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1 Truck Monkey  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:07:28pm

Neither did I.

2 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:08:24pm

heh...what a goofy guy...Hot Rod Lincoln and all that

3 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:11:08pm

Who is "Nellie" anyway?

4 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:11:19pm

re: #2 albusteve

heh...what a goofy guy...Hot Rod Lincoln and all that

whoops...Commander Cody did Hot Rod Lincoln

5 Truck Monkey  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:12:19pm

Are you sure it's not "I scream", and not 'Ice Cream'?

At first I thought I was going to be treated to some bad ass zydeco. Kind of devolved from there.

6 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:12:33pm

How does someone find this? How does someone searching the intertubes find a video like this?

What makes them decide to watch the said video.?

7 mikeymom  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:12:35pm

WTF? i just started drinking--and that was toooo weird! may have to revisit that later after a few more drinks! WTF?

8 Killgore Trout  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:13:30pm

I thought I recognized some of the guys in his band but I googled them and it's a pretty obscure bunch. Talented but obscure. I guess those early 80's guys all look the same.

9 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:14:42pm

Charles? BTW, thanks for playing Ben Fold's "Cologne" on a thread a few months ago. Love that.

10 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:15:02pm

re: #6 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

How does someone find this? How does someone searching the intertubes find a video like this?

What makes them decide to watch the said video.?

boredom or extreme curiosity...

11 WhiteRasta  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:15:42pm

Bizarre, but fun....

12 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:16:06pm

I love Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band. I still have my vinyl copy of the double album Trout Mask Replica. This is a true American original artist.

13 ThingFish  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:16:06pm

grrrr... no streaming video at work. I'll have to watch it later. If it's Beefheart, I'm sure it's odd.

14 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:16:22pm

re: #10 albusteve

boredom or extreme curiosity...

KT's the king of that, BTW.

Hi Killgore.

15 pat  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:17:10pm

A little wound up

16 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:17:15pm

cowbell?...at 3:00?
I heard it

17 Killgore Trout  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:17:18pm

re: #14 Fat Bastard Vegetarian


18 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:18:39pm

All the paintings in the video are his.

19 pbird  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:19:24pm

re: #12 Charles

I love Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band. I still have my vinyl copy of the double album Trout Mask Replica. This is a true American original artist.

We have it too. Has haunted me for decades.

20 Randall Gross  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:19:50pm

re: #8 Killgore Trout

I thought I recognized some of the guys in his band but I googled them and it's a pretty obscure bunch. Talented but obscure. I guess those early 80's guys all look the same.

Yeah they do, all except Don Van Vliet.. some interesting instruments in that vid, stream it again...

21 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:20:34pm

re: #18 Charles

All the paintings in the video are his.

re: #18 Charles

All the paintings in the video are his.

modernists primitivist....whatever that is...trying to find a web site

22 rain of lead  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:21:09pm

is this the weird youtube video drinking thread?
god I hope so!

23 davesax  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:21:58pm

Anyone have Lewis Taylor's Trought Mask Replica covering that Beefheart stuff?

Charles...you ever check out Lewis?

24 Randall Gross  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:22:11pm

re: #21 albusteve

modernists primitivist....whatever that is...trying to find a web site

Look at the header of the link I gave KT above

25 uberfasiq  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:23:19pm

Thanks -

I'm canceling my ISP immediately, and burning my computer....

26 Shay4l  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:23:36pm

So, ********** is back? Must have gotten his phony-stimulus-bill ACORN money to undermine websites who aren't marching in lockstep. Haven't seen him since election time when they last were spreading money around to undermine their opponents.

27 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:23:52pm

re: #20 Thanos

Yeah they do, all except Don Van Vliet.. some interesting instruments in that vid, stream it again...


28 WhiteRasta  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:23:59pm
29 Bloodnok  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:24:37pm

His voice was already gravelly on "I was a Teenage Maltshop" with Zappa back in 1963. He always sounded that way.

30 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:25:18pm

dang ... two music threads tonight ... or is this the crazy video thread ...

31 researchok  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:25:26pm

Watched that...kind of reminds me of a hopped up Leon Redbone.

32 Shay4l  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:26:26pm

Heh that sound so paranoid!

33 Baier  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:26:28pm

Very cool. Thanks Charles!

34 Van Helsing  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:26:35pm

re: #22 rain of lead

is this the weird youtube video drinking thread?
god I hope so!

I'm drinking.
I'm watching youtube.
I'm weird.

It must be...

35 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:26:44pm

I'll pass on Don's artwork....not my style, but he is an authentic character tho

36 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:28:01pm

I saw "Uncle Floyd" in New Jersey once. That count for anything?

37 rain of lead  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:28:48pm

re: #34 Van Helsing

I'm drinking.
I'm watching youtube.
I'm weird.

It must be...

"let it be posted"
"let it be done!"

38 Kenneth  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:28:57pm

Classic Capt. Beefheart tune... with orthoptera!

39 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:30:04pm

re: #38 Kenneth

Classic Capt. Beefheart tune... with orthoptera!


Kenneth ... never heard of him before ... where is he from? ... listening now ...

40 rain of lead  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:30:14pm

re: #30 JacksonTn

Hey JT
the other nite you told me and the momcat to get a room......
we did.
heh heh heh.

41 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:30:55pm

Just had a sock puppet pop up in the Jawa Report thread.

In case anyone has seen Rusty Shackleford's latest at Jawa Report, here's my answer:

No, I am not going to stop.

And there is less than zero chance of a "reconciliation" with Robert Spencer.

It kind of amazes me that anyone could see what that creep has been posting about me, and suggest that I reconcile. Not going to happen. Ever. I have lost every shred of respect I ever had for him.

42 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:31:04pm

re: #40 rain of lead

Hey JT
the other nite you told me and the momcat to get a room......
we did.
heh heh heh.

RoL ... you said you both had your own room ... guess something changed ...

43 Kenneth  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:31:54pm

re: #12 Charles

I got Safe As Milk.

44 rightymouse  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:31:55pm

Never heard of Beefheart. And I know where I was in 1982.

I think Rick Springfield was the hotty at the time. Couldn't sing worth a darn, but he was cute.

45 Randall Gross  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:32:26pm

Interesting, Daniel Pearl in the credits to the vid, don't suppose it's the Daniel Pearl?

46 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:33:20pm

re: #44 rightymouse

Never heard of Beefheart. And I know where I was in 1982.

I think Rick Springfield was the hotty at the time. Couldn't sing worth a darn, but he was cute.

RM ... yeah, never saw the attraction for him ...

47 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:33:41pm

re: #45 Thanos

Interesting, Daniel Pearl in the credits to the vid, don't suppose it's the Daniel Pearl?

Nope -- this is the cinematographer who did the original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre."

48 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:33:52pm

re: #39 JacksonTn

Kenneth ... never heard of him before ... where is he from? ... listening now ...

he's an oldtime southern CA freak...goes deep back into the day

49 rightymouse  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:34:33pm

re: #46 JacksonTn

RM ... yeah, never saw the attraction for him ...

His music was bloody awful. But the wimmen still swooned.

50 doppelganglander  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:34:35pm

re: #36 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I saw "Uncle Floyd" in New Jersey once. That count for anything?

I LOVE Uncle Floyd! My little brother had a picture up on the wall once, and I got to talk to Floyd and one of his sidekicks -- I think it was Looney Skip Rooney -- on a radio call-in show. This is how long ago it was -- Skip made a cocaine joke about Hamilton Jordan. True Jersey!

51 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:34:35pm

re: #48 albusteve

he's an oldtime southern CA freak...goes deep back into the day

albusteve ... thanks ... I will listen some more ...

52 Shay4l  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:35:37pm

Hm, I seem to be a little crabby tonight. How about something upbeat.

The Iraq war? We won it: Read it and weep, Murtha and Reid

53 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:35:43pm

re: #40 rain of lead

RoL ... ya'll need to email me ... I opened my new place today ... was just at a party ... I believe you are near me ...

54 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:36:37pm

re: #49 rightymouse

His music was bloody awful. But the wimmen still swooned.

RoM ... not me ... I thought he was gay ... not bashing ... just he appeared to be gay to me ...

55 Kenneth  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:36:40pm

re: #39 JacksonTn

Arizona, I think. He played with Zappa, & did his own thing, too. Very strange. Makes Tom Waits look like Top 40.

A lot of his stuff sounds like junk, but then randomly some of his music is extraordinarly beautiful and poignant.

I played "Her eyes are a blue million miles" at my wedding. My wife has blue eyes.

56 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:36:52pm

re: #44 rightymouse

Never heard of Beefheart. And I know where I was in 1982.

I think Rick Springfield was the hotty at the time. Couldn't sing worth a darn, but he was cute.

he does the casino circuit...burned out

57 Ringo the Gringo  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:36:59pm

Filmed out in Mojave...I went to a showing of his paintings in San Francisco back in the mid 80's, must have been the ones in this video.

I remember smoking weed and skateboarding to Bongo Fury at Jungleland back in 79-81....Oh my.

58 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:37:21pm

re: #50 doppelganglander

He opened up "Uncle Floyd's" at a Holiday Inn in Wayne, NJ (directly across from "Fountains of Wayne", a real store). I spent three weeks at the hotel. Went to his show every night he was open.

Sat in the back of the room and watched.

I felt like such a fuckin' wise-guy.

59 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:37:24pm

re: #55 Kenneth

Arizona, I think. He played with Zappa, & did his own thing, too. Very strange. Makes Tom Waits look like Top 40.

A lot of his stuff sounds like junk, but then randomly some of his music is extraordinarly beautiful and poignant.

I played "Her eyes are a blue million miles" at my wedding. My wife has blue eyes.

Kenneth ... that is sweet ...

60 Kenneth  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:38:06pm

re: #47 Charles

I'm sure you've been asked before.. but what's with the Icarus moniker? Do folks still call you that, or was it just a 70's thing?

61 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:39:18pm

re: #60 Kenneth

I'm sure you've been asked before.. but what's with the Icarus moniker? Do folks still call you that, or was it just a 70's thing?

70s thing. A girlfriend thought I needed a better stage name than 'Charles Johnson'.

It was my 'Johnny Cougar' moment.

62 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:40:14pm

someone said this was a good song ...

63 Randall Gross  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:40:18pm

re: #45 Thanos

Interesting, Daniel Pearl in the credits to the vid, don't suppose it's the Daniel Pearl?

Nope, it's this Daniel Pearl

64 rightymouse  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:40:51pm

re: #54 JacksonTn

RoM ... not me ... I thought he was gay ... not bashing ... just he appeared to be gay to me ...

Wouldn't know nor cared at the time. Of course, there was Frampton earlier.

And I'm a music buff. :)

Think of it like guys digging nice looking models who are dumber than rocks.

65 doppelganglander  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:40:53pm

re: #58 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

He opened up "Uncle Floyd's" at a Holiday Inn in Wayne, NJ (directly across from "Fountains of Wayne", a real store). I spent three weeks at the hotel. Went to his show every night he was open.

Sat in the back of the room and watched.

I felt like such a fuckin' wise-guy.

His Wiki entry is fascinating. The list of bands he had on is incredible -- I remember the Ramones being frequent guests. He still works 300+ nights a year, and two of his brothers are in the Max Weinberg 7. I'd love to see him live.

66 Kenneth  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:41:07pm

re: #61 Charles

Well, Icarus is way cooler that "Cougar". But Charles is a worthy name as it is.

67 Ringo the Gringo  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:41:11pm

Sam with the showing scalp flattop, particular about the point it made...

Did I get that right?

68 justdontlikematall  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:41:32pm

Re: #36, #50 and #58

Bowie's song Slip Away has a lot of references to Unc Flo, oogie etc.

69 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:41:50pm

Freakin' Danny Gans died.


70 rightymouse  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:42:07pm

re: #56 albusteve

he does the casino circuit...burned out

Las Vegas dust.

71 Danny  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:42:23pm

I don't get it...what's weird about it?

72 doppelganglander  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:42:28pm

re: #61 Charles

70s thing. A girlfriend thought I needed a better stage name than 'Charles Johnson'.

It was my 'Johnny Cougar' moment.

We all have memories of the '70s we'd sooner keep quiet.

73 Randall Gross  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:43:11pm

re: #61 Charles

70s thing. A girlfriend thought I needed a better stage name than 'Charles Johnson'.

It was my 'Johnny Cougar' moment.

I remember that album with him in Leopard print spandex doing Doors covers....

74 Van Helsing  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:43:22pm

re: #72 doppelganglander

We all have memories of the '70s we'd sooner keep quiet.

True 'dat.

75 doppelganglander  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:43:45pm

re: #68 justdontlikematall

Re: #36, #50 and #58

Bowie's song Slip Away has a lot of references to Unc Flo, oogie etc.

I learned that on the wiki page. I need to download it. I love the thought of John Lennon and David Bowie sitting around, probably high, watching Uncle Floyd.

76 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:44:27pm

re: #70 rightymouse

Las Vegas dust.

Oh yeah? Worse. He was on Huckabee.

77 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:44:28pm

re: #62 JacksonTn

someone said this was a good song ...


grows on you...it's a nearly perfect tune...soft and easy til he rips his break and outro...a classic imore: #70 rightymouse

Las Vegas dust.

he's here in ABQ soon...that's not good...altho ZZ Top blew away 20k peasants a year ago at the renouned Sandia Casino...very cool outdoor venue....otherwise ABQ is a backwater

78 rightymouse  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:44:57pm

re: #72 doppelganglander

We all have memories of the '70s we'd sooner keep quiet.

Or block them out.

79 rightymouse  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:45:34pm

re: #76 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Oh yeah? Worse. He was on Huckabee.

Who was on Huckabee?

80 Shay4l  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:46:32pm

re: #58 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

If you are originally from Wayne, I probably know you. Don't admit to it.

81 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:46:44pm

re: #79 rightymouse

Who was on Huckabee?

RM ... can you believe he has a show ... I don't watch tv much anymore but I just cannot believe that man has a show ...

82 doppelganglander  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:46:50pm

I hate to leave such a cool thread, but we're about to watch "Iron Man" for the umpteenth time. This time we're watching it with something called a Riff Track. For $3.99, you can download the MST3K crew mocking the film. You just play it along with the DVD. We did "Star Wars" a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty funny. You just have to imagine the robots in the corner and you're all set. Later, gang.

83 justdontlikematall  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:46:50pm

David Bowie - Slip Away (from Heathen album)

Oogie waits for just another day
Drags his bones
to see the Yankees play
Bones Boy talks and flickers gray
Oh, they slip away

Once a time
they nearly might have been
Bones and Oogie on a silver screen
No one knew what they could do
Except for me and you
They slip away
They slip away

Don't forget
to keep your head warm
Twinkle twinkle Uncle Floyd
Watching all the world
and war torn
How I wonder where you are
Sailing over
Coney Island
Twinkle twinkle Uncle Floyd
We were dumb
but you were fun, boy
How I wonder where you are

Oogie knew there's never ever time
Some of us will always stay behind
Down in space it's always 1982
The joke we always knew
What'sa matter with you
C'mon, let's go
Slip away

Don't forget
to keep your head warm
Twinkle twinkle Uncle Floyd
Watching all the world
and war torn
How I wonder where you are
Sailing over
Coney Island
Twinkle twinkle Uncle Floyd
We were dumb
but you were fun, boy
How I wonder where you are

84 rightymouse  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:47:12pm

Slowing down here. Time to turn into a Teletubby and go couchular.

85 rain of lead  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:47:21pm

re: #53 JacksonTn
hey JT blue your nic
we could be close... just this far ---->

86 Danny  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:47:38pm

re: #12 Charles

I love Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band. I still have my vinyl copy of the double album Trout Mask Replica. This is a true American original artist.

I've got that one, but I didn't discover it until early 80s so mine's probably the '75 reissue. Also have Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller) and Ice Cream for Crow on vinyl. Course, I'm a Zappa fan, so....

87 3 wood  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:48:04pm

Good evening.

It look's like the bank stress tests will be out late next week.
Bank ‘Stress Test’ Results Due Next Thursday

Published: May 1, 2009
Citigroup is locked in negotiations with federal regulators over whether it needs to raise as much as $10 billion in fresh capital as a result of the government’s stress test of its financial health, according to a person briefed on the situation.

But the bank may be able to plug that hole with recent and future measures to raise capital — like asset sales and a big stock conversion plan — that could leave it with more than enough funds to satisfy regulators.

The size of any shortfall hinges on how much regulators will let the bank offset its projected capital needs with actual gains in the first three quar

ters of this year. Regulators are planning to let all 19 banks taking the stress test count any gains they make through the third quarter, as they happen, toward the cushion of capital they are required to hold against a worsening recession, according to people with knowledge of the plan.

But the calculations may add another layer of murkiness to the highly-anticipated results, and could further undermine confidence in the exams themselves, by triggering a rolling reassessment of the amount of capital the banks must hold, analysts said.

Federal Reserve and Treasury Department officials said Friday they would delay the release of the stress test results until Thursday afternoon, several days later than they had originally expected, in part because some of the banks continue to disagree with the government’s initial conclusions.

Look for the market to get rocky later this next week. Also, details of the failed negotiations with Chrysler are starting to leak out. From what I heard on the Kudlow Report, the government ngotiators wanted the Union which had a $10 billion investment to get a 55% ownership share, the TARP banks that had a $10 billion investment to get a 35% ownership share, and for the bond holders (which are a primary security) who had about a $28 billion investment to be happy with only a 10% ownership. The bond holders told the government to go pound sand and they would take their chances in court.

That resulted in their getting blasted by the CIC and labeled as "speculators".

I will not be surprised to hear them called "money changers" next.

I would not expect the GM negotiations to go any better.

88 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:48:18pm

hmmmm....i too have beefheart vinyl...

the captain lives again

89 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:48:21pm

re: #85 rain of lead

hey JT blue your nic
we could be close... just this far ---->

RoL ... I can't but if you click my avatar you will see an email address ...

90 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:48:55pm

re: #3 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Who is "Nellie" anyway?

Not me!

91 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:49:18pm

re: #88 coldwarrior

hmmmm....i too have beefheart vinyl...

the captain lives again

he does!...what a goof...leave it to Charles to dig him out for some fun

92 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:50:15pm

re: #79 rightymouse

Who was on Huckabee?

Rick Springfield. Sang Jesse's girl.

Guess who played bass.

C'mon. Guess.

93 Van Helsing  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:50:17pm

re: #87 3 wood

Good evening.

It look's like the bank stress tests will be out late next week.
Bank ‘Stress Test’ Results Due Next Thursday

Look for the market to get rocky later this next week. Also, details of the failed negotiations with Chrysler are starting to leak out. From what I heard on the Kudlow Report, the government ngotiators wanted the Union which had a $10 billion investment to get a 55% ownership share, the TARP banks that had a $10 billion investment to get a 35% ownership share, and for the bond holders (which are a primary security) who had about a $28 billion investment to be happy with only a 10% ownership. The bond holders told the government to go pound sand and they would take their chances in court.

That resulted in their getting blasted by the CIC and labeled as "speculators".

I will not be surprised to hear them called "money changers" next.

I would not expect the GM negotiations to go any better.

Is the administration's quick leap to demonize just a bit scary?

94 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:50:29pm

re: #91 albusteve

i'm getting out the turntable as we speak!

(my poor neighbors!)

95 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:50:48pm

re: #90 NelsFree

Not me!

Whoa, Nels. You sure?

96 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:51:24pm

re: #60 Kenneth

Did someone say 'Icarus'?

97 Danny  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:51:40pm

re: #61 Charles

I saw some reviewer who said it was because you thought your real name was too unmemorable. He called it a "wise" idea. LOL.

98 Darwin Akbar  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:51:46pm

This is very weird...just the other day, someone asked me to name the worst or most bizarre record I ever bought, and I said "Lick My Decals Off, Baby" by Captain Beefheart. (Charles, did you have that one?)

I had not thought about Captain Beefheart for about two decades....and now it's twice in one week.

Strange days have found us, indeed.

99 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:52:08pm

re: #87 3 wood

1. Bond holders $28B = 10 per cent
2. Union $10B = 55 per cent
3. TARP Banks $10B = 35 per cent.

In which universe would this be acceptable? I'm no financial wizard but, even I think this stinks.

100 rain of lead  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:52:23pm

re: #89 JacksonTn

cool, email on the way

101 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:53:11pm

re: #95 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Whoa, Nels. You sure?

Well, now that you mention it...no.
What were we talking about, Man?

102 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:53:19pm

re: #80 Shay4l

Heh. Nope. But spent a lot of time there for a few years. I liked the Grasshopper II restaurant over on 23.

103 dmh  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:53:25pm

Thanks for the Beefheart. I just finished a musical history lesson with my 19 year old and her friends about Zappa and they delved further into my collection of old vinyl with some Trout Mask Replica and this album. They seem to look at this old goat differently now. Don Van Vliet appeared on Hot Rats "singing" vocals on Willie the Pimp. They recorded it to a hard drive and now have it on mp3. For youngsters, they have very eclectic taste.

104 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:53:55pm

for those few of us...
you can lean on me....

105 Killgore Trout  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:54:25pm

re: #87 3 wood

I would not expect the GM negotiations to go any better.

Maybe not but it's my understanding that the government does have some say in the way these bankruptcies go. I would be surprised if the Chrysler debt holders get completely screwed for their refusal to play ball. The GM debt holders might think twice about pushing for a hard bargain. They might wind up with nothing at all.

106 sonofsheldon  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:54:33pm

I saw Beefheart in Detroit on his Doc at the Radar Station Tour. A few months later I saw Snakefinger at a little dive bar in Detroit. There couldn't have been more than six of us in the audience. Snakefinger and his band still gave it everything they had. Eric Drew Feldman was in both bands.

I can't help thinking that the guys in Beefheart's later bands (like the one in this video) grew up on stuff like Trout Mask, Strictly Personal, and Mirror Man, and probably idolized the guy.

107 Abu Al-Poopypants  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:54:38pm

This was his final album.

He appeared on Letterman that year. The oldest 41-year-old I've ever seen. These day's he's reportedly ill with MS. I read an interview with him in Spin several years ago. Beefheart and the interviewer spoke by phone. He asked the interviewer if he minded if he smoked.

108 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:54:39pm

I do remember him on a radio broadcast where he (Capt. Beefheart) said something about "Laser Beans".

109 Kenneth  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:54:43pm

re: #96 NelsFree

Charming video... are you saying that was Charles in the river?

110 BenghaziHoops  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:55:23pm

re: #102 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Heh. Nope. But spent a lot of time there for a few years. I liked the Grasshopper II restaurant over on 23.

Hi Veggie..The Heat game is lame..
How are you tonight?

111 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:55:47pm

re: #105 Killgore Trout

Did you mean to say you "wouldn't be surprised"?

I sure wouldn't be.

112 3 wood  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:56:05pm

re: #93 Van Helsing

Is the administration's quick leap to demonize just a bit scary?

So much for tolerance and understanding.

113 Killgore Trout  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:56:06pm

re: #93 Van Helsing

Is the administration's quick leap to demonize just a bit scary?

Not really. There's a PR war raging between CEO's, banks hedgefunds and the administration. They're doing the same thing.

114 Kenneth  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:56:24pm
I will not be surprised to hear them called "money changers" next.

Is Obama going to do the bit with the whip in the temple? Live on CNN?

115 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:57:10pm

re: #105 Killgore Trout

Maybe not but it's my understanding that the government does have some say in the way these bankruptcies go. I would be surprised if the Chrysler debt holders get completely screwed for their refusal to play ball. The GM debt holders might think twice about pushing for a hard bargain. They might wind up with nothing at all.

...then the debt holders charter some buses for a trip to DC to protest in the streets. I'm not suggesting blocking traffic, though...

116 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:57:15pm

re: #113 Killgore Trout

Not really. There's a PR war raging between CEO's, banks hedgefunds and the administration. They're doing the same thing.

By the way, Killgore -- I just took a peek at the comments for Michelle Malkin's post on the new DHS OUTRAGE! ! !

You weren't exaggerating. There's a bad craziness loose over there.

117 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:57:15pm

re: #110 HoosierHoops

Gosh, you must love basketball if you're watching the Hawks.

118 Killgore Trout  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:57:18pm

re: #111 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Did you mean to say you "wouldn't be surprised"?

I sure wouldn't be.

Yes, thanks for the correction.

119 Darwin Akbar  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:57:39pm

re: #106 sonofsheldon

Did you ever see Snakefinger play with The Residents?

120 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:57:48pm

re: #109 Kenneth

Charming video... are you saying that was Charles in the river?

How the elk could you think that!?

121 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:58:05pm

re: #118 Killgore Trout


122 Kenneth  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:58:11pm

re: #113 Killgore Trout

Not really. There's a PR war raging between CEO's, banks hedgefunds and the administration. They're doing the same thing.

You know, if you keep on bending over backwards so far like that, your head's going to get stuck somewheres...

Just sayin'

123 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:58:27pm

re: #6 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

How does someone find this? How does someone searching the intertubes find a video like this?

You just have to be cruising YouTube - usually looking for something else - when the Gods of the Intertubes reach down and bless you with a token of their appreciation.

Stuff like this Sexy Star Trek Video (VERY Not Safe for Work!)

124 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:58:38pm

re: #116 Charles

That's why I don't go to other sites.

125 Killgore Trout  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:59:00pm

re: #116 Charles
Yeah, It's the kind of stuff I'd expect to see at stormfront. Last I checked even the Stormfront folks were giving the new DHS memo a yawn. The Malkin crowd is ready for civil war.

126 danS  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:59:00pm

Love this clip. Makes a nice change to those horrendous Fusion clips you subject us to every now and then. Reminds me of that Snakefinger's equally strange clip which is also great.

127 3 wood  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:59:40pm

re: #99 MandyManners

1. Bond holders $28B = 10 per cent
2. Union $10B = 55 per cent
3. TARP Banks $10B = 35 per cent.

In which universe would this be acceptable? I'm no financial wizard but, even I think this stinks.

Yep, what you see was a major attempt at income redistribution from the bondholders to the union and the government owned banks.

Actually, you have to give them credit for being so creative about it. You also have to take into account that the bond holders were primary creditors (first in line to get paid back, and the union and banks were secondary creditors (farther down the food chain to get paid back).

The message this sends to the market is do not even think of trying to work with the government.

128 Abu Al-Poopypants  Fri, May 1, 2009 6:59:51pm

re: #106 sonofsheldon

I saw Beefheart in Detroit on his Doc at the Radar Station Tour. A few months later I saw Snakefinger at a little dive bar in Detroit. There couldn't have been more than six of us in the audience. Snakefinger and his band still gave it everything they had. Eric Drew Feldman was in both bands.

Feldman was later in Pere Ubu, which I could never get into. Bruce Fowler went back to Zappa and then into film work

I can't help thinking that the guys in Beefheart's later bands (like the one in this video) grew up on stuff like Trout Mask, Strictly Personal, and Mirror Man, and probably idolized the guy.

Yep, which reminds me I have to pick these up.

129 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:00:12pm

re: #109 Kenneth

Charming video... are you saying that was Charles in the river?

I bought the LP album on the advice of a friend. Loved it. Moonbat politics, great music. I saw them live at local college some years ago.

130 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:01:10pm

re: #114 Kenneth

Is Obama going to do the bit with the whip in the temple? Live on CNN?

Dagnabit, Kenneth. I just spat out a delicious sip of Basil's. You owe me.

131 Kenneth  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:01:40pm

re: #128 Abu Al-Poopypants

I have Pere Ubu album. Seriously weird people. Saw them play a club in Toronto once. Lead singer played a hammer & block of iron.

132 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:02:15pm

re: #114 Kenneth

Is Obama going to do the bit with the whip in the temple? Live on CNN?

We might see some of that Pax Obamina, Roman style - keep the peace by busting heads, sorting it all out later.

133 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:02:18pm

re: #128 Abu Al-Poopypants

Your nic is always said in my head in the voice of Lieutenant Drebin.

134 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:02:36pm

re: #127 3 wood

Yep, what you see was a major attempt at income redistribution from the bondholders to the union and the government owned banks.

Actually, you have to give them credit for being so creative about it. You also have to take into account that the bond holders were primary creditors (first in line to get paid back, and the union and banks were secondary creditors (farther down the food chain to get paid back).

The message this sends to the market is do not even think of trying to work with the government.

In other words, fuck capitalism?

135 Randall Gross  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:03:07pm

Here's the Johnny Cougar album I was thinking of, one of the Euro releases of it had him mugging on the album cover with guitar and spandex leopard skin pants. This one hit the cut out bins quickly.

136 sonofsheldon  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:03:33pm

re: #119 Darwin Akbar

Did you ever see Snakefinger play with The Residents?

I did. They played in Ann Arbor one cold snowy night. I don't remember much about the show though except that one of the Resident's eyeball masks had been stolen so he (she?) went on with a non-matching mask.

137 Kenneth  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:03:56pm

re: #130 MandyManners

You KNOW he's thinking of it!

Followed by Teleprompter on the Mount

"Blessed are the poor, for they are like the ACORNS of the valley..."

138 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:04:14pm

re: #136 sonofsheldon

I did. They played in Ann Arbor one cold snowy night. I don't remember much about the show though except that one of the Resident's eyeball masks had been stolen so he (she?) went on with a non-matching mask.

seen many gigs at the Ark...old and new

139 3 wood  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:04:20pm

re: #105 Killgore Trout

Maybe not but it's my understanding that the government does have some say in the way these bankruptcies go. I would be surprised if the Chrysler debt holders get completely screwed for their refusal to play ball. The GM debt holders might think twice about pushing for a hard bargain. They might wind up with nothing at all.

It depends on the bankruptcy court judge. If the judge gets intimidated by the government, it could be a tough go for the bondholders. If the judge holds to established law though, the bond holders should end up much better off than if they had taken the government deal.

If I'm a GM bond holder, I stop even trying to negotiate with the government right now and just go to bankruptcy court on Monday and get it over with.

This also bring so much risk into doing any kind of deal with the government going forward, that you can forget about any cooperation form the private sector going forward.

140 Kenneth  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:04:26pm

Nite all..

141 BenghaziHoops  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:05:08pm

re: #140 Kenneth

Nite all..

Good night!

142 quickjustice  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:05:20pm

re: #87 3 wood

G-d forbid the Chrysler secured bondholders should ask to be treated fairly by President Obama and his Treasury Department. If they weren't secured, Treasury would have rolled them for sure. Now it's up to the courts, which Obama hasn't yet flipped. Give him time.

143 Abu Al-Poopypants  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:05:37pm

Speaking of 'hammer'...

One of Beefheart's more normal songs, and one of my favorites:

The theme from Richard Pryor's Blue Collar. Turn it up.
144 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:05:41pm

re: #134 MandyManners

In other words, fuck capitalism?

With no condom, no foreplay, and no phone call the next day.

145 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:05:54pm

re: #137 Kenneth

You KNOW he's thinking of it!

Followed by Teleprompter on the Mount

*shaking head*

146 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:06:18pm

Oh man. In about an hour I'm going to post a depressing article from the OC Weekly about a convicted con man who's been feeding the FBI stories about terrorist plots in Orange County mosques.

Meltdown time.

147 formercorpsman  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:06:39pm

re: #87 3 wood

Thank you 3 wood. You always explain this stuff in plain terms for us regular folk to get some idea.

148 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:06:47pm

re: #139 3 wood

It depends on the bankruptcy court judge. If the judge gets intimidated by the government, it could be a tough go for the bondholders. If the judge holds to established law though, the bond holders should end up much better off than if they had taken the government deal.

If I'm a GM bond holder, I stop even trying to negotiate with the government right now and just go to bankruptcy court on Monday and get it over with.

This also bring so much risk into doing any kind of deal with the government going forward, that you can forget about any cooperation form the private sector going forward.

How much more of a naked power grab do you reckon FCBBHO is willing to attempt?

149 Velvet Elvis  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:06:57pm

Isn't Beefheart a kind of mentor to PJ Harvey or somebody like that? I think It's PJ.

150 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:07:01pm

My pillow keeps making eyes at me. I might just get lucky (and get some sleep tonight).

Mornin' thread y'all.

Charles? There has never been a Barry Manilow music thread.

Just sayin'.

151 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:07:09pm

re: #140 Kenneth

Nite all..

Sweet dreams!

152 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:07:26pm

re: #100 rain of lead

cool, email on the way

RoL ... got it ...

153 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:07:28pm

re: #144 SteveC


154 big steve  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:07:41pm

Got to reading the post from yesterday on the Texas SBOE and the legislature's setting aside of McLeroy as the chair. All good but I am worried that the alternative might be David Bradley. He has been vice chair and a popular far right republican and if conceivably possible might be worse that McLeroy. In fact the guy is still under investigation for not living in the district he was elected to. We need to keep an eye on this guy as well.

155 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:07:53pm

re: #146 Charles

Oh man. In about an hour I'm going to post a depressing article from the OC Weekly about a convicted con man who's been feeding the FBI stories about terrorist plots in Orange County mosques.

Meltdown time.

I hope Mr. Beaumont is resting now.

156 3 wood  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:08:08pm

re: #134 MandyManners

In other words, fuck capitalism?

As always Mandy, you have worded it in a vivid nutshell.

157 Killian Bundy  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:08:17pm

re: #87 3 wood

The bond holders told the government to go pound sand and they would take their chances in court.

That resulted in their getting blasted by the CIC and labeled as "speculators".

I will not be surprised to hear them called "money changers" next.

They're the senior lien holders, ahead of all the other lien holders, including all the parties TOTUS is representing or controlling through TARP threats.

This is why the bankruptcy laws and courts exist. We'll see if they can withstand the Executive pressure.

/no way this gets done in 60 days and if it does, there's going to be some extra-judicial circumvention of the rule of law in this country

158 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:08:43pm

re: #150 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Charles? There has never been a Barry Manilow music thread.

And there never will be.

159 Danny  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:08:58pm

re: #150 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Charles? There has never been a Barry Manilow music thread.

Just sayin'.

I'm thinkin that would blow his entire "I'm being consistent" meme all to hell.

160 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:09:05pm

re: #156 3 wood

As always Mandy, you have worded it in a vivid nutshell.

Thank you. I find fewer words speak more at times.

161 formercorpsman  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:09:48pm

re: #158 Charles

Air Supply?

162 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:10:12pm

re: #158 Charles

And there never will be.


163 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:10:27pm

re: #161 formercorpsman

Air Supply?


164 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:10:39pm

re: #162 MandyManners


heh...you'll get over it

165 Bloodnok  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:10:50pm

re: #160 MandyManners

Thank you. I find fewer words speak more at times.


166 Pvt Bin Jammin  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:10:54pm

Good evening, lizards. I just came home from a Anti-Socialism Tea Party. Didn't see any Ron Paul folks.

167 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:11:10pm

re: #158 Charles


168 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:11:18pm


169 Abu Al-Poopypants  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:11:19pm

I took my wife to a Barry Manilow concert last year.

I picked her up when it was over, too!

170 BenghaziHoops  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:11:40pm

re: #158 Charles

And there never will be.

Years ago..I saw a comic on TV..Who knows who the heck he was..
He said: What kind of world do we live in? They will shoot John Lennon but let Barry Manilow live?

171 3 wood  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:12:16pm

re: #142 quickjustice

G-d forbid the Chrysler secured bondholders should ask to be treated fairly by President Obama and his Treasury Department. If they weren't secured, Treasury would have rolled them for sure. Now it's up to the courts, which Obama hasn't yet flipped. Give him time.

Not to be lost in all this was the fact that the Cramdown bill was attempted and fortunately defeated. The bill would have allowed a judge to throw out all existing contracts and law and reset mortgage amounts and rates at their whim.

You would have seen mortgage rates go up to 15% or 20% cause banks would have had to discount in the risk, much like they do with credit cards now.

That would have been a great transfer of wealth from the financial sector to the working poor. Go get a mortgage, then run to court and have a judge reduce the amount you owe.

172 sonofsheldon  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:12:32pm

re: #128 Abu Al-Poopypants

Feldman was later in Pere Ubu, which I could never get into. Bruce Fowler went back to Zappa and then into film workYep, which reminds me I have to pick these up.

Wow, Feldman must have craved obscurity. I liked the first couple of Pere Ubu albums a lot. And like a lot of the other aficionados on this thread, I still have them and Beefheart on vinyl.

When I saw Pere Ubu, David Thomas was watching a little TV during the show. I still enjoyed them, which speaks either to their talent or my lack of discrimination.

I'm also noticing that I don't get out nearly as often as I did in those days.

173 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:12:34pm

re: #170 HoosierHoops

Dennis Leary.

174 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:12:40pm

re: #155 MandyManners

I hope Mr. Beaumont is resting now.

Stinky is getting so much practice at cleaning up meltdowns, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is going to hire him as a consultant. Charles will be looking for a new right hand man by Christmas.

175 formercorpsman  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:12:58pm

re: #161 formercorpsman

Sorry. When I first met my wife, we went to Myrtle Beach from Delaware. We drove.

Needless to say, she only had Air Supply's greatest hits, the Baby's, and Tiffany on cassette tape.

Add to that, I got food poisoning in Virginia after eating chicken at a Roy Roger's restaurant, I should have ran from the relationship right then & there.

176 3 wood  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:13:36pm

The wife wants to snuggle on the couch.


177 Bloodnok  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:14:06pm

re: #175 formercorpsman

Sorry. When I first met my wife, we went to Myrtle Beach from Delaware. We drove.

Needless to say, she only had Air Supply's greatest hits, the Baby's, and Tiffany on cassette tape.

Add to that, I got food poisoning in Virginia after eating chicken at a Roy Roger's restaurant, I should have ran from the relationship right then & there.

It wasn't the chicken....

178 jaunte  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:14:30pm

re: #176 3 wood

Thanks 3 wood, for articulating so clearly what's going on.

179 BenghaziHoops  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:14:38pm

re: #173 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Dennis Leary.

Hiya Veggie...

180 stevieray  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:14:45pm

re: #146 Charles

Oh man. In about an hour I'm going to post a depressing article from the OC Weekly about a convicted con man who's been feeding the FBI stories about terrorist plots in Orange County mosques.

Meltdown time.

Did any of his "fables" reach the media/news/blogs? Or did the FBI keep it all in house while they were checking them out?

181 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:16:07pm

re: #161 formercorpsman

Air Supply?

Four words:

Cristina Agui Fucking Lera!


182 sonofsheldon  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:16:11pm

re: #138 albusteve

seen many gigs at the Ark...old and new

It's been many years since I've been to the Ark. I've been to the Kerrytown Concert House more recently.

183 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:16:35pm

re: #176 3 wood

The wife wants to snuggle on the couch.


Just to be clear: You mean YOUR wife, right?

184 formercorpsman  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:16:48pm

re: #177 Bloodnok

Brutal in every sense of the word.

I wish Obama would investigate that technique.

185 formercorpsman  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:17:17pm

re: #181 Occasional Reader

Dirrty, or cleaned up?

186 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:17:22pm

re: #127 3 wood

Yep, what you see was a major attempt at income redistribution from the bondholders to the union and the government owned banks.

Actually, you have to give them credit for being so creative about it. You also have to take into account that the bond holders were primary creditors (first in line to get paid back, and the union and banks were secondary creditors (farther down the food chain to get paid back).

The message this sends to the market is do not even think of trying to work with the government.

british leyland in the 70's...

187 Ringo the Gringo  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:18:21pm

re: #158 Charles

And there never will be.

You may eat your words one day.

188 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:18:28pm

re: #169 Abu Al-Poopypants


189 Killian Bundy  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:18:34pm

re: #139 3 wood

It depends on the bankruptcy court judge. If the judge gets intimidated by the government, it could be a tough go for the bondholders.

And then there's the appeal process. Sixty days my ass.

/under existing bankruptcy law, there's no way junior lien holders can jump in front of the senior lien holders unless the senior lien holders agree, outside of Bizarro World that is

190 abolitionist  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:19:36pm

re: #146 Charles

Oh man. In about an hour I'm going to post a depressing article from the OC Weekly about a convicted con man who's been feeding the FBI stories about terrorist plots in Orange County mosques.

Meltdown time.

Looks interesting, in the ancient chinese curse sort of way.

191 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:21:02pm

re: #134 MandyManners

In other words, f-ck capitalism?

There will be backlash.

192 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:21:05pm
193 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:21:18pm

re: #189 Killian Bundy

And then there's the appeal process. Sixty days my ass.

/under existing bankruptcy law, there's no way junior lien holders can jump in front of the senior lien holders unless the senior lien holders agree, outside of Bizarro World that is

You didn't see that sign we passed a few miles back?

Abandon All Hope, the Rules Change Daily

194 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:21:52pm

By the way, I emailed Rusty at Jawa Report and told him there was no way in the 7th circle of Dante's hell that I will ever stop exposing Spencer and Geller when they sneak off for European meetings with neo-Nazis.

I'm actually very disappointed in him for making light of what's going on here. He's still trying to sit on the fence.

195 BenghaziHoops  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:23:27pm

re: #187 Ringo the Gringo

You may eat your words one day.

Barry Manilow singing with Van Halen in Vegas...
Running with the Devil
/I'm so sorry...I have extra music brain bleach available

196 Onslow  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:23:45pm

Cristina Agui Fucking Lera!

197 nines09  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:24:21pm

Wish to know frustration? Try to tune your guitar to Trout Mask Replica and be 18 with a cheap Japanese guitar that you borrowed from a friend of a friend, and have nothing else to go on but a lame ass beat up God knows who put this in their mouth tuner? Try to figure out just what he's saying? Right. They rang my bell for who they be. Thanks Charles!

198 Ringo the Gringo  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:24:52pm

The wife has gone out with my daughter to some party....looks like olives, crackers and goat cheese for me to night.

And Bix Biederbeck.

199 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:25:07pm

re: #197 nines09

Wish to know frustration? Try to tune your guitar to Trout Mask Replica and be 18 with a cheap Japanese guitar that you borrowed from a friend of a friend, and have nothing else to go on but a lame ass beat up God knows who put this in their mouth tuner? Try to figure out just what he's saying? Right. They rang my bell for who they be. Thanks Charles!

Your first mistake was trying to tune your guitar.

200 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:25:42pm

From the Bible, New International Version (NIV)
Proverbs, Chapter 6, verses 16-19

"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him:
Haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heat that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies,
and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

201 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:25:42pm

re: #195 HoosierHoops

that aint right.

202 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:25:58pm

When I toured with Stanley Clarke, by the way, we tuned the old way. The piano player had to "give me an E."

203 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:26:22pm

re: #194 Charles

By the way, I emailed Rusty at Jawa Report and told him there was no way in the 7th circle of Dante's hell that I will ever stop exposing Spencer and Geller when they sneak off for European meetings with neo-Nazis.

I'm actually very disappointed in him for making light of what's going on here. He's still trying to sit on the fence.

He's still trying to talk people down from a crack-up. I believe that a crack-up is now unavoidable and the key is to bind as many people to rationality as possible.

204 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:26:28pm

re: #194 Charles

He's still trying to sit on the fence.

My dad always says you can sit on the fence if you want to, but remember that the fence is not neutral territory. It's always on one side or the other.

205 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:26:32pm

Kids today have no idea what we went through before they had electronic tuners.

206 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:27:39pm

Electronic tunas?

Well, now I've heard everything.

207 FrogMarch  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:27:48pm

How stupid is Jon Stewart? How historically literate and naive is Jon Stewart?

Click here and find out.

208 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:28:14pm

re: #200 NelsFree

From the Bible, New International Version (NIV)
Proverbs, Chapter 6, verses 16-19

"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him:
Haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heat that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies,
and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

Obama's seven for seven, we have a WINNAH!

209 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:28:15pm

re: #191 NelsFree

There will be backlash.

Bond holders have longer-lasting torches and sharper pitch-forks.

210 jaunte  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:29:37pm

re: #208 SteveC

sorry, inadvertent clickage

211 BenghaziHoops  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:29:56pm

re: #202 Charles

When I toured with Stanley Clarke, by the way, we tuned the old way. The piano player had to "give me an E."

Wow..just fucking wow..
To tell you the truth lizards..If Stanley ask me what time it was..I'd faint..
Honest to g.d..

212 big steve  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:30:25pm

has anyone read "The Shack"? Thoughts?

213 Van Helsing  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:30:49pm

Souter is retiring.

Anyone elses' sphincter clenching with anticipation regarding who the commie-in-chief will nominate? Remember the radio interviews from 2000(?) that Charles had here. I've got good reason to call him commie-in-chief. Social and economic justice - I don't see those things in my copy of the Constitution, but that won't stop Obama.

214 Abu Al-Poopypants  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:30:54pm

What if Barry Manilow became a pro-Creationism member of Vlaams Belang and guest blogger on Atlas Shrugged?


215 big steve  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:31:36pm

re: #214 Abu Al-Poopypants

What if Barry Manilow became a pro-Creationism member of Vlaams Belang and guest blogger on Atlas Shrugged?


and met them all on the Copacabana!

216 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:32:31pm

re: #215 big steve

and met them all on the Copacabana!

copa, copacabana...the hotest spot north of havana!

really ducks...

217 rain of lead  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:32:41pm

re: #205 Charles

Kids today have no idea what we went through before they had electronic tuners.

ya know you are getting old when you start a sentance with the phrase
"kids today"

/ducks and runs

218 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:33:02pm

re: #209 MandyManners

Bond holders have longer-lasting torches and sharper pitch-forks.

If we support them, they do. The bond holders will need support, and their cause is a good one for us. Weather its Sean Hannity or Charles Johnson, we can produce a simple message and repeat it:

We support and defend the Rule of Lay. Barack Hussein Obama seeks its destruction. Stand with us: For freedom, against Obama.

219 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:33:16pm

re: #198 Ringo the Gringo

The wife has gone out with my daughter to some party....looks like olives, crackers and goat cheese for me to night.

And Bix Biederbeck.

I've loaded the dishwasher after the little dinner party at which I served spinach-and-bacon quicke, croissants, melon balls, a honking-huge salad of romaine, celery, cucumbers and grape tomatoes, little bowls of grape tomatoes and desert of fresh, sliced strawberries with a light dusting of sugar.

220 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:33:41pm

re: #216 coldwarrior

copa, copacabana...the hotest spot north of havana!

really ducks...

Tosses grenade...

221 avanti  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:33:43pm

Another bashing the vets report, this one from the FBI under in 2008./s

"White Supremacist Recruitment of Military Personnel Since 9/11."

"Several white supremacist extremist groups, including the Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations, adhere to Christian Identity teachings, which anticipate the end of the world and the Second Coming of Christ based upon idiosyncratic interpretations of the Bible. One interpretation anticipates God will use the chosen race (white Christians) as a divine weapon against the forces of evil (nonwhites and Jews) in a purifying race war preliminary to Christ's establishing God's kingdom on earth."


222 Throbert McGee  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:33:44pm

re: #181 Occasional Reader

Four words:

Cristina Agui Fucking Lera!


Top your ice cream with some candy, man:

223 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:34:12pm

re: #214 Abu Al-Poopypants

What if Barry Manilow became a pro-Creationism member of Vlaams Belang and guest blogger on Atlas Shrugged?


I would still ignore him. There are some things I just won't do.

224 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:34:49pm

re: #217 rain of lead

ya know you are getting old when you start a sentance with the phrase
"kids today"

/ducks and runs

It's irony. Irony, I say.

225 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:34:50pm

re: #220 Dark_Falcon

Tosses grenade...


that damn song is stuck in yer head tho!

226 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:35:10pm

re: #215 big steve

and met them all on the Copacabana!

Maybe Tony wouldn't take a bullet for Lola?

227 nines09  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:35:16pm

or a decent turntable.re: #205 Charles

228 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:35:42pm

re: #209 MandyManners

Bond holders have longer-lasting torches and sharper pitch-forks.

Bond holders can afford premium quality pitch for their torches, and superior smelting techniques for the tines of their pitchforks.
/what did I just write?

229 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:36:00pm

re: #224 Charles

It's irony. Irony, I say.

it aint irony.

its age.

230 Ringo the Gringo  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:36:10pm

re: #202 Charles

When I toured with Stanley Clarke, by the way, we tuned the old way. The piano player had to "give me an E."

And that was before "give me an E" referred to a tab of Ecstasy.

231 rain of lead  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:36:13pm

re: #224 Charles

"that's my story and by god I am sticking to it"

232 albusteve  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:36:38pm

re: #223 Charles

I would still ignore him. There are some things I just won't do.

I hope he's reading this..."you did it to yourself, Barry"...and lose the moustache!

233 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:36:57pm

re: #228 NelsFree

Bond holders can afford premium quality pitch for their torches, and superior smelting techniques for the tines of their pitchforks.
/what did I just write?

You wrote a literal response to a figurative statement.

234 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:37:08pm

re: #230 Ringo the Gringo

And that was before "give me an E" referred to a tab of Ecstasy.

And you'd better not ask for a B.

235 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:37:28pm

re: #218 Dark_Falcon

We support and defend the Rule of Lay. Barack Hussein Obama seeks its destruction. Stand with us: For freedom, against Obama.

I'll stand erect for the Rule of Lay!

236 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:37:53pm

re: #235 SteveC

I'll stand erect for the Rule of Lay!


237 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:38:05pm

re: #235 SteveC


238 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:38:11pm

we can produce a simple message and repeat it:

We support and defend the Rule of Lay.

Perhaps you meant, "we can reproduce a simple message..."?

239 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:38:12pm

re: #231 rain of lead

"that's my story and by god I am sticking to it"

RoL ... where is momcat? ... I emailed ...

240 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:38:34pm

re: #213 Van Helsing

Souter is retiring.

Anyone elses' sphincter clenching with anticipation regarding who the commie-in-chief will nominate? Remember the radio interviews from 2000(?) that Charles had here. I've got good reason to call him commie-in-chief. Social and economic justice - I don't see those things in my copy of the Constitution, but that won't stop Obama.

I have a link to one interview but I cannot find it. I remember it had some very anti-constitutional content.

241 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:38:52pm

re: #236 Dark_Falcon


OUCH! *Bends over at the waist and hobbles off*

242 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:39:06pm

re: #214 Abu Al-Poopypants

What if Barry Manilow became a pro-Creationism member of Vlaams Belang and guest blogger on Atlas Shrugged?


You just bruised my brain.

243 Guanxi88  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:39:59pm

re: #225 coldwarrior


that damn song is stuck in yer head tho!

The Jukebox from Hell inside my skull will, on the inevitable day when I finally lose my tenuous grasp on reality, offer the following tunes as the Soundtrack to My Madness:

Rock Lobster - B-52's
Genius of Love - Tom-Tom Club (Live version, from "Stop Making Sense"; all other versions fail)

These two, on their on, would certainly serve to perfectly complement any acts committed as I run amok in my wool breech-clout, painted blue, and wearing one combat boot and one orange flip-flop, albeit on the wrong feet.

Anyone else have such a list?

244 WhiteRasta  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:40:21pm

re: #213 Van Helsing

At least he won't be appointing the Hildebeest.......

245 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:40:27pm

its the 70's all over again.

swine flu, an idiot in the whitehouse, economic problems and soon, a good dose of inflation.

who is gonna be the reagan that ends this?

246 formercorpsman  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:40:39pm

Alright, I am going to ask another one if anyone wishes to suffer me.

I have noticed younger kids asking either about, requesting, or listening to the "Final Countdown" from Europe.

My 10 year old was trying to look it up on Youtube.

Am I missing something?

247 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:40:47pm

re: #233 Dark_Falcon

You wrote a literal response to a figurative statement.

Well, that figures. Literally.

248 Throbert McGee  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:41:02pm

re: #219 MandyManners

I've loaded the dishwasher after the little dinner party at which I served spinach-and-bacon quicke

Is that when you make it with the Bisquik "Impossible Pie" recipe?

I've done "bisquiches" that way for years -- mix cubed cheese, spinach, onions, bacon, ham, etc. in a pie tin without a crust, then add some Bisquik (or other powdered biscuit mix, like Jiffy or whatever) to the egg-and-milk/cream mixture.

Say tray bone!

249 BenghaziHoops  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:41:21pm

re: #224 Charles

It's irony. Irony, I say.

We had a band in high school..all of us really pretty much sucked but we could sing pretty good..and could play 3 chords and a bridge..
But we needed a angle to be cool in school..
So we called our band the Hydraulic Banana and after weeks of contemplation I named myself.. Billy Ray Missile.. The coolest name for a guitarist in the world..To this day..Nobody beats that name..LOL
Now..those were the days my friend...

250 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:41:26pm

re: #243 Guanxi88

The Jukebox from Hell inside my skull will, on the inevitable day when I finally lose my tenuous grasp on reality, offer the following tunes as the Soundtrack to My Madness:

Rock Lobster - B-52's
Genius of Love - Tom-Tom Club (Live version, from "Stop Making Sense"; all other versions fail)

These two, on their on, would certainly serve to perfectly complement any acts committed as I run amok in my wool breech-clout, painted blue, and wearing one combat boot and one orange flip-flop, albeit on the wrong feet.

Anyone else have such a list?

G88 .. um ... no ... but don't bogart ... pass it over here ... no friggin hotboxing either ...

251 Noam Sayin'  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:41:34pm

I always liked that running gag on the Tonight Show when a guest was about to sing a little tune. Johnny would ask Doc Severinsen or Tommy Newsom, "Can we get an 'A'?"

The whole band would stand up and sing, "A-A-A-A!"

252 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:41:38pm

re: #218 Dark_Falcon

If we support them, they do. The bond holders will need support, and their cause is a good one for us. Weather its Sean Hannity or Charles Johnson, we can produce a simple message and repeat it:

We support and defend the Rule of Lay. Barack Hussein Obama seeks its destruction. Stand with us: For freedom, against Obama.

Good for you for understanding that if the wealthy get trampled, so will the rest.

253 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:42:12pm

re: #225 coldwarrior

that damn song is stuck in yer head tho!

I walked into a restroom today and a father was teaching his young son how to properly wash his hands. Most people say "scrub 'em for as long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday".

They were using "Camptown Races." Now I can't get that song out of my head, Doo-Dah, Doo-Dah!

254 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:42:38pm

re: #228 NelsFree

Bond holders can afford premium quality pitch for their torches, and superior smelting techniques for the tines of their pitchforks.
/what did I just write?

The truth.

255 Guanxi88  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:42:46pm

re: #250 JacksonTn

G88 .. um ... no ... but don't bogart ... pass it over here ... no friggin hotboxing either ...

Ah, ask some of the folks here about my allergy/sinus/antiviral TCM formula. ya snorts it.


256 rain of lead  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:42:50pm

re: #239 JacksonTn

just checked and got nuthin
momcat is watching numbers, I'm upstairs in my mancave (?)
she will be back on later
I'll try another email

257 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:42:54pm

re: #245 coldwarrior

its the 70's all over again.

swine flu, an idiot in the whitehouse, economic problems and soon, a good dose of inflation.

who is gonna be the reagan that ends this?

Ron Paul.


258 big steve  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:43:40pm

re: #244 WhiteRasta

At least he won't be appointing the Hildebeest.......

Don't be so sure......Obama loves the Lincoln cabinet thing and Lincoln nominated his secretary of the treasury to the Supreme Court to encourage him to not run in the 1864 election.

259 wrenchwench  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:43:41pm

re: #194 Charles

By the way, I emailed Rusty at Jawa Report and told him there was no way in the 7th circle of Dante's hell that I will ever stop exposing Spencer and Geller when they sneak off for European meetings with neo-Nazis.

I'm actually very disappointed in him for making light of what's going on here. He's still trying to sit on the fence.

I just read his most recent, very wordy update. This is the nut, I think:

Not that CJ has ever directly called Robert Spencer a fascist, but I'm not comfortable with the guilt-by-association accusations either. Robert Spencer may be a lot of things, but his views on liberty don't seem too much different than my own. I've honestly avoided the subject because I have such deep admiration for both CJ and Robert.

Rusty is avoiding "taking sides" between two people he likes and admires. So he has left himself uninformed. That's the only description for someone who still thinks it's about "guilt by association." Looks to me like if Rusty took a hard look at all the facts, he could not keep avoiding the emotionally difficult answer.

260 Noam Sayin'  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:43:57pm

Favorite band name? A ska band from Nebraska called, Urethra Franklin.

261 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:44:12pm

re: #235 SteveC

I'll stand erect for the Rule of Lay!

Well, it's a free country, so you're Frito Lay.

262 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:44:13pm

re: #243 Guanxi88

yep, and its too horible to list here...

the madness starts with "hey mickey"....i'll stop now :)

263 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:44:51pm

re: #257 Occasional Reader

Ron Paul.


Kill it! Kill it with FIRE!

264 LGoPs  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:44:58pm

re: #245 coldwarrior

its the 70's all over again.

swine flu, an idiot in the whitehouse, economic problems and soon, a good dose of inflation.

who is gonna be the reagan that ends this?

Her name shall be Sarah.

265 LGoPs  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:45:34pm

re: #261 Occasional Reader

Well, it's a free country, so you're Frito Lay.

that was corny.....

266 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:45:40pm

re: #260 Noam Sayin'

Favorite band name? A ska band from Nebraska called, Urethra Franklin.

College band named the Groove Diggers.

267 Van Helsing  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:46:09pm

re: #248 Throbert McGee

Impossible pies are just plain tasty. My kids loved 'em and it was something I could toss together quickly.

268 BenghaziHoops  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:46:13pm

re: #265 LGoPs

that was corny.....

Chip off the old block..

269 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:46:17pm

re: #261 Occasional Reader

Well, it's a free country, so you're Frito Lay.

You got a pretty big chip on your shoulder to be sayin' such stuff! :)

270 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:46:43pm

re: #219 MandyManners

I've loaded the dishwasher after the little dinner party at which I served spinach-and-bacon quicke, .

You know, if my Wife served me a quicky tonight, I'd load the dishwasher, and anything else she'd want loaded.
*Hiding under desk*

271 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:46:47pm

re: #265 LGoPs

that was corny.....

You've got quite a chip on your shoulder, don't you?

272 Sabnen  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:46:51pm

I think he was trying to make a video worthy of being on MTV in those early days.

Just not weird enough . . . which is actually hard to believe because they played just about anything.

273 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:46:57pm

re: #264 LGoPs

Her name shall be Sarah.

274 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:47:03pm

re: #248 Throbert McGee

Is that when you make it with the Bisquik "Impossible Pie" recipe?

I've done "bisquiches" that way for years -- mix cubed cheese, spinach, onions, bacon, ham, etc. in a pie tin without a crust, then add some Bisquik (or other powdered biscuit mix, like Jiffy or whatever) to the egg-and-milk/cream mixture.

Say tray bone!

GAH! My brain is more attuned to the "ck" combination than that of "ch".

The only short-cut I took was in buying a pie shell instead of making one. My pastry skills are not consistent. Other than spinach and bacon, I had onions, 1/2-and-1/2, sour cream, parmesan, mozzarella, pepper, white pepper and nutmeg.

275 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:47:04pm

re: #269 SteveC


276 Alberta Oil Peon  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:47:21pm

re: #260 Noam Sayin'

Favorite band name? A ska band from Nebraska called, Urethra Franklin.

Sound like just the outfit to hire for a big piss-up.

277 Kronocide  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:47:25pm

re: #260 Noam Sayin'

I'm partial to Flesh Weapons.

BTW, this may be the only LGFin I do this weekend since I have a ball buster side project sure to run Saturday and Sunday.

278 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:47:30pm

re: #251 Noam Sayin'

I always liked that running gag on the Tonight Show when a guest was about to sing a little tune. Johnny would ask Doc Severinsen or Tommy Newsom, "Can we get an 'A'?"

The whole band would stand up and sing, "A-A-A-A!"

Good times.

279 Guanxi88  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:47:43pm

re: #262 coldwarrior

yep, and its too horible to list here...

the madness starts with "hey mickey"....i'll stop now :)

I find it helps to talk about it.

Hey Mickey's not a bad one; may I suggest Kylie Minogue, for easily one of the worst, most maddeningly synthetic and mentally adherent pop tunes:

For that one alone, I'd be willing to let Australia sink.

280 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:47:58pm

re: #269 SteveC

You got a pretty big chip on your shoulder to be sayin' such stuff! :)

re: #271 Occasional Reader

You've got quite a chip on your shoulder, don't you?

Great minds, great minds!

281 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:48:09pm

re: #269 SteveC

You got a pretty big chip on your shoulder to be sayin' such stuff! :)

I'm not going to dip into this pun thread...

282 Abu Al-Poopypants  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:48:13pm

re: #264 LGoPs

Her name shall be Sarah.

Oh, it would be so great, even if I didn't like her, just to stick it to all the smug Palin-deranged hopey-changey Cambridge types that I work with.

283 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:48:17pm

re: #218 Dark_Falcon

We support and defend the Rule of Law. Barack Hussein Obama seeks its destruction. Stand with us: For freedom, against Obama.


284 LGoPs  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:48:54pm

re: #271 Occasional Reader

You've got quite a chip on your shoulder, don't you?

Stop yer gripin' fer crisp's sake.......

285 Guanxi88  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:49:01pm

re: #266 SteveC

College band named the Groove Diggers.

Punk Tejano group I know - dress like zombie mariachis. name?

Victor Salazar and the Cool Arrows.

Anyone knows spanish gets the joke.

286 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:49:08pm

re: #279 Guanxi88

oh yeah...thats irritating!

287 Noam Sayin'  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:49:32pm

re: #266 SteveC

Ooh, I like that one.

288 Killgore Trout  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:50:15pm

Still no update from Ed on the DHS memo, I think we can assume there won't be one. Michelle Malkin's readers are going to get some visits from the Secret Service. Allah Pundit just linked to an article about how the right need to go more crazy because it will be good or something.
The Right wing blogosphere is dead, folks. Game over.

289 Guanxi88  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:50:16pm

re: #286 coldwarrior

oh yeah...thats irritating!

Sends me into a blind rage every time I hear it.

290 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:50:22pm

re: #285 Guanxi88

nope, no spanish....some russian, some german...some latin....

291 Noam Sayin'  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:50:37pm

re: #278 MandyManners

Hi, punkin!


292 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:50:47pm

re: #289 Guanxi88

Sends me into a blind rage every time I hear it.

yep, rage.

293 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:50:49pm

re: #284 LGoPs

Stop yer gripin' fer crisp's sake.......

That's nacho business; don't get me cheesed.

294 Killgore Trout  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:51:16pm

re: #288 Killgore Trout
If anyone cares about Miss Malkin's blog I suggest you send her an email requesting some serious cleanup of the DHS thread.

295 Guanxi88  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:51:32pm

re: #290 coldwarrior

nope, no spanish....some russian, some german...some latin....

Culero is Spanish slang for the rectal orifice.

296 Kronocide  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:51:32pm

re: #288 Killgore Trout

Michelle Malkin's readers are going to get some visits from the Secret Service.


297 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:51:33pm

re: #293 Occasional Reader

That's nacho business; don't get me cheesed.

hey man, thats nacho cheese!

298 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:51:47pm

re: #285 Guanxi88

Punk Tejano group I know - dress like zombie mariachis. name?

Victor Salazar and the Cool Arrows.

Anyone knows spanish gets the joke.

Yo, like, totally hablo the espanhol, and, like, yo get it.

299 Killian Bundy  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:51:48pm

re: #288 Killgore Trout

Michelle Malkin's readers are going to get some visits from the Secret Service.


300 LGoPs  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:51:53pm

re: #293 Occasional Reader

That's nacho business; don't get me cheesed.

Don't you give me no salsa young man.......

301 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:51:59pm

re: #259 wrenchwench

Rusty is avoiding "taking sides" between two people he likes and admires. So he has left himself uninformed. That's the only description for someone who still thinks it's about "guilt by association." Looks to me like if Rusty took a hard look at all the facts, he could not keep avoiding the emotionally difficult answer.

That's pretty accurate, I think. But I no longer expect any right wing bloggers to do the right thing, no matter how many neo-Nazis come out of the closet. They're all too afraid of rocking the boat and losing readers.

And that's a very sad commentary on what's become of the "right wing" blogosphere.

302 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:52:15pm

re: #293 Occasional Reader

That's nacho business; don't get me cheesed.

We'll haul your arse downtown and give you quite a grilling!

303 Throbert McGee  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:52:19pm

re: #230 Ringo the Gringo

And that was before "give me an E" referred to a tab of Ecstasy.

What a simple life it must've been --
When smoke meant Luckies
And high was gin
One "Pink Lady" and how it turned 'em on!
Junk meant trash, and speed was swift,
And glue was pasted instead of sniffed...

(Re-posted from an overnight thread a couple days ago... Bea Arthur and Rock Hudson doing a lighthearted showtune about recreational drugs, on network TV, in 1980.)

304 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:52:38pm

re: #291 Noam Sayin'

Hi, punkin!


Hiya', darlin'.


305 stevieray  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:52:40pm

re: #266 SteveC

College band named the Groove Diggers.

In the unlikely event that I get a band together, I'm gonna name it "The Three Chord Sloths".

306 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:52:48pm

re: #297 coldwarrior

hey man, thats nacho cheese!

Sorry if my post Ruffles anyone's feathers.

307 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:52:52pm

re: #295 Guanxi88

Culero is Spanish slang for the rectal orifice.

now thats funny.

i like the zombie mariachi schtik...i might do that for halloween

308 Guanxi88  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:53:26pm

re: #292 coldwarrior

yep, rage.

On the other hand, the work of Prodigy can send me into a different rage, a good one.

Firestarter, of course.

For bizarre and from the same period, let me suggest Shamen.

309 Kronocide  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:53:45pm

re: #301 Charles

And that's a very sad commentary on what's become of the "right wing" blogosphere.

WTF is happening to us here? It's OK for the left to go nuts, but we can't. I suppose we have to be the adults. But I lament, thought I know it to be true...

310 LGoPs  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:54:05pm

I've just discovered that snack puns suck......

311 Noam Sayin'  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:54:14pm

re: #304 MandyManners


312 Killian Bundy  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:54:40pm

re: #294 Killgore Trout

If anyone cares about Miss Malkin's blog I suggest you send her an email requesting some serious cleanup of the DHS thread.

Why do you care, are you trying to protect her from something?

/don't you want to see her crash and burn?

313 Killgore Trout  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:54:41pm

re: #299 Killian Bundy

Read the comments on her DHS thread. It's the exact kinda stuff the DHS memos are warning local law enforcement about. I guess it's a self fulfilling prophecy. I don't know for certain but some of those comments might raise a few eyebrows. It's mostly internet bravado, probably none of it serious.

314 wrenchwench  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:54:45pm

re: #301 Charles

That's pretty accurate, I think. But I no longer expect any right wing bloggers to do the right thing, no matter how many neo-Nazis come out of the closet. They're all too afraid of rocking the boat and losing readers.

And that's a very sad commentary on what's become of the "right wing" blogosphere.

Just like the MSM. All about the eyeballs and the dollars.

315 Guanxi88  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:54:52pm

By popular request, the Shamen, Ebeneezer Goode:

316 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:55:07pm

re: #295 Guanxi88

Culero is Spanish slang for the rectal orifice.

Actually... "culo" is slang for that term.

"Culero" is slang for, um, one who has sexual relations with that orifice.

317 quickjustice  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:55:23pm

re: #99 MandyManners

Hey, Mandy-- as a bankruptcy lawyer, I can tell you that it's illegal. The only way Treasury can roll the bondholders is to get "superpriority" treatment for their post-petition financing from the bankruptcy judge. That's probably next on their list-- squeeze out the holdouts by loaning Chrysler a lot more money that "primes", i.e., supersedes, the bondholders' secured positions. If I were the bondholders, I'd litigate this to the U.S. Supreme Court.

318 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:55:25pm

re: #308 Guanxi88

On the other hand, the work of Prodigy can send me into a different rage, a good one.

Firestarter, of course.

For bizarre and from the same period, let me suggest Shamen.

i prefer rammstein myself...it makes for a good rage.

319 LGoPs  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:55:37pm

re: #306 Occasional Reader

Sorry if my post Ruffles anyone's feathers.

Twisting myself into a pretzel trying to find a comeback for that one......

320 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:55:39pm

re: #311 Noam Sayin'



321 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:55:42pm

re: #309 BigPapa

It's OK for the left to go nuts, but we can't. I suppose we have to be the adults.

Hey, somebody's gotta be the hero! Might as well be us.

322 Killgore Trout  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:55:58pm

re: #312 Killian Bundy

I couldn't care less but I figured some of you might. Just making a helpful suggestion. If I cared I'd email her myself.

323 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:56:29pm

re: #310 LGoPs

I've just discovered that snack puns suck......

Are you kidding? With all these snack food puns, like Chris Matthews, I feel a pringle running down my leg.

324 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:57:00pm

re: #316 Occasional Reader

Actually... "culo" is slang for that term.

"Culero" is slang for, um, one who has sexual relations with that orifice.

re: #316 Occasional Reader

Actually... "culo" is slang for that term.

"Culero" is slang for, um, one who has sexual relations with that orifice.

thats even funnier!

325 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:57:10pm

re: #316 Occasional Reader

Actually... "culo" is slang for that term.

"Culero" is slang for, um, one who has sexual relations with that orifice.

Well, now.

326 Van Helsing  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:57:45pm

re: #323 Occasional Reader

Are you kidding? With all these snack food puns, like Chris Matthews, I feel a pringle running down my leg.

You're all crackers!
Cheeze whiz, knock it off.

327 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:57:55pm

re: #301 Charles

That's pretty accurate, I think. But I no longer expect any right wing bloggers to do the right thing, no matter how many neo-Nazis come out of the closet. They're all too afraid of rocking the boat and losing readers.

And that's a very sad commentary on what's become of the "right wing" blogosphere.

It's the nature of humanity, Charles. Most people will go-along to get-along, and will do what they must to fit in. It's a survival trait: Standing up and speaking out is usually not rewarded. Normally it's punished with ostracism at the least.

328 Killian Bundy  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:58:08pm

re: #313 Killgore Trout

Read the comments on her DHS thread. It's the exact kinda stuff the DHS memos are warning local law enforcement about. I guess it's a self fulfilling prophecy. I don't know for certain but some of those comments might raise a few eyebrows. It's mostly internet bravado, probably none of it serious.

/drop a dime or a quarter, or something

329 LGoPs  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:58:16pm

re: #323 Occasional Reader

Are you kidding? With all these snack food puns, like Chris Matthews, I feel a pringle running down my leg.

Matthews is nuts......

330 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:58:47pm

re: #326 Van Helsing

You're all crackers!

You thing you're puttin' on the Ritz with that post? All I see is vulgar, saltine humor.

331 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:59:01pm

re: #320 MandyManners


Perhaps you two should get ahold of yourselves...
Wait, that's not what I meant...!

332 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:59:11pm

re: #317 quickjustice

Hey, Mandy-- as a bankruptcy lawyer, I can tell you that it's illegal. The only way Treasury can roll the bondholders is to get "superpriority" treatment for their post-petition financing from the bankruptcy judge. That's probably next on their list-- squeeze out the holdouts by loaning Chrysler a lot more money that "primes", i.e., supersedes, the bondholders' secured positions. If I were the bondholders, I'd litigate this to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Bankruptcy class in paralegal school is a bit of a distant memory but, I remember enough to know that fucking with the established order of who is at the front of the line is contrary to law.

333 Killgore Trout  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:59:19pm

re: #328 Killian Bundy

You don't care and I don't care. There's no need to argue, we agree.

334 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:59:27pm

re: #325 MandyManners

Well, now.

Hey, I report, you decide.

335 sleepyone  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:59:28pm

The Rays have once again trounced the Red Sox and I sit here in tears (well, close to tears). Come on Boston, get your mojo back.

336 Clutch  Fri, May 1, 2009 7:59:55pm

What flame warrior are you (or some of the other posters / anti-LGF'r's that fling their poo at this blog)? Enjoy!

337 quickjustice  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:00:05pm

re: #171 3 wood

I've used cramdown in a different context. It's illegal in the context of residential first mortgages. The rule is that the court can't write the debt down below the value of the collateral. The court can write the debt down to the value of the collateral, however, and treat the balance of the debt as unsecured.

338 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:00:13pm

re: #323 Occasional Reader

Are you kidding? With all these snack food puns, like Chris Matthews, I feel a pringle running down my leg.

I'd say something about salted nuts but, I won't.

339 LGoPs  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:00:15pm

re: #323 Occasional Reader

Are you kidding? With all these snack food puns, like Chris Matthews, I feel a pringle running down my leg.

These puns are getting too esoteric. I need help. Where's that lizard cashew_obfuscation.......?

340 Van Helsing  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:00:41pm

re: #332 MandyManners

Bankruptcy class in paralegal school is a bit of a distant memory but, I remember enough to know that fucking with the established order of who is at the front of the line is contrary to law.

If I thought Obama had the least respect for law I wouldn't call him a commie rat bastard.

He doesn't, so I do.

341 BenghaziHoops  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:01:23pm

re: #326 Van Helsing

You're all crackers!
Cheeze whiz, knock it off.

It started as a party mix..But it all went nuts..First the fruits..then the spread..

342 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:01:27pm

re: #339 LGoPs

These puns are getting too esoteric. I need help. Where's that lizard cashew_obfuscation.......?

He hit the trail. Mix with us here, why doncha.

343 NelsFree  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:01:31pm

Gone for the night. If you hear any howling, it's not me.

344 Van Helsing  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:01:40pm

re: #339 LGoPs

These puns are getting too esoteric. I need help. Where's that lizard cashew_obfuscation.......?

Cashew? Bless you!

345 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:02:11pm

re: #338 MandyManners

I'd say something about salted nuts but, I won't.

Leave it to Mandy to Plant'er salted nut puns in this thread.

346 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:02:25pm

re: #327 Dark_Falcon

It's the nature of humanity, Charles. Most people will go-along to get-along, and will do what they must to fit in. It's a survival trait: Standing up and speaking out is usually not rewarded. Normally it's punished with ostracism at the least.

It's not in Charles' case. Who needs the approval of the likes of Robert and Pamela?

347 SteveC  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:02:33pm

re: #340 Van Helsing

If I thought Obama had the least respect for law I wouldn't call him a commie rat bastard.

He doesn't, so I do.

The rats of the world claim no kin with him.

348 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:03:05pm

re: #331 NelsFree

Perhaps you two should get ahold of yourselves...
Wait, that's not what I meant...!


349 Killian Bundy  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:03:11pm

re: #322 Killgore Trout

I couldn't care less but I figured some of you might. Just making a helpful suggestion. If I cared I'd email her myself.

I just don't understand why you, as whatever you are, keep trying to "correct" the "Republicans". They couldn't care less what you think either.

/there is the other side, shouldn't you just root for it?

350 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:03:37pm

re: #334 Occasional Reader

Hey, I report, you decide.

Or, I run and hide.

351 [deleted]  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:04:00pm
352 Abu Al-Poopypants  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:04:28pm

re: #323 Occasional Reader

Are you kidding? With all these snack food puns, like Chris Matthews, I feel a pringle running down my leg.

I'd feel pretty crummy if that happened to me.

353 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:04:37pm

re: #340 Van Helsing

If I thought Obama had the least respect for law I wouldn't call him a commie rat bastard.

He doesn't, so I do.

Well, I don't even call him "Obama" and I haven't for quite some time. To me, he will always be FCBBHO.

354 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:05:30pm

re: #345 Occasional Reader

Leave it to Mandy to Plant'er salted nut puns in this thread.

I doff my top hat to you whilst I shake my cane at you.

355 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:05:35pm

re: #351 momcat

Hello jackson Tennessee

momcat ... hey ... did you know your avatar cat looks like it is wearing a Mardi Gras mask? ...

356 Van Helsing  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:05:50pm

re: #353 MandyManners

Well, I don't even call him "Obama" and I haven't for quite some time. To me, he will always be FCBBHO.

I don't want to infringe on your acronym, as fine as it is.
Hmm... lessee...
Would that be OK?

357 Van Helsing  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:06:16pm

re: #345 Occasional Reader

Leave it to Mandy to Plant'er salted nut puns in this thread.


358 LGoPs  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:06:43pm

re: #353 MandyManners

Well, I don't even call him "Obama" and I haven't for quite some time. To me, he will always be FCBBHO.

I want his Republican opponent to barry him in 2012.

359 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:07:14pm

re: #356 Van Helsing

I don't want to infringe on your acronym, as fine as it is.
Hmm... lessee...
Would that be OK?

I'm fine with sharing FCBBHO but, your CRBBHO is nifty!

360 [deleted]  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:08:16pm
361 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:08:34pm

re: #358 LGoPs

I want his Republican opponent to barry him in 2012.

Oh, that's a good one.

362 quickjustice  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:09:23pm

re: #332 MandyManners

Priorities-- senior and junior creditors. Secured creditors are senior.

363 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:09:44pm

re: #360 momcat

Yeah,I thougat it was cool, and i am a catperson, And I do like to party on ocasion.

momcat ... sweet ... throw me something mister ... no hard Zulu coconuts ! ...

364 Killian Bundy  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:09:45pm

re: #349 Killian Bundy

I just don't understand why you, as whatever you are, keep trying to "correct" the "Republicans". They couldn't care less what you think either.

/there is the other side, shouldn't you just root for it?

/hop on the bandwagon like Arlen Specter

365 LGoPs  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:10:25pm

re: #361 MandyManners

Oh, that's a good one.

Good bumper sticker idea.....

Help Barry Obama in 2012
Vote Republican

366 Throbert McGee  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:11:30pm

re: #274 MandyManners

The only short-cut I took was in buying a pie shell instead of making one. My pastry skills are not consistent. Other than spinach and bacon, I had onions, 1/2-and-1/2, sour cream, parmesan, mozzarella, pepper, white pepper and nutmeg.

Mmm, sounds awesome. Crumbled feta is something else to try in a spinach quiche -- if you think the flavor of feta will be too sharp for the quiche, you can "cut" the feta with a mild cheese like shredded monterey jack.

367 LGoPs  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:11:37pm

re: #365 LGoPs

Good bumper sticker idea.....

Help Barry Obama in 2012
Vote Republican

better yet....
Help Us Barry Obama in 2012
Vote Republican

368 JacksonTn  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:12:59pm

is there no end to youtube? ... I swear I get lost in that site ... every type of music ...

369 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:14:11pm

re: #362 quickjustice

Priorities-- senior and junior creditors. Secured creditors are senior.

For the FCBBHO Administration to try to usurp the law in such a blatant manner worries me to no end.

370 Alberta Oil Peon  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:14:57pm

re: #366 Throbert McGee

Mmm, sounds awesome. Crumbled feta is something else to try in a spinach quiche -- if you think the flavor of feta will be too sharp for the quiche, you can "cut" the feta with a mild cheese like shredded monterey jack.

"There will be no cutting the cheese in this kitchen, young man!"


371 Bubblehead II  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:15:17pm

Time to call it a night. Mandy, keep that clue X four swinging. Charles, Thanks for verifying my suspicions on the last thread, To the Lizard Nation as a whole, Good night, Fair Winds and a Following Sea.

Untill Tomorrow.

372 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:16:09pm

re: #366 Throbert McGee

Mmm, sounds awesome. Crumbled feta is something else to try in a spinach quiche -- if you think the flavor of feta will be too sharp for the quiche, you can "cut" the feta with a mild cheese like shredded monterey jack.

I'm a little leary of feta 'cause I've allowed it to hover right above my consciousness when it comes to cooking. However, I'm looking to work with it this summer once the tomatoes start ripening!

373 MandyManners  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:16:56pm

re: #371 Bubblehead II

Sweet dreams!

374 solomonpanting  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:19:46pm

From 1964.

375 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:22:44pm

re: #374 solomonpanting

i still have a TON of reagan/bush pins from 80 and 84...i have 'em stuck in strategic places in my house. my wife made a 'jacket' for my stalin bust and he is wearing a reagan/bush 84 proudly.

376 WhiteRasta  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:23:45pm

re: #258 big steve

Lord have mercy! I hope you are soooo wrong!

377 Occasional Reader  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:24:47pm

re: #366 Throbert McGee

you can "cut" the feta

You're accusing Mandy of having "cut the feta"?

Whoever smelt it, dealt it, dude.

378 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:25:16pm

re: #349 Killian Bundy

I just don't understand why you, as whatever you are, keep trying to "correct" the "Republicans". They couldn't care less what you think either.

/there is the other side, shouldn't you just root for it?

I have no idea why you think it's a good idea to drive out people like Killgore. But just go right ahead.

379 solomonpanting  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:27:20pm

re: #375 coldwarrior

You have a Stalin bust?

380 freetoken  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:34:58pm

re: #313 Killgore Trout

Read the comments on her DHS thread.

Went over to her blog, and if you are talking about the thread that is linked at the top of the right hand stack of stuff.... then those comments are nothing compared to what I see when I check out the Beck forums, for example.

381 coldwarrior  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:37:33pm

re: #379 solomonpanting

4 of em
2 of trotsky
3 lenins
2 mao's and 2 y Dzerzhinsky's
much berlin wall, and a mao watch where he plays ping pong

they dont call me coldwarrior for nuthin.

382 Killian Bundy  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:42:37pm

re: #378 Charles

I have no idea why you think it's a good idea to drive out people like Killgore. But just go right ahead.

Killgore's a Republican?

/no driving to be done, he's clearly not interested in becoming a Republican, ask him how he would have voted, if he voted, it would have been Obama, bring Obama to the center

383 Killgore Trout  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:47:38pm
Ever since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Muslim groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the American Muslim Task force on Civil Rights and Elections have been working to provide the FBI information about potential terrorist actions on U.S. soil. But after the bureau’s relationship with Monteilh became public, both groups called for Muslim Americans to consider calling off any outreach efforts with the government.

I find that one a little hard to swallow.

384 Killgore Trout  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:48:15pm

re: #383 Killgore Trout

Oops, wrong thread.
/you stink

385 Killian Bundy  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:51:37pm

Republicans are now officially, politically in the wilderness and literally irrelevant in Washington.

/until Republicans find their way again your wasting your time, everything that happens henceforth is all solidly on the Bonkey watch now

386 freetoken  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:55:25pm

re: #385 Killian Bundy

/until Republicans find their way again your wasting your time, everything that happens henceforth is all solidly on the Bonkey watch now

You wish. Decisions have consequences, even decades after they are made. Choices that GWB and the Republicans in Congress made will have effects that continue to linger. Same could be said of WJC, GHWB, RR, etc.

387 Killian Bundy  Fri, May 1, 2009 8:58:37pm

re: #386 freetoken

You wish. Decisions have consequences, even decades after they are made. Choices that GWB and the Republicans in Congress made will have effects that continue to linger. Same could be said of WJC, GHWB, RR, etc.


388 freetoken  Fri, May 1, 2009 9:07:02pm

re: #387 Killian Bundy


389 Killian Bundy  Fri, May 1, 2009 9:10:41pm

re: #388 freetoken


/yep, watch Pakistan

390 rtw  Fri, May 1, 2009 9:16:27pm

What I want to know is, why is it so difficult to find a copy of Lick My Decals on CD?

391 Killian Bundy  Fri, May 1, 2009 11:13:25pm

Earlier today, some were confused agout what Squonk


392 jackflash  Sun, May 3, 2009 3:00:53pm

I'm geting old. Someone here referred to Capt Beefheart and his Magic Band as early 80s. Groan. I was listening to the good captain in 1970, and my poor mom had to listen to the same thing. Sometimes I would give her a break and put on Simon and Garfunkle - she liked that.

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