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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart (622 matches, in 25 pages)

Wacky Wingnut Post of the Day

Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 1:59:51 pm
At fraudster Andrew Breitbart's "Big Government" tabloid site, the redoubtable Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King come up with the looniest post yet on the situation in Egypt, a dimwitted conspiracy theory leading back, inevitably, as all wingnut conspiracy theories must, to Barack Obama: Did Muslim Brotherhood Learn ‘Day of ...

Wingnut Blogger Jim Hoft Mistakes Closed Caption for Applause Prompt at Tucson Memorial

Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 11:25:07 am
Just when you think popular right wing blogger Jim "Dim" Hoft (Gateway Pundit) couldn't possibly post anything more stupid than his last post, he finds a way to take it to the next level of numbskullitude. Today's entry in the "Hoft Chronicles of Sheer Stoopit" has him trying to claim that ...

Veteran Wounded in Tucson Shootings Blames Palin, Beck, and Angle

Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 12:47:18 pm
Eric Fuller, the 63-year old veteran shot twice last Saturday in the attack that critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, said today that he blames the violent rhetoric of people like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Sharron Angle. “It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first ...

Jim Hoft Falls for Obviously Fake Facebook Page to Link Loughner to Obama

Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 10:50:59 am
Today, the world's dumbest blogger, Jim "Dim" Hoft, in his crazed attempt to cast the shooter of Gabrielle Giffords as a "typical leftist nut," actually found a Facebook page that proved he was right all along! He rushed to his computer and feverishly typed this title: "Whoops! This Changes Things- ...

Jim Hoft: Democrats Plotted to Blame Tea Party for Slaughter

Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 7:25:03 pm
We have our winner in the "Most Disgusting Wingnut Blog of the Day" contest, and it's not surprising that it originates with the dumbest blogger on the web, Jim "Dim" Hoft, posted at the website of race-baiting smear artist Andrew Breitbart: Breaking: Democrats Plotted to Blame Tea Party for Slaughter. UPDATE ...

Tonight on Fox: 9/11 Truther Hosts for Glenn Beck

Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 1:50:53 pm
That's right, standing in once again tonight for Glenn Beck on Fox News is 9/11 Truther Andrew Napolitano. UPDATE at 1/3/11 2:06:50 pm: Andrew Breitbart does his usual thing: Twitter / @AndrewBreitbart: @Lizardoid So Napolitano as 9/11 truther as fill in talk show host is bad. But Van Jones as 9/11 truther ...

Your Whacked Out Pamela Geller Rant of the Day

Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 2:06:28 pm
Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller is hyping her new hilariously insane piece for the Breitbart site Big Government, and it's a real hoot. This time she puts on her international political analyst's bikini, and digs beneath the surface of the Wikileaks controversy in her inimitably incoherent style: Pamela Geller, Big Government: Wikileaks: ...

Breaking: ABC Bails on Breitbart

Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 1:58:20 pm
Wingnut heads are sure to explode over this one. Get the popcorn ready: ABC News pulls plug on Andrew Breitbart. Dear Mr. Breitbart, We have spent the past several days trying to make clear to you your limited role as a participant in our digital town hall to be streamed on ...

Andrew Breitbart Accuses ABC News of Lying

Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 11:17:29 am
I wonder if the ABC News producer who thought it would be a good idea to invite Andrew Breitbart to appear on ABC News's election coverage is starting to regret it, now that Breitbart is accusing ABC News of lying? Probably not. They had to know in advance that featuring a ...

Another Andrew Breitbart Edited Tape?

Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 11:13:00 am
Andrew Breitbart's Big Government site is promoting another outrageous outrage today, claiming that reporters for Alaska TV station KTVA were caught on tape plotting to damage Joe Miller's campaign. After Breitbart's smear campaigns against ACORN and Shirley Sherrod using edited and out of context recordings, what are the odds that this ...

ABC News: Andrew Breitbart is Not an ABC News Analyst

Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 12:08:40 pm
Andrew Morse, Executive Producer of ABC News Digital, has released the following statement about Andrew Breitbart's participation in their election night coverage. Since conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart announced on his website that he was going to be a participant in ABC’s Town Hall meeting at Arizona State University, there has ...

Despite Fraud, ABC News Hires Breitbart

Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 6:56:14 pm
Despite his role in one of the ugliest, most egregious journalistic frauds of the year, ABC News has hired Andrew Breitbart to provide commentary for their election night coverage. Words fail.

On Juan

Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:39:52 am
White supremacist blogger Robert Stacy McCain, who just can't seem to get me out of his head, tweets this morning: How long before Charles Johnson denounces Juan Williams as an extremist Islamaphobic nutjob? #NPR Thanks for thinking of me, racist cretin, but here's the thing: I don't believe Juan Williams ...

Breitbart Throws O'Keefe Under the Bus

Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 7:30:49 pm
James O'Keefe, alone in a friendless universe, abandoned even by Andrew Breitbart who profited the most from O'Keefe's "groundbreaking" work. Feel the pain of O'Keefe: O’Keefe Owes His Supporters an Explanation - Andrew Breitbart - Big Journalism. I proudly stood behind James O’Keefe on his groundbreaking ACORN investigation. I also ...

Grayson Pulls a Breitbart

Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 1:49:20 pm
In his latest campaign ad, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) pulled a Breitbart -- he edited video of his opponent Daniel Webster to make him appear to be saying something other than what he really said. has the details: Rep. Grayson Lowers the Bar. In a new ad, Grayson accuses ...

The Right Wing: Anti-Science and Proud Of It

Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 8:53:56 am
LGF reader freetoken uploaded a better recording of the Bill Maher show, featuring Christine O'Donnell saying "evolution is a myth," and please note smear merchant Andrew Breitbart's amazingly crude joke. (If a leftist had made a joke like this one about the ten commandments, the wingnut blogs would be shrieking ...

When Proven Liars Attack

Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:50:23 am
Video fraud perpetrator Andrew Breitbart's getting frisky: Ibrahim Hooper on LGF: 'vicious, anti-Muslim hate site.' Antonia Zerbisias described LGF: 'virulently anti-Muslim/Arab website.' @lizardoid My reply: @andrewbreitbart Hope you realize that many of the now-banned LGF commenters responsible for those remarks are now bloggers at your sites. For example: Pamela Geller. And ...

Pamela Geller Pays to Publish Xenophobic Press Release

Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 11:24:26 pm
Pamela Geller has taken the rambling xenophobic post she put on her blog earlier, and added even more scary adjectives for this paid press release through PRNewswire: SIOA Condemns Obama's Blessing of Ground Zero Mega-Mosque; Bolton, Wilders, Gingrich to Speak... -- NEW YORK, Aug. 14 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- NEW YORK, Aug. ...

Breaking: Video Surfaces of Breitbart in Compromising Position with Goat

Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 5:20:32 pm
Video (I understand Barrett Brown is to thank for the Breitbart Thing's inspiring speech.)

Breitbart's Racist Quack Anti-Sherrod Writer is Fired

Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 1:45:42 pm
That was quick; after the bizarre racist and sexually obsessed writings of Dr. Kevin Pezzi were revealed earlier today by Media Matters, Andrew Breitbart's "Big Government" website has pulled down all the anti-Shirley Sherrod articles he wrote, and issued this statement that doesn't mention Pezzi by name. Earlier this week, ...

Breitbart's Sherrod Writer: A Racist Quack

Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:56:18 am
Wow. Just ... wow. Dr. Kevin Pezzi is a new writer for Andrew Breitbart's "Big Government" website, contributing two pieces yesterday that continue Breitbart's smear campaign against Shirley Sherrod. He says Breitbart asked him to write for Big Government. And you may not believe how completely bugeyed insane this guy is: Meet ...

Kagan to Be Confirmed, Nuts Go Into Overdrive

Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:13:28 am
Today's the day Elena Kagan will probably be confirmed to the Supreme Court, and the loons' heads are exploding all over the Internet. The most absurd and bigoted piece I've found yet is at Andrew Breitbart's "Big Peace" website, where anti-Muslim fanatic Christine Brim has a ludicrous article accusing Kagan of ...

RNC to Reinvite Race-Baiting Smear Artist

Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 11:03:26 am
Reports of sanity breaking out in the Republican National Committee have apparently been greatly exaggerated: RNC to re-invite Breitbart to fundraiser. "I don't know Andrew Breitbart's schedule for after Labor Day, but he certainly will be invited," RNC Communications Director Doug Heye said, reiterating that the event "has been postponed," ...

RNC Cancels Breitbart Fundraiser

Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 8:59:08 pm
And now the Republican National Committee is slowly backing away from Breitbart. Washington (CNN) – The Republican National Committee has cancelled a fundraiser with conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, who is under fire for promoting an edited video that falsely portrays former Agriculture Department employee Shirley Sherrod as having boasted about ...

Massive Fail at Uni-Tea Rally

Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 9:12:59 am
Yesterday in Philadelphia there was a rally intended to show the incredible diversity of the Tea Party movement, called the "Uni-Tea Rally." The featured speaker at this event: Andrew Breitbart, who certainly knows a thing or two about race-baiting. Unfortunately, the only non-white people at the rally were onstage: 500 white ...

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