:19:36 am
Together at last -- raving anti-Muslim bigots Pat Robertson and Robert Spencer, on Robertson's TV show "The 700 Club," explaining to their delusional audience that the media and the left wing are a bunch of no-good Muslim-lovers. The Geller-Spencer crowd hasn't even slowed down in the wake of the Oslo atrocities. ...

Pamela Geller's EDL Ally Called for Execution of Political and Religious Leaders

Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 11:35:02 am
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have been unstinting in their support for the English Defence League, even after their thuggish neo-Nazi connections were exposed. Here's a report at the Guardian on EDL leader Alan Lake, and his online essay calling for the torture and execution of David Cameron and the Archbishop ...

The Fjordman Deflection

Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 3:08:24 pm
Anti-Muslim demagogue Pamela Geller is one of the star writers at Andrew Breitbart's "Big Government" website, and I haven't been shy about pointing out that fact. So today I noticed that several of Breitbart's camp followers are attacking me in turn, by noting that I once linked to Fjordman's articles at ...

John McCain Blasts Tea Party for 'Foolish' Demands

Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 11:07:50 am
John McCain should really just accept the fact that the Republican Party has bought tickets on the Crazy Train; today he's castigating the Tea Party for 'foolish' demands in the debt ceiling debate, but what's the point? They're not listening to people like McCain any more.

Oslo Updates: Terrorist Asks Lawyer How Many He Killed

Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 2:12:23 pm
Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has reportedly asked his lawyer how many people he killed in his rampage. The lawyer, Geir Lippestad, also said that Breivik took some sort of drugs to be "strong, efficient, and awake." In addition to his "counter-jihad" ideology (taken directly from the hateful writing of ...

NYT: US 'Counter-Jihad' Bloggers Heavily Influenced Oslo Terrorist

Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 9:53:13 am
In the New York Times, Scott Shane looks at the undeniable influence of people like Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller on the Oslo terrorist: Killings in Norway Spotlight Anti-Muslim Thought in U.S. In the document he posted online, Anders Behring Breivik, who is accused of bombing government buildings and killing ...

The Oslo Terrorist's 'Counter-Jihad' Ideology

Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 1:45:01 pm
By now you've probably heard about Oslo terrorist Anders Behring Breivik's "manifesto," a 1,516-page screed with some writing by Breivik, but mostly consisting of quotes and articles by "counter-jihad" bloggers and similar right wing sources. (You can find it on the web if you really want to read it; I won't ...

Pamela Geller Lashes Out: 'The Little Green Shew'

Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 1:21:13 pm
Obviously feeling backed into a corner, Pamela Geller lashes out with her patented incoherent malice: NORWAY SHOOTER A CHARLES JOHNSON FAN!!!! The shooter links to LGF (before he went psycho). The above is the original. From here. More Screenshots here from Mark Humphries (as well as links to myriad other websites ...

Oslo Terrorist Linked to EDL and European Branch of Pamela Geller's Hate Group

Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 12:27:50 pm
Also today, the Guardian has an article about Oslo terrorist Anders Behring Breivik's links to the UK far right. Breivik boasted online of his discussions with the English Defence League (the anti-Muslim group praised and supported by US bloggers Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller), and with "Stop the Islamisation of Europe" ...

Oslo Terrorism Updates: Killer Funded 'Counter-Jihad' Movement

Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 11:36:20 am
Here's an update from the right wing Swedish website "Tidningen Realisten," which reported yesterday that the Oslo terrorist may have been notorious white nationalist blogger "Fjordman." They acknowledge today that this isn't the case, but they say Anders Behring Breivik himself claimed to be "Fjordman:" Google Translation: Updated at. 03:37 Data ...

Anti-Abortion Ohio Rep. Busted for DWI, with Viagra and a 26-Year Old Woman

Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 11:08:57 am
Republican Ohio State Rep. Robert Mecklenborg has been one of the biggest champions of the bizarre "heartbeat" bill, that would outlaw abortions as soon as the first heartbeat can be medically detected. Mecklenborg describes himself as a "Catholic boy from the west side of Cincinnati." This week we learned that two ...

Pamela Geller's Anti-Muslim Circus in Full Nuclear Meltdown

Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 11:46:35 am
The "anti-jihad" (read: "anti-Muslim") blogosphere is in full nuclear meltdown today, after the shocking revelation that there are Nazis in the English Defence League. Who knew? Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller and Robert Spencer are now under attack from the rest of the anti-Muslim gang, for posting a statement denouncing the EDL because ...

Pamela Geller Makes Excuses for Supporting Nazis

Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 8:53:08 am
Pamela Geller has released a ludicrous attempt to distance herself from the extreme right wing English Defence League, the violent gang of racists and neo-Nazis that she's been defending as "true patriots:" EDL Shake-up - Atlas Shrugs I was an early supporter of the EDL. I liked who they were ...

British Branch of the 'Anti-Jihad' Movement in Full Meltdown

Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 5:48:15 pm
The two most visible "anti-jihad" bloggers in the United States are probably Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller. They both appear frequently on Fox News as "experts" on Islam; Geller writes for Andrew Breitbart's Big Government, Newsmax, and World Net Daily, and they've recently been touring the country showing their "Ground ...

Romney in Hot Water with the Anti-Abortion Right, Issues Walk-Back

Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 10:47:03 am
You almost have to feel a little bit sorry for Mitt Romney. In the past, he would have been a shoe-in for the Republican presidential nomination; he's from old money, has a pretty solid record of mainstream conservative positions, and was next in line after John McCain. In the natural ...

Alabama Gov. Bentley Signs Another Extreme Anti-Abortion Law

Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 6:14:00 pm
Today the Republican governor of Alabama, Robert Bentley, signed a law outlawing abortion after 20 weeks -- the fifth red state this year to do so. Apparently this is the Republican plan to create jobs and get the economy back on track -- by forcing women into back alley coat hanger ...

Video: A Shocking, Blatantly Racist Ad From the Right Wing

Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:59:48 pm
If you think you've already seen the worst Tea Party racism, you're sadly mistaken. Because a group called Turn Right USA has released an attack ad directed at Democrat Janice Hahn, intended to help Republicans in the upcoming special election in California. It's a mind-blower. This freakishly awful web video was ...

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