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Searched LGF articles for: iraq study group (2,497 matches, in 100 pages)

Confederate Flag Comes Down, Conservatives on Twitter Howl in Rage

Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 9:57:35 am
As the Confederate Flag was finally pulled down from the South Carolina State House, neo-Confederates unleashed a firehose of howling rage, while at the same time blaming "Democrats" for the flag's shameful history. Right-Wing Mourns CSA

An Open Letter to South Carolina Gov. @NikkiHaley: Bree Newsome Should Take Down the Confederate Flag

Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 6:49:55 pm
When African American activist Bree Newsome scaled the flagpole and took down the Confederate battle flag on the grounds of the South Carolina statehouse and was immediately arrested, she epitomized the growing revulsion of Americans for this divisive symbol of slavery and racism. Now that the South Carolina legislature has ...

The Confederate Flag Is Coming Down, but South Carolina Doesn't Deserve Congratulations

Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 10:11:16 am
After a long and at times rancorous debate in the South Carolina House of Representatives, lawmakers voted 94-20 to remove the Confederate flag from the statehouse grounds. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley pledged to sign legislation on Thursday permanently removing the Confederate battle flag from the state capitol grounds, following ...

Amazing Photo of the Day: New Horizons Image of Pluto Shows a Gigantic "Heart"

Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 2:52:40 pm
Credits: NASA-JHUAPL-SWRI It took 9 years for NASA's New Horizons spacecraft to travel three billion miles to the orbit of Pluto in the farthest reaches of our Solar System, and on July 14 the spacecraft will make its closest approach to the mysterious planet. But it's already sending back incredible images, ...

Delusional Donald Trump: "I'll Win the Latino Vote"

Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 10:37:56 am
Yes, folks! He really did say this! "I have a great relationship with the Mexican people. I have many people working for me...I have many legal immigrants working for me," Trump said in a Wednesday interview with NBC News. "They love me, I love them." "If I get the nomination, I'll ...

Tuesday Night Podcast Jam: The Bob and Chez Show, 7/7/15

Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 7:33:06 pm /BCS_070715.mp3 Here's the latest Bob & Chez show, brought to you by Paula Deen in blackface, Dinesh D'Souza and the fake Hillary Clinton photo, and Donald Trump's horrible hairpiece: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show 7/7/15. Brownface: Paula Deen's Latest Racism Controversy; Sarah Palin Apparently Quitting The Sarah Palin Channel; ...

Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz Are Openly Advocating for a Theocratic Government

Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 6:23:38 pm
Separation of church and state? Are you kidding? Get out of here with that antiquated nonsense! What was Thomas Jefferson thinking, anyway? In 2015, the leading Republican candidates for president of the United States are going all out for the evangelical vote, and they're openly advocating for a theocratic government. MILNER, ...

Chuck C. Johnson Quotes White Supremacist Source in His Latest Racist Rant

Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 2:36:50 pm
Chuck C. Johnson smiling creepily next to Lee Harvey Oswald's sniper rifle at the JFK Museum OK, folks, I wasn't going to write anything about this one because Chuck C. Johnson is an absolutely horrible nightmare of a human being, but he says something in this podcast with Adam Carolla that ...

Right Wingers Circulate Photoshop Fake of Young Hillary Clinton With a Confederate Flag

Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 7:09:39 pm
This morning an iconic image of a 20-something Hillary Rodham in her Wellesley college dorm, wearing psychedelic pants, was "discovered" to have a Confederate flag in the background! Nobody ever noticed it before because we were all dazzled by the trip-inducing pattern of her pants. Interestingly, the first photo to appear ...

North Carolina Pastors Raise "Christian Flag" Above US Flag

Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 10:43:58 am
Two Baptist pastors in North Carolina's Cleveland County have decided it would be a great idea to raise a "Christian flag" above the American flag. Who knew there was a "Christian flag?" Yes, these are the same people who freak out if anyone looks cross-eyed at a US flag, and are ...

Independence Day Podcast: The Bob and Chez Show, 7/2/15

Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 11:43:13 am
Image via Shutterstock podcast/070215/BCS_070215.mp3 Here's the latest Bob and Chez Show podcast, to start off this Independence Day by making fun of crazed right wingers, as is our wont. Crazy Cooter: Dukes of Hazzard Cast Member Defends Confederate Flag on Fox News; All New and Totally Crazy Sarah Palin Audio; Jim Webb ...

Breitbart "News" Hack John Nolte Invents "Gag Order" Fake Outrage About Anti-Gay Oregon Bakery

Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 11:17:32 am
Breitbart "News" hack John Nolte is really cranking out the fake outrage posts lately. Today he's raging and ranting about "overt fascism" because the fanatical Oregon bakery owners who wanted to refuse service to a lesbian couple are being subjected to what he labels a "gag order" by "the Left." ...

Fake Wingnut Outrage of the Day: "George Takei Said 'Blackface!'" (Or, Liberals Are the Real Racists, Part 91332)

Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 11:06:05 am
YouTube Here we go again. The wingnut mob (led by the Breitbart propaganda-mongers) is pretending to be upset at George Takei, for calling Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a "clown in blackface." Can't you just feel his heartbreak? The poor guy. — Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) July 2, 2015 Takei was criticizing (rightly) ...

Podcast o' the Day: The Bob and Chez Show, 6/30/15

Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 3:36:56 pm
Image via Shutterstock podcast/063015/BCS_063015.mp3 Some audio entertainment for a rather slow Wednesday news day: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show 6/30/15. Blow Blow Blow: The Most Vile Fox News Channel Segment Ever; Chris Christie is Running; Donald Trump Fired by NBC; Lindsey Graham Talks About His Girlfriends; Ben Carson is Bored ...

Missouri Supreme Court Shuts Down Chuck C. Johnson's Appeal to Get Mike Brown's Juvenile Records

Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 11:08:11 am
He was banned permanently by Twitter, but right wing hatchet man Chuck C. Johnson still had an appeal filed with the Missouri Supreme Court, trying to get the juvenile records (if any) of Michael Brown unsealed, so he could prove Brown was a "violent criminal" who deserved to be shot ...

Emergency Crews Respond to Mt. Zion AME Church Fire in SC

Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 7:41:01 pm
Another predominately black church is on fire tonight in South Carolina: Emergency Crews Respond to Mt. Zion AME Church Fire in SC. This is the 7th church fire since Dylann Storm Roof's rampage. So far, officials have said there's no evidence these fires are hate crimes. But this is now entering the ...

Rand Paul Met Privately With Far Right Racist Rancher Cliven Bundy for 45 Minutes

Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 6:17:24 pm
We noted earlier that GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul met with far right racist anti-government rancher Cliven Bundy yesterday in Nevada, but tonight it's coming out that Paul and Bundy actually had a private sit-down meeting for approximately 45 minutes. The Nevada rancher said that he had expected only to ...

Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Tough New Vaccination Law

Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 11:28:31 am
Image via Shutterstock The Los Angeles Times reports that California Governor Jerry Brown has signed one of the nation's toughest vaccination bills, mandating that children who attend public schools must be vaccinated against common diseases and that no non-medical exemptions will be allowed. "The science is clear that vaccines dramatically protect ...

A Meeting of the Minds: Rand Paul and Far Right Racist Rancher Cliven Bundy

Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 10:28:06 am
Back in April 2014, Rand Paul's father Ron came out in support of far right racist anti-government rancher Cliven Bundy (who is on video saying "the nigra" was better off under slavery), and yesterday Rand also expressed his support for Bundy's "cause." This is the real Rand Paul; the guy who ...

The Burlington NC Neo-Nazi who inspired Dylann Roof

Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 8:03:24 pm
Anybody familiar with right wing extremism has likely heard of The Turner Diaries. Written by William Pierce, The Turner Diaries depicts a United States enveloped by racial civil war, bombings of federal buildings and the eventual global genocide of all non-white human beings. Pages of the book were ...

South Carolina Will Allow Ku Klux Klan Rally at Capitol to Protest Removal of Confederate Flag

Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 5:03:08 pm
Here's one of those stories that makes you just say, "Good grief." The North Carolina branch of the KKK, who call themselves "The Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan," has been granted a permit to hold a rally on the grounds of the South Carolina Statehouse on July ...

Donald Trump Announces He's Suing Everybody

Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 3:29:08 pm
Donald Trump is starting to sound a lot like Chuck C. Johnson -- and not just for the racist statements about Mexican immigrants that got NBC to cut ties with him. Because in classic Chuck Johnson style, now he's threatening to sue everybody. Last week he announced he'd be suing Univision, ...

Bristol Palin Strikes Back at "The Ghouls at Gawker" And Other Critics

Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 2:11:52 pm
She even uses bad words, so you know she's pissed! So here are the things you should all get straight before you continue to mock me, judge me, and talk about me. None of us are perfect. I made a mistake, but it's not the mistake all these giddy a$$holes ...

Computer Issues Open Thread

Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 1:17:46 pm
Image via Shutterstock I'm putting up this open thread because I'm currently trapped in a nightmarish flood of cascading computer problems, that started when an external drive suddenly stopped responding. I'll get it figured out, I'm sure, but until then here's a thread for whatever.

RIP, Chris Squire

Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 4:04:26 pm
YouTube I first heard Chris Squire's amazing bass tone on the album "Yes" (their first) which I discovered in a cut-out bin at Records Hawaii way back in 1970. I believe I paid 99 cents for it, and at the time I may have been the only person in Hawaii who ...

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