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Searched LGF articles for: Muslim Association of Britain (880 matches, in 36 pages)

Lindsey Graham Bails, Raising GOP Crazy Quotient

Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 11:18:52 am
YouTube Lindsey Graham parroted the same ignorant anti-Muslim rhetoric as the rest of the Republican candidates, and was totally gung-ho for invading lots of Middle Eastern countries, but at least he wasn't a complete denier of climate science -- the only relatively sane one of the GOP candidates on this issue. ...

Breitbart "News" Reacts to Arabic Calligraphy Lesson With Horrifying Deluge of Hate Speech

Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 5:00:19 pm
A horrible story from Virginia shows how many noxious bigots have been incited by right wing anti-Muslim propaganda, as schools in central Virginia have been forced to close after a deluge of threats and hatred prompted by a geography lesson in Arabic calligraphy. Augusta County Public Schools, near Staunton in ...

Ted Cruz at Birther Frank Gaffney's Conference: Obama Has Banned "Anti-Muslim Rhetoric"

Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 11:10:28 am
YouTube I've been pointing out recently that although Donald Trump may get all the press attention for his outrageous and extreme statements, the rest of the GOP candidates have been staking out policy positions every bit as extreme as Trump's, and spreading the same bigoted conspiracy theories. Today's example: Ted Cruz submitted ...

Overnight Podcast: The Bob & Chez Show, 12/10/15

Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 8:08:37 pm /BCS_121015.mp3 Tonight's program for The Bob and Chez Show: Joe Lies: Another Day, Another Active Shooter; Gun Massacre Conspiracies; Planned Parenthood Shooter is Totally Crazy; Trump Attacked By Eagle; Ted Cruz's Doughy Body; Too Many Americans Support Trump's Muslim Ban; Trump Supporter Goes Bananas About Liars; Trump Gets Butthurt Over Criticism ...

GOP Sen. Sessions Says It's "Appropriate to Discuss" Trump's Muslim Ban

Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 12:55:40 pm
SoundCloud After initially making a big show of being horrified by Donald Trump's call to ban Muslims from entering the US, conservative pundits and politicians are now executing an about-face. The talking point they seem to have settled on is that Trump's astoundingly bigoted position is "opening a discussion" on this ...

Donald Trump's Brilliant Plan to Ban Muslims Is Brilliant

Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 10:33:16 am
Donald Trump went on MSNBC's Morning joe today and explained his brilliant plan for preventing Muslims from entering the US, and I just can't even. During an interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that lasted more than 30 minutes, co-host Willie Geist repeatedly asked Trump how such a ban would work, ...

Breitbart Commenters Love Trump's Call to Ban Muslims From the US, of Course

Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 2:57:20 pm
Some Republican candidates are denouncing Donald Trump's call for a total ban on Muslim immigration to the US, but let's check out how the GOP voting base is reacting, shall we? For example, the commenters at Breitbart "News." Let's face it -- this is only going to make Trump more popular ...

Donald Trump Calls for "Total and Complete Shutdown of Muslims Entering the United States"

Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 1:45:54 pm
a katz / This stunningly bigoted press release just came from the Donald Trump campaign. Trump is leading the Republican Party into a very dark future. (New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, — Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States ...

Heavily Armed Right Wing Militia Group Publishes List of Muslims' Home Addresses

Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 3:14:50 pm
Credit: Avi Selk/TDMN A group of far right militia troglodytes in Irving, Texas, has now published the home addresses of dozens of Muslims who live in their community because they spoke out against one of those crazy "anti-sharia" laws earlier this year. This dangerous incitement is posted at Facebook, in a ...

Yes, Donald Trump Absolutely Did Say He'd Implement a Muslim Database. Stop Lying, Right Wingers.

Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 7:03:33 pm
MSNBC On Thursday, Donald Trump called for a national database of Muslims, perhaps the most outright fascist statement he's made yet. But today a weird twist has emerged, as right wing media are actually trying to deny Trump ever said this. For example, at the propaganda site known as "Breitbart News," right ...

Jim Hoft, Stupidest Man on the Internet, Beclowns Himself Yet Again; Thinks C-SPAN Has Gone Birther

Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 3:14:09 pm
Yes, folks, the flat-out stupidest man to ever use the Internet to spread right wing idiocy, Jim Hoft, has posted yet another Birther rant about President Obama, and once again he has thoroughly beclowned himself by getting the facts completely wrong and jumping to an amazingly stupid false conclusion even ...

Marco Rubio: Close Down All the Places

Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 10:58:48 am
Marco Rubio has been (sort of) trying to position himself as relatively sane compared to the Trumps and Carsons in this presidential race -- a position he does not deserve. For example, Rubio is a fanatical anti-choice extremist who would completely ban all abortions, even if the life of the ...

The Right Wing Hate Machine Goes ... There

Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 10:22:10 am
LifetimeStock / The full original quotes from Trump are even worse: — Matt Ford (@fordm) November 19, 2015 Yes, folks, Donald Trump, the leading GOP candidate in polling, is pushing for Muslims to be specially identified. He's already called for suspending the First Amendment when it comes to Muslims ...

Massive Whining Issues From Republicans After Obama Criticizes Them for Refusing Refugees

Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 1:05:22 pm
Christopher Halloran / Republican presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz are whining furiously after President Obama had the nerve to criticize them for their mean-spirited calls to turn away Middle Eastern refugees and anti-Muslim fear-mongering. "Our president instead of going full bore against ISIS seems to be more intent ...

When Will Americans Learn...

Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 7:13:50 pm
Image via Shutterstock A simple question, on a day when far too many Americans are surrendering to fear-mongering and bigotry. When will Americans learn that turning their backs on desperate Muslim refugees is EXACTLY what ISIS wants them to do? — Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) November 18, 2015

Bobby Jindal Drops Out of Presidential Race

Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 3:38:09 pm
YouTube Bobby Jindal announces on Fox News that he's "suspending" his campaign. (Which means he's quitting. But candidates use "suspending" so they can continue to get money from the FEC to offset their campaign costs.) His announcement on Fox News contains the usual trademark bigoted anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant message. This is the season ...

Passport Found Near Terrorist's Body May Have Been Planted to Stir Up Anti-Migrant Hatred

Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 11:06:29 am
Some interesting news from the investigation into the terrorist attacks in Paris: the Syrian passport found near one of the terrorists' bodies may have been planted in an attempt to stir up anti-immigrant hatred in Europe. “The single most intriguing fact is that the passport was there at all,” one ...

The Federalist Beclowned: Sean Davis Screams "Poop Swastika Hoax," Then Police Report Confirms It Happened

Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 11:16:50 am
When reports started coming out that someone had used feces to draw a swastika in one of the University of Missouri's dorms, right wing bloggers immediately jumped to the conclusion it was all a "hoax," because this is what they do. Sean Davis of The Federalist was probably the loudest screamer ...

Stupidest Man on the Internet: The Media Are Biased Because They Don't Say Obama Was Born in Kenya

Sat, Nov 7, 2015 at 1:13:40 pm
Good grief, not this old dried-up fake story again. Jim Hoft, fabled Stupidest Man on the Internet, goes full-on Birther at last with an amazingly incoherent (even for him) post that tries to accuse the media of having a double standard because they criticize Ben Carson but never mentioned that ...

Jim Hoft, Dumbest Man on the Internet, Goes Benghazi Crazy

Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 11:21:25 am
I tweeted this comment about the Benghazi hearing a few minutes ago: They’re putting on a show for the right wing audience and don’t even care that everyone else sees right through it. — Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) October 22, 2015 And here's a great example of the right wing audience this clown ...

Fox News "Analyst" and Benghazi "Expert" Indicted for Lying About CIA Past

Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 4:59:34 pm
YouTube Here's an absolutely classic Fox News moment, as one of their regular guests, Wayne Shelby Simmons, who claimed he worked for the CIA for 27 years, was hyped as a national security expert, and frequently weighed in on Benghazi and other right wing issues with extreme and outlandish opinions, has ...

Meanwhile, Hate Group Leader Pamela Geller Is Still Deranged

Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 12:26:39 pm
SoundCloud I sometimes wonder if Pamela Geller ever gets tired of obsessively spewing this semi-literate nonsense about President Obama being a "Muslim commie atheist tyrant" who is stupid yet clever, weak yet all-powerful, sneaky yet obvious. But then I remember: the right wing rubes she's fleecing with this hate speech aren't gonna ...

BREAKING: Planned Parenthood Wins Round in US Court Against Utah Governor's Attempt to Defund

Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 11:05:20 am
In Utah, Planned Parenthood has won the first round in court against Republican Governor Gary Herbert, getting a temporary injunction preventing him from revoking Planned Parenthood's contracts with state agencies. Herbert ordered these contracts voided based on (you guessed it) the deliberately deceptive videos produced by the Orwellian "Center for ...

Mark Levin: The Supreme Court and the Federal Government Are Imposing Secular Religious Sharia

Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 9:46:15 pm
YouTube In one of the craziest moments from this weekend's Values Voter Summit, talk radio screamer Mark Levin explains that the Supreme Court is imposing "secular sharia" on the United States. No, I don't know what the hell he's talking about either. The media and the "Sunday show dress-up hosts," Levin stated, ...

Ben Carson Refuses to Back Down, Spouts Even Worse Anti-Muslim Bigotry

Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 11:30:14 am
Christopher Halloran / Ben Carson, in tried and true right wing fashion, isn't backing down on his bigoted statements about Muslims. In fact, today he not only doubled down, he got even worse. Carson explicitly advocated a religious test for public office, saying whoever is elected president should be "sworn in ...

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