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Searched LGF articles for: climate change denial (1,020 matches, in 41 pages)

Pamela Geller Salivates Over the Coming Civil War

Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 5:46:27 pm
The latest freakish fantasy to sweep through the right wing blogs like a forest fire of stupid is the out-of-nowhere rumor that President Obama is planning to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens by executive order! Ahhh! Ahhh! We’re doomed! [Run around screaming…] The source for this latest outrageous outrage is ...

GOP Gives Joe Barton a Free Pass

Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 10:01:17 am
In today’s Republican Party, you can make politically disastrous statements, blatantly shill for Big Oil, and be an undisguised theocratic climate change denier — and you’ll still be welcome to lead the Energy and Commerce Committee. The Republican Party has given Joe Barton a free pass. House Republicans who condemned Rep. ...

Texas GOP Platform: Make Gay Marriage a Felony

Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 1:00:32 pm
The 2010 Texas Republican Party platform is in the news, as people notice that it’s an unvarnished far right document advocating atavistic policies across the board; creationism, climate change denial, historical revisionism aimed at erasing the separation of church and state, etc., ad nauseam. But some of the worst vitriol in ...

Texas GOP Rep. Barton Apologizes to BP for Obama's 'Shakedown'

Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 9:23:38 am
Wow, who opened the floodgates of freakiness this morning? The GOP craziness shows no sign of stopping, and we’re barely past noon on the east coast. Here’s Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), a dyed in the wool right wing moonbat creationist and climate change denier, apologizing to BP CEO Tony Hayward for ...

The Gore Affair

Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 11:15:12 am
Drudge Report has his flashing siren going, because Star Magazine is publishing a story claiming that Al Gore had an affair. Yawn. The only interesting part of this will be watching the global warming deniers freak out. They’ll be unable to resist trying to tie Gore’s affair to the climate change issue, ...

Tech Review: EyeTV HD

Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 4:21:43 pm
Today I’ll be watching the Lakers-Celtics game with my new Elgato EyeTV HD DVR for HD cable and satellite TV. I’ve had an EyeTV 200 connected to my Mac Pro desktop computer for years; it does a decent job with standard cable television (although the Firewire 400 connection gets a ...

The Pat Buchanan-Alex Jones Convergence: Israel Destroyed the World Trade Center

Sat, May 29, 2010 at 11:45:33 am
Published May 27th at the official website of Pat Buchanan: an incredibly freaking insane article by a 9/11 Truther who claims the Mossad blew up the World Trade Center towers with planted explosives, and used remote control devices to fly the planes into the WTC towers to cover it up. And ...

Outrageous Outrage of the Minute

Sat, May 29, 2010 at 10:04:25 am
I’ve been watching all week as the Republican Party and their right wing blogosphere lap dogs worked overtime to trump up some bogus accusations against Rep. Joe Sestak, accusations that have now fallen apart like wet tissue paper. Just like the hundreds of similar nontroversies trumpeted by the right wing ever ...

'Teach the Controversy' Comes to the Science of Global Warming

Fri, May 28, 2010 at 10:01:03 am
Using exactly the same deceptive “teach the controversy” tactics as creationists have for years, a Republican pressure group with the Orwellian name “Balanced Education for Everyone” is trying to force schools not to teach global warming in science classes: Push to teach ‘other side’ of global warming heats up in ...

Video: Climate Change - Meet the Scientists

Wed, May 26, 2010 at 2:57:05 pm
An interesting look at some of the people who go around the climate change denial circuit billing themselves as “scientists.” [Video]

The GOP's Newest Star: Far Crazier Than Rand Paul

Sun, May 23, 2010 at 10:55:10 am
Rand Paul’s getting all the media attention for his ludicrous comments about the Civil Rights Act and the BP oil spill, but he is actually far from the most extreme Republican nominated last week. Meet Arthur Robinson, who won the GOP nomination for Oregon’s 4th Congressional District. Mr. Robinson is so full ...

Rand Paul: Uh, I Meant 'Yes'

Thu, May 20, 2010 at 10:36:31 am
On the Laura Ingraham show this morning, Rand Paul decided to announce: “Yes, I would have voted for the Civil Rights Act.” (You have to wonder why he couldn’t answer “yes” last night when Rachel Maddow repeatedly asked this very question.) “These are settled issues in the Civil Rights Act,” ...

What Global Warming?

Mon, May 17, 2010 at 10:27:26 pm
Two separate sources of climate data have confirmed that this April was the warmest April ever recorded — and the world’s average temperature was the highest on record for the January-April period: 2010: Warmest year on record so far. Two separate sources of temperature data – the National Climatic Data ...

US History According to Creationists and Theocrats in Texas

Sat, May 15, 2010 at 2:35:51 pm
If you thought it was bad when the Texas State Board of Education tossed Thomas Jefferson out of the new social studies curricula, just wait … because you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. The religious fanatics led by creationist dentist Don McLeroy were only getting started. The Texas Freedom Network lists ...

Inhofe: Soldiers Won't Fight for Gay Comrades

Thu, May 13, 2010 at 1:50:27 pm
Sen. James Inhofe talks with Bryan Fischer of Donald Wildmon’s American Family Association (previously featured at LGF for advocating that Muslims be banned from the US military). In addition to being an old school theocrat and climate change denier, Sen. Inhofe wants to protect the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy, because ...

Kagan: Partisan or Pragmatist?

Tue, May 11, 2010 at 9:42:10 am
As expected, the right wing is calling President Obama’s Supreme Court pick Elena Kagan a radical socialist activist lesbian this week. Rush Limbaugh is being his usual sexist slob self, saying yesterday, “We don’t need to go too deep in analyzing the babe … I guess she can change her ...

National Academy of Sciences Members Denounce 'McCarthy-Like Threats' by AGW Deniers

Sat, May 8, 2010 at 11:08:50 am
The National Academy of Sciences has published an open letter signed by 255 members, strongly denouncing the recent attacks and “McCarthy-like threats” against climate scientists by global warming denial groups and individuals: Open letter: Climate change and the integrity of science. We are deeply disturbed by the recent escalation of ...

GOP's Expert Climate Change Witness: Lord High Denier Monckton

Thu, May 6, 2010 at 7:46:31 pm
Video In the best example yet of the GOP's total disconnection from reality, Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA) called hearings on climate science, and the Republican Party chose as their sole "expert" witness -- quack non-scientist ranting loon Lord Christopher Monckton, also known as a frequent guest on the utterly insane Alex ...

Fox Refuses Climate Legislation Ad

Wed, May 5, 2010 at 5:25:28 pm
Here’s the advertisement Fox News refused to run, from a liberal group making the case that America’s dependence on foreign oil has national security implications. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Fox News commentators make similar arguments, many times. Fox officials said the ad was “too confusing,” but the point seems crystal ...

'Ashamed to Call Myself a Conservative'

Wed, May 5, 2010 at 8:22:46 am
At FrumForum, writer Dennis Sanders says the GOP Should Be Ashamed of AZ’s Anti-Immigration Law. Unfortunately, the GOP is not only not ashamed, they’re lining up to defend this un-American law, and pushing to get similar legislation in other states. Some say the answer to this law is that legal residents ...

LGF Linkage - Now with Twitter Support

Sat, May 1, 2010 at 12:17:31 pm
LGF Linkage now supports posting to Twitter, with a little blue button in the upper right corner of each link (next to the Favorite and Report buttons) with Twitter’s lower-case ‘t’ logo. The button looks something like this (in fact, it looks exactly like this): When you click this sweet ...

Tim Blair, Investigative Reporter

Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 10:23:15 am
Today, Australian climate change denier Tim Blair breaks a huge blog-related story that had somehow gone unnoticed before he began digging — Blair has uncovered the stunning fact that during the presidential election I was opposed to Barack Obama. How did Blair discover this amazing amount of heretofore unknown evidence that ...

Overnight Spillane

Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 10:22:26 pm
It was one of those nights when the sky came down and wrapped itself around the world. The rain clawed at the windows of the bar like an angry cat and tried to sneak in every time some drunk lurched in the door. The place reeked of stale beer and ...

Video: Science Denial is Dangerous

Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 9:50:06 pm
An excellent talk at TED by Michael Specter on the danger of science denial. [Video]

Is Syria Supplying Hezbollah with Scud Missiles?

Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:19:21 am
If this report turns out to be accurate, it will be a very dangerous escalation in the Mideast conflict: Hezbollah probably has Scud missiles: US senator. WASHINGTON — The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has most likely acquired Scud missiles and improved its rocket-firing technology to the point of real danger ...

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