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Searched LGF articles for: paul krugman (756 matches, in 31 pages)

GOP: The Party of Tea Parties and Alex Jones

Mon, May 17, 2010 at 9:25:43 am
One of the best indicators of the extremism that now dominates the Republican Party is the very likely nomination of Ron Paul’s son, Rand Paul, for the US Senate in Kentucky. Like his father Ron, Rand Paul is about as far to the right as it’s possible for a human ...

GOP Becomes the Party of Ron Paul

Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:10:20 am
Isolationist, antisemitic, anti-science, racist, associated with the John Birch Society and prone to believing in conspiracy theories. These are qualities that the Iowa Republican Party seems to find desirable, because they’re enthusiastically embracing Ron Paul’s twisted vision of conservatism: The RPI Revolution? In every election or campaign, there are events and ...

McCain Counsels Wrong Sheriff

Tue, May 11, 2010 at 11:09:15 am
That John McCain campaign advertisement about the border fence is even more ridiculous than we thought: McCain Counsels the Wrong Sheriff. The TV ad – shot in the border town of Nogales, Arizona – shows McCain talking with Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu about the need for tougher border security. ...

Maine Republicans Adopt Completely Insane Platform

Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:56:24 am
OK, here’s the “Wow!” moment of the day, as the Republican Party of Maine adopts a new party platform straight from the loony bin. The official platform for the Republican Party of Maine is now a mix of right-wing fringe policies, libertarian buzzwords and outright conspiracy theories. The document calls for ...

Times Square Evacuated in Car Bomb Scare

Sun, May 2, 2010 at 9:31:28 am
A crude car bomb made of propane, gasoline, and fireworks failed to detonate last night in Times Square. No suspects have been identified yet, but from all accounts the device was an amateurish pile of junk. At 6:28 p.m., Mr. Kelly said, a video surveillance camera recorded what was believed ...

Mainstreaming Extremism on Fox Business Network

Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:40:34 am
The far right freak show called Freedom Watch will soon be a mainstream staple on the Fox Business Network, hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano. Freedom Watch began as a web-only show; here’s an episode featuring one of Napolitano’s frequent guests, conspiracy whack job Alex Jones, who Napolitano introduces as “the one, ...

Paulians vs. Palians

Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 9:09:48 am
A new poll shows that tea partiers are divided into two camps — the Crazy faction, and the Crazier faction: Sarah Palin vs. Ron Paul. A distinct fault line … runs through the tea party activist base, characterized by two wings led by the politicians who ranked highest when respondents ...

Video: The Ron Paul Wedge

Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 5:42:03 pm
This is some pretty extraordinary video, as the audience at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference boos their own speakers. In the first part of the clip, Mike Pence is booed by Ron Paul supporters for saying, “America stands with Israel.” In the second part, Ron Paul gets going with his isolationist wackiness ...

Shocka! Ron Paul Doesn't Win Poll!

Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 5:30:22 pm
Ron Paul’s legions of devoted followers are slipping. They used to be the champions of poll spamming. Mitt Romney Wins GOP Presidential Straw Poll. NEW ORLEANS — By a single vote, Mitt Romney won the straw poll at the Southern Republican Leadership conference here Saturday in a victory that will ...

The New York Times is Possessed by Satan

Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 3:23:00 pm
Or so insists Italian exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth, who says the Devil is inspiring all this media coverage of Catholic Church child abuse: Satan behind media attacks on the Pope, asserts Italian exorcist. Rome, Italy, Mar 31, 2010 / 11:47 am (CNA).- Noted Italian exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth, commented this ...

Hutaree Leader: a 'Fanatic Ron Paul Supporter'

Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 6:37:40 pm
Several people have emailed to point out that the recently arrested leader of the “Hutaree” militia was described as a “fanatic Ron Paul supporter.” Imagine my shock. My surprise, if you will. Adam Holland has a good post on David Brian Stone’s attraction to Dr. Paul, the current support Stone is getting ...

Hitchens: The Great Catholic Cover-Up

Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 9:50:32 pm
The investigations into child abuse in Germany’s Catholic schools are continuing to widen, now getting close to Pope Benedict himself, as his brother Georg Ratzinger has been implicated in covering up the systemic child abuse (with the now well-known Catholic Church practice of moving priests around to different parishes) — ...

A Big Defeat for the Anti-Vax Crowd

Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 8:37:17 am
This week, Jenny McCarthy and the anti-vaccination “movement” were definitively shut down by a special branch of the US Court of Federal claims: Court says thimerosal did not cause autism. WASHINGTON – The vaccine additive thimerosal is not to blame for autism, a special federal court ruled Friday in a ...

LGF at the BBC

Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 10:49:06 am
Paul Coletti of the BBC’s Blogworld site interviewed me via webcam a few days ago, and the video is now up: BBC - Blogworld - Best International Blogs: USA: Charles Johnson. BBC Video

Alex Jones on Fox News At Last

Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 12:42:42 pm
Fox News and the right wing kookosphere have been gradually bringing insane 9/11 Truther Alex Jones into the mainstream for the past year. Judge Andrew Napolitano has been one of the most persistent; he introduced Jones on his Fox News webcast as “the one, the only, the great Alex Jones.” ...

What Right Wing Racism?

Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 8:01:01 pm
This comes as no surprise to anyone who’s been reading the comments at right wing sites like Free Republic or Hot Air (where Michelle Obama is often compared to a gorilla, as we’ve documented at LGF), but now the craziness is breaking out into the open, as a prominent right ...

The Pentagon Shooter's Extreme Right-Libertarian Beliefs

Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 2:21:06 pm
I posted a link to the audio of Pentagon shooter John Patrick Bedell’s “manifesto” last night, but here’s a summary of what’s on that audio recording: Pentagon Shooter Worshipped Private Property Rights, Denounced Government ‘Schemes’ Like Public Education. The California man who opened fire last night outside the Pentagon was ...

What's New on Ron Paul's Website?

Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 1:44:07 pm
Adam Holland takes a look through the Campaign for Liberty website (formerly Texas Congressman Ron Paul’s official campaign site, now a Paulian gathering place), and discovers a motherlode of really bad craziness — raving antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and extreme anti-government paranoia: What’s new on Ron Paul’s website?

Ron Paul Unfurls Kook Flag in House

Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:25:43 am
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) really lets his kook flag fly in this clip, accusing the Federal Reserve of helping Saddam Hussein buy weapons, helping fund the Watergate burglary, and planning a secret bailout of … Greece. Fed Chief Ben Bernanke’s reply (as people laugh in the background): “These specific allegations you’ve ...

Huckabee Rips CPAC

Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:18:37 am
Theocrat Mike Huckabee has blasted the CPAC conference, because of the domination by Ron Paul libertarians. This is where the tea party coalition begins to fall apart, because religious right conservatives like Huckabee are diametrically opposed to the laissez faire libertarian social philosophy. People like the Huckster are very much in ...

Neo-Nazi Sites Love Ron Paul

Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 6:47:24 pm
The neo-Nazi sites are all lathered up about Ron Paul winning the CPAC straw poll. And they’re not happy about LGF’s take on it. Not at all. Posted by one of the troglodytes at Stormfront today: Polymath Forum Member Join Date: Jan 2005 Posts: 3,966 Re: Ron Paul Wins CPAC Poll There is a Jewish Supremacist ...

CPAC Straw Poll Winner: Ron Paul

Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 2:49:17 pm
Dave Weigel tweets from CPAC: Paul creams Romney in poll, 31 percent to 22 percent. So Ron Paul’s anti-war isolationist paleolibertarian ideology wins another poll! There’s never been a poll Ron Paul couldn’t win, unless you count a presidential primary race.

Politicians Who Suck for Speaking at a Bircher Sponsored Convention

Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 11:27:58 am
Noblesse Oblige has a list of Politicians Who Suck for Signing up to Speak at a Bircher Sponsored Convention. Here’s the list from CPAC, where the John Birch Society and Oathkeepers are Cosponsors. All of the people below are listed as confirmed speakers at the CPAC website. I’m a ...

Birthers on Stage at CPAC

Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 9:47:00 am
Happening right now at CPAC: Saving Freedom and Due Process from Oppressive Justice Department Maryland Ballroom Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (VA) Scott Bullock, Institute for Justice Gary Kreep, United States Justice Foundation Moderator: Andrew Langer, Institute for Liberty Gary Kreep is a religious fanatic who produced a Birther TV commercial, featured at LGF: Nirthers on ...

Live CPAC Video: The Reagan Banquet, with John Birch Society Updates

Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 5:18:41 pm
A George W. Bush impersonator is doing some labored political schtick as I post this… [Video moved to newer thread…] ABC News blog The Note takes note of the John Birch Society at CPAC: Far-Right John Birch Society 2010. ABC’s Jonathan Karl reports: This week’s Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington has ...

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