1 freetoken  Sun, Feb 28, 2010 10:52:55pm


Beautiful bugs.

2 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Feb 28, 2010 10:53:54pm

And now it time for me to go to bed. Sleep well, all.

3 freetoken  Sun, Feb 28, 2010 10:59:59pm
4 Dancing along the light of day  Sun, Feb 28, 2010 11:02:26pm

Your father was a barrel cactus!

5 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sun, Feb 28, 2010 11:23:02pm

re: #4 Floral Giraffe

And your mother smelled of Elderberries!

6 Dancing along the light of day  Sun, Feb 28, 2010 11:26:26pm

re: #5 Slumbering Behemoth

And your mother smelled of Elderberries!

Hi SB!
You win, I win, we all win!

And now, it' sleepy times for me.
G'night, lizardia!

7 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sun, Feb 28, 2010 11:28:03pm

re: #6 Floral Giraffe

What do I win? I hope it's edible.

8 Dancing along the light of day  Sun, Feb 28, 2010 11:41:23pm

re: #7 Slumbering Behemoth

She'll be giving you a call, somewhat later....
Hope you are well?

9 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sun, Feb 28, 2010 11:51:52pm

re: #8 Floral Giraffe

Gah! You can read minds through the internet! Burn the witch, burn the witch!/

I am well, hope you are the same.

10 freetoken  Sun, Feb 28, 2010 11:53:48pm

Well, we have one of the AGW deniers back, again, downstairs...

To that I say:

11 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 12:00:22am

re: #10 freetoken

I agree with the scientific facts behind AGW, but it still scares me that it seems like there's no choice other than relegating all developed society to mass transit or get flooded over.

/to use some Clarksonesque hyperbole

12 freetoken  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 12:06:00am

re: #11 laZardo

Well, look, in the big picture we're headed towards extinction, some day in the not too far (geologically speaking) future. Mammalian species just don't seem to stay around as long as, say, certain reptiles (e.g., crocs.)

So, pick your extinction scenario....

As for mass transit - there is no other way for urban areas to really exist. Attempts to do otherwise (as here in SoCal) are struggling and will do so even more as petroleum becomes (relative to demand) scarcer and scarcer.

The big CO2 generation is from coal, and other organic material used in heat water to turn turbines for electricity. Moving to non-carbon electricity generation is the single greatest target for long term mitigation against AGW.

13 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 12:16:23am

re: #12 freetoken

Well, look, in the big picture we're headed towards extinction, some day in the not too far (geologically politically speaking) future. Mammalian species just don't seem to stay around as long as, say, certain reptiles (e.g., crocsLGF users?.)

/polishes smiley-face pin ;D

As for mass transit - there is no other way for urban areas to really exist. Attempts to do otherwise (as here in SoCal) are struggling and will do so even more as petroleum becomes (relative to demand) scarcer and scarcer.

The big CO2 generation is from coal, and other organic material used in heat water to turn turbines for electricity. Moving to non-carbon electricity generation is the single greatest target for long term mitigation against AGW.

It's not so much the power source I'm worried about, it's just that my experience with mass transit (depended on it since I was a teen, though I am in a "developing" country) is that it's very depersonalizing, to find a word. And sometimes unpredictable when it comes to reliability. Here in Manila the Light Rail can be cramped as fuck and only barely adhere to schedule.

I also have a seething hatred for buses, in particular. Back when I lived in Sacramento I was practically at the mercy of their RT. The bus line to college only ran past a street close to my house every other time on its schedule...which meant a doubly-long wait if the bus driver happened to forget. I also got robbed on a ride back from college.

I know it sounds rather shallow coming from me, but as an industrial design student hoping to specialize in transportation I think we deserve better. /:

14 AK-47%  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 12:20:13am

re: #11 laZardo

I agree with the scientific facts behind AGW, but it still scares me that it seems like there's no choice other than relegating all developed society to mass transit or get flooded over.

/to use some Clarksonesque hyperbole

In this corner:

"Environmentalism means that we all have to live in lean-tos, eat organic soybeans and wipe our butts with leaves. Even if we have passed the tipping point and our efforts do not save the Planet, at least we will die in a state of Grace."

In the other corner:

"Progress means that we all have to consume as much of the fossil fuels that God gave us in order to preserve our unique lifestyle that most of the world envies and emulates (but only begrudgingly admits)and which terrorists hate to the point of commiting suicide just to kill us. Capping CO2 emission is tanamount to giving into terror, both Islamic and ecological"


Remember, no hitting above the waistline, scratching, biting, hacking and smearing are allowed as long as you are reaonably discreet about it.

15 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 12:21:31am

re: #14 ralphieboy

Mmm, debate in the age of the Internet. :9 Tasty.

16 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 12:22:39am

Brb, have to run a few errands.

17 freetoken  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 12:29:52am

re: #13 laZardo

I've lived in SoCal for most of my adult life and know well the poor quality of mass transit here. Yet in some parts of the US, such as DC where I've worked, trains are reasonably reliable and available.

Furthermore, having lived in Japan I know, have experienced, mass transit systems that work very well indeed.

Yet quality is only manifest where the consumers demand it. Here in SoCal the dream, the idea that the ultimate life is driving a convertible down Wilshire Blvd... is so embedded that we don't require of our society a better transportation system.

"Girls Gone Wild" really ought to be called "Hyper-individualistic, Materially Obsessed, Females Gone Wild." The ideal of being the Ultimate Individual, the Self-Sustaining Idol, the Demi-God with the ability to move where-ever on the surface of the Earth our hearts so desire (at the moment)... that is the real fantasy of American Society.

18 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 12:40:06am

Since my half-hearted attempts to derail arguments downstairs with "Office Space" references failed, I will make you all up here suffer...


19 freetoken  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:22:29am
20 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:25:27am

So Obama just had a checkup (he's 48) and is in good health, so much so that the docs advice was "come back when you're 50" (that'll be after August 2011)

Obama underwent his first physical as president at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md. Kuhlman said the president could wait until he's 50 (in 2011) for his next physical. After the 90-minute exam, Obama visited with wounded soldiers who are being treated at the facility.

Kuhlman recommended changes to Obama's diet to reduce his cholesterol level and urged him to "continue smoking cessation efforts." Last June, Obama acknowledged he had sometimes "fallen off the wagon" and occasionally still smoked, despite efforts to quit. The president is "doing the right things," says Cam Patterson, a cardiologist and professor at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. "The stress of being president hasn't made his weight go up."

Obama's weight, blood pressure and resting heart rate are all much lower than average, suggesting he is very physically fit and is exercising regularly, Patterson said. He estimates that the president is in the top 25% of men his age in terms of health.

"That doesn't mean he's without risk," Patterson said. "It means he's taking care of himself."

Obama does have several factors for heart disease, including being a man, a history of smoking and moderately high "bad cholesterol," or LDL, Patterson said. If this number continues to rise, Patterson said, Obama's doctor might consider prescribing drugs to lower his cholesterol, known as statins.

The crankosphere's headlines on this?

Posted preemptively for the morning Wingnut Wave.

21 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:30:57am

re: #20 iceweasel

Heh, docs tell all smokers to, gasp, stop smoking!

22 lazardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:31:20am

re: #20 iceweasel

I think Obama should stop smoking. Does that make me a wingnut? q:

/I walk past a real "smokers' row" between the station and college and my little bro smokes. I think I'll be the first one to die of (secondhand) smoking symptoms. ):

//checking though...has he?

23 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:36:16am

re: #22 lazardo

I think Obama should stop smoking. Does that make me a wingnut? q:

/I walk past a real "smokers' row" between the station and college and my little bro smokes. I think I'll be the first one to die of (secondhand) smoking symptoms. ):

//checking though...has he?

I think he's on the patch or something and still falls off the wagon. At least, something I read today referred to 'nicotine cessation treatments' or something equally vaguely worded.

24 freetoken  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:37:36am

re: #20 iceweasel

The "crankosphere" is terminally maladaptive.

They hate him because he is a successful black male. They hate him because he has been married, to one woman, for several years. They hate him because he has two adorable and quite normal children. They hate him because he went to an Ivy league school and got a doctorate. They hate him because he was an academic. They hate him because he has a foreign sounding name.

25 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:41:43am

re: #20 iceweasel

You're already too late.

26 SixDegrees  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:41:47am

re: #17 freetoken

In nearly all US cities, mass transit is a pipe dream. The massive disruption required to add it in the form of some sort of light rail system is simply too much. Witness Boston's "Big Dig," which has been going on for years, and is plagued with huge cost overruns and shoddy work.

Here in Detroit, the People Mover is also the face of fiasco. It took over a decade to lay a very small section of track, demolishing several sections of downtown in the process, with most of the money flowing directly into Coleman Young's pockets and the pockets of his cronies. Again, it cost several times what it was originally projected to, and to this day the ridership numbers have never approached even a small fraction of the system's estimated break-even point. Huge subsidies are required to keep the cost of ridership at even vaguely reasonable levels. And this only services a tiny, isolated section of the city.

Adding tracks or tunnels is just too damn expensive. Buses can fill this gap, somewhat, but most people stay the hell away from the bus system because it's nasty, dirty and downright dangerous, and the temptation to eliminate routes that are underused is just too great to provide reliable service to all parts of the city and surrounding suburbs.

Frankly, a better idea seem to me to be a return to city designs of the past, with small, relatively self-sufficient neighborhoods spanning just a few blocks each, with most essential services - grocery, drug stores, hardware, sundries - in easy walking distance, with less frequently purchased items available in several clustered shopping districts. This approach isn't favored by central planners, because they've been remarkably ineffective at forcing such neighborhoods into existence, but with the right incentives (mainly tax reductions) they can be encouraged to grow more or less spontaneously. Also, boosting telecommuting helps make such things feasible.

Mass transit, though, strikes me as simply too difficult and expensive to overlay onto the existing urban landscape.

27 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:44:07am

re: #24 freetoken

Most significantly, they hate him because he is the POTUS.

28 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:45:12am

re: #24 freetoken

"terminally maladaptive" is an excellent phrase for it.
There's a certain schizophrenia that infests wingnut criticisms of him.

He's stupid, ignorant, an "affirmative action" HLS grad/Columbia grad-- and also diabolically clever.

He's 'ghetto trash' and an Ivy League elitist.

He's naive, a 'boy', and a super-cunning supervillian bent on destroying democracy.

29 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:45:42am

re: #27 Slumbering Behemoth

Most significantly, they hate him because he is the black POTUS.


30 lazardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:46:24am

re: #17 freetoken

Only in Japan do the trains run on time.* Maybe (South) Korea too. Yet Japan also has some of the world's largest auto companies actually trying to find ways to reduce their energy consumption as well as ways to make sure their customers avoid fast, fiery deaths.

And speaking of fast and fiery I'm gonna sound REAL wingnutty by saying that "Girls Gone Wild" is a hormonally-exaggerated caricature IMO. Sorta like how Grand Theft Auto IV (one of my favorite video games) is a caricature of American society, though in more cynically humorous terms.

/*The Japanese also have the bizarre talent of representing virtually anything as large-eyed, pretty anime girls.

31 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:47:19am

re: #25 Slumbering Behemoth

You're already too late.

Oh, I know it's already all over the crankosphere. My comment was intended to pre-empt the morning Wingnut Wave of people linking to those stories in this thread.
They will anyway, but I believe in being pro-active. :)

32 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:51:21am

re: #28 iceweasel

As ever the refrain of the blinkered ideologue goes. Bush II was both a stupid hick, and an evil genius.

Certain types of people will trip all over their sexual organs to demonize "The Other". Substantive arguments need not apply.

33 lazardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:52:32am

re: #32 Slumbering Behemoth

I thought Bush was the stupid hick and Dick was the evil genius.

/speaking of sexual organs...

34 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:56:29am

re: #31 iceweasel

The second link I included was just for lulz:

The White House released the official report of Barack Obama’s medical exam this morning, giving the president his first clean bill of health since he went into office. So what did we learn from our look inside the body of our leader today?

• He might be a cyborg. Who has 20/20 vision at age 48?
• He has no past surgical history. None. Whatsoever. Again, cyborg.
• His efforts to quit smoking continue with “a self-use” “nicotine replacement therapy.” Our cultural discouragement on smokers might actually hurt Obama’s ratings more than the fact that he may be a terminator from the future with no history of eyesight problems or any surgery.
• He takes medication for jet-lag/time-zone management. Well, no one’s perfect…we all need a Xanax once in awhile.

Sekrit Muslin SoCalist Sy-Borg! It's no wonder he has no Nirth Certifikat.

35 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:57:38am

re: #34 Slumbering Behemoth

The second link I included was just for lulz:

Sekrit Muslin SoCalist Sy-Borg! It's no wonder he has no Nirth Certifikat.

Okay, then he must have a warranty!11!!
Show us the Warranty!111!~

36 lazardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 1:58:47am

re: #34 Slumbering Behemoth

re: #35 Varek Raith

Given that Obama is a cyborg, I think I know exactly where to find his warranty.

/ q;

37 freetoken  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:02:52am

re: #30 lazardo

My observations of auto ownership in Japan: The automobile is prized, but also un-worshipped. It's a tool, which may be used on a daily basis by the breadwinner. The wife and kids use bicycles, unless the wife is one of those rare professional women who also drive to work.

There were the exceptions, of course. In the neighborhood in which I lived the longest (2 years) there was a middle age guy who adored classic US autos and drove around in one of those horribly oversized two-door Buicks from the 1970's. It was a perverse sort of individualism for him, something by which he could differentiate himself from his society (which otherwise required conformity.)

The little Japanese boxcars are amazingly functional, very inexpensive (compared to what is sold in the US), and fit on the narrow streets.

SixDegrees is observant that the average US city cannot, ad hoc, recreate a rail-centric urban system without great expense. Yet I know, from living here in SoCal, that much more could be done, if the people actually wanted a rail system. But people here are wed to the idea that the automobile defines their identity.

In San Diego the light rail system runs on old right of way from a century ago. The inter-county rail system (between SD, OC, and LA) runs on existing right of way that likewise is a century old. In LA they are trying to put in a rail system, tiny bit by tiny bit, but it is slow and expensive. OC doesn't even try, but given that OC is the home of the Yuppie right-winger and fundamentalist libertarian crowds pretty much any community project is looked upon with suspicion. And poor Riverside Co. is spread out over such a long distance, and with such vertically challenged routes, that rail is a no go.

Yet we are, without a doubt, facing a crisis in fuel prices, in the long term. I used to post a lot more on oil and energy prices... maybe I should get back to that. There has been, in this deep recession, a marked decrease in US petroleum use. However, during this time also the Asian nations have successfully forged even closer relations with OPEC. One example is KSA closing their petroleum storage facility in the Caribbean and instead contracted with Japan to provide the major off-shore (of KSA) storage facility.

38 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:04:46am

I went to the store yesterday. Among other things, I needed a lighter. I buy pink lighters. Why? Do you have or would you carry a pink lighter? No? Then I don't have to worry about you stealing mine. They had no pink lighters. I had to go with a lime colored one. Now I need to make Key Lime Pie. And the new girl at the store is cute. Morning.

39 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:05:23am

re: #35 Varek Raith

Okay, then he must have a warranty!11!!
Show us the Warranty!111!~

Varek, you magnificent bastard. This must become an internet meme.

If I had any photoshop skills, I would be mixing terminator images with Obama images. But I don't, so this is the best you can expect from me.

40 lazardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:08:27am

re: #38 Cannadian Club Akbar

Lime is underappreciated compared to lemon.

41 lazardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:09:50am

re: #37 freetoken

I suppose as the automobile has defined their identity, so has it defined the way their environments grew around them. After 60 years, it would be nigh impossible to get them to switch to a more mass-transit-based infrastructure.

New York is about the only working example of that, if only because such an infrastructure has been there since the 19th century.

42 SixDegrees  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:11:02am

re: #40 lazardo

Lime is underappreciated compared to lemon.

I'll agree with that. Rainbow trout, tossed on the grill a couple minutes per side and sprinkled with fresh lime juice, is about as good as it can get. Add a real daiquiri - fresh lime juice, rum and simple syrup - and things go right over the top.

43 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:11:51am

re: #34 Slumbering Behemoth

The second link I included was just for lulz:

Sekrit Muslin SoCalist Sy-Borg! It's no wonder he has no Nirth Certifikat.

I have to start reading mediaite!

Quite a few Obama/borg or Obama terminator images out there...haven't found any funny enough though.

44 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:12:51am

re: #42 SixDegrees

I'm there.

45 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:14:06am

re: #38 Cannadian Club Akbar

I learned back in the '80s, hessian that I am, that pink and white bics were the least likely to be stolen within my crowd. Too ghey.

"Lookit your lighter, ur a fag".
"You want this lighter"?
"No way, it's teh ghey"!
"QED. I am not a 'fag', I am a stoner who wont get his lighter nicked, idiot".

46 freetoken  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:15:16am

re: #41 lazardo

Yes, I used the trains in NYC, and clearly they still reap the benefit of their 19th century ancestors' desire to build a large city with rail. Other US cities have maintained a minimal rail system (e.g., Chicago), some are better than others. In DC there has been a concerted effort to build a rail system, and I've ridden it before (used to work in Crystal City).

But here in SoCal - it is the convertible, the open sky, and the open (well, now choked) road...

47 lazardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:16:19am

re: #45 Slumbering Behemoth

People called you a cigarette?

/ah, Britslang

48 lazardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:20:32am

re: #46 freetoken

That's reaping the benefits of being Hollywood's suburb, affiliations of the stars and residents be damned.

49 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:21:09am

My radio just said the tea party candidate in Nevada might be a democrat, looking to split the Republican vote. Not sure if it's true, but it is a good plan. And Harry Reid is a douche.

50 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:26:02am

A call back to an earlier theme: Girls Gone Wild Syndrome. Probably NSFW.

G'nite Lizards.

51 lazardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:28:02am

re: #50 Slumbering Behemoth


52 freetoken  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:38:17am

re: #50 Slumbering Behemoth

Too funny...

53 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:38:51am

The leftys and rightys should blow a gasket over this.
[Link: apnews.myway.com...]

54 lazardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:45:04am

re: #53 Cannadian Club Akbar

The leftys and rightys should blow a gasket over this.
[Link: apnews.myway.com...]


/ O:

55 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 2:49:27am

President Obama admitted to not giving up smoking totally. I'm OK with it. But, remember when "W" had a non-alcoholic beer? The press freaked. Another reason I don't watch the media.

56 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:02:25am

I am watching my mom and step dad's house. they went to North Carolina. But my mom bakes, so with her gone, I got no cookies or cake. So I bought a Pepperidge Farm cake. Super duper chocolate. My brother stopped by yesterday. He ate half of it. Asshole. I think I might make a pineapple- upside- down- cake.

57 lazardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:05:01am

Headin' to evening class. Cheers.

58 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:06:18am

re: #56 Cannadian Club Akbar

I am watching my mom and step dad's house. they went to North Carolina. But my mom bakes, so with her gone, I got no cookies or cake. So I bought a Pepperidge Farm cake. Super duper chocolate. My brother stopped by yesterday. He ate half of it. Asshole. I think I might make a pineapple- upside- down- cake.

And a Key Lime pie.

59 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:14:07am

re: #23 iceweasel

I think he's on the patch or something and still falls off the wagon. At least, something I read today referred to 'nicotine cessation treatments' or something equally vaguely worded.

When you're under that much stress quitting cigarettes is probably the last thing on your mind. The office ages people pretty quickly, if he manages to quit he'll look like he's 60 in time for the re-election run.

60 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:14:55am

I made a red sauce yesterday. I think I'll put some oregano in it and make it a pizza sauce. I have pizza dough in the freezer. So, tonight's pizza will have Italian sausage, hamburger and I'll throw on some pepperoni. And jalapenos. Maybe some mushrooms.

61 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:24:32am

Did I mention the girl who was hitting on me at the store? She was cute. I didn't realize she was hitting on me until I was half way home. I'm a fucking moron.

62 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:25:38am

bitter wikipedian is bitter about the Olympics....


Image: Screen-shot-2010-02-28-at-3.57.57-PM.png

63 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:28:33am

re: #62 iceweasel

bitter wikipedian is bitter about the Olympics...


[Link: static1.firedoglake.com...]

THAT's funny!

64 freetoken  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:29:09am

re: #61 Cannadian Club Akbar

Take this from an older guy: it happens to the best of us. Women often don't realize how slow we men can be at times.

65 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:29:19am

re: #63 RogueOne

THAT's funny!

Heh. Yes, I thought so too!

66 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:31:05am

re: #61 Cannadian Club Akbar

Did I mention the girl who was hitting on me at the store? She was cute. I didn't realize she was hitting on me until I was half way home. I'm a fucking moron.

Does she work there? Go back, fool! :)

67 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:32:58am

re: #64 freetoken

Take this from an older guy: it happens to the best of us. Women often don't realize how slow we men can be at times.

What pisses me off is she was either Italian or Greek. I love dark hair and olive skin. But, I figure if it was meant to be, I'll see her again.

68 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:38:45am

A local sheriff deputy went to a DUI school to learn how to teach the class. He blew a .05. Not legally drunk, but not exactly the best idea.

69 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:40:00am

Caterpillar, the US building equipment group, has become the latest company to bow to a lobbyists’ “name and shame” campaign by announcing steps to sever trading links with Iran.

The company said it would bar its non-US subsidiaries from accepting orders for products that they knew were destined for delivery to Iran.

The New York-based United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), which spearheaded a campaign against the Illinois company, greeted the announcement as its second victory in a month after Huntsman, the Texas chemicals manufacturer, announced in January that its foreign subsidiaries would suspend sales to Iran in view of the “reputational risk” posed to the company.


70 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:43:17am

I wasn't around much this weekend but wanted to make sure everyone saw this:
[Link: reason.com...]

SWAT team breaks into home, fires seven rounds at family's pit bull and corgi (?!) as a seven-year-old looks on.

They found a "small amount" of marijuana, enough for a misdemeanor charge. The parents were then charged with child endangerment.

So smoking pot = "child endangerment." Storming a home with guns, then firing bullets into the family pets as a child looks on = necessary police procedures to ensure everyone's safety.

Just so we're clear.

[Link: www.columbiatribune.com...]

71 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:46:27am

Send in the waaahmmmbulance!

The Palestinian Cabinet moved its weekly meeting to Hebron on Monday, in a symbolic protest against Israel's addition of a contested shrine in this volatile West Bank city to its list of national heritage sites.

Israel's decision last week drew widespread international criticism and heightened Palestinian suspicions of Israel at a time when the U.S. is trying to restart peace talks.

Israelis and Palestinians have clashed frequently in the past over two West Bank shrines added to the heritage list: the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron and Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas denounced Israel's move as an "attack on the holy places," and his Islamic militant Hamas rivals in Gaza called for a new uprising. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the decision was not about politics, but preserving culture.


72 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:46:34am

re: #68 Cannadian Club Akbar

A local sheriff deputy went to a DUI school to learn how to teach the class. He blew a .05. Not legally drunk, but not exactly the best idea.

Reminds me of this guy:

funny part @ :57 seconds in.

"I'm the only one in the room proffesional enough to carry this gun"

73 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:47:37am

re: #70 RogueOne

I wasn't around much this weekend but wanted to make sure everyone saw this:
[Link: reason.com...]

[Link: www.columbiatribune.com...]

From the second link:

A man arrested on suspicion of drug charges and child endangerment said he is concerned with the actions of police who shot two dogs they described as “aggressive” while serving a drug-related search warrant at his home earlier this month in southwest Columbia.

They called the corgi "aggressive"? They're the sweetest dogs and TINY. they're just excitable and they bark, like a lot of little dogs.

Pic of a corgi here. I used to know someone who bred them professionally.

74 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:47:37am

re: #72 RogueOne

"I'm the only one in the room profesional enough to carry this gun"


75 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:48:07am

re: #72 RogueOne

I've seen that. I might be a moron, but I've never shot myself.

76 freetoken  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:49:14am

re: #70 RogueOne

Wish President Obama had the cojones to end the "War on Drugs", but that would be by far the most "radical" thing he's done yet, and by the record of his first 13 months I think he's made it clear that he is more of a moderate/triangulator/status-quo-enforcer than anything else.

77 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:49:47am

re: #73 iceweasel

My former boss owns 3 Corgis. Sweet dogs.

78 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:50:09am

re: #73 iceweasel

They called the corgi "aggressive"? They're the sweetest dogs and TINY. they're just excitable and they bark, like a lot of little dogs.

Pic of a corgi here. I used to know someone who bred them professionally.

It seems like its just SOP, kick in the door and shoot the dogs. Remember Mayor Calvo? His dogs, labs, were running away and the officers shot and killed them.

79 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:50:58am

re: #77 Cannadian Club Akbar

My former boss owns 3 Corgis. Sweet dogs.

I love them. (most dogs, in general, too).

My friend's were all adorable. I think the Queen has a few, or used to.

80 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:52:16am

re: #76 freetoken

Wish President Obama had the cojones to end the "War on Drugs", but that would be by far the most "radical" thing he's done yet, and by the record of his first 13 months I think he's made it clear that he is more of a moderate/triangulator/status-quo-enforcer than anything else.

Since their announcement a month or so ago that the feds were no longer going to raid state legal dispensaries they've raided 2. Someone isn't getting the memo's.

81 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:53:33am

Early last year, a Chinese company placed an order with a Taiwanese agent for 108 nuclear-related pressure gauges. But something happened along the way. Paperwork was backdated. Plans were rerouted, orders reconfigured, shipping redirected.

And the gauges ended up in a very different place: Iran.

The story behind the gauges shows how Iran is finding its way around international sanctions meant to prevent it from getting equipment that can be used to make a nuclear bomb. At least half a dozen times in recent years, the Persian Gulf nation has tried to use third countries as transshipment points for obtaining controlled, nuclear-related equipment.


82 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:56:08am

re: #78 RogueOne

It seems like its just SOP, kick in the door and shoot the dogs. Remember Mayor Calvo? His dogs, labs, were running away and the officers shot and killed them.

Didn't you post about that here? I seem to remember something you posted involving dogs that were running away and were shot.
It does seem like SOP now.
In the columbia tribune link they say the pitbull was highly aggressive and I can believe that (but why don't they take animal control along in these cases??) -- but I can't see how they can justify shooting the corgi.

83 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:58:59am

re: #82 iceweasel

I might have posted that here. It was late 2008. If they'll do that to a mayor, they'll do it to some schmo who can't afford to defend themselves. Calvo has been on a rampage drawing attention to the problem ever since he had it happen to him.

BBL, gotta run to work.

84 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 3:59:58am

re: #83 RogueOne

I might have posted that here. It was late 2008. If they'll do that to a mayor, they'll do it to some schmo who can't afford to defend themselves. Calvo has been on a rampage drawing attention to the problem ever since he had it happen to him.

BBL, gotta run to work.

later! have a good day.

85 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:01:46am

re: #79 iceweasel

I love them. (most dogs, in general, too).

My friend's were all adorable. I think the Queen has a few, or used to.

You know, if you lay on the floor, tilt your head just right, a corgi can finally break skin and pretty soon... get to your jugular vein.

You just have to be patient.

The Queen has at least four.

Cops shot corgis? Really?

86 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:06:05am

“WATCH what we do, not what we say,” President Richard Nixon’s attorney-general told the press. Unfortunately for both men, the press eventually did that, and we got the first of the “gates” — Watergate. The consequences for President Barack Obama of watching what he does rather than what he says will be less dire, but nevertheless revealing.

Americans overwhelmingly say their main concern is jobs, and that they are satisfied with their present healthcare arrangements. In response, an allegedly chastened Obama “pivoted”, and said his primary concern from now on will be job creation, which will take priority over his controversial plan to radically change the nation’s healthcare system.

Yet last week he backed a $15 billion job-creation bill, which passed the Senate, and a $1 trillion healthcare bill. Since the federal balance sheet is already under huge pressure, this set of priorities tells us that the Obama administration intends to concentrate its resources on transforming the economy — a permanent restructuring of the healthcare and energy sectors that was planned long before the failure of Lehman Brothers triggered the financial mess Obama inherited.

Ya' think?

87 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:07:28am

re: #85 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

You know, if you lay on the floor, tilt your head just right, a corgi can finally break skin and pretty soon... get to your jugular vein.

You just have to be patient.

The Queen has at least four.

Cops shot corgis? Really?

One corgi, nonfatally, according to RogueOne's second link there. But they appear to have shot it in front of the seven year old child, so points for that.//

Corgis are loud and happy, friendly dogs-- or my friend's were, anyway. They get all excited and bark. If you laid down for one I guess they'd eventually lick their way to your jugular vein in a year or so.

88 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:07:57am

re: #87 iceweasel

Pretty much...

89 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:09:17am

re: #86 MandyManners

I can't imagine that people fight so hard to get that job.

90 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:13:36am

re: #89 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I can't imagine that people fight so hard to get that job.

Power, FBV. Power.

91 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:13:51am

re: #89 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I can't imagine that people fight so hard to get that job.

If I were President, I would find the douchebags who broke into my house, then send a SEAL Team to them and put them in the memory hole. But I'm not bitter.:)

92 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:15:31am

re: #91 Cannadian Club Akbar

If I were President, I would find the douchebags who broke into my house, then send a SEAL Team to them and put them in the memory hole. But I'm not bitter.:)

CCA in 2012!

93 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:17:34am

re: #92 MandyManners

CCA in 2012!

I would be a kick ass President.

94 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:27:20am

I would be a war mongerer.

We'd kill a bunch of bad guys... We'd probably kill some good guys on the way.


95 AK-47%  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:29:32am

re: #69 MandyManners

Caterpillar, the US building equipment group, has become the latest company to bow to a lobbyists’ “name and shame” campaign by announcing steps to sever trading links with Iran.

Means that more US manufacturing jobs will be lost to China, Germany or any number of other countires tat are not too ashamed or to devious to find ways to trade with Iran.

Principles are sticky things to stick to, especially when everything else is so slippery...

96 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:29:54am

re: #94 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I would be a war mongerer.

We'd kill a bunch of bad guys... We'd probably kill some good guys on the way.


I approve FBV non-corgi-killing platform, and will devote some grassroots activist efforts towards it.

97 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:30:06am

re: #94 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I would be a war mongerer.

We'd kill a bunch of bad guys... We'd probably kill some good guys on the way.


I would double the amount of spooks in the CIA.

98 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:30:49am

re: #97 Cannadian Club Akbar

I would double the amount of spooks in the CIA and people who questioned me would disappear!

99 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:31:01am

re: #97 Cannadian Club Akbar

I would double the amount of spooks in the CIA.

Need more Tal'Shiar agents...

100 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:33:11am

re: #95 ralphieboy

Means that more US manufacturing jobs will be lost to China, Germany or any number of other countires tat are not too ashamed or to devious to find ways to trade with Iran.

Principles are sticky things to stick to, especially when everything else is so slippery...

Well, not helping Iran blow Israel off the map is a solid principle in my book. And, I have faith that the Caterpillar marketing and sales departments can find other buyers.

I'm surprised that Iran bought from Caterpillar after St. Pancake.

101 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:33:20am

We're not allowed to talk about assassinations here, but I have my list.

102 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:33:49am

re: #97 Cannadian Club Akbar

I would double the amount of spooks in the CIA.

Start teaching Arabic in junior high.

104 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:37:20am

re: #102 MandyManners

Start teaching Arabic in junior high.

And Chinese.

105 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:38:11am

re: #104 Cannadian Club Akbar

And Chinese.

Little English?

106 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:39:04am

re: #104 Cannadian Club Akbar

And Chinese.

And, Farsi.

107 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:39:10am

re: #105 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Little English?

Why start now?

108 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:39:14am

re: #105 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Little English?


109 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:39:48am

A couple were celebrating 50 years together. Their three kids, all very successful, agreed to a Sunday dinner in their honor.

"Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad," gushed son number one .... 'Sorry I'm running late. I had an emergency at the hospital with a patient, you know how it is, and I didn't have time to get you a gift."

"Not to worry," said the father. "The important thing is that we're all together today."

Son number two arrived and announced, "You and Mom look great, Dad. I just flew in from Los Angeles between depositions and didn't have time to shop for you." "It's nothing," said the father. "We're glad you were able to come."

Just then the daughter arrived. "Hello and happy anniversary! I'm sorry, but my boss is sending me out of town and I was really busy packing so I didn't have time to get you anything."

After they had finished dessert, the father said, "There's something your mother and I have wanted to tell you for a long time. You see, we were very poor. Despite this, we were able to send each of you to college. Throughout the years your mother and I knew that we loved each other very much, but we just never found the time to get married."

The three children gasped and all said, "You mean we're bastards?"

"Yep," said the father. "And cheap ones too."

110 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:39:49am

Fox is hammering Pelosi about Rangel this morning.

111 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:40:40am

re: #110 MandyManners

As they should. Rangel is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party.

112 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:42:20am

re: #111 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

As they should. Rangel is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party.

Rangel is on my douchebag list.

113 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:43:13am

Heh. Tory Boy on the latest, shocking, profligate and wholly unwarranted spending increases in the UK :

114 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:43:39am

re: #112 Cannadian Club Akbar

Rangel Every politician is on my douchebag list.

^My thoughts. ;)

115 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:45:23am

re: #114 Varek Raith

There are some good people trying to serve.

I just can't come up with any off-hand.

116 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:45:52am

re: #113 Jimmah

Heh. Tory Boy on the latest, shocking, profligate and wholly unwarranted spending increases in the UK :


Heh, Brits...

117 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:46:35am

re: #111 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

As they should. Rangel is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party.

But, they won.

118 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:47:02am

re: #117 MandyManners

But, they won.

Sure did! :)

119 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:47:15am

re: #115 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

My state congresscritter is Ron Reagan. Heh.

120 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:48:49am

The warning was ominous, its predictions dire: Oceanographers issued a bulletin telling Hawaii and other Pacific islands that a killer wave was heading their way with terrifying force and that "urgent action should be taken to protect lives and property."

But the devastating tidal surge predicted after Chile's magnitude 8.8-earthquake for areas far from the epicenter never materialized. And by Sunday, authorities had lifted the warning after waves half the predicted size tickled the shores of Hawaii and tourists once again jammed beaches and restaurants.

Scientists acknowledged they overstated the threat but many defended their actions, saying they took the proper steps and learned the lessons of the 2004 Indonesian tsunami that killed thousands of people who didn't get enough warning.


I hope this doesn't cause people to ignore warnings after the next quake.

121 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:49:12am

re: #117 MandyManners

But, they won.

They need to jettison him. The appearance is that they are protecting him. Though they know he is a lying, tax cheating, not taking responsibility for his actions, dishonest man.

He needs to lose his Chairmanships, and be censured.

American's would gain some faith that they are interested in doing what is right.

122 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:50:19am

re: #120 MandyManners

They did the right thing. Reported what they had in hand at the moment.

People who don't heed tsunami warnings because the last one didn't kill them are stupid.

123 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:50:31am

re: #121 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Sorry but, L.O.L. Crap like this has been going on since the beginning of Time. Politicians will always be politicians.

/Cynic Mode.

124 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:51:18am

My radio just said 25% of Americans believe vaccines cause autism. WTF?

125 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:51:22am

re: #118 iceweasel

Sure did! :)

Not gloating or anything, but...

126 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:52:15am

Compassionate Conservatism What Wingnuts Find Funny:

The leader of the Republican Party and the leader of the Tea Party disagree about Louise Slaughter's comments at the health care summit yesterday.


"If you don't have any teeth, so what? What's applesauce for?"

"I've read the Constitution ... I didn't see that you had a right to teeth"

There you see the big split between the two factions. Limbaugh is making the GOP conservative argument that one should be self-sufficient and eat soft food if they can't afford to get your teeth fixed. Beck is making the teabag constitutional argument that if something wasn't specifically written into the constitution then no government official is allowed to even discuss it.

Will they ever be able to find common ground?

127 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:52:25am

re: #124 Cannadian Club Akbar

My radio just said 25% of Americans believe vaccines cause autism. WTF?

I know a Cartman quote from South Park about one quarter of the American populace. Won't repeat it but, it's. Dead. On.

128 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:54:05am

Speaking of elections...

Gordon Brown on course to win election

Despite what all the sceptics have said I’ve always suspected that as the General Election drew closer the Tory lead would continue to shrink as nagging doubts about the ability of an inexperienced Tory front bench to run the country in the face of such a deep recession bit home. And shrink it has.

The Sunday Times says that the Tory lead is crumbling. The paper says that Gordon Brown is on course to stay in 10 Downing Street as Prime Minister. It says the Tory lead has fallen to just two points. It has been falling steadily over the last two weeks as the focus on the economy and the Tory plans has intensified.

[Link: www.hurryupharry.org...]

129 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:54:36am

re: #126 iceweasel

I don't see jack shit about an Air Force or the Internet or a freaking myriad of other things that aren't in the Constitution that we enjoy...

130 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:55:02am

re: #121 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

They need to jettison him. The appearance is that they are protecting him. Though they know he is a lying, tax cheating, not taking responsibility for his actions, dishonest man.

He needs to lose his Chairmanships, and be censured.

American's would gain some faith that they are interested in doing what is right.

It's not just an appearance. It's a fact.

131 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:55:56am

re: #129 Varek Raith

I don't see jack shit about an Air Force or the Internet or a freaking myriad of other things that aren't in the Constitution that we enjoy...

The internet is just a fad.

132 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:57:28am

re: #122 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

They did the right thing. Reported what they had in hand at the moment.

People who don't heed tsunami warnings because the last one didn't kill them are stupid.

Darwin Award candidates.

133 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:57:43am

re: #131 Cannadian Club Akbar

The internet is just a fad.

Say what?!?! Where will we get free Pr0n from?!?!?!

134 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:57:54am

re: #124 Cannadian Club Akbar

My radio just said 25% of Americans believe vaccines cause autism. WTF?

Thanks, Jenny!

135 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:00:19am

re: #131 Cannadian Club Akbar

The internet is just a fad.

The Internet has become the third most popular news platform for American adults, trailing only local and national television stations, according to a survey released on Monday.

Seventy-eight percent of the 2,259 adults surveyed for the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project and the Project for Excellence in Journalism said that on a typical day they get news from a local TV station.

Seventy-three percent said they get news from a national TV network such as CBS or a cable TV news station such as CNN or Fox.


136 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:01:48am

Kathy Castor (moonbat-Tampa) won't do an interview on my radio. Can't imagine why. She only lost 500 jobs in Ybor City.

137 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:02:28am

New Tory Election campaign broadcasts to take today's more sophisticated electorate into account :

138 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:03:27am

Hundreds of Darfuri civilians are feared to have died in a surge of fighting between Sudan's army and rebels, a U.N. source and rebels said on Monday.

"We think that we have a mounting number of casualties. The lower estimate is around 140. The higher estimate is closer to 400," a U.N. source told Reuters.


139 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:05:11am

*Dons Elegant Armor of Elitism*
The majority of Americans are dumb. There. Look at any science poll and tell me that what I said isn't a sad fact.
*Dons Ring of Flame Protection*
*Readies Battle Stance*

140 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:07:13am

re: #139 Varek Raith

*Dons Elegant Armor of Elitism*
The majority of Americans are dumb. There. Look at any science poll and tell me that what I said isn't a sad fact.
*Dons Ring of Flame Protection*
*Readies Battle Stance*

I am flypaper for stupid people.

141 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:09:23am

re: #139 Varek Raith

*Dons Elegant Armor of Elitism*
The majority of Americans are dumb. There. Look at any science poll and tell me that what I said isn't a sad fact.
*Dons Ring of Flame Protection*
*Readies Battle Stance*

Most 'majority of Americans' polls are also stupid, as in, the answers change dramatically depending on how the questions are framed.
That being said, I believe reputable polls do show that the 'majority of Americans' won't vote for atheists, don't believe in evolution (!), and believe in a literal Devil.

142 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:10:13am

Aafia Siddiqui was known as the most wanted woman in the world. The FBI said she was an al-Qaida operative, a fixer for the terrorist organization while she was a graduate student in the U.S.

The Pakistani neuroscientist, 37, was arrested in Afghanistan in July 2008. Now, she sits in a New York jail after her conviction in early February on charges of attempted murder and armed assault against American military officers.

But nothing about Siddiqui's story is simple.

According to U.S. officials, Siddiqui was on the run from 2003 to 2008. She was on the FBI's most-wanted list for almost five years.


143 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:10:33am

re: #141 iceweasel

Most 'majority of Americans' polls are also stupid, as in, the answers change dramatically depending on how the questions are framed.
That being said, I believe reputable polls do show that the 'majority of Americans' won't vote for atheists, don't believe in evolution (!), and believe in a literal Devil.

The devil is real. I dated her.

144 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:10:43am

re: #139 Varek Raith

Oy, sorry about that! I'm awfully cranky this morning.

145 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:12:08am

re: #144 Varek Raith

Oy, sorry about that! I'm awfully cranky this morning.

Cheer up. The McRib is back for a limited time.:)

146 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:13:19am

re: #144 Varek Raith

Oy, sorry about that! I'm awfully cranky this morning.

Meh, I updinged you anyway because "Ring of Flame Protection" and "Elegant Armor of Elitism" deserved it on their own. :)

147 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:16:54am

I haven't received my census form yet. But I am gonna say I have 8 people living with me.

148 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:17:06am

re: #146 iceweasel

Meh, I updinged you anyway because "Ring of Flame Protection" and "Elegant Armor of Elitism" deserved it on their own. :)

Heh, well if you're gonna have Elitist Armor, it damn well better be elegant!

149 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:17:55am

re: #139 Varek Raith

*Dons Elegant Armor of Elitism*

Next time I play 'Oblivion' I'm making that item :)

150 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:18:49am

re: #148 Varek Raith

Heh, well if you're gonna have Elitist Armor, it damn well better be elegant!

+10 saving throw on asshole attacks, if it's upgraded to the Elegant Arrogant Armor of Elitism, in part for the Excellent Alliteration.

151 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:19:47am

re: #147 Cannadian Club Akbar

I'm going to fill out my census forms correctly and send them in.


152 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:23:17am

Before my mom and step dad left town, they bought a bunch of perishable food. Not sure why, but I'm gonna have a BLT that will end up about 2 feet high.

153 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:23:20am

re: #149 Jimmah

Next time I play 'Oblivion' I'm making that item :)

Heh, my Altmer mage just oozes elitism...not too mention, DEATH!

154 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:24:39am

re: #152 Cannadian Club Akbar

Where in NC are you?

155 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:25:17am

re: #150 iceweasel

+10 saving throw on asshole attacks, if it's upgraded to the Elegant Arrogant Armor of Elitism, in part for the Excellent Alliteration.

And a +4 attack bonus when used in combination with the Elegant Arrows of Elitism, which, to make them completely devastating, should be tipped with a poison derived from Arugula and Dijjon mustard.

156 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:26:09am

re: #152 Cannadian Club Akbar

Before my mom and step dad left town, they bought a bunch of perishable food. Not sure why, but I'm gonna have a BLT that will end up about 2 feet high.

Good. I'm trying to convert Jimmah to the BLT. Sing its praises!

(the uk version is the bacon butty. No L, no T. :( )

157 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:26:54am

re: #154 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Where in NC are you?

They are in NC. Me Florida. Pork products know no boundaries.

158 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:29:03am

re: #157 Cannadian Club Akbar

I thought you said you were house sitting or something...
my bad...

159 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:29:04am

Something to look forward to...

"Summer rain taps at my window..."

160 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:29:46am

re: #156 iceweasel

If I add the lettuce and tomato, I feel like I'm eating healthy. Never mind the 8 pieces of bacon. And the mayo.

161 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:30:25am

re: #160 Cannadian Club Akbar

I love fakin' bacon LTs.

162 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:30:39am

re: #158 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I thought you said you were house sitting or something...
my bad...

Actually, I am house sitting.

163 Varek Raith  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:31:54am

BBT. Later!

164 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:32:05am

re: #160 Cannadian Club Akbar

If I add the lettuce and tomato, I feel like I'm eating healthy. Never mind the 8 pieces of bacon. And the mayo.

The UK version is UK bacon, which is different but not much healthier, on buttered bread.

165 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:32:14am

re: #161 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I love fakin' bacon LTs.

Did you know iceberg lettuce has zero nutritional value?

166 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:33:00am

re: #164 iceweasel

The UK version is UK bacon, which is different but not much healthier, on buttered bread.

Oh and maybe HP or ketchup.

167 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:33:56am

Good Morning LGF.
Which is more delusional?
1. Global climate change denial; or,
2. International Islamofascist jihad denial.

168 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:34:16am

re: #165 Cannadian Club Akbar

Did you know that lettuce is the only vegetable that is only served raw. No other way to prepare lettuce.

(well, there is another, radish maybe? but I can't think of it.)

(okay, smartie pants (whoever you are) CORRECT ME!)

169 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:34:36am

re: #161 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I love fakin' bacon LTs.

Upding for fakin bacon. It's really good!
Also the veggie sausage MorningStar makes.

170 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:34:45am

re: #167 Spare O'Lake

Good Morning LGF.
Which is more delusional?
1. Global climate change denial; or,
2. International Islamofascist jihad denial.


171 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:35:21am

re: #167 Spare O'Lake

Good Morning LGF.
Which is more delusional?
1. Global climate change denial; or,
2. International Islamofascist jihad denial.

Screw you and you gold medals. In hockey.

172 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:36:21am

re: #169 iceweasel

Morningstar is delicious. If it just weren't so prohibitively expensive.

173 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:36:23am

re: #156 iceweasel

Good. I'm trying to convert Jimmah to the BLT. Sing its praises!

(the uk version is the bacon butty. No L, no T. :( )

I could get used to the BLT, but there's still nothing quite like simple bacon with buttered toast for me at the moment :)

I have to say though, as you know - you guys get a raw deal on bacon in the US. It's like the dead skin off an old man's foot that's been streaked with food colouring. Here's what a proper rasher looks like, for the benefit of any US readers who've only even had US style bacon :

Image: bacon_rasher%5Bsm%5D.jpg

174 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:36:33am

re: #168 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Did you know that lettuce is the only vegetable that is only served raw. No other way to prepare lettuce.

(well, there is another, radish maybe? but I can't think of it.)

(okay, smartie pants (whoever you are) CORRECT ME!)

Rhubarb. Celery. Carrots.

175 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:36:34am

re: #171 Cannadian Club Akbar

Screw you and you gold medals. In hockey.

= congratulations, mumble-grumble...

176 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:37:48am

re: #175 The Sanity Inspector

= congratulations, mumble-grumble...

Yes. I did forget that.

177 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:37:51am

re: #174 Cannadian Club Akbar

Rhubarb. Celery. Carrots.

You never had cooked carrots or celery in a dish? I couldn't say about rhubarb, me being a southerner.

178 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:37:57am

re: #167 Spare O'Lake

Congrats on the hockey win.

I was pulling for the USA (duh), but more from a schaudenfreude aspect than as a true hockey fan.

179 Ericus58  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:39:09am

Excellent Gold Medal game in Olympic hockey yesterday.
Both teams put on a showcase game, right down to the last puck sliding it's way to the back of the net.
I think the cheering by the Canadian crowd at the winning goal was more of a huge sigh of relief though.... ;)

180 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:39:35am

re: #177 The Sanity Inspector

You never had cooked carrots or celery in a dish? I couldn't say about rhubarb, me being a southerner.

FBV was talking about foods that can be eaten raw. My pot roast rules, BTW.

181 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:40:07am

re: #171 Cannadian Club Akbar

Screw you and you gold medals. In hockey.

I was so glued to the TV that I almost missed my flight home yesterday.
It could have gone either way, and it was a truly magnificent effort by both teams.
It was a great day for North America.

182 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:41:03am

re: #180 Cannadian Club Akbar

Lettuce, also, is the only vegetable never sold frozen.

183 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:42:36am

I thought he was talking about veggies that are only served raw.

184 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:44:01am

re: #182 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

When I was working I would buy chef's salads from 7-11. By the time I put 2 packs of ranch on it, I would have been better off with a Big Mac.

185 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:44:34am

re: #178 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Congrats on the hockey win.

I was pulling for the USA (duh), but more from a schaudenfreude aspect than as a true hockey fan.

It was a shame that one team had to lose.
I felt especially bad for Miller, who was magnificent throughout the tournament.

186 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:45:47am

re: #173 Jimmah

No wonder the vegetarian movement (at least among Anglos) is so deeply rooted in Great Britain.

You fuckin' people will eat anything.

187 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:46:17am

re: #183 The Sanity Inspector

He was.

188 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:47:12am

re: #171 Cannadian Club Akbar

Screw you and you gold medals. In hockey.

in bed.

189 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:48:02am

re: #186 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

No wonder the vegetarian movement (at least among Anglos) is so deeply rooted in Great Britain.

You fuckin' people will eat anything.

We're talking bacon here, not dog's noses or something...lol

190 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:48:02am

re: #184 Cannadian Club Akbar

When I was working I would buy chef's salads from 7-11. By the time I put 2 packs of ranch on it, I would have been better off with a Big Mac.

There is a McDonald's 'salad' that is one of the least healthy options on their menu.

Can't speak for the accuracy of this specific site's claims, but I've seen others elsewhere that make the exact claim you did-- that the Big Mac is healthier than some of them.

[Link: thenakedlabel.com...]

191 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:48:26am

re: #171 Cannadian Club Akbar

Screw you and you gold medals. In hockey.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

192 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:50:02am

re: #189 Jimmah

We're talking bacon here, not dog's noses or something...lol

Someone in GB has a recipe for Corgi Snouts...

in butter.

on deep-fried bread.

with kitteh lips.

193 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:50:50am

re: #190 iceweasel

IIRC... it's not the Big Mac that is so destructive... it's the sides, the drinks that getcha.

194 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:51:14am

re: #190 iceweasel

There is a McDonald's 'salad' that is one of the least healthy options on their menu.

Can't speak for the accuracy of this specific site's claims, but I've seen others elsewhere that make the exact claim you did-- that the Big Mac is healthier than some of them.

[Link: thenakedlabel.com...]

This reminds me of Apu in the Simpsons pushing his new range of veggie burgers "Only thrice the fat of a normal burger..."

195 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:51:30am

re: #192 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Someone in GB has a recipe for Corgi Snouts...

in butter.

on deep-fried bread.

with kitteh lips.

Yes, but people object to it because the tomatoes are genetically modified. //

196 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:52:08am

re: #190 iceweasel

There are many fast foods that are healthy. If you know what to order. I don't eat fast food very often, but there is a Taco Bell near my mom's house. I don't have one near my house, so I kinda abuse it when I'm in town.

197 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:52:26am

Good morning Lizards. Actually have real sun this morning in "always sunny" Philadelphia. Fairly good day for a Monday.

The street glaciers are in full retreat, which implies Al Gore might be nearby.

Made apple pies and a pot of soup yesterday so things are stocked for the week. (Well, the apple pies are going to cribbage club tonight, so they won't last long.)

Also got a treat Saturday morning while drinking a cup of tea. Looked out the apartment window right as a large bird swept by. (Larger than a pigeon.) Thinking it was one of the local red-tailed hawks I went to the window to watch. Turned out to be an adult peregrine falcon. It did a couple of wheeling turns between my building and the one a block away at about the altitude of my window - and then stooped at something out of sight below me. I then saw a lot of pigeons scattering. The falcon came back up into sight, so it apparently missed.

And got to watch an excellently played hockey game with the pies baked and soup simmered. Plus some nostalgia watching the 50K X-country classic. The guy from New Zealand who came in 50th had a time that would correspond to me covering about 25K at my best racing time for 10K from when I raced cross-country in high school. (e.g. 50min for 10K roughly.)

198 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:53:21am

re: #193 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

IIRC... it's not the Big Mac that is so destructive... it's the sides, the drinks that getcha.

A Big Mac has 42 grams of fat.

199 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:53:45am

re: #198 Cannadian Club Akbar


200 Ericus58  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:54:44am

Good Morning to my fellow Morning Wingnut Wave folks.
And greetings to the other side of the aisle.

Or so I've read we've been labeled...

Henceforth, I now belong to the group of MWW. Our cheer will be recognized by a hearty "MWhahahahaha!"

201 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:55:12am

I have never eaten good pot roast.

So there.
Is there really such a thing? Seriously.

202 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:56:01am

re: #201 iceweasel

I have never eaten good pot roast.

So there.
Is there really such a thing? Seriously.

Come to Florida. Mine rules.

203 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:56:40am

re: #202 Cannadian Club Akbar

Come to Florida. Mine rules.

You don't need teeth.

204 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 5:57:12am

re: #202 Cannadian Club Akbar

Come to Florida. Mine rules.

I'm willing to believe you, because I know you're a professional cook.
Still though.

205 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:00:32am

re: #201 iceweasel

I have never eaten good pot roast.

I've been good and roasted on pot, tho.

206 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:00:40am

re: #200 Ericus58

Good Morning to my fellow Morning Wingnut Wave folks.
And greetings to the other side of the aisle.

Or so I've read we've been labeled...

Henceforth, I now belong to the group of MWW. Our cheer will be recognized by a hearty "MWhahahahaha!"

At LGF neither moonbats nor wingnuts are we.
Those who toss the labels are simply trying to divide us.
Oh yes they are.

207 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:01:01am

re: #204 iceweasel

I'm willing to believe you, because I know you're a professional cook.
Still though.

When I make fried chicken, I fry it in butter. Real butter. My food would kill most.:)

208 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:01:51am

re: #201 iceweasel

I have never eaten good pot roast.

So there.
Is there really such a thing? Seriously.

My Mom makes a great pot roast. It's a tender melty in your mouth slice of goodness.

209 Ericus58  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:03:03am

re: #206 Spare O'Lake

At LGF neither moonbats nor wingnuts are we.
Those who toss the labels are simply trying to divide us.
Oh yes they are.

I agree.
And I see you've been put on notice with a ding.
Fancy that.

210 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:03:24am

re: #189 Jimmah

We're talking bacon here, not dog's noses or something...lol

English breakfast, mmm...

211 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:03:24am

re: #208 Jadespring

My Mom makes a great pot roast. It's a tender melty in your mouth slice of goodness.

I just don't like it. It's highly possible all the ones I've had were bad though.
Jimmah loves it; I'm in the process of learning how to make it.
If all else fails I'll eat the veggies and he can have the roast.

212 Ericus58  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:03:57am

brb... duty calls

213 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:04:39am

re: #211 iceweasel

Buy him a crock pot. Low and slow.

214 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:05:01am

re: #209 Ericus58

I agree.
And I see you've been put on notice with a ding.
Fancy that.

Fancy that. You've been through here dinging. Spare last night was accusing certain unnamed others of not recognising the 'islamic threat'. Was roundly mocked for it. Pops up right away this morning with a complaint about just that.

Fancy that.

215 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:05:14am

re: #207 Cannadian Club Akbar

Nothing wrong with real butter! My cooking philosophy is if you're going to go for the greasy goodness why kid yourself and fake it. Plus I tend to not use any ingredient that I couldn't produce myself if I had too.

216 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:06:19am

re: #213 Cannadian Club Akbar

Buy him a crock pot. Low and slow.

Yep totally agree. The key is a good slow round of slooow cooking. I love my slow cooker.

217 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:06:54am

re: #209 Ericus58

I agree.
And I see you've been put on notice with a ding.
Fancy that.

OMG no - not....a ding. Somebody call the Spanish Dinquisition!

218 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:07:32am

re: #215 Jadespring

Nothing wrong with real butter! My cooking philosophy is if you're going to go for the greasy goodness why kid yourself and fake it. Plus I tend to not use any ingredient that I couldn't produce myself if I had too.

Agreed. Fat isn't in my vocabulary when I cook. I also make some kick ass pasta using heavy cream.

219 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:09:03am

re: #129 Varek Raith

I don't see jack shit about an Air Force or the Internet or a freaking myriad of other things that aren't in the Constitution that we enjoy...

Quit skipping the intro:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The "promote the general Welfare" portion is a little ambiguous and the reason behind almost all our arguments.

220 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:09:32am

re: #218 Cannadian Club Akbar

Agreed. Fat isn't in my vocabulary when I cook. I also make some kick ass pasta using heavy cream.

Mmm. One of my favorite things to make with heavy cream is a mushroom sauce or soup depending on how much stock I add to it. Delicious especially with a couple of sloshes of red or white wine.

221 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:09:39am

re: #210 The Sanity Inspector

English breakfast, mmm...

Tasty - but eat one of those every day and you'll get gout eventually...lol

222 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:10:16am

re: #216 Jadespring

Yep totally agree. The key is a good slow round of slooow cooking. I love my slow cooker.

I put baked beans in the bottom of my dutch oven and a slab of ribs on top. 8 hours later, it's all good. And I don't have to dirty a plate.

223 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:12:08am

re: #220 Jadespring

Mmm. One of my favorite things to make with heavy cream is a mushroom sauce or soup depending on how much stock I add to it. Delicious especially with a couple of sloshes of red or white wine.

I make a cream of chicken and mushroom soup that will bend your knees.

224 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:13:25am

re: #222 Cannadian Club Akbar

I put baked beans in the bottom of my dutch oven and a slab of ribs on top. 8 hours later, it's all good. And I don't have to dirty a plate.

I eat a lot of beans and make them from dried. I never could get them quite right or at least how I liked them until I got a slow cooker. They always tasted just a little bit off when I did them in a pot. Cooking beans and making bean dishes whether baked or chili is one of the main things I use it for.

225 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:15:21am

re: #223 Cannadian Club Akbar

I make a cream of chicken and mushroom soup that will bend your knees.

Do you use a recipe or just wing it?

226 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:15:51am

re: #224 Jadespring

I worked with a Mexican woman who taught me how to make refried beans. But you gotta use lard, not veggie oil.

227 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:16:41am

re: #225 Jadespring

Do you use a recipe or just wing it?

I wing everything. Exception is when baking.

228 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:19:30am

re: #227 Cannadian Club Akbar

I wing everything. Exception is when baking.

Cool-- CCA, I was looking for you the other night on an overnight thread about dutch ovens.

Got lots of good advice from JadeSpring and SB in this thread, but any info you have would be appreciated.

[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com...]

229 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:20:07am

re: #227 Cannadian Club Akbar

I wing everything. Exception is when baking.

Yeah me too except when I'm trying out a new dish that I haven't made before. I use a recipe to get an idea of what it's all about but if I like it then it gets tweeked.

230 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:20:09am

re: #218 Cannadian Club Akbar

Agreed. Fat isn't in my vocabulary when I cook. I also make some kick ass pasta using heavy cream.

If I give up drinking, smoking, and fatty foods, it would add five years to my life. Trouble is, it would add them to the wrong end.
-- P. J. O'Rourke

231 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:20:12am

re: #209 Ericus58

I agree.
And I see you've been put on notice with a ding.
Fancy that.

Serial backbiting is pesky but ultimately harmless.

232 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:22:13am

re: #228 iceweasel

All cookware should be bought at a restaurant supply store. It's usually cheaper and a better quality.

233 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:23:19am

re: #232 Cannadian Club Akbar

All cookware should be bought at a restaurant supply store. It's usually cheaper and a better quality.

I've got a couple of restaurant supply stores to hit in NYC before I relocate.

234 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:24:03am

re: #232 Cannadian Club Akbar

All cookware should be bought at a restaurant supply store. It's usually cheaper and a better quality.

Unless you have really good flea markets. Morning, all.

235 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:26:08am

Morning everyone. Had pneumonia, been AWOL for three weeks. Glad to be back. What did i miss?

236 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:26:27am

re: #233 iceweasel

re: #234 Decatur Deb

My friends mom spent $600 on a pot and pan set. My stuff is better. I maybe spent $150. And that includes a 12" knife and a fillet knife.

237 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:27:08am

re: #232 Cannadian Club Akbar

All cookware should be bought at a restaurant supply store. It's usually cheaper and a better quality.

I learned that from years of watching Alton Brown. He's my hero.

238 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:29:39am

re: #237 RogueOne

I learned that from years of watching Alton Brown. He's my hero.

I like him. But I HATE the Food Network.

239 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:29:44am

re: #235 Aceofwhat?

Morning everyone. Had pneumonia, been AWOL for three weeks. Glad to be back. What did i miss?


240 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:30:16am

Pretty telling when even the NYT is on Rangel's and Pelosi's butts

Congressman Charles Rangel was far from humbled after the ethics committee admonished him for taking corporate-paid Caribbean junkets in violation of the House ethics code. Rather, the New York Democrat berated the panel’s leaders on the House floor.

The moment was characteristic of Mr. Rangel’s arrogance throughout the investigation, which continues into more serious allegations about his official behavior. It is one more reason why Speaker Nancy Pelosi — who championed ethics reform — should stop protecting him and relieve him of his crucial role as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee.


241 SixDegrees  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:30:21am

re: #238 Cannadian Club Akbar

I like him. But I HATE the Food Network.

What? You don't like their Full Contact Cooking format? /

242 Daniel Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:30:29am

re: #235 Aceofwhat?

Welcome back, glad you got over that. No worries all you missed was the health care summit (might have made you sicker!) and a few trolls cooked up.

243 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:30:34am

re: #238 Cannadian Club Akbar

I like him. But I HATE the Food Network.

But I love Giada.

244 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:30:50am
245 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:31:53am

re: #211 iceweasel

I just don't like it. It's highly possible all the ones I've had were bad though.
Jimmah loves it; I'm in the process of learning how to make it.
If all else fails I'll eat the veggies and he can have the roast.

I'm ambivalent about it too. It always seemed like a remedy for a really tough lump of meat, which is fine. I just get more excited about the nicer cuts of meat - the ones that don't need to cook for 5 hours before they're chewable!

246 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:32:07am

re: #244 The Sanity Inspector

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

247 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:32:22am

re: #235 Aceofwhat?

Morning everyone. Had pneumonia, been AWOL for three weeks. Glad to be back. What did i miss?

Charles got banned.

248 Daniel Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:32:34am

re: #237 RogueOne

I am going to order on of his IR kitchen thermometers. Believe it or not we will use it for both cooking and some metallurgical tests at work. Double duty.

249 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:32:43am

re: #224 Jadespring

I quit working with dried beans for the time being. Didn't use them quickly enough, and when mixing types into a batch of soup or chili I couldn't get them all to cook out right. One type or another would overcook or undercook.

Using a slow cooker might be a solution. I mainly use my Crock Pot for doing slow cooker BBQ (chicken usually, but I recently did a pork shoulder and got good results.)

Something else I came across from a cookbook was doing brown rice using the oven and a casserole dish. I get much better results than using a rice cooker or stovetop method.

250 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:32:59am

Hi Ice. I can read you in Spy, but my hamsters are stuck on the Cassano thread.
Probably have to reboot.

251 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:34:38am

re: #249 oaktree

I worked at a BBQ joint that made the top 5 in USA Today.

252 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:34:43am

re: #242 Rightwingconspirator

Welcome back, glad you got over that. No worries all you missed was the health care summit (might have made you sicker!) and a few trolls cooked up.

i've had a few good solid rounds of polite disagreement with friends here on the topic, so i'm sure that no one missed that particular soapbox of mine.

sorry to miss out on troll a la king, but it's crazy how fluid in your lungs will diminish your appetite. never thought i'd have pneumonia at 33 - it was quite a random experience...

253 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:35:00am

re: #247 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Charles got banned.

damn...i knew that guy was a troll.../

254 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:35:20am

On a quiet street in this little town in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains lives a family of refugees who were granted asylum in the United States because they feared persecution in their home country.

The family came to the United States in 2008 from Germany, where children are required to attend an officially recognized school, be it public, private or religious.

The reason for that fear has rarely, if ever, been the basis of an asylum case. The parents, Uwe and Hannelore Romeike, want to home-school their five children, ranging in age from 2 to 12, a practice illegal in their native land, Germany.

Among European countries, Germany is nearly alone in requiring, and enforcing, attendance of children at an officially recognized school. The school can be private or religious, but it must be a school. Exceptions can be made for health reasons but not for principled objections.

But the Romeikes, who are devout Christians, said they wanted their children to learn in a different environment. Mr. Romeike (pronounced ro-MY-kuh), 38, a soft-spoken piano teacher whose young children greet strangers at the front door with a startlingly grown-up politeness, said the unruly behavior of students that was allowed by many teachers had kept his children from learning. The stories in German readers, in which devils, witches and disobedient children are often portrayed as heroes, set bad examples, he said.

“I don’t expect the school to teach about the Bible,” he said, but “part of education should be character-building.”

In Germany, he said, home-schoolers are seen as “fundamentalist religious nuts who don’t want their children to get to know what is going on in the world, who want to protect them from everything.”


The family has been here for some time, having left Germany in 2008. But it was not until Jan. 26 that a federal immigration judge in Memphis granted them political asylum, ruling that they had a reasonable fear of persecution for their beliefs if they returned.

In a harshly worded decision, the judge, Lawrence O. Burman, denounced the German policy, calling it “utterly repellent to everything we believe as Americans,” and expressed shock at the heavy fines and other penalties the government has levied on home-schooling parents, including taking custody of their children.

Describing home-schoolers as a distinct group of people who have a “principled opposition to government policy,” he ruled that the Romeikes would face persecution both because of their religious beliefs and because they were “members of a particular social group,” two standards for granting asylum.


255 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:36:06am

re: #239 The Sanity Inspector


mmmm...that big bunny would taste really good fried...

256 Daniel Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:36:38am

re: #253 Aceofwhat?

damn...i knew that guy was a troll.../

LMAO, with Dragon_Lady. Now CJ will start his day with a smile...

257 SixDegrees  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:36:44am

re: #245 Aceofwhat?

I'm ambivalent about it too. It always seemed like a remedy for a really tough lump of meat, which is fine. I just get more excited about the nicer cuts of meat - the ones that don't need to cook for 5 hours before they're chewable!

Those tougher cuts, though, tend to be cheaper cuts. Pork shoulder runs around $1.25 a pound around here, and I can a couple of dinners for four plus a week's worth of sandwiches out of one 8 pound shoulder.

I haven't played with similar cuts of beef much, except for brisket. But there are similar savings to be had. And those tough cuts often have more flavor than the really tender bits, in my experience.

258 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:36:48am

re: #254 MandyManners

i missed you

259 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:38:09am

re: #248 Rightwingconspirator

I am going to order on of his IR kitchen thermometers. Believe it or not we will use it for both cooking and some metallurgical tests at work. Double duty.

I have one. I love gadgets and my spouse is really good at getting me fun stuff for no apparent reason.

260 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:38:21am

re: #257 SixDegrees

I made sammies with a butt roast. Turned out great. But I'm biased.:)

261 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:38:58am

re: #251 Cannadian Club Akbar

I worked at a BBQ joint that made the top 5 in USA Today.

I presume they grilled their pulled pork and such. I don't have access to a grill and not sure I want to try to do the equivalent in the oven, so I've been pursuing slow-cooker alternatives. (And I cheat for the "smoky" flavor by adding a few drops of Liquid Smoke to the meat after it has been broken up.)

262 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:39:10am

re: #257 SixDegrees

It's all about cutting against the bias, slow-cooking, and brining. The cheapest meats can be made good with some time and care taken with the preparation.

And the best cuts can be spoiled by cook who has no clue what he's doing. Like boiled beef.

263 darthstar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:40:49am

re: #235 Aceofwhat?

Morning everyone. Had pneumonia, been AWOL for three weeks. Glad to be back. What did i miss?

Welcome back.

264 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:41:20am

re: #261 oaktree

The pork cooked for 12 hours in a smoker. It never hit a grill.

265 SixDegrees  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:42:03am

re: #261 oaktree

I presume they grilled their pulled pork and such. I don't have access to a grill and not sure I want to try to do the equivalent in the oven, so I've been pursuing slow-cooker alternatives. (And I cheat for the "smoky" flavor by adding a few drops of Liquid Smoke to the meat after it has been broken up.)

One word: "braising." It's the best overall technique for tougher cuts of meat, and you can easily do it in your oven or on the stovetop. All slow-cooker recipes are basically braises, although you have more control if you do it yourself in a Dutch oven. A web search will turn up thousands of recipes for all types of meat and other foods.

266 Spider Mensch  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:42:19am

ok, where's lvq?? that guy needs a laugh more than anyone else....

"Science and Mother Nature are in a marriage where Science is always surprised to come home and find Mother Nature blowing the neighbor."

[Link: twitter.com...]

267 darthstar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:42:23am

re: #264 Cannadian Club Akbar

The pork cooked for 12 hours in a smoker. It never hit a grill.

Slow-roasting pork is the best way to go...

268 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:42:57am

re: #262 Obdicut

I think my one cookbook recommends brining for every single poultry recipe they have. Not as much for the pork or beef, but for at least a few.

When I did the slow cooker pork recently I didn't brine, but the pork got a dry rub and sat in the fridge for over a day wrapped in plastic. That definitely had a positive effect on the flavor.

269 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:42:59am

re: #267 darthstar

uh... some would differ with that assessment.


270 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:43:13am

re: #264 Cannadian Club Akbar

Better yet. :)

271 garhighway  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:43:21am

re: #240 MandyManners

Pretty telling when even the NYT is on Rangel's and Pelosi's butts

Congressman Charles Rangel was far from humbled after the ethics committee admonished him for taking corporate-paid Caribbean junkets in violation of the House ethics code. Rather, the New York Democrat berated the panel’s leaders on the House floor.


But since the righties disagree with everything the NYT says (it IS a left-wing mouthpiece, or so I have been told), then that means the righties must be siding with Rangel and Pelosi?

272 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:43:27am

re: #262 Obdicut

It's all about cutting against the bias, slow-cooking, and brining. The cheapest meats can be made good with some time and care taken with the preparation.

And the best cuts can be spoiled by cook who has no clue what he's doing. Like boiled beef.

One of the more interesting recipes I've even used for beef is "Rock Salt Roast Beef," which is literally taking a beef roast, encasing it in rock salt and baking it.

Not salty and very moist.

[Link: www.essortment.com...]

273 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:43:57am

Anybody of note been banned lately?

274 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:44:30am

The Islamic Solidarity Games, due to be held in Iran in April, have been called off because of a dispute with Arab countries over what to call the Gulf.

The games federation in Saudi Arabia said the Iranian organisers had failed to address its concerns, particularly about the planned logo and medals.

These bear the words "Persian Gulf", but Arab countries, who call it the Arabian Gulf, reject the term.

The games had been postponed in October in the hope of striking a deal.


Iran has campaigned to ensure the body of water between Iran and the Arabian peninsula is known as the Persian, not the Arabian, Gulf.

275 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:44:54am

re: #265 SixDegrees

My brother is on the lookout for me to find a good Dutch oven. He hits a lot of rummage and estate sales. I might breakdown and simply buy one sometime this year.

276 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:44:55am

re: #258 Aceofwhat?

i missed you

I missed you, too! Where did you go?

277 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:44:56am

re: #272 Walter L. Newton

Beef can be cooked to medium rare using salt. Same with Salmon.

278 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:45:27am

re: #271 garhighway

But since the righties disagree with everything the NYT says (it IS a left-wing mouthpiece, or so I have been told), then that means the righties must be siding with Rangel and Pelosi?

Stopped clock, etc.

279 SixDegrees  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:45:43am
280 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:46:05am

I went online with sears to get a service tech out here (dryer is on the fritz)... they're doing the appointment online as a chat.

How cool is that?

281 oldegeezr  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:46:40am

re: #32 Slumbering Behemoth

re: #33 lazardo

I donnoe SB and L…this appears to be rather substantive?

282 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:46:52am
283 SixDegrees  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:46:56am

re: #275 oaktree

My brother is on the lookout for me to find a good Dutch oven. He hits a lot of rummage and estate sales. I might breakdown and simply buy one sometime this year.

Target carries Lodge Dutch Ovens. They're pretty much exactly like those expensive French models, but cost a third the price.

284 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:46:58am

re: #279 SixDegrees

Gulf of Resentment?

285 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:47:27am

ShortShit's having a hissy fit.

re: #274 MandyManners

The Islamic Solidarity Games, due to be held in Iran in April, have been called off because of a dispute with Arab countries over what to call the Gulf.

Iran has warned that airlines will be banned from flying into its airspace, unless they use the term "Persian Gulf" on their in-flight monitors.

The transport minister has threatened to impound planes that fail to comply.

The nation is most insistent that the stretch of water separating it from its southern neighbours should be known as the Persian Gulf.

To call it the Gulf, annoys the authorities; to call it the Arabian Gulf, infuriates them even more.


Now the Iranian transport minister has given foreign airlines 15 days to change the name to Persian Gulf on their in flight monitors.

If they failed, they would be prevented from entering Iranian airspace, he warned.

And if the offence was repeated, foreign airliners would be grounded and refused permission to leave Iran.

Numerous Arab airlines fly into Iran every day, not to mention Europeans and


286 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:48:36am

re: #271 garhighway

But since the righties disagree with everything the NYT says (it IS a left-wing mouthpiece, or so I have been told), then that means the righties must be siding with Rangel and Pelosi?

Toldja' not to mess with the brown acid.

287 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:48:57am

re: #272 Walter L. Newton

One of the more interesting recipes I've even used for beef is "Rock Salt Roast Beef," which is literally taking a beef roast, encasing it in rock salt and baking it.

Not salty and very moist.

[Link: www.essortment.com...]

Isn't that how they do Prime Rib?

288 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:49:20am

re: #279 SixDegrees

Maybe they should rename it the "Gulf of Harmony."

ShortShit Sea?

289 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:50:06am

re: #282 The Sanity Inspector

Similar to the Sea of Japan, which Korea & no one else calls the East Sea.

Do they abuse other nations for calling it that?

290 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:50:42am

re: #257 SixDegrees

Those tougher cuts, though, tend to be cheaper cuts. Pork shoulder runs around $1.25 a pound around here, and I can a couple of dinners for four plus a week's worth of sandwiches out of one 8 pound shoulder.

I haven't played with similar cuts of beef much, except for brisket. But there are similar savings to be had. And those tough cuts often have more flavor than the really tender bits, in my experience.

In certain cases, absolutely. For instance, i only buy lamb shoulder...it's cheap and sooo tasty on the grill - you barely need to do anything with it. But lamb shoulder has enough fat marbles to keep it interesting.

291 William Barnett-Lewis  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:51:00am

re: #228 iceweasel

Cool-- CCA, I was looking for you the other night on an overnight thread about dutch ovens.

Got lots of good advice from JadeSpring and SB in this thread, but any info you have would be appreciated.

[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com...]

Buy the Lodge. I have both & far prefer the Lodge. Better than either enameled one is my plain cast iron dutch oven from Lodge, but of those two, I'd still pick the Lodge by far.

Good seasoned cast iron is the best cooking gear in the world.


292 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:51:39am

re: #276 MandyManners

I missed you, too! Where did you go?

Pneumonia at 33. How random is that? Who gets pneumonia at my age? I've always had a questionable immune system, though.

293 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:51:59am

re: #287 RogueOne

Isn't that how they do Prime Rib?

Prime Rib should be cooked in the oven to an internal temp of 110. And let it sit for an hour before cutting.

294 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:52:19am

re: #249 oaktree

Yeah give them a whirl again using your crockpot it really made a difference with me.

I find the whole process pretty brainless. Just soak over night, pop them in and let them go for hours. Different beans do have recommended times so it's good to look them up, though I've found that with the cooker even if you leave them in for longer then it says it doesn't make that much of difference.

295 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:52:28am

re: #293 Cannadian Club Akbar

Sounds raw.

296 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:52:38am

re: #293 Cannadian Club Akbar

Prime Rib should be cooked in the oven to an internal temp of 110. And let it sit for an hour before cutting.

I thought they encased it in salt before cooking.

297 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:52:48am

re: #263 darthstar

Welcome back.

Thank God for olympic skiiing...daytime TV is otherwise a reminder of why i like working for a living...

298 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:52:57am

re: #283 SixDegrees

Target carries Lodge Dutch Ovens. They're pretty much exactly like those expensive French models, but cost a third the price.

Let me guess...none made in Holland.

299 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:54:06am

re: #296 RogueOne

I thought they encased it in salt before cooking.

No. I use Montreal seasoning, personally.

300 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:54:16am

re: #284 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Gulf of Resentment?

Slough of Despond.

301 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:55:00am

re: #300 Decatur Deb

Slough of Despond.

The Cheeky Channel?

302 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:55:15am

re: #297 Aceofwhat?

True. You picked a good time to be sick.

303 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:55:31am

re: #287 RogueOne

Isn't that how they do Prime Rib?

I don't think so, but I'm not saying that wouldn't work. I really don't know for sure.

304 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:55:40am

The death of a Cuban political prisoner and the prolonged jailing of a U.S. citizen in Havana appear to have cast a dark cloud over U.S. and Spanish government efforts to engage Raul Castro's government.

"We still believe engagement is the right way, but the death of Orlando Zapata was a punch to the gut,'' said an aide to a U.S. Democratic congressman who favors easing sanctions on Cuba.


The U.S. and Spanish efforts were not faring well even before the Dec. 3 arrest of U.S. government contractor Alan P. Gross and the Feb. 23 death of Zapata, who starved himself to death to protest prison conditions.

Castro had made no significant counter-gestures after President Barack Obama lifted or eased several sanctions on Cuba last year. A bill before Congress allowing unrestricted travel to Cuba appeared to have stalled, and was recently reworked as part of an agriculture bill.

At the EU, former communist-ruled nations were opposing the campaign by Spain's socialist government to persuade the regional body to abandon its Common Position on Cuba, which essentially conditions EU relations on Cuba's human rights record.

But the Zapata and Gross cases undermined the argument that since the Cuban government has made no concessions, the United States and EU should take unilateral steps to engage with the Cuban people, said sanctions supporters. They also raised the question of whether Cuba was intentionally trying to torpedo the U.S. and EU efforts at rapprochement.


The article is filled with references to un-named Congresspeople who favor lifting the sanctions.

305 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:55:58am

re: #289 MandyManners

Do they abuse other nations for calling it that?

Not too much. I think they bitched at a navigation software manufacturer for saying Sea of Japan, last year.

306 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:56:05am

re: #292 Aceofwhat?

Pneumonia at 33. How random is that? Who gets pneumonia at my age? I've always had a questionable immune system, though.


307 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:56:38am

re: #299 Cannadian Club Akbar

No. I use Montreal seasoning, personally.

There is a place around here that if you drove you would think is a dive/biker bar but it's the best place within 50 miles to get prime rib. They use the salt method and I just assumed that was the only way to do it. A quick google search says I'm wrong.

308 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:56:55am

re: #305 The Sanity Inspector

Not too much. I think they bitched at a navigation software manufacturer for saying Sea of Japan, last year.

Beats sacking flight crew and stealing planes.

309 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:56:56am

re: #305 The Sanity Inspector

And then there was the case of the navigator "wiping Israel from the map."

310 SixDegrees  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:57:32am

re: #298 Spare O'Lake

Let me guess...none made in Holland.

I've never seen one that was. I should probably look into the origin of the name. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the country. Probably named after some guy named Mr. Dutch.

311 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:57:34am

re: #309 laZardo

And then there was the case of the navigator "wiping Israel from the map."

ShortShit's previous gig?

312 darthstar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:57:57am

re: #24 freetoken

The "crankosphere" is terminally maladaptive.

I'm so adopting that phrase into my personal vocabulary. "Terminally maladaptive"...well said.

313 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:59:42am

re: #311 MandyManners

Found the article.

314 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:59:52am

re: #292 Aceofwhat?

Pneumonia at 33. How random is that? Who gets pneumonia at my age? I've always had a questionable immune system, though.

It happens. I got it a few years back when I had a cold that went to my chest. Just a light cough in the beginning. It was a stressful time, I was working tons, so couldn't rest that much and bam before I knew it the thing had morphed into pneumonia.

315 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:00:47am

re: #304 MandyManners

Someone needs to remind me why we "let" rogue nations like Cuba hold our citizens??

316 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:01:05am

re: #312 darthstar

It took me almost 4 days and 5 different apps (all free but 1) but I finally have my droid set up so it's a functional work phone. I don't hate you anymore ;)

317 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:01:31am

re: #314 Jadespring

I got pneumonia from a Pink Floyd concert. Not kidding. It was cold and rainy.

318 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:02:22am

re: #292 Aceofwhat?

Pneumonia at 33. How random is that? Who gets pneumonia at my age? I've always had a questionable immune system, though.

Age isn't determinant--the bug gets a vote.

319 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:02:55am

Lodge Dutch Ovens are made in China?

[Link: www.thevinetimes.com...]

320 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:04:29am

re: #317 Cannadian Club Akbar

I got pneumonia from a Pink Floyd concert. Not kidding. It was cold and rainy.

re: #314 Jadespring

It happens. I got it a few years back when I had a cold that went to my chest. Just a light cough in the beginning. It was a stressful time, I was working tons, so couldn't rest that much and bam before I knew it the thing had morphed into pneumonia.

The worst part has been muscle strains after paroxysms of coughing. I can handle being sick...but pulling every muscle in my back, along with my serratus groups, has just been ridiculous. I am currently operating with the speed and grace of a 95-year old man...

321 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:04:52am

re: #319 Spare O'Lake

Lodge Dutch Ovens are made in China?

[Link: www.thevinetimes.com...]

Maybe only the new ceramic line. Some is made in South Pittsburg Tennessee (no 'h'), where they have a great true outlet store.

322 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:05:10am

And on this ams news coverage: Obama owes Harper a case of beer.

323 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:05:26am

re: #313 laZardo

Found the article.

Maybe someone's still pissed over the King David Hotel.

BTW, hasn't Yahoo done something similar?

324 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:05:46am

re: #320 Aceofwhat?

The worst part has been muscle strains after paroxysms of coughing. I can handle being sick...but pulling every muscle in my back, along with my serratus groups, has just been ridiculous. I am currently operating with the speed and grace of a 95-year old man...

I actually damaged two ribs from a bad cough once. Took almost 6 months to heal.

325 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:05:58am

re: #315 Aceofwhat?

Someone needs to remind me why we "let" rogue nations like Cuba hold our citizens??

I have no idea. Well, I do but it'd upset a few here.

326 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:05:59am

re: #322 Jadespring

And on this ams news coverage: Obama owes Harper a case of beer.

Yeah. Canadians need more beer.

327 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:06:05am

re: #322 Jadespring

And on this ams news coverage: Obama owes Harper a case of beer.

Muslins don't deal booze.

328 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:08:32am

re: #320 Aceofwhat?

The worst part has been muscle strains after paroxysms of coughing. I can handle being sick...but pulling every muscle in my back, along with my serratus groups, has just been ridiculous. I am currently operating with the speed and grace of a 95-year old man...

No kidding. I had sore muscles for a week or so after. Just take care of yourself. It can take a while to get over and if you push it a relapse is possible. After having it I can really understand how in pre-antibiotic world that it was a real killer. Still is of course but not to the extent it once was. It's not a illness to mess around with.

329 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:09:16am

re: #324 Walter L. Newton

I actually damaged two ribs from a bad cough once. Took almost 6 months to heal.

How did the Harry_Readme unveiling go? That's the one event I truly regretted missing. I haven't had the energy to go back and look up your posts and resulting conversation yet (although I have read the HarryReadme files on my own time...i'm embarrassed for anyone who used that data before he went in and cleaned it all up)

330 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:10:41am

re: #329 Aceofwhat?

How did the Harry_Readme unveiling go? That's the one event I truly regretted missing. I haven't had the energy to go back and look up your posts and resulting conversation yet (although I have read the HarryReadme files on my own time...i'm embarrassed for anyone who used that data before he went in and cleaned it all up)

Download Ian Harris essay in PDF format

331 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:11:11am

re: #328 Jadespring

No kidding. I had sore muscles for a week or so after. Just take care of yourself. It can take a while to get over and if you push it a relapse is possible. After having it I can really understand how in pre-antibiotic world that it was a real killer. Still is of course but not to the extent it once was. It's not a illness to mess around with.

Seriously. When i was 8, i had to have my tonsils removed. The doc said that i had an abscess on one of them that would have killed me in a pre-antibiotic, pre-surgery world.

That's why i laugh whenever someone reminisces about the "good old days". The good old days are right now.

332 Super-ego  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:11:52am

I love the praying mantis and the dragon flies.

FYI: The dragonfly can bite chunks of skin from fingers. I didn't realize it could curl around like that. :)

333 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:12:20am

re: #323 MandyManners

Maybe someone's still pissed over the King David Hotel.

BTW, hasn't Yahoo done something similar?

Gotta love those arsekissing dhimmi Brit antisemites.

334 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:12:46am

re: #329 Aceofwhat?

How did the Harry_Readme unveiling go? That's the one event I truly regretted missing. I haven't had the energy to go back and look up your posts and resulting conversation yet (although I have read the HarryReadme files on my own time...i'm embarrassed for anyone who used that data before he went in and cleaned it all up)

Charles opinion was I didn't prove my point. It received a balanced reception, there was no meltdown on the thread where I posted it.

One of the stalker blogs posted the whole essay as a thread, without my permission and basically used it to mock me and Charles.

I'm a big boy... I'm ok :)

335 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:13:19am

re: #332 Super-ego

I love the praying mantis and the dragon flies.

FYI: The dragonfly can bite chunks of skin from fingers. I didn't realize it could curl around like that. :)

Doesn't the praying mantis female kill the male after mating?

336 SixDegrees  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:13:46am

re: #319 Spare O'Lake

Lodge Dutch Ovens are made in China?

[Link: www.thevinetimes.com...]

It seems their enamelware is, while their raw cast iron is still made in the US. I don't know that there are any American enamelware manufacturers.

337 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:14:26am

Somalia’s rebel group al Shabaab has ordered the UN food agency to halt all operations and leave the failed horn of Africa state, a statement from the rebels said on Sunday.

The World Food Programme’s Somalia operation has faced several challenges in recent months including accusations of diversion of food by its workers to rebels. It dismissed the charges after its own internal investigations. “Effective as of today, all of WFP’s operations inside Somalia are terminated and the organisation has been completely banned,” al Shabaab said in the statement.

Covert scheme: The group said the agency’s food distribution had negatively impacted local farmers and accused it of handing out expired food and of harbouring covert political aims like offering assistance to Ethiopians.

“All Somali persons, businessmen and truck drivers who are currently contracted to or working with WFP are hereby instructed to terminate their contracts immediately,” the statement added. Anyone found working with the agency after the order was issued would be considered an accomplice to the organisation’s schemes and guilty of aiding in the destruction of the economy, al Shabaab said in the statement issued by its self-styled Office for Supervising the Affairs of Foreign Agencies.


338 SixDegrees  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:14:48am

re: #335 Cannadian Club Akbar

Doesn't the praying mantis female kill the male after mating?

She bites his head off before mating. Without it, the male turns into a humping machine.

There's a lesson in there somewhere for all of us, I think.

339 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:15:31am

re: #332 Super-ego

Both are impressive eating machines.

Whenever a praying mantis surfaced in my hedge I'd secure a grasshopper or katydid for it to make a meal of. I also kept an eye out for egg cases when I trimmed said hedge and made sure they were safely re-inserted in the hedge if I ended up trimming the branch they were on.

My like for dragonflies goes back to when I used to mow the lawn in my youth. I'd be followed by a few of them that would pick off the mosquitoes the lawn mower (and my movement) stirred up. Anything that ate them before they bit me got good karma in my book.

340 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:15:32am

re: #333 Spare O'Lake

Gotta love those arsekissing dhimmi Brit antisemites.

Did you read here this weekend that they've sent a cop to Israel to investigate the passports?

341 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:16:33am

re: #330 Walter L. Newton

Download Ian Harris essay in PDF format

Cool, thanks.

The two most inexcusable things i read in the original file a few months ago (when it first came out) were
-blind merging
-re-extrapolating coefficients

But mostly the blind merging. The problem with blind merging is that you artificially increase your set of valid data points, which radically changes (i.e. artificially improves) the statistical significance of your formulae and projections.

It's something i have corrected in the work of interns at an evill corporashun, as Mandy likes to say. Tolerating it at a 'scientific institution' is unthinkable.

342 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:16:51am

re: #338 SixDegrees

She bites his head off before mating. Without it, the male turns into a humping machine.

There's a lesson in there somewhere for all of us, I think.

Males are only born with 2 impulses, eating and sex?

343 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:18:34am

re: #334 Walter L. Newton

Perhaps he has a different threshold for 'incorrect results' than i do. Vastly misstating the statistical significance of a result will wreak havoc with your error margins, and climatology without proper error margins is about as helpful as astrology.

344 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:18:39am

re: #342 RogueOne

Males are only born with 2 impulses, eating and sex?

Our addition to evolutionary diversity is an addiction to the adrenalin rush as well. Thus all the famous last words starting "Hey, watch this..."

345 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:18:43am

re: #323 MandyManners

I don't know, but the closest websites they have to the Middle East are in Turkey and India.

346 oldegeezr  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:18:51am

re: #293 Cannadian Club Akbar

“Prime Rib should be cooked in the oven to an internal temp of 110. And let it sit for an hour before cutting.”

Apparently you like your prime rib…like steak tartare, we like it rare and more than just barely warm, but not actually raw!


I would suggest at least 120 degrees and letting it rest, covered with foil, for twenty to thirty minutes. Cooking will continue and the very core temperature will actually rise as the outer heat penetrates toward the center.

347 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:19:17am

re: #338 SixDegrees

She bites his head off before mating. Without it, the male turns into a humping machine.

There's a lesson in there somewhere for all of us, I think.

Well that's a little unnecessary. We're humping machines with our without our heads///

348 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:19:27am

re: #341 Aceofwhat?

Cool, thanks.

The two most inexcusable things i read in the original file a few months ago (when it first came out) were
-blind merging


You mean like this...

“I am very sorry to report that the rest of the databases seem to be in nearly as poor a state as Australia was. There are hundreds if not thousands of pairs of dummy stations, one with no WMO and one with, usually overlapping and with the same station name and very similar coordinates. I know it could be old and new stations, but why such large overlaps if that's the case? Aarrggghhh!”

349 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:19:50am

Good morning Lizardia!

The spring cleaning season has kicked off. I thought I'd spend some time here procrastinating.

350 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:20:55am

re: #331 Aceofwhat?

Seriously. When i was 8, i had to have my tonsils removed. The doc said that i had an abscess on one of them that would have killed me in a pre-antibiotic, pre-surgery world.

That's why i laugh whenever someone reminisces about the "good old days". The good old days are right now.

Yeah. I was out doing some bush work in the north and tiny sliver in my hand, which I didn't even notice got infected. My hand started turning this weird purple and lines started going up past my wrist. I had to get to hospital asap but it took five hours by boat, atv, walking and helicopter. Meanwhile I sat there and watched the lines slowly creep up my arm. The doctor said thank goodness you got here when you did this is really serious. At the hospital they gave me a antibiotic drip and by the next day problem solved.

In the 'good ole days' the solution would have been to cut off my arm and/or a fight with death. In those days a tiny sliver could kill you.

351 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:21:04am

re: #340 MandyManners

Did you read here this weekend that they've sent a cop to Israel to investigate the passports?

No, I missed that. But I'm sure Israel, being the only democratic state in the region with a functioning justice system, will cooperate to a fault.

352 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:21:04am

re: #346 oldegeezr

It will end up at 120 if you let it sit. Hence, cooking to 110.

353 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:21:16am

re: #332 Super-ego

I love the praying mantis and the dragon flies.

FYI: The dragonfly can bite chunks of skin from fingers. I didn't realize it could curl around like that. :)

Really? Is it just that they don't often bite us - i've never heard of them biting? I've always loved them, in part because i always thought they only bit their food.

354 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:21:23am

re: #349 Alouette

Good morning Lizardia!

The spring cleaning season has kicked off. I thought I'd spend some time here procrastinating.

"Spring cleaning" doesn't start up here until maybe May, since it can remain cold and snowy that late into the spring, or later.

355 lawhawk  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:22:30am

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area; the political scandals in NYS politics are continuing to come fast and furious and it threatens to take down top Democrats like Rangel, Paterson, Smith and Meeks. This is our political ruling elites.

And the worst juxtaposition of the weekend had to be a political confab to rally support for Paterson attended by Smith, Rangel, Al Sharpton and Charles Barron among others - each of whom either have ongoing scandals and criminal investigations pending (or should), or are race-baiting bomb throwers who have never missed an opportunity to find a camera to claim that someone is racist in their actions.

What does it say about Paterson when the best that could be said is that a bunch of ethically, morally, and legally compromised politicians and political thugs are trying to support your continuing presence in state politics?

356 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:22:32am

Charles Rangel met with New York Democrats on Saturday in an effort to save embattled Gov. David Paterson. But the meeting could just as easily have been about Rangel himself.

The House ethics committee decision to admonish Rangel for taking two corporate-sponsored trips to the Caribbean has turned up the heat on the powerful Ways and Means Committee chairman — with even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying that Rangel’s actions don’t pass the “smell test.”

Several House Democrats have now joined Republicans in calling for Rangel to lose his gavel, and The New York Times has chimed in, saying the “arrogance” Rangel showed in the wake of Thursday’s ethics committee ruling provides “one more reason” for Pelosi to “stop protecting him and relieve him of his crucial role as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee.”

In an interview with ABC’s “This Week,” Pelosi acknowledged that “what Mr. Rangel has been admonished for is not good.”

But the speaker also said that Rangel’s participation in the corporate-sponsored trips wasn’t something that had “jeopardized our country in any way,” and she made it clear that she has no intention of taking away Rangel’s chairmanship unless and until the ethics committee determines that he’s guilty of a number of ethics violations it’s currently investigating.

“Well, let’s ... why don’t we just give him a chance to hear what the independent, bipartisan [ethics committee says] — they work very hard to reach their conclusions, and we ... obviously, there’s more to come here,” Pelosi said.


357 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:23:25am

re: #348 Walter L. Newton

You mean like this...

“I am very sorry to report that the rest of the databases seem to be in nearly as poor a state as Australia was. There are hundreds if not thousands of pairs of dummy stations, one with no WMO and one with, usually overlapping and with the same station name and very similar coordinates. I know it could be old and new stations, but why such large overlaps if that's the case? Aarrggghhh!”

Exactly. Any formula based on such a database (before some virtual clorox and a virtual colonoscopy) would yield wildly incorrect results.

358 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:23:31am

re: #345 laZardo

I don't know, but the closest websites they have to the Middle East are in Turkey and India.

Yahoo maps, I think. It's been posted here a few times, once recently.

359 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:24:05am

re: #349 Alouette

Good morning Lizardia!

The spring cleaning season has kicked off. I thought I'd spend some time here procrastinating.

Good choice!

360 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:24:32am

re: #351 Spare O'Lake

No, I missed that. But I'm sure Israel, being the only democratic state in the region with a functioning justice system, will cooperate to a fault.

While laughing up their sleeves.

361 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:24:57am

re: #355 lawhawk

SNL this saturday did a Paterson parody during the 'weekend news update' bit. hi-larious. When they go to town on a democrat, you know it's bad...

362 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:25:01am

re: #338 SixDegrees

She bites his head off before mating. Without it, the male turns into a humping machine.

There's a lesson in there somewhere for all of us, I think.

Listening to Ozzy Osbourne leads to bestiality?

363 SixDegrees  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:25:16am

re: #331 Aceofwhat?

Seriously. When i was 8, i had to have my tonsils removed. The doc said that i had an abscess on one of them that would have killed me in a pre-antibiotic, pre-surgery world.

That's why i laugh whenever someone reminisces about the "good old days". The good old days are right now.

Hell, yes. My grandparents used to reminisce about the "good old days" when they were growing up, and people used to die in childhood from diseases we've nearly forgotten about today, or from infections that are now considered trivial. They viewed the modern age, with it's antibiotics and vaccines, with utter astonishment, because it was so much better than the world they had grown up in.

Grandma would beat Jenny McCarthy bloody, given half a chance, upon hearing the drivel that pours from her mouth.

364 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:25:24am

My daughter-in-law dressed up as Amy Winehouse for Purim. Oh my. No tattoos or crack pipe as far as I could see, though.

365 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:26:00am

re: #350 Jadespring

In the 'good ole days' the solution would have been to cut off my arm and/or a fight with death. In those days a tiny sliver could kill you.

There is still a bug that causes necrotizing fasciitis. I know of a person who died of a barbed-wire scratch, even with good medical care.

[Link: en.wikipedia.org...]

366 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:27:18am

re: #356 MandyManners

in other words

"the committee is going to nail his dumb ass so I'm not going to bother doing it myself in the meantime"

ahhh...the party of anti-corruption!

367 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:27:33am

re: #357 Aceofwhat?

Exactly. Any formula based on such a database (before some virtual clorox and a virtual colonoscopy) would yield wildly incorrect results.

Depends on your belief system.

368 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:29:05am

re: #365 Decatur Deb

There is still a bug that causes necrotizing fasciitis. I know of a person who died of a barbed-wire scratch, even with good medical care.

[Link: en.wikipedia.org...]

Mom's a doc at the Mayo Clinic down here. She's treated quite a few of those cases...you should see her pictures. The stuff they show on the Discovery channel is tame compared to the real thing. It's literally what you'd imagine would be happening to someone in hell.

369 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:29:59am

re: #367 Walter L. Newton

Depends on your belief system.

Hm. Sounds like i missed a good opportunity to hold a statistics lecture...oh well. There will be other days. And i'm still alive, so i've got that going for me...

370 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:31:47am

re: #366 Aceofwhat?

in other words

"the committee is going to nail his dumb ass so I'm not going to bother doing it myself in the meantime"

ahhh...the party of anti-corruption!

Curious position for the Speaker of the House, one reputed to be the strongest in years when it comes to keeping her party in line.

371 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:33:21am

re: #370 MandyManners

Curious position for the Speaker of the House, one reputed to be the strongest in years when it comes to keeping her party in line.

Threats, blackmail, bribery, and extortion are how a party is kept in line.

372 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:33:32am

re: #370 MandyManners

Curious position for the Speaker of the House, one reputed to be the strongest in years when it comes to keeping her party in line.

I can't abide it when the leadership of either party fails to understand that smacking down a miscreant in their own ranks makes their party and leadership stronger rather than weaker. Policing one's own is an act of strength.

373 Killgore Trout  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:34:27am

Very cool video. Looks like that garden is in Australia.

374 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:35:20am

THE ORGANIZATION of American States has failed to respond to the steady deterioration of Latin American democracy during the past few years, even though the defense of democracy is supposed to be one of its primary missions. Now the OAS -- and governments throughout the region -- have been shamed by one of its own branch organizations. Last week, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights issued a searing and authoritative report on the destruction of Venezuela's political institutions and the erosion of freedom under President Hugo Chávez. It's a powerful and sometimes chilling account of what OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza and the organization's permanent council have been ignoring.

In meticulous detail, the 300-page report documents how Mr. Chávez's regime has done away with judicial independence, intimidated or eliminated opposition media, stripped elected opposition leaders of their powers, and used bogus criminal charges to silence human rights groups. Much of this has been reported. But the commission, made up of seven jurists and rights activists from Antigua, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and the United States, offers a level of detail and a stance of impartiality that ought to discredit those defenders of Mr. Chávez who paint his critics as Yanqui imperialists or coup-plotters.

Particularly shocking is the commission's account of the role that violence and murder have played in Mr. Chávez's concentration of power. The report documents killings of journalists, opposition protesters and farmers; it says that 173 trade union leaders and members were slain between 1997 and 2009 "in the context of trade union violence, with contract killings being the most common method for attacking union leaders." The report says that in 2008 Venezuela's human rights ombudsman recorded 134 complaints of arbitrary killings by security forces, 87 allegations of torture and 33 cases of forced disappearance. It also asserts that radical groups allied with Mr. Chávez "are perpetrating acts of violence with the involvement or acquiescence of state agents."


375 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:35:52am

re: #370 MandyManners

Curious position for the Speaker of the House, one reputed to be the strongest in years when it comes to keeping her party in line.

But, but she promised the most honest congress ever!! EVER!!!!

376 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:36:03am

re: #372 Aceofwhat?

I can't abide it when the leadership of either party fails to understand that smacking down a miscreant in their own ranks makes their party and leadership stronger rather than weaker. Policing one's own is an act of strength.

I concur. And defending your own when you know they're in the wrong just convinces the independents that you are corrupt and hands ammo to the opposition to say it as well. Plus it will be rolled out as a tu coque defense when one of theirs gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar as well.

377 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:36:08am

re: #363 SixDegrees

Hell, yes. My grandparents used to reminisce about the "good old days" when they were growing up, and people used to die in childhood from diseases we've nearly forgotten about today, or from infections that are now considered trivial. They viewed the modern age, with it's antibiotics and vaccines, with utter astonishment, because it was so much better than the world they had grown up in.

Grandma would beat Jenny McCarthy bloody, given half a chance, upon hearing the drivel that pours from her mouth.

Yep. There's something wonderful about not having to spawn 7 kids just so that 3 or 4 live long enough to have kids of their own...

378 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:36:14am

re: #371 Decatur Deb

Threats, blackmail, bribery, and extortion are how a party is kept in line.

So, why her position on Rangel? Did you read No. 356?

379 oldegeezr  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:36:47am

re: #352 Cannadian Club Akbar

We try to purchase roasts that aren’t completely symmetrical. The thinner end will be more done than the thicker portion, thus suiting the tastes of all invited.

Your avatar would appear to be more than very well served with the rib!

380 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:38:02am

re: #378 MandyManners

So, why her position on Rangel? Did you read No. 356?

It weakens him in relation to her. He owes her one.

382 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:38:23am

re: #379 oldegeezr

We try to purchase roasts that aren’t completely symmetrical. The thinner end will be more done than the thicker portion, thus suiting the tastes of all invited.

Your avatar would appear to be more than very well served with the rib!

You know what goes well with my avatar? More avatar!!!

383 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:38:33am

re: #365 Decatur Deb

There is still a bug that causes necrotizing fasciitis. I know of a person who died of a barbed-wire scratch, even with good medical care.

[Link: en.wikipedia.org...]

I know somebody who had that too. They didn't die but lost a good chuck of their thigh muscle. Not suggesting that we have it all licked but overall worrying about cuts and scrapes is not as a serious business as it once was.
However now there's the issue of the development of antibiotic resistance strains to the very things they combat connected with the overuse of antibiotics. It's a bit of double edged sword.

384 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:39:08am

re: #374 MandyManners

How brave does one have to be to accept the role of "Venezuelan Human Rights Ombudsman"? Kudos to that person, whoever they are...

385 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:39:23am

re: #383 Jadespring

Breeding Better Bugs.

386 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:39:31am

I'm fixing me some hash browns and eggs.

MMMmmm... pre-meat.

387 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:39:59am

re: #374 MandyManners

• In March, Chávez further clamped down the private sector, particularly producers of price-controlled basic food items. He ordered the seizure of domestic and foreign rice-processing plants for not meeting output quotas while warning producers of cooking oil, corn flour and toilet paper to put out or face the consequences.

• Chávez lost no time in implementing his ``geometry of power,'' that is, a recentralization of administrative control over harbors, airports and roads which conveniently wrested resources from the opposition-governed states. In April, Chávez stripped the Caracas mayoralty of most powers by literally parachuting in a loyalist to head the newly created Capital District. Led by Chávez appointees with authority over all elected officials, four other administrative regions were also established

• The electoral system was modified on a largely winner-take-all basis rather than the proportional representation that would have benefited the opposition in the September 2010 parliamentary elections.

• An education law strengthened state control over education at the expense of local governments, school authorities, parents and, of course, children. It proclaimed the primacy of a ``new political culture based on popular power.'' Private schools and universities are obviously the target.


388 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:40:20am

re: #375 Cannadian Club Akbar

But, but she promised the most honest congress ever!! EVER!!!

She won.

389 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:41:03am

re: #386 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'm fixing me some hash browns and eggs.

MMMmmm... pre-meat.

I dated a girl who was a veggie, except for eggs. She didn't eat anything that was self-locomoating.

390 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:42:26am

re: #387 MandyManners

Not aimed at you, of course.

Hey, press? He's a commie! He's a dictator! We get it!

Only thing gonna stop it now is his death.

391 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:43:28am

re: #383 Jadespring

Oooh - you remind me of one of my favorite soapboxes: antibacterial soap based on antibiotics. Purchasing antibacterial products that use alcohol or chemicals is fine - there is no such thing as cellular resistance to alcohol. Purchasing antibacterial soap/cleaner products based on Triclosan (the most popular antibiotic used in these products) is lunacy.

392 Altermite  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:43:42am

re: #383 Jadespring

I know somebody who had that too. They didn't die but lost a good chuck of their thigh muscle. Not suggesting that we have it all licked but overall worrying about cuts and scrapes is not as a serious business as it once was.
However now there's the issue of the development of antibiotic resistance strains to the very things they combat connected with the overuse of antibiotics. It's a bit of double edged sword.

The problem with overuse of antibiotics isn't in combating the things they were meant to kill (bacteria) so much as prescribing it for things that they are useless for. This makes it likely that random surviving will develop resistance.

Even more of a problem is people who, when prescribed antibiotics, don't complete the regimen. This has the effect of only killing the least resistant bacteria. If they were to complete the regimen, they generally kill all the target bacteria, even those with some resistance, preventing those from surviving and developing into even more resistant strains.

393 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:43:53am

re: #390 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Not aimed at you, of course.

Hey, press? He's a commie! He's a dictator! We get it!

Only thing gonna stop it now is his death.

Not all coups result in the death of the dictator.

394 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:44:15am

re: #390 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Not aimed at you, of course.

Hey, press? He's a commie! He's a dictator! We get it!

Only thing gonna stop it now is his death.

We can dream.

395 Daniel Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:44:21am

BBl, RWC's on his way to work. D_L

396 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:44:30am

re: #365 Decatur Deb

There is still a bug that causes necrotizing fasciitis. I know of a person who died of a barbed-wire scratch, even with good medical care.

For a moment there I thought it was the bug that turned people into zombie Nazis.

397 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:44:41am

re: #392 Altermite

The problem with overuse of antibiotics isn't in combating the things they were meant to kill (bacteria) so much as prescribing it for things that they are useless for. This makes it likely that random surviving will develop resistance.

Even more of a problem is people who, when prescribed antibiotics, don't complete the regimen. This has the effect of only killing the least resistant bacteria. If they were to complete the regimen, they generally kill all the target bacteria, even those with some resistance, preventing those from surviving and developing into even more resistant strains.


398 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:44:43am

re: #388 MandyManners

She won.

Sure did!

And the history books will forever record that it's the Democratic Party, for all their many faults, that had the first female Speaker of the House.

Just like history will forever record that the first black POTUS was a Dem candidate.

America won!

399 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:45:32am

re: #304 MandyManners

The death of a Cuban political prisoner and the prolonged jailing of a U.S. citizen in Havana appear to have cast a dark cloud over U.S. and Spanish government efforts to engage Raul Castro's government.

The article is filled with references to un-named Congresspeople who favor lifting the sanctions.

Leftists keeping banging on about when will the United States soften its position on the Cuban regime. They never seem to mind Cuba's adamant refusal to "soften" its own stance against its own people. This is doubtless due to the influence of the Sixties Left, now entrenched in the universities, for whom Fidel Castro and indeed any anti-American leftwing dictator are heroes.

400 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:45:51am

re: #398 iceweasel

Sure did!

And the history books will forever record that it's the Democratic Party, for all their many faults, that had the first female Speaker of the House.

Just like history will forever record that the first black POTUS was a Dem candidate.

America won!

Just wait until Condi becomes the first female POTUS!

401 darthstar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:46:14am

Ahh...happy Heads...

402 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:46:48am
403 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:47:23am

re: #398 iceweasel

Sure did!

And the history books will forever record that it's the Democratic Party, for all their many faults, that had the first female Speaker of the House.

Just like history will forever record that the first black POTUS was a Dem candidate.

America won!

personally, I don't much care about those milestones...performance is all that matters to me, and I'm not impressed with either one

404 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:47:38am

re: #390 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Not aimed at you, of course.

Hey, press? He's a commie! He's a dictator! We get it!

Only thing gonna stop it now is his death.

Do you object to the MFM repeatedly publishing stories about Commies?

405 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:47:43am

re: #400 Aceofwhat?

Just wait until Condi becomes the first female POTUS!

If only the GOP were yowling for Condi to be a candidate, and not Palin.

406 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:47:58am

re: #400 Aceofwhat?

Just wait until Condi becomes the first female POTUS!

And she wouldn't get 10% of the black vote.

407 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:48:05am

re: #399 The Sanity Inspector

"Well, maybe their people wouldn't have to live in such squalor if the embargo didn't force them to trade expensively with partners halfway around the world!"

/argument check

408 simoom  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:48:44am

Another unintentionally hilarious Tea Party movement development, iamtheteapartyleader.com:

What can be done to one of us, can be done to all of us.

According to Andrew Breitbart, Bill Clinton and James Carville are planning personal 'deep opposition research on 7-8 national leaders' active in the tea party movement.

It is un-American and morally wrong for a former president to attack Americans who have gotten involved in the political system.

I Am Spartacus...I Am The Tea Party Leader

In the spirit of the quote, "I am Spartacus!" from the Movie Spartacus, Tea Party Patriots has developed this site called I Am The Tea Party Leader.

Participation is easy, here is how.
Shoot a video of yourself saying only the following words, "I am the tea party leader."

Upload the video to YouTube

From the Breitbart BigGovernment article they're referencing:

Big Government has learned that Clintonistas are plotting a “push/pull” strategy. They plan to identify 7-8 national figures active in the tea party movement and engage in deep opposition research on them. If possible, they will identify one or two they can perhaps ‘turn’, either with money or threats, to create a mole in the movement. The others will be subjected to a full-on smear campaign.

As the Clinton’s know, “politics ain’t beanbag.” Expect the counterattack soon. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.

(h/t rumproast)

409 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:48:55am

re: #406 Cannadian Club Akbar

And she wouldn't get 10% of the black GOP teabaggin base vote.


410 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:49:08am

re: #405 iceweasel

If only the GOP were yowling for Condi to be a candidate, and not Palin.

she'd rather be the commissioner of the NFL!....dig that!...I don't blame her, whtr a sweet job that would be

411 simoom  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:49:20am

re: #408 simoom

A few "I am the Tea Party Leader" YouTube video samples:

412 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:49:21am

re: #391 Aceofwhat?

Oooh - you remind me of one of my favorite soapboxes: antibacterial soap based on antibiotics. Purchasing antibacterial products that use alcohol or chemicals is fine - there is no such thing as cellular resistance to alcohol. Purchasing antibacterial soap/cleaner products based on Triclosan (the most popular antibiotic used in these products) is lunacy.

It's one of mine too! I hate, hate, hate those soaps, especially dishwashing soap. It's more marketing thing then anything else because even just plain soap and water does the job just fine. One of the best kitchen disenfectants is plain ole salt.

413 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:49:29am

re: #399 The Sanity Inspector

Leftists keeping banging on about when will the United States soften its position on the Cuban regime. They never seem to mind Cuba's adamant refusal to "soften" its own stance against its own people. This is doubtless due to the influence of the Sixties Left, now entrenched in the universities, for whom Fidel Castro and indeed any anti-American leftwing dictator are heroes.

Don't forget Manuel Zelaya of Honduras, who was backed by Castro, Chavez and BHO.

414 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:49:42am

re: #409 iceweasel


Both are true. Heh.

415 Altermite  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:49:48am

re: #398 iceweasel

Just like history will forever record that the first black POTUS was a Dem candidate.

America won!

Shame his wife didn't get the nomination. Hillary would likely have headed off any nomination of sarah before it happened.

416 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:49:57am

re: #405 iceweasel

If only the GOP were yowling for Condi to be a candidate, and not Palin.

Seriously. She's my preferred candidate. She's as sharp as a tack, and as far as i know, doesn't subscribe to any of the idiocy currently haunting a frightening percentage of the right these days...

417 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:50:50am

re: #416 Aceofwhat?

Seriously. She's my preferred candidate. She's as sharp as a tack, and as far as i know, doesn't subscribe to any of the idiocy currently haunting a frightening percentage of the right these days...

therefore, unelectable

418 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:51:44am

re: #356 MandyManners

Charles Rangel met with New York Democrats on Saturday in an effort to save embattled Gov. David Paterson. But the meeting could just as easily have been about Rangel himself.

The House ethics committee decision to admonish Rangel for taking two corporate-sponsored trips to the Caribbean has turned up the heat on the powerful Ways and Means Committee chairman — with even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying that Rangel’s actions don’t pass the “smell test.”

Several House Democrats have now joined Republicans in calling for Rangel to lose his gavel, and The New York Times has chimed in, saying the “arrogance” Rangel showed in the wake of Thursday’s ethics committee ruling provides “one more reason” for Pelosi to “stop protecting him and relieve him of his crucial role as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee.”

In an interview with ABC’s “This Week,” Pelosi acknowledged that “what Mr. Rangel has been admonished for is not good.”

But the speaker also said that Rangel’s participation in the corporate-sponsored trips wasn’t something that had “jeopardized our country in any way,” and she made it clear that she has no intention of taking away Rangel’s chairmanship unless and until the ethics committee determines that he’s guilty of a number of ethics violations it’s currently investigating.

“Well, let’s ... why don’t we just give him a chance to hear what the independent, bipartisan [ethics committee says] — they work very hard to reach their conclusions, and we ... obviously, there’s more to come here,” Pelosi said.


Pelosi should throw Rangel to the dogs. She's allowing scandals to accumulate, something that helped KO Republicans in 2006. Once the scandals start mounting, you've got to throw the people involved under the bus quickly. Disassociation and purge are the only electoral curative.

419 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:51:44am

re: #235 Aceofwhat?

Morning everyone. Had pneumonia, been AWOL for three weeks. Glad to be back. What did i miss?

Hi Ace, glad you're back and feeling better! I get sick a lot so I made sure I got the pneumonia vaccine about 6 years ago, I have to get a booster next year to make sure I don't catch it. Funnily enough you don't need a pneumonia vaccine every year, my doc says every seven years does the trick.

420 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:51:50am

re: #406 Cannadian Club Akbar

And she wouldn't get 10% of the black vote.

Which would be a righteous condemnation of the current state of the black vote, if it happened. I'd bet she got 50% of the black vote, though.

421 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:52:16am

re: #417 albusteve

therefore, unelectable

what's depressing is that you might very well be correct...

422 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:52:26am

SNP slumps 17 points behind Labour in run-up to the election :

[Link: www.telegraph.co.uk...]

423 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:52:34am

re: #416 Aceofwhat?

And given the way Russia has been acting, her obsession with them could prove extremely relevant again.

424 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:52:56am

re: #418 Dark_Falcon

Pelosi should throw Rangel to the dogs. She's allowing scandals to accumulate, something that helped KO Republicans in 2006. Once the scandals start mounting, you've got to throw the people involved under the bus quickly. Disassociation and purge are the only electoral curative.

As long as he serves a purpose for her, she'll keep on defending him.

425 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:53:16am

re: #419 Dragon_Lady

Hi Ace, glad you're back and feeling better! I get sick a lot so I made sure I got the pneumonia vaccine about 6 years ago, I have to get a booster next year to make sure I don't catch it. Funnily enough you don't need a pneumonia vaccine every year, my doc says every seven years does the trick.

that's a good idea. i've never had this before but i don't ever want to again...my back is killing me! (and i don't mind getting shots...)

426 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:53:48am

re: #416 Aceofwhat?

Seriously. She's my preferred candidate. She's as sharp as a tack, and as far as i know, doesn't subscribe to any of the idiocy currently haunting a frightening percentage of the right these days...

Seems to be maintaining a complete aversion to public exposure--meaning she either doesn't want office, or wants it intelligently.

427 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:54:03am

Good Morning Everyone, and Happy Monday to you all! I have laundry to do this morning so I'll be in and out. :-)

428 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:54:57am

re: #422 Jimmah

And speaking of Russia, who wants a free tank?

429 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:55:18am

re: #427 Dragon_Lady

Good Morning Everyone, and Happy Monday to you all! I have laundry to do this morning so I'll be in and out. :-)

I despise fabric softener. I hate the smell.

430 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:55:30am

re: #426 Decatur Deb

Seems to be maintaining a complete aversion to public exposure--meaning she either doesn't want office, or wants it intelligently.

I think she's too smart to want to dive into the cesspool of national politics...good way to get yourself ripped to shreads

431 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:55:40am

re: #408 simoom

Fabulous. May it be just as successful as RedState's Trike Force, or their mailing of teabags to congresspeople (for a fee), or mailing rocksalt to Olympia Snowe's office (also for a fee!)

There's also a new Red State Pledge Armchair Warriors can sign, but hysterical laughter keeps me from linking it at the moment...

432 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:55:42am

re: #423 Obdicut

And given the way Russia has been acting, her obsession with them could prove extremely relevant again.

Hey, i'd just be happy to be talking about someone who
-doesn't think that evolution is just a big scary funny hoax
-can actually name cities and relevant Russian history
-think that maybe church and state can go ahead and remain separated, thankyouverymuch

(you get my point)

433 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:56:33am

re: #422 Jimmah

SNP slumps 17 points behind Labour in run-up to the election :

[Link: www.telegraph.co.uk...]

Also in the Telegraph this morning:

200 Russian tanks found abandoned in forest

Putin's going to have heads rolling after this screw-up.

434 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:56:37am

re: #392 Altermite

The problem with overuse of antibiotics isn't in combating the things they were meant to kill (bacteria) so much as prescribing it for things that they are useless for. This makes it likely that random surviving will develop resistance.

Even more of a problem is people who, when prescribed antibiotics, don't complete the regimen. This has the effect of only killing the least resistant bacteria. If they were to complete the regimen, they generally kill all the target bacteria, even those with some resistance, preventing those from surviving and developing into even more resistant strains.

That's one of the things I meant by overuse. Maybe a better way of stating it would be misplaced used. I would suggest though that they are overused in area like the food industry particularly meat production where they are in many cases given proactively rather then reactivly. On paper this sounds like a good theory but in that area the longterm consequences are starting to show up. There are now many jurisdictions that have or are adjusting the regs around the use of antibiotics primarily due to the problem of developing of resistences and other concerns about the evolution of bugs in that area.

435 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:56:56am

re: #428 laZardo

re: #433 Dark_Falcon


436 Killgore Trout  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:57:23am

re: #408 simoom

Interesting they're trying to resurrect the Clintons as an enemy. I kind of doubt the Clintons give a shit anymore. Certainly not about the Tea Parties.

437 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:57:25am

re: #426 Decatur Deb

Seems to be maintaining a complete aversion to public exposure--meaning she either doesn't want office, or wants it intelligently.

i can but hope for the latter...i can't think of anyone else who would be half as electable...

438 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:57:51am

re: #433 Dark_Falcon


439 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:57:56am

re: #431 iceweasel

Fabulous. May it be just as successful as RedState's Trike Force, or their mailing of teabags to congresspeople (for a fee), or mailing rocksalt to Olympia Snowe's office (also for a fee!)

There's also a new Red State Pledge Armchair Warriors can sign, but hysterical laughter keeps me from linking it at the moment...

Please link it. I have to go to work soon.

440 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:58:19am

re: #438 Walter L. Newton


Morning, Walter. How goes it?

441 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:58:21am

re: #333 Spare O'Lake

Gotta love those arsekissing dhimmi Brit antisemites.

Speaking of whom...

"To regard Hitler as the ultimate evil is nothing but surrendering to the Zio-centric discourse. To regard Hitler as the wickedest man and the Third Reich as the embodiment of evilness is to let Israel off the hook. To compare Olmert to Hitler is to provide Israel and Olmert with a metaphorical moral shield. It maintains Hitler at the lead and allows Olmert to stay in the tail."

From a smackdown of such speech by British columnist Oliver Kamm, who deplores the inroads it has made in the respectable Left there.

I'd like to know - and I invite him to comment on it - why [John] Pilger is citing this bigot as a voice of conscience and an advocate of justice.

442 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:58:55am

re: #433 Dark_Falcon

Also in the Telegraph this morning:

200 Russian tanks found abandoned in forest

Putin's going to have heads rolling after this screw-up.

T-80s!....bwahahaha!....wtf?....rusting away in the woods like so much scrap

443 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:59:03am

re: #434 Jadespring

Irradiation, baby. Yaay science!

444 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:59:10am

re: #435 Dark_Falcon

Or, if you're not up to figuring out how to sneak a T-72 past US customs, you could always buy one of those cheap Ladas and make your own.

445 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:59:16am

re: #425 Aceofwhat?

that's a good idea. i've never had this before but i don't ever want to again...my back is killing me! (and i don't mind getting shots...)

Back aches common with pneumonia too? RWC gets them with the flu, I usually get them too but only because I'm lying flat for so long. I'm glad you don't mind vaccinations, I do (I hate needles with a passion!) but unfortunately I have no choice but get them unless I want to be sick more often then healthy. My biggest problems are bronchitis and sinus infections, Lord but I really hate those! Nasty buggers!

446 lawhawk  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:59:28am

re: #418 Dark_Falcon

Or, she's waiting until it gets close - but not too close to the 2010 elections to show that she's cleaning house so that the image of house cleaning is fresh in minds of voters, but it may mean that Rangel gets to stick around even longer. Stripping him of his chairmanship would get the Congressional Black Caucus in an uproar, even though the guy is as corrupt as they come - and he skirted House rules on multiple documented occasions.

447 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:59:30am

re: #440 Dark_Falcon

Morning, Walter. How goes it?

Fine. Just on the way out to downtown Denver, got some chores to do, be back around noon...

448 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:59:40am

SNP Candidate Osama Saeed comes under more scrutiny:

Osama Saeed’s MB Front Fails to File Accounts

With all the excitement over the exposure of the Islamic Forum Europe, we shouldn’t lose sight over the mounting chaos at Scottish Islamic Foundation. The SIF is the brainchild of Muslim Brotherhood activist, and SNP parliamentary candidate, Osama “Caliphate Now” Saeed.

You’ll recall that the Scottish Islamic Foundation was forced to pay back nearly £130,000 of public money, having failed to put on an IslamExpo style Muslim Brotherhood public festival. The Herald takes up the story:

continued :

[Link: www.hurryupharry.org...]

449 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:59:43am

re: #437 Aceofwhat?

i can but hope for the latter...i can't think of anyone else who would be half as electable...

Electable, si...Primary, no.

450 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:00:23am

re: #432 Aceofwhat?

Agreed. I doubt that I share many positions with Dr. Rice, but of all the people in the Bush administration she struck me as the most honest. The most nerdy, actually, too.

However, she still participated in the cooking of the intel before the Iraq war, even though the extent of her involvement is unknown. I think her loyalty to the previous administration will prevent her from excusing herself overly, and would make it hard for her to be elected.

Personally, I hope she buys an underperforming sports team and turns them into superstars, as she's said she wants to do.

451 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:00:50am

re: #384 Aceofwhat?

How brave does one have to be to accept the role of "Venezuelan Human Rights Ombudsman"? Kudos to that person, whoever they are...

The old joke has it that, at a summit, Leonid Brezhnev laughed when introduced to Belgium's Minister of Defense. "Such a tiny country, and it has a Minister of Defense?!?!" The Minister replied, "Now, now, Leonid Ilyich, you introduced me to your Minister of Justice and I didn't say one word!"

452 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:00:56am

"You're gonna eat lightning and you're gonna crap thunder!"

Gosh, what a movie.

453 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:01:08am

re: #445 Dragon_Lady

backache from pulling nearly every back muscle during coughing fits. i tried to help with laundry yesterday and it felt like i was on a medieval rack...

454 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:01:10am

re: #429 Cannadian Club Akbar

I despise fabric softener. I hate the smell.

I usually use gain detergent and fabric sheets. My sinuses don't react to the smell like others I have used, and my asthma doesn't kick in either so that's a bonus.

455 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:01:37am

Egg goop is even better the second day.

456 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:01:40am

re: #446 lawhawk

Or, she's waiting until it gets close - but not too close to the 2010 elections to show that she's cleaning house so that the image of house cleaning is fresh in minds of voters, but it may mean that Rangel gets to stick around even longer. Stripping him of his chairmanship would get the Congressional Black Caucus in an uproar, even though the guy is as corrupt as they come - and he skirted House rules on multiple documented occasions.

maybe the IRS will bust him in the meantime....that's where the red meat is

457 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:01:41am

re: #424 MandyManners

As long as he serves a purpose for her, she'll keep on defending him.

Useful idiot.

458 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:02:13am

re: #450 Obdicut

I'm ready for a nerdy repub right about now.

(and i'm going to ignore your "cooking the intel" jab...we've had that debate before!)

459 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:03:21am

re: #432 Aceofwhat?

Oh, and here's some weird trivia: A friend of mine who was part of the Bush administration has claimed that Condoleeza Rice smells amazingly good, so good there's a rumor the scent is something cooked up by the CIA for her.

460 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:03:27am

re: #443 Aceofwhat?

Irradiation, baby. Yaay science!

What? They irradiate live cows now? :D

461 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:03:28am

re: #457 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Useful idiot.

Lawhawk has interesting points in No. 446.

462 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:04:10am

re: #457 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Useful idiot.

Oh, and he's no idiot. He knows what he's doing and has done.

463 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:04:22am

re: #458 Aceofwhat?

I'm ready for a nerdy repub right about now.

(and i'm going to ignore your "cooking the intel" jab...we've had that debate before!)

Everyone seems to forget what Clinton, Kerry and the rest said in the late 90's.

464 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:04:41am

re: #404 MandyManners

Do you object to the MFM repeatedly publishing stories about Commies?

Nah... I just find it interesting... a few years back, they were kind of surprised by what he did.

465 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:05:05am

re: #407 laZardo

"Well, maybe their people wouldn't have to live in such squalor if the embargo didn't force them to trade expensively with partners halfway around the world!"

/argument check

Other intellectuals, confronted with the fact of violence practised by those they wish to defend, simply transfer the moral responsibility, by ingenious argument, to others whom they wish to attack.
--Paul Johnson

466 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:05:14am

re: #453 Aceofwhat?

backache from pulling nearly every back muscle during coughing fits. i tried to help with laundry yesterday and it felt like i was on a medieval rack...

Ooooh nasty! Well the coughing might be overworking your abs but at least you're getting ride of the residual junk in your lungs, and just think you should have washboards after the coughing's gone!(Just kidding) Its no fun and I'm sorry you're still suffering with the sore tummy and back muscles. :-P

467 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:05:21am

re: #458 Aceofwhat?

It wasn't a jab, to me it's simply fact. If you disagree, that's okay, but it wasn't meant as a jab.

468 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:05:24am

re: #423 Obdicut

And given the way Russia has been acting, her obsession with them could prove extremely relevant again.

As long as Putin is around I'm still referring to them as the soviets.

469 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:06:01am

re: #459 Obdicut

Oh, and here's some weird trivia: A friend of mine who was part of the Bush administration has claimed that Condoleeza Rice smells amazingly good, so good there's a rumor the scent is something cooked up by the CIA for her.

hilarious. updinged.

470 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:06:25am

Gonna go put in a load of laundry now, BBS!

471 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:06:25am

re: #465 The Sanity Inspector

Other intellectuals, confronted with the fact of violence practised by those they wish to defend, simply transfer the moral responsibility, by ingenious argument, to others whom they wish to attack.
--Paul Johnson

Good find. That's very true.

472 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:06:33am

re: #468 RogueOne

I always called them the Russians. Still gives me the same kind of heebie jeebies.

473 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:07:08am

re: #467 Obdicut

It wasn't a jab, to me it's simply fact. If you disagree, that's okay, but it wasn't meant as a jab.

I know. It was a lighthearted response on my part, not an assumption of bad intentions. I agree to disagree with you on it.

474 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:07:08am

I ate too much. Kind of feelin' like Mr. Creosote.

475 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:07:31am

re: #473 Aceofwhat?

civility ding.

476 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:08:03am

re: #465 The Sanity Inspector

Other intellectuals, confronted with the fact of violence practised by those they wish to defend, simply transfer the moral responsibility, by ingenious argument, to others whom they wish to attack.
--Paul Johnson

"A liberal is a person too broadminded to take their own side in a quarrel."

-Robert Frost

477 Aye Pod  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:08:45am
Yad L’Achim Terrorists Must Be Outlawed By Israel

Two years ago at Purim, Jack Teitel sent Ami Ortiz – the son of Messianic pastors – a bomb disguised as a seasonal gift basket, which nearly killed the 15-year-old teenager, severing two of his toes and damaging his hearing.

According to Ami Ortiz’s mother Leah, Israeli police believe that Teitel held to the Redemption doctrine, which teaches that “idolators” in Israel are delaying the arrival of the Jewish Messiah. In one of Teitel’s anonymous pamphlets preaching hatred of gay Israelis, he called himelf the “Red Hand for Redemption.”


[Link: www.hurryupharry.org...]

478 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:09:23am

re: #468 RogueOne

They're a bunch of thugs now. A gang of criminals running a gigantic military and economic power. To me, they're actually more similar to the Nazis than the Soviets now; they've lost even the pretense of ideology, and sell themselves to the people on one message "Russia is strong and needs to be stronger!"

This is an absolutely wonderful article on Russia-- on the transformation in the 90's-- and with very sobering implications for Iraq, as well.

[Link: trueslant.com...]

479 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:09:59am

re: #459 Obdicut

Oh, and here's some weird trivia: A friend of mine who was part of the Bush administration has claimed that Condoleeza Rice smells amazingly good, so good there's a rumor the scent is something cooked up by the CIA for her.

Eau d'Humanite.

480 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:10:17am

re: #474 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I ate too much. Kind of feelin' like Mr. Creosote.

I did all weekend. My wife and her sister went overboard for my b-day. It was a lot of fun but I'm dragging ass today.

481 Killgore Trout  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:10:49am

Can anyone find a factual error?
Healthcare Costs Around the World

Looks pretty accurate to me.

482 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:11:10am

Rocky's on Encore. The fight's about to begin.

Ohhh shit!

483 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:11:22am

re: #464 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Nah... I just find it interesting... a few years back, they were kind of surprised by what he did.

It adds up over the years.

484 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:12:05am

re: #483 MandyManners

"I am a scorpion."

485 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:12:12am

how do you change the shape of a hot dog?...is this what govt is supposed to do?....why not simply put the Heimlich Maneuver on the package?....how many parents even know what that is?....so many questions

[Link: washingtontimes.com...]

486 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:12:51am

re: #478 Obdicut

They're a bunch of thugs now. A gang of criminals running a gigantic military and economic power. To me, they're actually more similar to the Nazis than the Soviets now; they've lost even the pretense of ideology, and sell themselves to the people on one message "Russia is strong and needs to be stronger!"

This is an absolutely wonderful article on Russia-- on the transformation in the 90's-- and with very sobering implications for Iraq, as well.

[Link: trueslant.com...]

"Russia is never as strong as it looks; Russia is never as weak as it looks."
-- Tallyrand

487 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:12:59am

I've got to go to work. Later, Lizards.

488 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:13:00am

re: #478 Obdicut

Let me quote one paragraph from that article, because I feel it's the one that most applies to Iraq-- and Afghanistan.

I will shout the following until my lungs bleed: “democracy” is not a panacea and “democratic” regimes , if they want to remain in power, must show that they can connect with and address the real-world problems of their citizens. Especially in an environment of economic and social collapse, empty and vacuous pronouncements about “freedom” and “liberty” will not only be useless, but will eventually discredit the underlying concepts because if the partisans of these causes explicitly and repeatedly link them to an environment of widely shared misery, society will make the entirely sensible decision that they should too.

Emphasis mine.

489 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:13:06am

re: #485 albusteve

Oh Gawd!

490 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:13:58am

re: #487 Dark_Falcon

I've got to go to work. Later, Lizards.

Knock 'em dead!

491 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:14:05am

re: #485 albusteve

how do you change the shape of a hot dog?...is this what govt is supposed to do?...why not simply put the Heimlich Maneuver on the package?...how many parents even know what that is?...so many questions

[Link: washingtontimes.com...]

I posted last week that some want to put warnings on hot dogs. No shit.

492 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:14:29am

re: #481 Killgore Trout

Can anyone find a factual error?
Healthcare Costs Around the World

Looks pretty accurate to me.

well, to begin, infant mortality is one of the least useful health care statistics in existence. anyone still using it as a yardstick for the quality of health care in a country is begging to have their data parsed in a very critical manner.

493 SpaceJesus  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:14:52am

apparently jenny mccarthy's son probably never even had autism

[Link: www.hollywoodlife.com...]

494 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:15:48am

re: #491 Cannadian Club Akbar

I posted last week that some want to put warnings on hot dogs. No shit.

I'm trying to follow the story...it's more interesting then most of the BS posted here, no offense

495 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:15:51am

re: #488 Obdicut

I firmly and strongly disagree but we're going to have to have this philosophical argument sometime when I can keep my eyes open.

496 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:16:05am

re: #491 Cannadian Club Akbar

I posted last week that some want to put warnings on hot dogs. No shit.

The appendix to the regulation on Army Child Development Centers requires that they be cut longitudinally. For real, for good reason.

497 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:16:15am

re: #481 Killgore Trout

It's interesting that the per-capita-costs in other industrialized nations is so similar. It's also interesting to note that Japan has more MRI machines than we do, but lower per-capita costs.

I wish they'd included Israel-- I know it's kind of a corner case, but good medical care is actually something all governments in Israel have handled well for a long time, and it'd be worthwhile looking at that system, especially for those on the 'right' who have difficulty accepting Europe as an example.

498 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:16:16am

re: #481 Killgore Trout

Can anyone find a factual error?
Healthcare Costs Around the World

Looks pretty accurate to me.

I see a huge error: it doesn't have a rippling American flag covering the cost comparisons and the graphs at certain points, and a soundtrack that blares "USA! USA! USA!" when you try to think.

Definitely the work of some islamo-socialistimo-commie.

499 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:16:42am

re: #481 Killgore Trout

Can anyone find a factual error?
Healthcare Costs Around the World

Looks pretty accurate to me.

Wonder what they're counting as "costs". Does it include government subsidies, or only out-of-pocket expenses?

500 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:17:17am

re: #498 iceweasel

I see a huge error: it doesn't have a rippling American flag covering the cost comparisons and the graphs at certain points, and a soundtrack that blares "USA! USA! USA!" when you try to think.

Definitely the work of some islamo-socialistimo-commie.

Oh, and it also leaves out medical bankruptices, so, it's some not very smart islamo-socialistismo-commie.

501 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:17:36am

re: #499 The Sanity Inspector

Traditionally, both public and private spending is considered for those costs. Otherwise it wouldn't make much sense as a metric.

502 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:17:43am

re: #496 Decatur Deb

The appendix to the regulation on Army Child Development Centers requires that they be cut longitudinally. For real, for good reason.

Yes. Cut it length wise then cut it regular.

503 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:18:03am

re: #493 SpaceJesus

apparently jenny mccarthy's son probably never even had autism

[Link: www.hollywoodlife.com...]

Wonder if she'll go on Oprah and try to undo the damage she's done.

504 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:18:17am

re: #498 iceweasel

I see a huge error: it doesn't have a rippling American flag covering the cost comparisons and the graphs at certain points, and a soundtrack that blares "USA! USA! USA!" when you try to think.

Definitely the work of some islamo-socialistimo-commie.

I have a problem with the way they include infant mortality rates. Everyone knows it's comparing apples to oranges but they always toss that number in there. Whenever I see it I tend to dismiss whatever the other claims they might happen to be making.

505 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:18:21am

Go, Joe!

Late last year, the White House swallowed its pride and quietly asked Joe Lieberman for a favor. Obama was getting ready to deliver on his campaign promise to repeal the 1993 law barring openly gay members from serving in the military when aides asked the man who turned his back on the Democratic Party to take the lead on pushing for the new policy. In reply, Lieberman told Obamas chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, "Let us know what you want us to do." Emanuel replied with a laundry list: work up polling on the issue; start sounding out moderate Democrats and Republicans to see if they would sign on for the bill; most important, find a GOP co-sponsor.

It has been a long time since liberals have treated Lieberman with anything but scorn; however on an issue dear to many of them, he came through. He announced on Feb. 22 that he would soon unveil his bill repealing the "Don't ask, don't tell" ban, and aides say he is in final negotiations with an unnamed Republican Senator to become a co-sponsor. It is the latest bit of cooperation between the President and the man the party nominated to be its Vice President a decade ago. Over the past year, Lieberman has rounded up votes and searched for compromise on issues ranging from the stimulus bill to energy legislation and has worked behind the scenes to grease the wheels for a few of the Administration's most controversial nominees.

For all the public rancor, Lieberman has emerged as one of Obama's more unexpected, if not always reliable, wingmen. "There's a certain irony to this," Lieberman says as he considers the situation in his Senate office. "I have been called in to help the Obama Administration for the very reason that has made some Democrats unhappy with me, which is that I have ongoing, trusting relationships with some of the Republicans."

To call the Lieberman-Obama relationship ironic is an understatement. As chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Lieberman has launched investigations of the Army's handling of the Fort Hood massacre and what he calls the White House's "unsettling" failure to prevent the attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day. Meanwhile, Lieberman opposed Attorney General Eric Holder's decision last November to try 9/11 co-conspirators in civilian courts, and earlier this year he rallied Republicans and Democrats to sign a letter to Holder urging him to abandon the trials in favor of military tribunals. In February, Lieberman threatened to cut off funds for civilian trials if Holder didn't relent.


506 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:19:36am

re: #484 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

"I am a scorpion."


507 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:20:03am

re: #504 RogueOne

I have a problem with the way they include infant mortality rates. Everyone knows it's comparing apples to oranges but they always toss that number in there. Whenever I see it I tend to dismiss whatever the other claims they might happen to be making.

exactly. infant mortality can vary for a wide number of reasons unrelated to the quality of the health care system.

508 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:20:09am

re: #501 Obdicut

Traditionally, both public and private spending is considered for those costs. Otherwise it wouldn't make much sense as a metric.

I've read of these stats before and I'm fairly certain that it's government expenditure and doesn't count individual expenditure.

509 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:21:13am

re: #501 Obdicut

Traditionally, both public and private spending is considered for those costs. Otherwise it wouldn't make much sense as a metric.


The next question that i have about Killgore's post is whether discretionary spending is included in the total figures. Are breast implants counted as health care spending? I'm only partly joking...if the stats include discretionary spending, they're crap.

510 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:21:25am

Food for thought on healthcare costs from the Washington Post regarding Japan and France.

Just because it's non-profit doesn't mean it doesn't cost anything.

/devil's advocate

511 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:21:39am

re: #493 SpaceJesus

apparently jenny mccarthy's son probably never even had autism

[Link: www.hollywoodlife.com...]

[Link: www.time.com...]

512 lawhawk  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:22:19am

re: #481 Killgore Trout

It looks as accurate as far as it goes. Missing would be mortality statistics, birth/death statistics, etc. that would inform as to what you're getting for those funds. If you're paying less in the UK, does it mean longer waits for certain kinds of care (and would people be willing to accept that tradeoff?)? Does the presence of more kinds of high tech equipment (MRIs- lead to higher usage for testing - higher costs, and does that lead to improved quality of life?).


513 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:22:19am

re: #506 MandyManners

Sorry, you remember the story. It's my nature...

514 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:22:25am

Good Morning Lizards!

Computer is slow again, so I won't be here long. Well, I also have to get out o f the house soon.

HOw are you-all?

515 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:22:42am

re: #507 Aceofwhat?

I know in the US every live birth counts regardless of the chances of survival. That isn't the standard most places use. It skews are numbers pretty badly.

516 drcordell  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:23:05am

This video is making me want to run out to B&H Photo on my lunch break and drop $2k on some macro glass.

517 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:23:13am

re: #513 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Sorry, you remember the story. It's my nature...


518 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:23:14am

re: #508 Jadespring

Well, I doubt that, or else the US is spending even more than I think per-capita on healthcare. If we're actually paying over $5,000 per citizen just in public spending, we're really, really screwed.

519 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:23:50am

re: #509 Aceofwhat?


The next question that i have about Killgore's post is whether discretionary spending is included in the total figures. Are breast implants counted as health care spending? I'm only partly joking...if the stats include discretionary spending, they're crap.

Does 'discretionary spending' include all the cases where your insurance company decides to refuse to pay?

Because I know they'll call facial reconstruction 'elective' surgery when it suits them. It happened to my friends' kid.

520 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:23:51am

This crisis began with plummeting housing prices. It will not end until housing prices hit bottom, and they're not there, yet. We've got a long way to go to get out of this economic mess, and we may be actually losing a little ground.

[Link: www.washingtonpost.com...]

521 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:24:53am

Guys, just an observation...

The nature of my job has made it easier for me to make cyber friends than virtual friends.

I love it here, and truly appreciate you all.

522 SpaceJesus  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:25:13am

re: #503 The Sanity Inspector

Wonder if she'll go on Oprah and try to undo the damage she's done.

doubtful this will get nearly as much coverage as her "crusade" did

523 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:25:25am

re: #513 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Sorry, you remember the story. It's my nature...

I first heard that story in an Israeli magazine. The kicker was "Why did you do that? Now we'll both die! Where is your logic?"

"'Logic'...?" said the scorpion. "This is the Middle East!"

524 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:25:28am

re: #509 Aceofwhat?


The next question that i have about Killgore's post is whether discretionary spending is included in the total figures. Are breast implants counted as health care spending? I'm only partly joking...if the stats include discretionary spending, they're crap.

No if I remember correctly those rough stats do not count discretionary spending whatever it is. It's how much money the respective governments spend on healthcare from the public coffers. So in the case of the US things like individual insurance payments are not counted because that's a private affair.

525 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:25:34am

re: #521 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Guys, just an observation...

The nature of my job has made it easier for me to make cyber friends than virtual friends.

I love it here, and truly appreciate you all.

Screw you.

526 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:25:40am

re: #512 lawhawk

The US loses most quality-of-life comparisons with at least Northern Europe.

There's an endless number of metrics one can apply to healthcare, but I think that any sane and rational person should pay attention to the fact that our spending per-capita is much higher than other industrialized democracies, and that in any comparison between US care and other countries those who are attacking the other systems tend to conveniently leave out the uninsured and under-insured in this country.

For example, wait times for an MRI: What is the wait time for an MRI of an uninsured person in the US? For someone who's insurance has said they won't cancel it? Infinity is hard to factor into equations.

527 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:25:44am

re: #515 RogueOne

I know in the US every live birth counts regardless of the chances of survival. That isn't the standard most places use. It skews are numbers pretty badly.

exactly. we also have a bigger drug problem than many other countries. that'll skew the numbers too.

528 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:26:03am

re: #521 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Guys, just an observation...

The nature of my job has made it easier for me to make cyber friends than virtual friends.

I love it here, and truly appreciate you all.

civility ding repaid in full

529 Mad Al-Jaffee  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:26:10am

re: #513 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Sorry, you remember the story. It's my nature...

Did this happen in France?

530 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:26:10am

Anybody remember the first time they saw "Rocky"?

531 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:26:49am

re: #530 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Anybody remember the first time they saw "Rocky"?

I was 7 or 8.

532 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:27:05am

re: #521 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Guys, just an observation...

The nature of my job has made it easier for me to make cyber friends than virtual friends.

I love it here, and truly appreciate you all.

You still the executioner's assistant?

533 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:27:39am

re: #532 Decatur Deb

You still the executioner's assistant?

"Roll on one."

534 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:28:21am

re: #524 Jadespring

No if I remember correctly those rough stats do not count discretionary spending whatever it is. It's how much money the respective governments spend on healthcare from the public coffers. So in the case of the US things like individual insurance payments are not counted because that's a private affair.

Here's an HHS breakdown, where the total is approximately the same as the one in Killgore's post, with Figure 3 showing the sources of funding. Private and out-of-pocket expenses are definitely included. Please let me know if you think i'm missing something...

535 lawhawk  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:28:23am

re: #511 MandyManners

Indeed - docs think that her son's seizures were the result of a completely unrelated medical condition, and that the treatment options she's chosen are junk science for autism as well. Yet, Time, Oprah and other media outlets keep giving her the time of day to spout her autism-vaccine craziness.

536 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:28:26am

re: #531 Cannadian Club Akbar

The fight just ended and I am still anxious when I watch it.

537 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:28:56am

re: #518 Obdicut

Well, I doubt that, or else the US is spending even more than I think per-capita on healthcare. If we're actually paying over $5,000 per citizen just in public spending, we're really, really screwed.

That's exactly the point. In every article I've read with these stats that's the point that's being made. The US spends more public money then most places with some form of 'socialized' medicine and yet not everyone is covered and individuals have to pay out more privately.

It is screwy and honestly it's something that I've never understood about the US system.

538 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:29:03am

re: #477 Jimmah

I simply cannot understand how any Israeli would think he could affect Israeli policies through terrorism. How stupid is that?

539 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:30:01am

re: #535 lawhawk

Indeed - docs think that her son's seizures were the result of a completely unrelated medical condition, and that the treatment options she's chosen are junk science for autism as well. Yet, Time, Oprah and other media outlets keep giving her the time of day to spout her autism-vaccine craziness.

I wonder how many dead kids will be laid at her feet.

540 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:30:16am

re: #526 Obdicut

The US loses most quality-of-life comparisons with at least Northern Europe.

There's an endless number of metrics one can apply to healthcare, but I think that any sane and rational person should pay attention to the fact that our spending per-capita is much higher than other industrialized democracies, and that in any comparison between US care and other countries those who are attacking the other systems tend to conveniently leave out the uninsured and under-insured in this country.

For example, wait times for an MRI: What is the wait time for an MRI of an uninsured person in the US? For someone who's insurance has said they won't cancel it? Infinity is hard to factor into equations.

On the other hand, how much more do we spend on breast implants and tooth whitening? The answer is more, but how much more?

I agree that we spend too much...so we should create a model that puts more burden on us, the consumers, to be more price-conscious!!!

(here we go again, OB!)

541 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:30:18am

re: #536 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

The fight just ended and I am still anxious when I watch it.

There is 1 scene where Tally Shire looks exactly like my ex-GF. It lasts about 10 seconds.

542 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:30:45am

re: #518 Obdicut

Well, I doubt that, or else the US is spending even more than I think per-capita on healthcare. If we're actually paying over $5,000 per citizen just in public spending, we're really, really screwed.

I wish I could stay, but I would like to know the breakdown of that $5K. How much do the lawyers get? How much is CYA?

543 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:30:50am

re: #534 Aceofwhat?

Here's an HHS breakdown, where the total is approximately the same as the one in Killgore's post, with Figure 3 showing the sources of funding. Private and out-of-pocket expenses are definitely included. Please let me know if you think i'm missing something...

Okay. I'll look at it. I have no problem if I'm wrong. Being wrong would be okay because then it would make more sense. :D

544 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:31:04am

re: #538 Obdicut

I simply cannot understand how any Israeli would think he could affect Israeli policies through terrorism. How stupid is that?

Less than one-tenth of one per cent of Islamic terrorists.

545 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:31:08am

Now state water board regulators are mulling a plan to force the power companies to spend billions to stop vacuuming the ocean for water to cool their machinery. Mostly, the companies don't want to. That's the simplified version of what's becoming an epic tug-of-war between two reliable California obsessions, energy and coasts, each backed by its own scientific spin and political clout.

The extent of this damage is disputed. Coastal fish are slippery in every sense: hard to count, and hard to count on. Their reproduction varies from year to year, their populations rise and fall, and their path from egg to adulthood in some cases is mysterious. Some species are spiraling down from overfishing and habitat loss.

more problems for CA....this one is interesting

[Link: www.latimes.com...]

546 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:31:48am

re: #521 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Guys, just an observation...

The nature of my job has made it easier for me to make cyber friends than virtual friends.

I love it here, and truly appreciate you all.

Thank you FBV, I like it here too. I never thought I would enjoy blogging with strangers. But then you're not strangers at all now are you? A little strange at times...// But not strangers... :-)

547 lawhawk  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:31:49am

re: #526 Obdicut

Actually, under- and un-insured that get medical treatment are included in the metrics because when they come in for treatment, particularly in hospital ERs, the hospitals seek- and get - reimbursement.

Also, given that the US gets quite a bit of people immigrating from 3d world countries that have a markedly lower health standards, how much of the costs are due to bringing them up to a comparable health standard. When I've seen statistics broken down for various racial/ethnic backgrounds and health care costs, that is one thing that tends to stand out - that some groups/ethnic groups have markedly higher health issues (and costs).

548 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:32:14am

re: #539 MandyManners

Love this bit from "House".

Young Mother's Baby: A baby fed on "all-natural" breast milk whose well-endowed mother House calls "yummy". The baby has a fever and cough. House sees the baby hasn't had her vaccinations, and the mother explains that she doesn't trust the pharmaceutical companies who mark up the vaccinations. House entertains the baby with a stuffed frog and in between playing with the baby sneers at the "all-natural" toy, which he calls a "good business." He plays with the baby some more, then continues. "You know another really good business? Teeny tiny baby coffins. You can get them in frog green, fire engine red. Really! The antibodies in yummy Mummy only protect the kid for six months, which is why these companies think they can gouge you. They think that you'll spend whatever they ask to keep your kid alive. Wanna change things? Prove 'em wrong. Few hundred parents like you decide they'd rather let their kid die than cough up 40 bucks for a vaccination, believe me, prices will drop really fast!" House then plays with the baby some more. When the terrified mother asks what her baby has, he replies simply, "A cold."

Teeny tiny baby coffins...

549 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:32:28am

re: #530 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Anybody remember the first time they saw "Rocky"?

worst boxing movie ever...more like a cartoon

550 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:33:06am

re: #526 Obdicut

A family friend was living in Belgium and broke her neck...freak accident. Mom (Mayo clinic doc, remember) kept flying over there to take care of her because the Belgian docs kept f#$%ing up her diagnosis and care.

Europe has basic preventative medicine down. You still don't want to get specialized treatment there, though, if you can get it here. Mom won't shut up about how much European doctors suck. Just sayin'.

551 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:33:20am

re: #540 Aceofwhat?

I agree that we spend too much...so we should create a model that puts more burden on us, the consumers, to be more price-conscious!!!

Have you seen any system that actually has consistent success with that approach? Measurable success?

Remember, the goal is not simply to reduce spending. Reducing spending would be easy-- make it harder for people to get medical care, and you start reducing spending on it. You have to be able to reduce spending responsibly, and know what negative effects you're causing.

552 prairiefire  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:33:33am

These graphics are great. I'm guessing the artist/artists are under 35.[Link: www.kansascityautoshow.com...]

553 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:34:07am

re: #539 MandyManners

I wonder how many dead kids will be laid at her feet.

I think there is a website doing a running calculation. Will check.

554 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:34:10am

re: #543 Jadespring

Okay. I'll look at it. I have no problem if I'm wrong. Being wrong would be okay because then it would make more sense. :D

I always say that i don't want to be right, i want to become right and then be right! Let me know if you see something different than i did-

555 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:34:12am

re: #549 albusteve

worst boxing movie ever...more like a cartoon

But based on a story that is real. Sly was at the actual event.

556 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:34:30am

re: #542 ggt

Malpractice, as a sum total, is about .5% to 2% of total costs. That's spending on lawyers, settlements, etc.

Here is, again, Gawande's awesome article on health care costs, including why tort reform is largely a red herring.

[Link: www.newyorker.com...]

557 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:34:33am

re: #459 Obdicut

Oh, and here's some weird trivia: A friend of mine who was part of the Bush administration has claimed that Condoleeza Rice smells amazingly good, so good there's a rumor the scent is something cooked up by the CIA for her.

The CIA does perfume? Is there a retail line?

(I'm a perfume buff.)

558 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:34:58am

re: #549 albusteve

Oh, gawd... next thing you'll be saying you don't like "The Princess Bride".


559 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:35:14am

re: #554 Aceofwhat?

I love working with people who are as smart or smarter than me, and better informed than me, because it means I become better informed every day.

LGF helps with that, too.

560 prairiefire  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:35:17am

re: #557 SanFranciscoZionist

Oh, me too. I die for Guerlain.

561 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:35:27am

re: #548 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I saw that episode. Let's hope it affected many.

562 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:35:38am

re: #551 Obdicut

Have you seen any system that actually has consistent success with that approach? Measurable success?

Remember, the goal is not simply to reduce spending. Reducing spending would be easy-- make it harder for people to get medical care, and you start reducing spending on it. You have to be able to reduce spending responsibly, and know what negative effects you're causing.

Yes - the system that keeps our costs lower for nearly any other product you can mention!

Do you know how much a mattress costs in Cuba, where the gov't controls the supply of mattresses?

I'm trying to think of a case where central supply control has worked out swimmingly...

563 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:36:07am

re: #540 Aceofwhat?

On the other hand, how much more do we spend on breast implants and tooth whitening? The answer is more, but how much more?

I agree that we spend too much...so we should create a model that puts more burden on us, the consumers, to be more price-conscious!!!

(here we go again, OB!)

Gee, I don't know, how about the individual paying for service and then submitting the necessary forms him/her self to insurance. I swear it was all a lot cheaper and easier BEFORE HMO.

Something about not seeting the actual bill, makes it easy to inflate costs all the way down the line. Everyone gets a cut.

564 prairiefire  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:36:49am

re: #459 Obdicut

I bet her scent is super pheromones.

565 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:36:55am

re: #553 Decatur Deb

I think there is a website doing a running calculation. Will check.

Have you noticed the AustismSpeaks.org commercials all over television nowadays?

566 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:37:05am

re: #493 SpaceJesus

apparently jenny mccarthy's son probably never even had autism

[Link: www.hollywoodlife.com...]

I think that what Jenny McCarthy's son mostly has is Jenny McCarthy.

567 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:37:19am

re: #564 prairiefire


568 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:37:30am

re: #551 Obdicut

Have you seen any system that actually has consistent success with that approach? Measurable success?

Remember, the goal is not simply to reduce spending. Reducing spending would be easy-- make it harder for people to get medical care, and you start reducing spending on it. You have to be able to reduce spending responsibly, and know what negative effects you're causing.

It's working on a small scale with employers who give their employees a lump sum and then cover catastrophic events. Will you buy that on face value given my track record of impressive intelligence or are you going to make me hunt for a link?

(there may be some well-intentioned sarcasm in there...:)

569 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:37:57am

re: #553 Decatur Deb

I think there is a website doing a running calculation. Will check.

Here 'tis. I can't vouch for their methodology.

[Link: www.jennymccarthybodycount.com...]

570 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:38:05am

re: #563 ggt

Gee, I don't know, how about the individual paying for service and then submitting the necessary forms him/her self to insurance. I swear it was all a lot cheaper and easier BEFORE HMO.

Something about not seeting the actual bill, makes it easy to inflate costs all the way down the line. Everyone gets a cut.

Exactly! We need a lump sum / catastrophic coverage model!!!

571 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:38:10am

re: #567 Fat Bastard Vegetarian


She looks good in hip boots.

572 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:39:02am

re: #523 The Sanity Inspector

I first heard that story in an Israeli magazine. The kicker was "Why did you do that? Now we'll both die! Where is your logic?"

"'Logic'...?" said the scorpion. "This is the Middle East!"

I've also heard "This is the Balkans".

573 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:39:15am

re: #530 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Anybody remember the first time they saw "Rocky"?

Yeah, unfortunately I do. Not my fav, I also saw Hillary Swanks flick, I forget the name of it. Failing memory, I must be getting old... what, where was I?

574 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:39:20am

re: #558 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Oh, gawd... next thing you'll be saying you don't like "The Princess Bride".


I think it's generally accurate to say that a person who doesn't like that movie on some level can't logically be a good person.

575 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:40:14am

re: #573 Dragon_Lady

Yeah, unfortunately I do. Not my fav, I also saw Hillary Swanks flick, I forget the name of it. Failing memory, I must be getting old... what, where was I?

Million Dollar Baby. or something like that.

576 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:40:14am

re: #574 Aceofwhat?

I think it's generally accurate to say that a person who doesn't like that movie on some level can't logically be a good person.

I'm ashamed to admit I never was one for chick flicks so I never saw it...Sorry!

577 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:40:21am

re: #565 MandyManners

Have you noticed the AustismSpeaks.org commercials all over television nowadays?

I'm still undecided about that org. A grand-daughter is about 4 on a scale of 10.

578 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:40:37am

re: #556 Obdicut

Malpractice, as a sum total, is about .5% to 2% of total costs. That's spending on lawyers, settlements, etc.

Here is, again, Gawande's awesome article on health care costs, including why tort reform is largely a red herring.

[Link: www.newyorker.com...]

Yeah, but physician availability is not a red herring. They don't change what they charge for service, they just pack up and leave when malpractice costs get too high. Gawande's article is right on, IMHO, but leaves out the availability impact.

579 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:40:46am

re: #558 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Oh, gawd... next thing you'll be saying you don't like "The Princess Bride".


never saw it...but my guess would be, more Hollywood garbage

580 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:40:48am

re: #562 Aceofwhat?

Comparing health care costs to other products is not a good comparison. At the very least, you need to talk about the relative elasticity of the markets.

I'm trying to think of a case where central supply control has worked out swimmingly...

I'm not sure what you mean by 'central supply control'. Do you mean centrally planned economic activities in any area?

581 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:40:50am

re: #538 Obdicut

I simply cannot understand how any Israeli would think he could affect Israeli policies through terrorism. How stupid is that?

I don't think the point was to affect government policy.

582 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:41:02am

re: #542 ggt

I wish I could stay, but I would like to know the breakdown of that $5K. How much do the lawyers get? How much is CYA?

The CYA costs are killing us.

583 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:41:45am

re: #576 Dragon_Lady

I'm ashamed to admit I never was one for chick flicks so I never saw it...Sorry!

Trust me. I am not one for chick flicks. You have to see it. It's HILARIOUS.

You'll look back on the day you see it as the day that Aceofwhat made a significant impact on your life!

(i love helping people)

584 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:41:48am

re: #561 MandyManners

Thought about you last night. Found out that an acquaintance has been beating his wife, told me she left him until he could learn to control his temper. He came to me for sympathy.

I went 100% MandyManners on his ass.

I started out a little pensive, then went after him full bore. He got all weepy (which is when I usually back off) I fucking doubled down on him, and told him that she should never, ever go back to him.

Left him in a heap... then over my shoulder, called him a coward.

You were on my shoulder, cheering me on.

585 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:42:03am

re: #575 Cannadian Club Akbar

Million Dollar Baby. or something like that.

Thats it! Good movie, very depressing and sad ending... I cried at the ending. I think I'm gonna forgo anymore boxing movies! I have a hard time seeing anyone fight even staged movie ones.

586 Ericus58  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:42:26am

re: #533 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

"Roll on one."

Great movie.... had to have a kleenex fer sure

587 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:42:28am

re: #573 Dragon_Lady

Yeah, unfortunately I do. Not my fav, I also saw Hillary Swanks flick, I forget the name of it. Failing memory, I must be getting old... what, where was I?

Million Dollar Baby.

588 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:42:51am

re: #556 Obdicut

Malpractice, as a sum total, is about .5% to 2% of total costs. That's spending on lawyers, settlements, etc.

Here is, again, Gawande's awesome article on health care costs, including why tort reform is largely a red herring.

[Link: www.newyorker.com...]

That's malpractice costs, not the CYA/preventative costs which I've seen reports saying are as high as 15%.

589 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:43:33am

re: #579 albusteve

never saw it...but my guess would be, more Hollywood garbage

You are one consistent SOB.

590 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:43:33am

re: #583 Aceofwhat?

I love chick flicks. And I cry at the drop of a hat. Wait, what? Where's my penis?

591 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:43:48am

re: #580 Obdicut

Comparing health care costs to other products is not a good comparison. At the very least, you need to talk about the relative elasticity of the markets.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'central supply control'. Do you mean centrally planned economic activities in any area?

I mean a lot of things, but that's my fault for being vague. Let's start with price controls and talk about how often the control of prices from a central position works out for the better...

592 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:44:13am

re: #568 Aceofwhat?

Well, Singapore has a system that is similar, but it's backed by a large component of government-run hospitals. Similary, the system you're offering-- employers having their employees paying into a fund-- is only useful for those who are employed, who have sufficient time to save before they need the funds, and even then it's against a background of lots of public spending-- on things like state and county hospitals, government subsidies for medical schools, etc. etc.

I think part of this is that people don't realize how centrally-planned our medical system already is. Without government-supported state schools, we wouldn't be the medical research and innovation powerhouse that we are.

re: #578 Aceofwhat?

Can you provide any support for the contention that physicians move based on malpractice insurance rates?

(And I just said to my fiancee last night that if someone hates the Princess Bride, you know they're a dick on some level.)

593 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:44:16am

re: #559 Obdicut

I love working with people who are as smart or smarter than me.....

I'm going to let that slide, it was an awful tempting set-up but I'm feeling nice today....hopefully it passes.//

594 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:44:52am

re: #554 Aceofwhat?

I always say that i don't want to be right, i want to become right and then be right! Let me know if you see something different than i did-

Yep it looks like I was wrong. Things like individual insurance expenditures are counted. It doesn't say anything about specific about breast enlargements though so whether cosmetic surgeries not specifically for health are counted who knows. :D I doubt however that that's what's uping the expenditures by that much. It does say that the funding from the government runs at around 46% which would put the funding more on par with what we pay in Canada which is approximately half of the US figure.

That's still comes off as a bit screwy to me because included in that figure, like here in Canada is the fact that everyone is covered by basic healthcare no matter what.

595 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:44:52am

Had to help my dad reformat his MSI laptop. >_> Posted something at #510 that healthcare debaters might be interested in...

596 prairiefire  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:45:00am

re: #584 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Very Good On You! I have an ex who suckered many friends and family to his "sympathy" side of the story.

597 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:45:15am

re: #589 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

You are one consistent SOB.

so is the drivel coming out of Hollywood

598 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:45:29am

re: #584 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

rock on.

there's no excuse. ever.

you're not even allowed to hit a girl back. IMHO, the most that is permitted is to chuckle after she hits you and ask if that's all she's got.

599 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:45:34am

re: #527 Aceofwhat?

exactly. we also have a bigger drug problem than many other countries. that'll skew the numbers too.

I once knew a Ghanaian man who told me that America was #1 in everything--good and bad.

600 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:45:54am

re: #588 RogueOne

The article by Gawande addresses that, however, with the notation that CYA costs are indistinguishable from 'make more money' costs.

And since victims of medical malpractice, real or perceived, sue based not on the medical care they've received but on the attitude that the doctors hold, CYA procedures do not, in fact, C anyone's A.

601 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:46:21am

re: #583 Aceofwhat?

Trust me. I am not one for chick flicks. You have to see it. It's HILARIOUS.

You'll look back on the day you see it as the day that Aceofwhat made a significant impact on your life!

(i love helping people)

I'll have to put it on our netflicks que for next delivery...

602 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:46:26am

re: #592 Obdicut

dammit, i knew you'd ask for a link. sigh. i'll go find one. i had a good one a while back but i lost it. i guess now is as good of a time as any.

603 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:46:42am

re: #598 Aceofwhat?

As someone stabbed in the ass by an ex-wife, I disagree. But only in self-defense.

/I used to vibe on crazy.

604 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:46:46am

re: #599 The Sanity Inspector

I once knew a Ghanaian man who told me that America was #1 in everything--good and bad.

funny because it's true

605 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:46:51am

re: #600 Obdicut

The article by Gawande addresses that, however, with the notation that CYA costs are indistinguishable from 'make more money' costs.

That's a good point.

606 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:46:57am

re: #599 The Sanity Inspector

I once knew a Ghanaian man who told me that America was #1 in everything--good and bad.

world leader in breakfast serial choices....that's a fact

607 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:46:59am

re: #556 Obdicut

Malpractice, as a sum total, is about .5% to 2% of total costs. That's spending on lawyers, settlements, etc.

Here is, again, Gawande's awesome article on health care costs, including why tort reform is largely a red herring.

[Link: www.newyorker.com...]

I wish I had time tto read right now, I favorite-ed it.

I am more concerned with the amount of money utilized in personnel and paperowrk, computer time etc, making sure very form is filled out correctly and signatures in the right place (to make the lawyers happy).

When I go to the doctor or the clinic, it seems I have to sign 4 pieces of paper that no one reads, or looks at, but then go dutifully into the file and are forgotten. Someone has to make those forms, review them, approve them (lawyers), purchase the labels that have my name on them that get affixed to the forms, write the computer program that makes those forms and the individual labels, purchase and install the program, train personnel to use it the special do-dads that affix them to the file, etc. Redundancy costs a lot of money. The privacy law alone has killed more trees!

608 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:47:11am

re: #603 Obdicut

As someone stabbed in the ass by an ex-wife, I disagree. But only in self-defense.

/I used to vibe on crazy.

oh. weapons are different. damn.

609 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:47:33am

re: #602 Aceofwhat?

Heh. Thanks, man. It really makes a much bigger impression on me if there's some reliable data on the subject.

610 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:47:54am

re: #606 albusteve

Over here the Nestle-run milk company sometimes sells the litre bottles of milk with a free minibag of cereal taped to the side.


611 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:47:58am

re: #557 SanFranciscoZionist

The CIA does perfume? Is there a retail line?

(I'm a perfume buff.)

From what I understand, Condi is a very healthy person. Health smells good.

612 Decatur Deb  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:48:05am

Life intervenes. BBL

613 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:49:01am

re: #584 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Thought about you last night. Found out that an acquaintance has been beating his wife, told me she left him until he could learn to control his temper. He came to me for sympathy.

I went 100% MandyManners on his ass.

I started out a little pensive, then went after him full bore. He got all weepy (which is when I usually back off) I fucking doubled down on him, and told him that she should never, ever go back to him.

Left him in a heap... then over my shoulder, called him a coward.

You were on my shoulder, cheering me on.

Yeah! You go FBV! There's no excuse for violence! Especially against a spouse!

614 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:50:17am

re: #607 ggt

Gawande talks a lot about that, too-- especially that this excessive paperwork has ironically made doctors and administrators resistant to actually learning more about how they themselves operate through self-examination, which requires detailed record-keeping.. And in addition, the lack of transparency in the private medical insurers, combined with their immense amounts of bureaucracy, are obvious areas where enormous amounts of waste occurs, and huge amounts of rent-seeking are engaged in by the insurance companies.

[Link: en.wikipedia.org...]

615 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:51:26am

re: #570 Aceofwhat?

Exactly! We need a lump sum / catastrophic coverage model!!!

Direct to consumer seems to work for every other marketable product. Healthcare is a product--right?

616 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:51:58am

re: #573 Dragon_Lady

Yeah, unfortunately I do. Not my fav, I also saw Hillary Swanks flick, I forget the name of it. Failing memory, I must be getting old... what, where was I?

Million dollar baby.

617 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:52:07am

re: #591 Aceofwhat?

Okay, price controls: Given Enron, the effects on energy prices of deregulation in the Californian market, do you see any problems with the lack of price controls as revealed by that energy crisis?

618 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:53:03am

re: #613 Dragon_Lady

Yeah! You go FBV! There's no excuse for violence! Especially against a spouse!

This might get me in trouble but so be it....No one ever gets a free shot at me. I've never been with a woman mean enough to throw a punch at me but I know guys who have. If she's man enough to take a swing then she's man enough to get hit back. If you let someone take a free shot at you, they'll do it again.

619 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:53:03am

re: #496 Decatur Deb

Do they taste better and have better consistency if they are cut on the bias?

/ ;)

620 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:53:20am

re: #574 Aceofwhat?

Nah, Walter said last night that he hated the movie. So, I can't agree.

But, dayam!

621 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:53:36am

re: #609 Obdicut

Heh. Thanks, man. It really makes a much bigger impression on me if there's some reliable data on the subject.

I will toil valiantly towards the day when i earn a post from you to the effect of "well, i would doubt it, but since you so rarely post BS without having looked it up at some point in the past, i'll take your word for it..."

until then, i will find links or yield the floor on any topic under discussion.

back to this - will an HHS paper work for starters?

622 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:53:51am

charitable donks line their own pockets....nice setup

Yet the problems with New Direction are much broader. The group collected about $600,000 over seven years, but spent just under $200,000 -- 33 percent -- on community programs, according to its tax returns. And even that number is suspicious, as paperwork often lists a "cash donation" with no details as to where the money went.

wonder how long these guys will be in office

Read more: [Link: www.nypost.com...]

623 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:54:01am

re: #617 Obdicut

Okay, price controls: Given Enron, the effects on energy prices of deregulation in the Californian market, do you see any problems with the lack of price controls as revealed by that energy crisis?

Los Angelas voted for that. They got their wish.

624 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:54:50am

re: #615 ggt

Direct to consumer seems to work for every other marketable product. Healthcare is a product--right?

bingo...at least until it gets catastrophic, which is why we'll always need catastrophic coverage. i can shop for the best primary care physician for the money...but if I need to have my life saved, i want my insurance to kick in.

625 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:55:31am

re: #620 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Nah, Walter said last night that he hated the movie. So, I can't agree.

But, dayam!

wow, i used to like him//

626 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:55:53am

re: #618 RogueOne

I am six feet, two inches tall. Weigh 225 lbs.

My wife is five feet, one inch tall. Weight *** (she'd prefer I not disclose).

I would not hit her back. I might restrain her, but never would I hit back.

The abusive guy will hide from me from now on. I think he understands that I'm not quite finished with him.

627 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:56:06am

re: #615 ggt

Elastic vs. inelastic is a necessary calculation to make for all marketable products. What drives the prices of things we desperately need, what we're effectively forced to purchase or suffer, vs. things we don't necessarily need or could substitute something else for (as in, buying a house vs. renting one) is very different.

Health care could be most effectively compared, I feel, to the legal system, the fire departments, or something else that reflects the necessity of the services and the mutual interdependence of us all inside the systems; if my neighbors house burns down, it might set my house on fire, it might ruin my property values, it might cause a local business to go out of business, etc. If my neighbor gets critically ill and can't get medical attention or work, it means that instead of paying taxes he now costs taxes to support, he may, if his condition is infectious, affect me, and if his only place he can receive care is the emergency room it will increase my wait times at the emergency rooms.

628 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:57:42am

gotta go.

Have a great day all!

629 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:58:17am

And while we're talking about electric bills, I just got mine. $24. A new CCA record.

630 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:58:20am

re: #617 Obdicut

Okay, price controls: Given Enron, the effects on energy prices of deregulation in the Californian market, do you see any problems with the lack of price controls as revealed by that energy crisis?

yes. if your suppliers are too limited, you can't just throw price controls out of the window. fortunately, if i need a dentist or family doctor, I am not limited to three choices.

but your point is well taken...if i want to go follow Darthstar and chase my dream on the slope of some mountain, i don't want the only doctor in the area to charge $3,000 to prescribe an antibiotic. so i would admit that there certainly needs to be some basic rule-setting for rural and other underserved areas...

631 prairiefire  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:59:17am

re: #626 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

You're not fat!

632 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:00:17am

re: #631 prairiefire

You're not fat!

He's under tall!!!!

633 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:01:03am

re: #631 prairiefire

He's aerodynamically rounded?

634 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:01:06am

re: #627 Obdicut

Elastic vs. inelastic is a necessary calculation to make for all marketable products. What drives the prices of things we desperately need, what we're effectively forced to purchase or suffer, vs. things we don't necessarily need or could substitute something else for (as in, buying a house vs. renting one) is very different.

Health care could be most effectively compared, I feel, to the legal system, the fire departments, or something else that reflects the necessity of the services and the mutual interdependence of us all inside the systems; if my neighbors house burns down, it might set my house on fire, it might ruin my property values, it might cause a local business to go out of business, etc. If my neighbor gets critically ill and can't get medical attention or work, it means that instead of paying taxes he now costs taxes to support, he may, if his condition is infectious, affect me, and if his only place he can receive care is the emergency room it will increase my wait times at the emergency rooms.

I'd add in the affect on businesses and business operations as well which can be extrapolated to the larger economy. As a business owner it's to your advantage to have employees that are healthy and if they get sick are able to deal with it in a timely manner. It costs $$$ when people get ill.

635 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:01:16am

re: #627 Obdicut

whereas I believe that we could more accurately divide the HC system into two broad categories:

elastic = relatively common care where consumers have a broad choice of providers and could make a price impact by becoming more involved in the cost of their routine care


inelastic = catastrophic care that requires insurance in the same manner as property insurance, where consumers have neither the time nor the expertise to shop around for live-saving measures.

make sense?

636 Killgore Trout  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:01:19am

re: #629 Cannadian Club Akbar

And while we're talking about electric bills, I just got mine. $24. A new CCA record.

Do you have a wind turbine or solar panels or something?

637 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:01:37am

re: #633 laZardo

He's aerodynamically rounded?

he's hefty.

638 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:01:58am

re: #617 Obdicut

Okay, price controls: Given Enron, the effects on energy prices of deregulation in the Californian market, do you see any problems with the lack of price controls as revealed by that energy crisis?

The deregulation might not have been so bad, had California's NIMBYs not forbidden construction of any new power plants over the past several decades. The population growth, coupled with an artificially static power supply, led to higher prices and rolling brownouts.

This especially frosted me at the time, because the resulting panic selling by utility industry sector traders depressed my shares of a well-run, socially responsible and yes profitable East Coast utility.

639 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:02:23am

re: #618 RogueOne

This might get me in trouble but so be it...No one ever gets a free shot at me. I've never been with a woman mean enough to throw a punch at me but I know guys who have. If she's man enough to take a swing then she's man enough to get hit back. If you let someone take a free shot at you, they'll do it again.

I have a friend who got arrested for shoving a bunch of flowers in her soon to be ex's face. He gave her the flowers then proceed to snip and snipe and yell at her till he royally pissed her off to a point that she took the flowers and tried to give them back to him and he stuck his face deliberately in the way so she scratched him with the stems. They (the police) called it assault and battery, what they didn't know is that ex set the whole thing up so he could get custody of the kids and not have to pay child support. She had to under go the humiliating arrest, restraining order and court mandated anger management sessions all because the bastard couldn't face paying the child support payments. The restraining order papers had been filled out and dated six months in advanced! Sweet guy huh?///

640 prairiefire  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:02:37am

Not fat for around here, that's for sure.

641 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:02:43am

re: #636 Killgore Trout

Do you have a wind turbine or solar panels or something?

I don't need AC right now and don't run the heat. And I do laundry about once every 2 weeks.

642 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:04:05am

fallout from the Enron mess....

The Supreme Court will hear arguments Monday on whether Mr. Skilling’s conviction should be overturned because the prejudice against him in Houston was so strong and pervasive that he could not receive a fair trial

this may affect the KSM trial in NYC

[Link: www.nytimes.com...]

643 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:04:13am

re: #621 Aceofwhat?

Oh, it's not that I think you're bullshitting, it's that I know from my own experience I often hold opinions formed from one piece of information that may have flaws in it that I myself don't realize. I prefer displaying my info, like with the Gawande post, so that others can critique it and help me spot flaws that I might not be inclined to hunt out on my own.

There is no insinuation meant that you're trying to snow me.

I see plenty of good information in that article and I thank you for it; one thing I wish that it had was a comparison of malpractice costs vs. compensation-- OB/GYNs, for example, tend to have some of the lowest compensation but highest malpractice premiums. Their responsiveness to the cost of insurance premiums would probably vary quite a lot of their compensation wasn't so low.

However, most of the information in that article is anecdotal, with only a few larger cases and no actual statistical analysis. I'm still unable to tell if the movement of physicians is A) caused primarily by the malpractice insurance costs and B) statistically significant. But it definitely shows that, especially when combined with a low-compensation discipline like OB/GYNs, it can be a harsh burden on the physicians.

644 Killgore Trout  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:04:32am

re: #641 Cannadian Club Akbar

Good for you.

645 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:04:58am

re: #630 Aceofwhat?

yes. if your suppliers are too limited, you can't just throw price controls out of the window. fortunately, if i need a dentist or family doctor, I am not limited to three choices.

but your point is well taken...if i want to go follow Darthstar and chase my dream on the slope of some mountain, i don't want the only doctor in the area to charge $3,000 to prescribe an antibiotic. so i would admit that there certainly needs to be some basic rule-setting for rural and other underserved areas...

An anti-government though still nuggetty backgrounder on that issue is here:

Just as government interference creates a culture of dependence among rural residents, it also creates a culture of transience in the rural health-care community. In the free market, physicians take up practice in a community because they want to live there and because they feel that good opportunities exist for them. Some are bound to move on, but many will stay and pursue their dreams. When physicians are lured to a community through state loan repayments, tax breaks, and other perks, a sense of transience is almost expected. One North Carolina study found that 19 percent of newly recruited rural physicians planned to leave, even when they first arrived. Fewer than half planned to stay.4 Though some physicians will remain in an area for a long time, others will move on to still greener pastures when their obligations are fulfilled or when they realize that their personalities and dreams do not fit the community in which they were placed. Such transience is detrimental to quality health care in small communities and merely perpetuates the recruitment problem by opening up a vacancy not long after it has been filled.

646 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:05:02am

re: #626 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

6'2"? 225lbs? Thats not fat! I know what you are, you're one big HERO! Thats what you are!

647 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:05:38am

re: #631 prairiefire

You're not fat!

No, not really. Overweight, but not really obese fat. But you should see the looks on people's faces when they find out I am a vegetarian.

I call myself FBV because, well, for a vegetarian? I am very big!

Normally veggies/vegans look like that Moby dude.

648 prairiefire  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:05:41am

re: #646 Dragon_Lady

Here, here.

649 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:06:10am

re: #641 Cannadian Club Akbar

And I do laundry about once every 2 weeks.

Whether it needs it or not.

650 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:06:19am

re: #618 RogueOne

This might get me in trouble but so be it...No one ever gets a free shot at me. I've never been with a woman mean enough to throw a punch at me but I know guys who have. If she's man enough to take a swing then she's man enough to get hit back. If you let someone take a free shot at you, they'll do it again.

No, that's fair. Someone who takes a full swing certainly opens themself up to a return shot. I just think it's twice as manly to laugh and tell her to keep going, pausing only to warn her that her knuckles are going to break before your face or ribs do (you gotta make sure to cover up your jewels, tho...no one gets a free shot at those).

Had a girl punch me once in school. Laughed. She punched me again. Laughed. She stopped because people started laughing at her instead of me. It works.

651 oldegeezr  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:06:41am

Right now… it looks like March is comin’ in like a Bull not a gerbil…biotech sector is booming.

Copper has jumped since the quake in Chile; don’t know why the mines are mostly located in the north?

652 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:06:42am

re: #647 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

/malnutrition does that ;)

653 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:06:45am

re: #647 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

And your other name is Veggie Spice.

654 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:07:13am

Time to switch the laundry, BBS!

655 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:07:16am

re: #630 Aceofwhat?

If you need a dentist or a family doctor and you have Kaiser insurance, you are definitely limited. If you have no insurance, you are likewise very limited.

but your point is well taken...if i want to go follow Darthstar and chase my dream on the slope of some mountain, i don't want the only doctor in the area to charge $3,000 to prescribe an antibiotic. so i would admit that there certainly needs to be some basic rule-setting for rural and other underserved areas...

Have you looked into Singapore's system at length? I think you'd find it attractive: they focus on self-payment, subsidies for those at the lower end, a mixed private and public practice system, and health care saving funds.

I also would note that price controls are currently in place, and are mediated by the insurance companies in a non-free-market fashion, given that most insurance companies tend towards monopoly in the areas they cover. There is not much difference in the doctor compensation rates between insurance companies in the same areas.

656 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:07:32am

re: #649 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Whether it needs it or not.

I own 18 pairs of undies and socks.

657 The Sanity Inspector  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:08:39am


658 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:08:41am

re: #645 The Sanity Inspector

Supports another belief of mine that in many cases, a Nurse Practitioner could effectively serve a much wider slice of the health care pie, lowering basic care costs while broadening the base of providers.

659 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:10:32am

re: #658 Aceofwhat?

Abso-goddamn-lutely. The major untalked about things during this health care debate is increased use of Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants, and whether fee-for-service compensation is the best model for physician compensation.

I wish, strategically, that Obama had started health care/insurance reform with the NP/PA thing, because I feel it's a common sense, easy win.

660 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:10:56am

re: #658 Aceofwhat?

When I go to my docs office and see the PA? Charge is the same.

661 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:11:36am

re: #656 Cannadian Club Akbar

I'll wear a pair of jeans for several days before washing them (in the cooler months at least).

662 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:11:44am

how sanctions do not work...

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Early last year, a Chinese company placed an order with a Taiwanese agent for 108 nuclear-related pressure gauges. But something happened along the way. Paperwork was backdated. Plans were rerouted, orders reconfigured, shipping redirected. And the gauges ended up in a very different place: Iran.

[Link: www.google.com...]

663 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:12:33am

re: #643 Obdicut

I agree, it's fairly anecdotal. And i know you're looking for data, as opposed to mistrusting in a mean-spirited fashion. No harm, no foul, my dude.

Here's a link with a statistical study, also from the HHS. I found it using the previous article as a search topic.

It's not earth-shattering, but it certainly appears to be statistically significant. (as opposed to the CRU data in the 1990's)


664 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:12:59am

re: #661 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'll wear a pair of jeans for several days before washing them (in the cooler months at least).

There are 3 piles for guys. Clean, dirty and worn once. Or twice.

665 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:13:29am

re: #659 Obdicut

I wish, strategically, that Obama had started health care/insurance reform with the NP/PA thing, because I feel it's a common sense, easy win.

A move i would have fully supported. Screw partisanship. I'm about solutions and net outcomes.

666 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:13:50am

This is kind of cathartic. I made a joke (a loooong time ago) about a 54" waist that begged to differ (with something)... still feel guilty.

It was a joke and all, but nevertheless a lie.

Jeans I am wearing right now have a 34 inch waist.

I should be in a thirty.

667 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:15:04am

re: #664 Cannadian Club Akbar

There are 3 piles for guys. Clean, dirty and worn once. Or twice.

it's funny because it's true.

except for unmentionables. if they're not clean, they're dirty. if you're out, just buy more. they're not expensive enough to scrimp on. i have enough boxers to go without laundry for two months, just to be sure.

668 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:15:18am

re: #666 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

This is kind of cathartic. I made a joke (a looong time ago) about a 54" waist that begged to differ (with something)... still feel guilty.

It was a joke and all, but nevertheless a lie.

Jeans I am wearing right now have a 34 inch waist.

I should be in a thirty.

If I tried to put on 30" jeans I would crush organs.

669 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:16:51am

re: #663 Aceofwhat?

CRU data in the 1990s has been resoundingly vindicated, he said with no trace of a sense of humor.

That study looks like a good start, but the amount of it devoted to cautioning against taking many conclusions from it leaves me hungry for more data.

And really, that's one of the reasons why I find the private health care companies so obstructionist to reformation of good health care delivery in the US; they're inherently opposed to transparency, and to make good decisions surrounding healthcare we need the data. This could be solved without destroying the private health insurers, of course, by forcing them to reveal their actuarial tables, but I doubt they'd survive such a thing; once people really saw that the health insurance companies really are making care delivery decisions based on actuarial analyses, I think a lot of their current support would vanish.

670 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:16:53am

re: #666 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

This is kind of cathartic. I made a joke (a looong time ago) about a 54" waist that begged to differ (with something)... still feel guilty.

It was a joke and all, but nevertheless a lie.

Jeans I am wearing right now have a 34 inch waist.

I should be in a thirty.

hilarious. i'm 6' and 160", and i couldn't be less vegetarian. doesn't matter how many weights i lift. can't get bigger. it was a curse until my late twenties...

671 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:17:09am

re: #645 The Sanity Inspector

There's a whole lotta bull in that article, sorry. Free market or socialism has very little to do with. The problem of getting doctors to come and work in rural communities is practically universial regardless of the system. It has little to do with free market anything. The biggest factor is that very many people just do not want to move or live in a rural environment. This has more to do with the demographic shift from rural to urban that the last century has seen in pretty much all western nations. Sociologically and culturally it's has been a huge shift which has caused some issues in areas such as healthcare.

The same problem would still exist even in a completely free market system. In fact the supposedly 'socialist' solutions of governments providing incentives to get doctors to those areas is because doctors and everyone else ARE free to live where they please. The problem is that with this freedom not enough people like doctors are freely choosing locales where they are needed.

672 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:18:41am

Asked this weekend to grade her performance as speaker, Nancy Pelosi gave herself an “A for effort.”

But Pelosi knows that the real test is still to come.

Pelosi is inarguably one of the strongest speakers in modern history — an authoritarian figure in an era of centralized power in the House. But the coming months are a make-or-break period for her, a brutal reality check of her ability to manage all aspects of her job — consensus-building, agenda-setting, vote-counting, fundraising and campaigning.

Now in her fourth year as speaker and eighth overall as the top Democrat in the House, Pelosi has never faced such a daunting set of challenges:

I hope she fails and at most winds up the House Minority Whip come next January.

673 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:18:41am

President Obama touted a $900 million school grant program today designed to improve low-performing schools, particularly those with high dropout rates.
The $900 million in grants targets states with graduation rates of less than 60 percent, the president said. Schools that fail to increase those rates face the prospect of new principals, new managements, or even outright closure.

I wonder how the NEA will respond to this threat....since they are doing such a miserable job anyway....public ed is a huge humiliation, Americans should be outraged at the low quality education across the board

[Link: content.usatoday.com...]

674 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:19:44am

I need to get something done. BBL.

675 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:21:32am

re: #669 Obdicut

CRU data in the 1990s has been resoundingly vindicated, he said with no trace of a sense of humor.

That study looks like a good start, but the amount of it devoted to cautioning against taking many conclusions from it leaves me hungry for more data.

And really, that's one of the reasons why I find the private health care companies so obstructionist to reformation of good health care delivery in the US; they're inherently opposed to transparency, and to make good decisions surrounding healthcare we need the data. This could be solved without destroying the private health insurers, of course, by forcing them to reveal their actuarial tables, but I doubt they'd survive such a thing; once people really saw that the health insurance companies really are making care delivery decisions based on actuarial analyses, I think a lot of their current support would vanish.

I'm with you there. It's silly, too. Actuarial tables are built by monster statisticians - i knew a guy who had taken 3 of the 5 tests towards full actuarial status, and he was a minor deity in statistics. like it or don't like it, but understanding the reasons behind a lot of the hidden correlations that insurance companies have made could provide a lot of insight.

and besides...so insurance companies understand that if you eat only twinkies and you smoke that you tend to require more care and die earlier? i agree. i'm all for calling a spade a spade and charging some more than others for the same insurance coverage. i don't work my ass off in the gym so that Harry the Smoking Drunkard can pay the same insurance rates that i do.

676 Bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:21:33am

More AGW psychotics:

Global warming alarmed parents murdered their whole family: daughter survives

As Tom Nelson aptly wrote, "Al Gore lied and people died." Sadly, this comment is now literally true.

The people who say that global warming alarmism is a serious mental problem or a social pathology that should be treated on par with violent pedophilia or the Islamic terrorism got a new powerful argument.

lBaby survives parents Global Warming suicide pact

677 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:22:21am

re: #584 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Thought about you last night. Found out that an acquaintance has been beating his wife, told me she left him until he could learn to control his temper. He came to me for sympathy.

I went 100% MandyManners on his ass.

I started out a little pensive, then went after him full bore. He got all weepy (which is when I usually back off) I fucking doubled down on him, and told him that she should never, ever go back to him.

Left him in a heap... then over my shoulder, called him a coward.

You were on my shoulder, cheering me on.

His reaction is typical of an abuser. This is the part of the DV cycle know as "remorse" and next would be the "honeymoon" stage in which he would send her flowers.

That said, good for you for ripping him a new one!!!

678 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:22:31am

re: #672 MandyManners

Typical democrat.

Grading herself for effort not for result.

679 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:22:34am

re: #673 albusteve

I would like to note the incredible increase in bureaucracy in schools, both private and public. The administrator-to-teacher ratio and the administrator-to-child ratio have both been climbing wildly for more than a decade.

680 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:23:14am

re: #677 MandyManners

You inspired me to climb his ass. Thanks.

681 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:23:37am

re: #672 MandyManners

Asked this weekend to grade her performance as speaker, Nancy Pelosi gave herself an “A for effort.”

Heh. I could care less how hard my elected rep works if they're getting things done. talk about using the wrong yardstick...

682 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:24:10am

re: #399 The Sanity Inspector

Leftists keeping banging on about when will the United States soften its position on the Cuban regime. They never seem to mind Cuba's adamant refusal to "soften" its own stance against its own people. This is doubtless due to the influence of the Sixties Left, now entrenched in the universities, for whom Fidel Castro and indeed any anti-American leftwing dictator are heroes.

It could also have something to do with the fact that Cuba is now a patronless client state, and that this embargo has lasted a million years to no one's particular advantage.

Castro is an SOB, but we haven't exactly taught him a lesson by excluding ourselves from any chance of influencing matters on Cuba.

Someday he'll die. Maybe that will be our opportunity to try something else.

683 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:24:22am

re: #626 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I am six feet, two inches tall. Weigh 225 lbs.

My wife is five feet, one inch tall. Weight *** (she'd prefer I not disclose).

I would not hit her back. I might restrain her, but never would I hit back.

The abusive guy will hide from me from now on. I think he understands that I'm not quite finished with him.

You're not fat at all. Dickhead was 6'4" and weighed 250 lbs. and he wasn't fat.

684 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:24:30am

re: #676 Bagua

Shame on you for exploiting a tragedy like that.

685 Bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:25:09am

re: #684 Obdicut

Shame on you for exploiting a tragedy like that.

Shame on you for being so judgemental.

686 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:25:16am

re: #626 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I am six feet, two inches tall. Weigh 225 lbs.

My wife is five feet, one inch tall. Weight *** (she'd prefer I not disclose).

I would not hit her back. I might restrain her, but never would I hit back.

The abusive guy will hide from me from now on. I think he understands that I'm not quite finished with him.

Again, good for you. Shunning is an effective tool in many situations. I hope it is here, too.

687 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:25:39am

re: #629 Cannadian Club Akbar

And while we're talking about electric bills, I just got mine. $24. A new CCA record.


688 oldegeezr  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:25:44am

re: #666 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Weighing 225 with a thirty inch waist, you could have been a stunt double; for Awenold in The Predator.

689 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:26:42am

re: #426 Decatur Deb

Seems to be maintaining a complete aversion to public exposure--meaning she either doesn't want office, or wants it intelligently.

I think Condi has always preferred to be the staff expert.

690 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:26:53am

re: #684 Obdicut

Did Bags exploit it or report it?

691 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:28:04am

re: #690 Fat Bastard Vegetarian


The people who say that global warming alarmism is a serious mental problem or a social pathology that should be treated on par with violent pedophilia or the Islamic terrorism got a new powerful argument.

That is a massively offensive and rediculous and awful statement. One of the worse things I've seen around lately.

692 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:28:07am

re: #678 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Typical democrat.

Grading herself for effort not for result.

Every runner gets a trophy!

693 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:28:22am

re: #685 Bagua

Shame on you for being so judgemental.

Dude, i'm in disagreement with Obdicut on a lot of things related to AGW (except for the basic part about it being true), but i'm with him. This is like blaming america for 911. Crazy people will always point to a reason for their crazy, but it's BS. They're just plain crazy.

This wasn't global warming. This was crazy. And it didn't help improve the level of discourse on the topic. I have enough trouble telling Ludwig he's an idiot for saying "billions will die! billions will die!" without crap like this.

694 Bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:28:28am

re: #690 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Did Bags exploit it or report it?

Anything remotely critical of AGW must be concealed apparently as "shameful" by the fanatics.

695 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:28:29am

re: #681 Aceofwhat?

Heh. I could care less how hard my elected rep works if they're getting things done. talk about using the wrong yardstick...

In bed.

696 lawhawk  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:28:31am

re: #651 oldegeezr

I read that the quake would only temporarily shut the mines, but transport out of the country might get delayed due to damaged infrastructure.

697 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:28:35am

re: #692 MandyManners

>> Stupid special olympics.

698 jaunte  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:28:53am

Bad Job Department.
Be glad you aren't the brand manager for this thing:
Mobile Office Laptop Steering Wheel Desk
Top contender for the most sarcastic reviews at Amazon.com

699 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:29:07am

re: #682 SanFranciscoZionist

It could also have something to do with the fact that Cuba is now a patronless client state, and that this embargo has lasted a million years to no one's particular advantage.

Castro is an SOB, but we haven't exactly taught him a lesson by excluding ourselves from any chance of influencing matters on Cuba.

Someday he'll die. Maybe that will be our opportunity to try something else.

Raoul's in charge now. And, he's healthy.

700 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:29:11am

re: #679 Obdicut

I would like to note the incredible increase in bureaucracy in schools, both private and public. The administrator-to-teacher ratio and the administrator-to-child ratio have both been climbing wildly for more than a decade.

while measurable actual learning continues it's nosedive...a few months back I posted where a CA school decoded to close their science labs because minority students were doing so poorly in them, and their esteem was taking a beating...

701 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:29:56am

re: #691 windsagio

Is that from Bagua's blog? Everything was quoted.

Bag? That your blog?

702 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:30:45am

re: #688 oldegeezr

He's way too tall.

re: #690 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Well, I obviously feel he exploited it. Given that he's lied many times about AGW, and been called out on it any number of times on LGF, and the incredibly incendiary language he's using, it's very obvious to me he's just exploiting the tragedy.

703 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:30:48am

re: #699 MandyManners

The blockade simply isn't doing anything. Its at best a waste of time, and at worst lost money and influence.

I have nothing moral against it, but we have to realize when we're just being stubborn >>

704 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:31:00am

re: #656 Cannadian Club Akbar

I own 18 pairs of undies and socks.

Um, did I need to know that? TMI! /

705 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:31:10am

re: #694 Bagua

I'm just digging. Those were not your words? Or they are your words?

706 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:31:18am

re: #538 Obdicut

I simply cannot understand how any Israeli would think he could affect Israeli policies through terrorism. How stupid is that?

Pretty stupid.
Why the double standard?

707 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:31:31am

re: #697 windsagio

>> Stupid special olympics.

I don't want to know what kind of mental process it took for you to take that leap from my post to yours.

708 Bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:31:36am

re: #693 Aceofwhat?

It is an extreme example of the fear mongering and hype around the issue, no less newsworthy than the guy who flew his plane into the IRS.

709 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:31:38am

re: #704 Dragon_Lady

In the context? Yes, we did need to know that.

710 Charles Johnson  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:31:54am

re: #694 Bagua

Anything remotely critical of AGW must be concealed apparently as "shameful" by the fanatics.

You're getting increasingly ridiculous with your denial schtick.

711 MandyManners  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:32:17am

re: #706 Spare O'Lake

Pretty stupid.
Why the double standard?

Lefties like to find moral equivalence?

712 Charles Johnson  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:32:38am

re: #702 Obdicut

Well, I obviously feel he exploited it. Given that he's lied many times about AGW, and been called out on it any number of times on LGF, and the incredibly incendiary language he's using, it's very obvious to me he's just exploiting the tragedy.

I agree. It's pretty low.

713 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:32:43am

re: #701 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Even if they aren't his words, he's repeating something truly awful, and its really just as bad.

Also, if they aren't his words, "Learn to use freaking <blockquote>!!

714 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:33:17am

re: #708 Bagua

It is an extreme example of the fear mongering and hype around the issue, no less newsworthy than the guy who flew his plane into the IRS.

It is as related to the topic of AGW as the guy in the plane was related to our tax code.

In other words, completely unrelated.

715 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:33:46am

re: #709 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

In the context? Yes, we did need to know that.

Okey doke. I still think its TMI, but okey.

716 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:33:46am

re: #702 Obdicut

Doesn't make the article less "in existence" does it. It exists.

Looks like the facts are accurate.

717 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:34:12am

re: #707 MandyManners

Its from my work sorry, no reference to you.

In special olympics they totally do exactly what you said. I find it kind of false, because in general most of the competitors know whether they won or lost, and I think the sense of competition is healthy for them. The organizers undermine it (imnsho).

718 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:34:12am

re: #670 Aceofwhat?

re: #626 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

You guys sound short, I'm 6'4" and a slender 200. Weirdly my mother is 6' and dad is 5'6" and all my sisters ended up under 5'5" while my brother and I are both over 6'2". Makes for an odd family photo.

For the record, I've only been slapped by a woman once (while I was in college, in front of my parents) and I've never even had the urge to hit a woman. My sister had an abusive husband and after a heart to heart with my brother and I he decided it was best if he moved in with his mom. They divorced shortly thereafter.

719 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:34:15am

re: #711 MandyManners

Was that aimed at me, Mandy? I can't really tell. All I was saying was that, after seeing the Israeli government-- and the Israeli people-- endure terrorism without backing down or even flinching, it's pretty crazy for an Israeli citizen to think terrorism will have any effect in Israel.

720 laZardo  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:35:28am

1:35 AM and I'm headin' to bed. Nighty.

721 Bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:35:42am

re: #710 Charles

You're getting increasingly ridiculous with your denial schtick.

It is a denial schtick to note that some people are driven insane by all the hype around AGW? It is just a news item.

That was a Czech blog by the way.

722 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:35:53am

re: #718 RogueOne

wow, she did it in front of your parents? that's hilarious.

723 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:36:14am

re: #618 RogueOne

This might get me in trouble but so be it...No one ever gets a free shot at me. I've never been with a woman mean enough to throw a punch at me but I know guys who have. If she's man enough to take a swing then she's man enough to get hit back. If you let someone take a free shot at you, they'll do it again.

Dude...[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com...]

Look, I agree with you in principle, specifically this:

If you let someone take a free shot at you, they'll do it again.

That is true. But you can't endorse hitting a woman, except purely in self-defense. Not for silly notions of chivalry, but purely because of the power differential: on average, men just have greater upper body strength than woman-- by a whole lot. . Unless she has a weapon or is trained in self-defense, a guy hitting a woman does inflict a lot more damage than a woman hitting a man. (I'm just talking punching or slapping, etc.)

It is also true that there are many male victims of spousal abuse, by their female partners, and it's radically under-reported.
Similarly, domestic violence between gay females is under-reported. But even so that is reported more than hetero men going to the cops when their female partner is abusive. There are very few services for hetero men who are abused by their wives and gf's.

It's healthy I think to endorse the idea "no one gets a free shot at me" as a stance in personal relationships-- but it ought to mean, "leave, leave now, don't look back, and go straight to the cops and/or lawyer". Not as prescription for how to live with the abuser, you know?

Apologies if I misread you.

724 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:36:19am

re: #718 RogueOne

I have two brothers and three sisters... and five very, very nervous ex-husbands of sisters.

725 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:36:42am

re: #721 Bagua

Well the dude was nuckin' futs.

726 jaunte  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:36:56am

re: #721 Bagua

I think to believe that those people were driven insane by AGW hype is a stretch. They used it as an excuse.

727 Bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:37:02am

re: #702 Obdicut

He's way too tall.

re: #690 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Well, I obviously feel he exploited it. Given that he's lied many times about AGW, and been called out on it any number of times on LGF, and the incredibly incendiary language he's using, it's very obvious to me he's just exploiting the tragedy.

Name one lie that I have made about AGW?

728 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:37:33am

re: #721 Bagua

It is a denial schtick to note that some people are driven insane by all the hype around AGW? It is just a news item.

That was a Czech blog by the way.

Yes. they weren't driven crazy by it, any more than homeboy-in-plane was driven crazy by the tax code. They were already crazy and just clutched the nearest straw for convenience.

Don't conflate. It's not helping others' attempts to bring sanity into discussions on the topic of AGW.

729 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:37:35am

re: #721 Bagua

dude! Your post compared people overly worried about agw to (your words) "Pedophilia and Islamic Terrorism"!

I might add, without any disclaimers on your part.

That's on the line of ridiculous schtick, if not just craziness.

730 Charles Johnson  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:37:43am

re: #721 Bagua

It is a denial schtick to note that some people are driven insane by all the hype around AGW? It is just a news item.

And the way you're portraying it is disgusting.

731 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:37:59am

re: #723 iceweasel

I'd run to the cops as fast as ... as... someone who runs really fast to something.

732 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:38:30am

re: #723 iceweasel

personally i like laughing after being hit. derision is its own punch, ya know?

733 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:39:11am

re: #727 Bagua

Name one lie that I have made about AGW?

That these people were driven crazy by AGW.

i win.

734 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:39:38am

re: #722 Aceofwhat?

wow, she did it in front of your parents? that's hilarious.

I was at a function with my parents, she walks up calls me a "slut" and a "dirtbag", slaps me and just walks away. My own mother used to warn women about dating me so she already knew where the girl was coming from.

735 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:39:58am

re: #732 Aceofwhat?

I find (again personal experience) that leads to getting punched again >>

736 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:40:20am

re: #734 RogueOne

I was at a function with my parents, she walks up calls me a "slut" and a "dirtbag", slaps me and just walks away. My own mother used to warn women about dating me so she already knew where the girl was coming from.

i was right. that's hilarious.

737 albusteve  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:40:35am

Nancy Pelosi is protecting Rep. Charles Rangel, who failed to pay taxes on his Caribbean villa, among other miscues. But the ethically challenged congressional baron is endangering the Democrats’ control of Congress.

check out the pic of Charlie the Dodger

[Link: www.thedailybeast.com...]

738 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:41:14am

re: #727 Bagua


It is true the amounts spent are not equivalent.

Pro-AGW is a multi-billion dollar industry.

Anti-AGW has funding in the millions, not billions, and much of it is done by bloggers and journalists for little or no money.

Not even close to equivalent.

Unless you're counting all valid climatological research as 'pro-AGW', that is-- in which case you're one of those silly people who think climatologists and world governments are all in a massive conspiracy together.

739 SixDegrees  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:41:18am

re: #698 jaunte

Bad Job Department.
Be glad you aren't the brand manager for this thing:
Mobile Office Laptop Steering Wheel Desk
Top contender for the most sarcastic reviews at Amazon.com

More great Amazon reviews at Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon.

740 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:41:37am

re: #560 prairiefire

Oh, me too. I die for Guerlain.

I'm a Chanel girl.

741 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:42:50am

re: #735 windsagio

I find (again personal experience) that leads to getting punched again >>

as long as you cover the fishing tackle, it's fun. but then again, i've only been hit by girls who couldn't hit (each time for sticking my nose into someone else's business to defend an innocent). at some point, their hand will hurt. slightly angling your head to induce contact with the top of your forehead speeds things up along the way without making you appear less noble. nothing hurts a puncher like punching your hairline...that's where knuckles break.

742 Bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:43:35am

re: #730 Charles

And the way you're portraying it is disgusting.

We have portrayed people driven to insanity and murder here by other topics, abortion, IRS, combat, Islamism, militias, this is an extreme example as were those examples which became topics. .

743 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:43:58am

re: #740 SanFranciscoZionist

Lancome's "Magie Noir" drives me batshit insane.

744 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:44:08am

re: #728 Aceofwhat?

As I said in the Gore thread: Even though I disagree with him on the utility of cap-and-trade, at least he's talking about solutions, flawed as they may be. His detractors almost universally are still attacking the science and the scientists, rather than addressing the actual solutions to AGW that we need to pursue.

745 jaunte  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:44:22am

Hole digging.

746 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:44:29am

re: #741 Aceofwhat?

Hah, you've made a science out of getting hit ><

747 cliffster  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:44:37am

Does this qualify as "biting the hand that feeds you"?

Angry man eats lottery ticket

748 Bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:45:04am

re: #733 Aceofwhat?

That these people were driven crazy by AGW.

i win.

The newspaper said "Her parents said they feared the effects of global warming in a suicide note discovered by police."

I didn't say it, they left a note.

749 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:45:12am

re: #742 Bagua

We have portrayed people driven to insanity and murder here by other topics, abortion, IRS, combat, Islamism, militias, this is an extreme example as were those examples which became topics. .

No, we haven condemned insanity and mocked their pathetic attempts to dress it up as some form of sane retribution (e.g. mocking insane Islamic terrorists for pathetic attempts to dress up murder as retribution for America's "wrongs").

Quite different.

750 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:45:40am

re: #731 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'd run to the cops as fast as ... as... someone who runs really fast to something.

re: #732 Aceofwhat?

personally i like laughing after being hit. derision is its own punch, ya know?

Oh I get it. But no offense, neither of you are thinking about, or envisioning, a real domestic violence situation. "Laughing" at the 6 foot guy who just punched you, a 5 foot 2 woman, in the face for having dinner late isn't going to help you.
And if you're the 6 foot guy whose petite wife and mother of kids just tried to stab you in the kitchen with a carving knife-- laughing isn't going to help there either.

not be all serious and shit, but you know. Laughing at the bully on the playground works-- laughing at your abusive partner doesn't.

751 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:45:45am

re: #742 Bagua

Well first of all, you're wrong in that they're almost certainly not 'driven to insanity' by whatever, but rather already insane and finding something to blame.

Also, there are just some comparisons you don't make, extreme examples or not.

752 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:46:13am

re: #740 SanFranciscoZionist

I'm a Chanel girl.

Allure! (mine!)

753 cliffster  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:46:35am

re: #750 iceweasel

What if you're laughing at them through prison bars?

754 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:46:43am

re: #748 Bagua

The newspaper said "Her parents said they feared the effects of global warming in a suicide note discovered by police."

I didn't say it, they left a note.

yeah. crazy people also say that the sky is orange and that the government is beaming thoughts into and out of their heads.

yet somehow I don't take them at face value. this is an odd place to start taking the word of crazy people at face value.

just sayin'.

755 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:46:52am

re: #523 The Sanity Inspector

I first heard that story in an Israeli magazine. The kicker was "Why did you do that? Now we'll both die! Where is your logic?"

"'Logic'...?" said the scorpion. "This is the Middle East!"

That is a lame punchline. The real punchline is, "you already knew I was a scorpion before you gave me a lift"

756 Bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:46:58am

re: #749 Aceofwhat?

No, we haven condemned insanity and mocked their pathetic attempts to dress it up as some form of sane retribution (e.g. mocking insane Islamic terrorists for pathetic attempts to dress up murder as retribution for America's "wrongs").

Quite different.

Right, and I am mocking these crazies as well.

757 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:47:15am

re: #750 iceweasel

I was saying that a guy does not hit a girl back.

Nothing to do with the reverse.

758 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:47:52am

re: #750 iceweasel

yeah, i know. small attempt to lighten the discussion without being flippant. forgive me if it came across as flippant despite my caution...

759 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:48:02am

re: #756 Bagua

Are you really going to try to backpedal on this one?

760 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:49:00am

re: #759 Obdicut

well in fairness, wouldn't you?

Its like the people who said McCarthy was right back in December. We all occasionally say utterly stupid things that we want to reel back >>

761 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:49:50am

re: #723 iceweasel

I know where you're coming from and you're probably right but I have seen women (2 from my own family) flat out punch their spouses/boyfriends/men in bars straight in the mouth. My mom is the one who taught me the "if she's man enough to throw a punch, she's man enough to get hit back". There are 2 things I was raised to never let happen, one is letting someone walk away after punching you and the other is letting someone spit on you (weird family huh?).

If you let someone punch you, man or woman, without their being any response then they will do it again and again. I'm not like a lot of guys (my brother is like Obdicut...loves the crazy) that is going to put up with that kind of behavior in a relationship so it's never been an issue with me. I can't imagine ever being pushed to actually touch a woman, much less hitting one with a closed fist, but if my female cousin did to me what I've seen her do to other men then yeah, she's getting hit back.

762 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:49:52am

re: #756 Bagua

Right, and I am mocking these crazies as well.

really? because in your post you said that "this comment is now literally true".

did you mean the post differently than it reads?

763 Bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:49:58am

re: #738 Obdicut


Unless you're counting all valid climatological research as 'pro-AGW', that is-- in which case you're one of those silly people who think climatologists and world governments are all in a massive conspiracy together.

Not a lie at all Obdicut, I can document that that money goes to pro-AGW concerns.

764 oldegeezr  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:50:29am

re: #696 lawhawk

I believe you’re spot on with that analysis. I can imagine that damage to road and rail bridges would be significant factor.

765 lawhawk  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:50:58am

Supreme Court wont hear the Uighur detainee case.

The seven, captured in Afghanistan in 2001, have been determined to pose no threat to the United States, but the government and the courts have not determined whether the men could be released into the United States, as they had requested. The court on Monday sent the case back to the lower courts.

With other countries having said recently that they would accept the detainees, the justices said on Monday in an unsigned three-paragraph decision that factual developments since it agreed to hear the case in October “may affect the legal issues presented.”

The case involves prisoners at Guantanamo from the largely Muslim Uighur region of western China who have been cleared of any charges against the United States. They do not want to be returned to China, where they are considered terrorists and where they fear torture or execution.

The question the court agreed to hear in October was whether a federal judge in Washington had the power to order the men released into the United States.

766 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:51:05am

re: #759 Obdicut

re: #760 windsagio

Sorry guys, I just saw a link to an article.

I didn't see that Bagua editorialized.

Trying to be objective.

767 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:51:11am

re: #745 jaunte

Hole digging.

Mob mentality.

768 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:51:54am

re: #767 Spare O'Lake

at risk of being inappropriate, I admire your chutzpah. I've never seen someone mass-downding charles before ;)

769 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:51:56am

re: #758 Aceofwhat?

yeah, i know. small attempt to lighten the discussion without being flippant. forgive me if it came across as flippant despite my caution...

Oh it's cool-- it's funny. FBV too!

I think RogueOne inadvertantly opened the door though to another discussion I was thinking of-- which is, women often are physically abusive to male spouses, and those men don't have as much recourse and are usually extremely reluctant to take any recourse. It's a serious problem. Apologies for being overly seriously here.

770 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:52:36am

re: #766 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Its still not clear, and he certainly didn't give any disclaimer along with the link. He was pretty clearing presenting it as something he thought or agreed with.

771 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:53:00am

re: #676 Bagua

Ozzy Ozbourne is relieved that something/someone else can be blamed.

772 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:53:03am

re: #769 iceweasel

//theres something wrong with you that you can't joke about Spousal Abuse!

773 jaunte  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:53:09am

re: #767 Spare O'Lake

I think at some point you have to apply some judgment to items reported on the internet. In this case, the actions of those people are most likely 99.9% to do with insanity, and .1% about AGW, but that was chosen as the main theme of the piece posted by Lubos Motl because he has an agenda.

774 Charles Johnson  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:53:37am

re: #766 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #760 windsagio

Sorry guys, I just saw a link to an article.

I didn't see that Bagua editorialized.

Trying to be objective.

Oh really? What was this?

The people who say that global warming alarmism is a serious mental problem or a social pathology that should be treated on par with violent pedophilia or the Islamic terrorism got a new powerful argument.

That's an absurd and disgusting statement, and it comes straight out of Bagua's totally irrational climate change denialism.

775 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:54:09am

re: #762 Aceofwhat?

really? because in your post you said that "this comment is now literally true".

did you mean the post differently than it reads?

Yes, he did. Bagua was referring to some earlier fight with LVQ, and specifically to a comment someone else made to LVQ suggesting he 'seek help".
Bagua's initial comment was meant to be an oh-so-sly reference to that and to LVQ, and he's furiously backpedalling and asscovering because he's been called out.

776 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:54:23am

Seriously Bagua, all you have to do (at least for me, I can only speak for myself) is disown the totally offensive comparisons.

777 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:54:56am

re: #775 iceweasel

Yes, he did. Bagua was referring to some earlier fight with LVQ, and specifically to a comment someone else made to LVQ suggesting he 'seek help".
Bagua's initial comment was meant to be an oh-so-sly reference to that and to LVQ, and he's furiously backpedalling and asscovering because he's been called out.

I saw immediately the re-flame of the LVQ old thread. Drop the bomb & see who reacts.

778 Bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:55:04am

re: #751 windsagio

Well first of all, you're wrong in that they're almost certainly not 'driven to insanity' by whatever, but rather already insane and finding something to blame.

Also, there are just some comparisons you don't make, extreme examples or not.

If people can be driven to insanity by the IRS, Abortion, Jesus, The Government, Politics, whatever, it is still always debatable whether they were driven to insanity or just insane and waiting for a trigger.

But for some reason simply linking to a news report of a similar sort of insanity that we discuss here all the time is somehow immoral because it is vaguely critical of the AGW sacred cow. Interesting.

779 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:55:08am

re: #723 iceweasel

You know RWC's an black belt and an accomplished competitive hand gunner and since I can't do martial arts I made him teach me his best two moves.

Needless to say I honestly don't think he's ever going to lay a hand on me. Ever. There is one other consideration... I have four brothers all over 6' tall!

I'm am a strong proponent of women learning to defend themselves. though. In fact I have taught many to do just that! But I would never, never, never advocate any kind of spousal abuse, woman against man or man against woman. No matter how angry you get!
The best offense against an angry spouse is to just leave!

780 cliffster  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:55:21am

Hmmm, this looks like Minus 1 on the fun scale. I'm gonna go work out.

781 Charles Johnson  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:56:28am

re: #778 Bagua

And now, just like clockwork, the claims of being persecuted.

782 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:56:45am

re: #778 Bagua

You compared being overly concerned about AGW to being a Pedophile.

That doesn't strike you as over the top at all?

783 Bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:56:52am

re: #774 Charles

That's an absurd and disgusting statement, and it comes straight out of Bagua's totally irrational climate change denialism.

That was not my statement Charles, that was a quote from the Czech blog I was quoting from.

784 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:57:17am

re: #769 iceweasel

Somehow i guess we'll have to forgive each other :)

I agree that abuse by the female half is underreported. the part i don't get is why the guy doesn't either just up and leave (if she didn't use a weapon) or show her what it's like to be punched in the head by a man (if she did use a weapon) and then call the po-po.

The tough thing about male spousal abuse is that the female can be physically detained. I laugh at the thought of my wife trying to physically detain me without a firearm.

785 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:57:27am

re: #770 windsagio

That is projecting.

786 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:57:30am

re: #763 Bagua

If you can back up your claim, why have you not done so, then?

You've also lied about "Amazongate", the status of the 'hockey stick' graph, and numerous other AGW issues. You're not the most subtle person in the world, you know.

787 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:58:07am

re: #777 Stanley Sea

I saw immediately the re-flame of the LVQ old thread. Drop the bomb & see who reacts.

That's the whole reason the mental instability and pedophilia issue was brought in. The LVQ thread.

Look for 'random' outbursts by certain people saying "No kimchi for you!", referring to an even older thread about torture.

788 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:58:17am

re: #769 iceweasel

Oh it's cool-- it's funny. FBV too!

I think RogueOne inadvertantly opened the door though to another discussion I was thinking of-- which is, women often are physically abusive to male spouses, and those men don't have as much recourse and are usually extremely reluctant to take any recourse. It's a serious problem. Apologies for being overly seriously here.

Most of my family migrated north from kentucky but there is still quite a few of them still in the state. One of my old aunts had a abusive husband she had warned to never hit her again. He came home drunk, slapped her and went to bed. She got up and fixed him a big breakfast and while he was at the table eating it she hit him in the head with the skillet and fractured his skull. He still didn't learn, went out and got drunk and did it again. That time she shot him in the leg while he was asleep. Not only did he quit hitting her, he stopped drinking. They ended up staying married until he died of old age.

789 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:58:51am

re: #639 Dragon_Lady

I have a friend who got arrested for shoving a bunch of flowers in her soon to be ex's face. He gave her the flowers then proceed to snip and snipe and yell at her till he royally pissed her off to a point that she took the flowers and tried to give them back to him and he stuck his face deliberately in the way so she scratched him with the stems. They (the police) called it assault and battery, what they didn't know is that ex set the whole thing up so he could get custody of the kids and not have to pay child support. She had to under go the humiliating arrest, restraining order and court mandated anger management sessions all because the bastard couldn't face paying the child support payments. The restraining order papers had been filled out and dated six months in advanced! Sweet guy huh?///

The late husband of a dear friend once got arrested for smooshing a muffin in the face of a woman who had made his wife cry.

790 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:59:19am

re: #775 iceweasel

Yes, he did. Bagua was referring to some earlier fight with LVQ, and specifically to a comment someone else made to LVQ suggesting he 'seek help".
Bagua's initial comment was meant to be an oh-so-sly reference to that and to LVQ, and he's furiously backpedalling and asscovering because he's been called out.

Silly. LVQ usually leaves enough of his own rope around for sharper posters to restrain him with. Overreaching like this (especially across multiple days...why do people carry these silly grudges past 24hrs??) is totally unnecessary.

791 Bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:59:35am

re: #782 windsagio

You compared being overly concerned about AGW to being a Pedophile.

That doesn't strike you as over the top at all?

That wasn't my comment, that was a quote from the article I linked to.

792 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 9:59:42am

re: #785 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

That is projecting.

No its really not. Its pretty clear that most of the people reading this thread reacted to the statement the way I described.

If it is an incorrect interpretation, all he has to do is back down from the claims that the post made. He hasn't done that.

793 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:00:08am

re: #788 RogueOne

wow, straight outta Tyler Perry. great story.

794 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:00:14am

re: #751 windsagio

Well first of all, you're wrong in that they're almost certainly not 'driven to insanity' by whatever, but rather already insane and finding something to blame.

Also, there are just some comparisons you don't make, extreme examples or not.

If folks want to call all their political opponents crazy/moonbat/wingnut/etc., then they shouldn't be surprised or offended when the worm occasionally turns.
These days there are plenty of extremists on all sides of all issues.

795 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:00:14am

re: #790 Aceofwhat?

Silly. LVQ usually leaves enough of his own rope around for sharper posters to restrain him with. Overreaching like this (especially across multiple days...why do people carry these silly grudges past 24hrs??) is totally unnecessary.

We need a comment psychologist. I'm joking, but dang I always wonder at the morning bombs that are dropped. Why? I'm barely awake!

796 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:00:56am

re: #790 Aceofwhat?

Since Ludwig comes up, I just wanna throw something in here before I don't mention it again :P He has unfortunately let people troll him to the point where he can't really function (for the purposes of this blog) anymore.

To really piss people off, it has parallels to the spousal abuse discussion above.

797 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:01:27am

re: #789 SanFranciscoZionist

The late husband of a dear friend once got arrested for smooshing a muffin in the face of a woman who had made his wife cry.

I know a lot of cops, I've even trained quite a few! And some of them don't have the common sense that the good Lord gave an ant!

798 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:01:33am

re: #795 Stanley Sea

We need a comment psychologist. I'm joking, but dang I always wonder at the morning bombs that are dropped. Why? I'm barely awake!

it's not morning on the east coast...maybe it's just the time difference!

799 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:01:42am

re: #793 Aceofwhat?

wow, straight outta Tyler Perry. great story.

She died about 15 years ago. They were a lot of fun at the family reunions when I was a kid. Alcoholism runs deep in both my parents families.

800 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:01:45am

re: #794 Spare O'Lake

Do people on here ever compare righties to Pedophiles or Islamic Terrorists?

801 Jadespring  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:02:05am

re: #783 Bagua

That was not my statement Charles, that was a quote from the Czech blog I was quoting from.

A quote which you pulled as the relevant one. So sure you didn't editorialize either way so can have the grace of plausible deniability. People here however, aren't exactly dumb and subsequent comments make the intent more then clear. So yeah an attempt at being clever but not really all that clever except perhaps IYOM.

802 oldegeezr  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:02:07am

re: #702 Obdicut

Who's too tall?
Awenold or FBV...my understanding is that FBV is six two plus and 225.
Is Awenold taller than that... I’m thinking; he may be more than a bit wider than FBV today?

803 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:02:29am

re: #795 Stanley Sea

Its rowdy in the morning and evening, probably 'cuz there are more people around to fight ;)

804 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:02:36am

Gonna go change out laundry. BBS!

805 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:02:53am

I need food.

806 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:03:17am

re: #803 windsagio

Its rowdy in the morning and evening, probably 'cuz there are more people around to fight ;)

Making more coffee as we type.

807 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:03:37am

re: #796 windsagio

Since Ludwig comes up, I just wanna throw something in here before I don't mention it again :P He has unfortunately let people troll him to the point where he can't really function (for the purposes of this blog) anymore.

To really piss people off, it has parallels to the spousal abuse discussion above.

We all need a 24hr rule. Sometimes i get really worked up during heated discussions - we all do - it's part of the fun. It stops being fun when you log back in the next day still holding a grudge.

We should all log in each morning with a blank slate. That'll help a lot of this stuff. I don't care what LVQ or any other member said on any other day (except to get to know them better). Each day is a new day to be funny and cogent.

808 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:03:55am

re: #802 oldegeezr

My mistake, I thought Ah-nuld was shorter than he is. I was wrong. Thanks for checking me on it.

809 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:04:36am

re: #806 Stanley Sea

I won't pretend I don't get a certain amount of fun out of the imbroglio's. 'Course everyone who takes part gets something out of it, altho' it could sometimes be a bit maladaptive >>

810 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:04:41am

re: #808 Obdicut

My mistake, I thought Ah-nuld was shorter than he is. I was wrong. Thanks for checking me on it.

God, will your inaccuracy never end??


811 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:05:04am

re: #784 Aceofwhat?

Somehow i guess we'll have to forgive each other :)

I agree that abuse by the female half is underreported. the part i don't get is why the guy doesn't either just up and leave (if she didn't use a weapon) or show her what it's like to be punched in the head by a man (if she did use a weapon) and then call the po-po.

The tough thing about male spousal abuse is that the female can be physically detained. I laugh at the thought of my wife trying to physically detain me without a firearm.

It's just like female spousal abuse. Why doesn't she leave?
Similar reasons. Abusers isolate the spouse from support (family, friends), they almost never reveal their abusive side until the person is wholly under control (i.e., legally married, etc)-- and then the abuser spouse relies on the strength of the wedding vow and the kids to keep the abused person in line.

Also, they rely on shame. Abusers tell the person 'it's all your fault that I'm doing this". It's exactly the same when it's an abusive wife. They tend to marry guys with a major White Knight syndrome-- they love her and want to save her or help her. Like male abusers, the female abuser ruthlessly exploits the spouse's love and 'i want to save you' tendencies.

And it is even more humilating for men to say "this woman is beating me" than it is for women to say "my husband is beating me".

812 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:05:33am

re: #807 Aceofwhat?

That's what it should be. I try to be understanding of people who for various reasons can't meet that target.

813 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:06:42am

re: #807 Aceofwhat?

Adults should know how appropriate behavior is defined.

814 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:06:49am

re: #811 iceweasel

My experience with my ex-wife confirms most of what you're saying. I never even really thought about going to the cops about it. She was directly manipulative after any time she hit, stabbed, threw something at me-- breaking down into tears, saying she didn't mean it, that she was just so frustrated, etc.

I was a chump.

815 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:07:49am

re: #694 Bagua

Anything remotely critical of AGW must be concealed apparently as "shameful" by the fanatics.

Oh come ON.

816 oldegeezr  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:09:49am

re: #795 Stanley Sea

“…We need a comment psychologist. I'm joking, but dang I always wonder at the morning bombs that are dropped. Why? I'm barely awake!”

It’s euphemistically referred to as getting up on the wrong side of the bed and stubbing yer toe on the dresser foot.

817 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:10:02am

re: #811 iceweasel

I see. I guess i was putting most of the stock in the "she doesn't leave because he won't let her", which shouldn't hold true for men in a purely physical sense (absent firearms, bien sur).

But psychological captivity - sure, that'll cut both ways.

Although men need to be a brighter lot in general. It may be humiliating to say "this woman is beating me." However, I'd have no trouble saying "this woman keeps beating me, and so help me God, if i don't leave I'm going to show her what beating looks like."

The second comment replaces shame with strength, but requires the wit to see it from that perspective.

I guess that some men don't possess my stunning combination of wit and intelligence. Pardon me whilst I preen here for a second//

818 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:11:14am

re: #816 oldegeezr

It’s euphemistically referred to as getting up on the wrong side of the bed and stubbing yer toe on the dresser foot.

With a major hangover.

819 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:11:17am

re: #814 Obdicut

please forgive me in advance if any of my comments on the topic have been flippant. i don't have that direct experience, and am not trying to imply that i have much wisdom or advice to impart...

820 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:11:44am

re: #814 Obdicut

My experience with my ex-wife confirms most of what you're saying. I never even really thought about going to the cops about it. She was directly manipulative after any time she hit, stabbed, threw something at me-- breaking down into tears, saying she didn't mean it, that she was just so frustrated, etc.

I was a chump.

Well, all of that directly parallels what male abusers do after they hit their wife. Tears, apologies, manipulation, subtle blame-shifting. If they didn't do that, they couldn't get away for it for so long.
i suspect there are many more cases like yours where the guy also wouldn't ever go to the cops or anyone, because the level of physical harm is just never great. I almost used the example of throwing a knife rather than genuine stabbing to illustrate it.

I'm very sorry that happened to you, but also very happy you're ok and about to be married, iirc. :)

821 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:12:20am

re: #813 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Adults should know how appropriate behavior is defined.

yeah, but i still screw up sometimes. it'll help if everyone gives me (us) a new chance each morning to do better...

822 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:12:54am

re: #819 Aceofwhat?

I am really not thin-skinned at all, and it's been long enough that I can find the fact that she stabbed me in the ass hilarious.

Others might get pissed off, especially men who have been disbelieved by the cops when they reported abuse. But I like dark humor.

823 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:13:32am

re: #821 Aceofwhat?

Anyways there's appropriate and appropriate. There are things that would be okay to say here (or mostly okay) that wouldn't fly at ALL in face to face contact.

824 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:13:37am

re: #820 iceweasel

about to be married to a soon-to-be MD/PhD, IIRC.

good catch there, Ob;)

825 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:14:54am

re: #823 windsagio

Anyways there's appropriate and appropriate. There are things that would be okay to say here (or mostly okay) that wouldn't fly at ALL in face to face contact.

totally agree. but it's no fun getting really fired up about something if i don't think i can come back tomorrow like it never happened.

826 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:15:09am

re: #824 Aceofwhat?

After the wedding I'll post pictures, and then you'll see the other half of the equation of why I'm so in love with her.

827 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:17:07am

re: #822 Obdicut

I am really not thin-skinned at all, and it's been long enough that I can find the fact that she stabbed me in the ass hilarious.

Others might get pissed off, especially men who have been disbelieved by the cops when they reported abuse. But I like dark humor.

You're a cool guy.

I do have a bit of an issue on this, because in some cases, and some states, it's fairly easy for a woman to lie and get the man arrested for domestic violence even if she was the abuser, or to allege DV and get the spouse locked up for a bit, gain an edge in a divorce, etc.

828 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:18:51am

re: #825 Aceofwhat?

People that can't let go of that anger should have their blogging licenses revoked :p

/of course, people like feeling angry and outraged so maybe not wanting to let go isn't that surprising.

829 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:19:48am

re: #826 Obdicut

After the wedding I'll post pictures, and then you'll see the other half of the equation of why I'm so in love with her.


have you gotten to the planning yet?

my wife and i took direct control. been to enough weddings that we knew what we hated. for example, we told the DJ's that if they played one of a list of songs (chicken dance, achy breaky heart, etc.), they wouldn't get paid. the "forbidden songs list" was etched in stone.

also, the dinner tables had to write a song and sing it to us on the spot if they wanted a kiss. clanking the glasses is waaay too easy.

830 Aceofwhat?  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:20:34am

re: #828 windsagio

People that can't let go of that anger should have their blogging licenses revoked :p

/of course, people like feeling angry and outraged so maybe not wanting to let go isn't that surprising.

getting angry is just fine as long as one masters the art of letting go, IMHO!

831 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:21:49am

re: #829 Aceofwhat?

Yeah. We're doing good on the planning. It helps that my family owns a house in San Francisco big enough to hold a 100 person party in.

She's mainly heading up the planning, I'm just doing what I can to support it. But it's going to be awesome. So many cool people attending who will have a lot of fun meeting each other.

To me, the wedding is just an excuse for a party. Especially since due to financial aid stuff for college we won't be actually getting married until August.

832 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:23:21am

re: #830 Aceofwhat?

getting angry is just fine as long as one masters the art of letting go, IMHO!

That's one reason why I like the karma system and LGF. you can have an all out brawl with someone and then they can see that you'll upding them in the same thread or in the next when you think they've made a good point.
Cuts down on acrimony and reduces flamewars, imo.

833 oldegeezr  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:24:03am

re: #824 Aceofwhat?

“...about to be married to a soon-to-be MD/PhD, IIRC.
good catch there, Ob;)

So that means… Obdicut will be retiring and blogging here full time; then?

834 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:25:27am

re: #800 windsagio

Do people on here ever compare righties to Pedophiles or Islamic Terrorists?

Your question is entirely rhetorical. The internet is a rough place. People often call their political opponents crazy. They also like to demonize their opponents. This kind of scorched-earth, slash and burn debating technique may be fun and even effective...but it seems to end poorly, especially when the tables are occasionally turned.

835 Obdicut  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:26:05am

re: #833 oldegeezr

Nah, she'll be a research doctor, so making about 1/3 of a practicing one. I'm slated for the money-making role for the next 11 years at least, as she goes through school and residency.

Eleven years from now, maybe I'll get a break. Maybe.

She jokes that I subsidize cancer research on a daily basis.

836 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:27:50am

re: #830 Aceofwhat?

Oh absolutely!

Nothing annoys me more than someone saying

I'm not angry, I'm amused!

Because its a goddamn lie.

The trick is to be able to let go of that rage and joke with the person the next day. (Altho nobody succeeds completely :p)

837 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:29:17am

re: #748 Bagua

The newspaper said "Her parents said they feared the effects of global warming in a suicide note discovered by police."

I didn't say it, they left a note.

That's terrible, but to present it as a result of Al Gore lying, and start talking about pedophilia is not appropriate at all.

838 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:29:41am

re: #834 Spare O'Lake

Its not rhetorical at all. You were making another false equivalence, and were totally wrong.

The accusation made in the link above was absolutely beyond the pale.

Anybody who makes those comparisons (especially the former) rightly deserves to be savaged, and would, regardless of affiliation.

839 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:31:52am

re: #834 Spare O'Lake

Your question is entirely rhetorical. The internet is a rough place. People often call their political opponents crazy. They also like to demonize their opponents. This kind of scorched-earth, slash and burn debating technique may be fun and even effective...but it seems to end poorly, especially when the tables are occasionally turned.

It's a waste if the goal is to exchange information and learn things that increase your knowledge of the issue and some of the nuances it has. Or simply to learn some of the anecdotal evidence that supports a differing view.

Playing the game for points, or simply for the joy of yanking someone else's chain via hot button issues is a fairly shallow way to find entertainment in my opinion.

840 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:33:47am

re: #831 Obdicut

Yeah. We're doing good on the planning. It helps that my family owns a house in San Francisco big enough to hold a 100 person party in.

She's mainly heading up the planning, I'm just doing what I can to support it. But it's going to be awesome. So many cool people attending who will have a lot of fun meeting each other.

To me, the wedding is just an excuse for a party. Especially since due to financial aid stuff for college we won't be actually getting married until August.

Awesome. Very healthy attitude imo. i remember you were asking LGFer's about their own weddings.
My opinion: you have to have a way for family and friends to celebrate the occasion, and that is a good thing. If you live far apart you might need more than one of those.
The real ceremony and marriage is for you two, though. best not to get bogged down in ideas about what anyone else wants, and do something just for you.

I highly recommend as many informal receptions as you need, the legal service as cheaply as possible-- and, most of all, going somewhere with just the two of you where you read your own vows privately to each other.
You've got her family's house for the official gig, which is great. I still say doing something special, secret, and private with your own vows is what you'll remember.
Also, all the money saved is money you'll use for something much more tangible, like a house or trip.
My opinion.

841 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:37:08am

re: #840 iceweasel

Awesome. Very healthy attitude imo. i remember you were asking LGFer's about their own weddings.
My opinion: you have to have a way for family and friends to celebrate the occasion, and that is a good thing. If you live far apart you might need more than one of those.
The real ceremony and marriage is for you two, though. best not to get bogged down in ideas about what anyone else wants, and do something just for you.

I highly recommend as many informal receptions as you need, the legal service as cheaply as possible-- and, most of all, going somewhere with just the two of you where you read your own vows privately to each other.
You've got her family's house for the official gig, which is great. I still say doing something special, secret, and private with your own vows is what you'll remember.
Also, all the money saved is money you'll use for something much more tangible, like a house or trip.
My opinion.

I actually love re-living the event. We got married just the 2 of us on Grand Cayman. Reception one month later - was really just a great party.

842 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:40:07am

re: #841 Stanley Sea

I actually love re-living the event. We got married just the 2 of us on Grand Cayman. Reception one month later - was really just a great party.

That's so beautiful! Very happy for you. :)

I think breaking it up like that helps a lot. The reception should be just a great party-- otherwise too often it's this whole event and the wedding couple isn't even around for some it (taking pictures during the cocktail hour, bleah) or whatever.

843 oldegeezr  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:43:14am

re: #835 Obdicut

From the sound of your communing, you’re off to an excellent start.

I would never have accomplished in life, what we share today, had it not been for meeting and marrying my dear; “She who must be obeyed…!”

Good communications and honesty will serve you both admirably over the long term. All my very best regards and wishes for you and yours’.

844 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:43:26am

re: #838 windsagio

Its not rhetorical at all. You were making another false equivalence, and were totally wrong.

The accusation made in the link above was absolutely beyond the pale.

Anybody who makes those comparisons (especially the former) rightly deserves to be savaged, and would, regardless of affiliation.

The linked news item was about an insane AGW suicide pact, which was:
a) 100% newsworthy; and,
b) 100% likely to provide ammo for AGW deniers;
which is what our commenter said.
All the rest was ex post facto spin and sanctimonious backbiting, IMO.

845 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:46:25am

re: #811 iceweasel

It's just like female spousal abuse. Why doesn't she leave?
Similar reasons. Abusers isolate the spouse from support (family, friends), they almost never reveal their abusive side until the person is wholly under control (i.e., legally married, etc)-- and then the abuser spouse relies on the strength of the wedding vow and the kids to keep the abused person in line.

Also, they rely on shame. Abusers tell the person 'it's all your fault that I'm doing this". It's exactly the same when it's an abusive wife. They tend to marry guys with a major White Knight syndrome-- they love her and want to save her or help her. Like male abusers, the female abuser ruthlessly exploits the spouse's love and 'i want to save you' tendencies.

And it is even more humilating for men to say "this woman is beating me" than it is for women to say "my husband is beating me".

Also, the abused men I have known tend to feel that it's not OK for them to make a fuss about the abuse, since they rationalize that she can't damage them all that much. Often that's not true, but they figure they should be able to take a punch from a woman, and ignore the fact that they're being hit by someone who should love and respect them.

846 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:48:48am

re: #839 oaktree

It's a waste if the goal is to exchange information and learn things that increase your knowledge of the issue and some of the nuances it has. Or simply to learn some of the anecdotal evidence that supports a differing view.

Playing the game for points, or simply for the joy of yanking someone else's chain via hot button issues is a fairly shallow way to find entertainment in my opinion.

Agreed. Demonizing one's opponent and/or calling them crazy has nothing to do with speaking to the opponent, and everything to do with rallying the troops.

847 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:50:41am

re: #844 Spare O'Lake

You are one huge stinking ball of tribalism and bad faith, aren't you?

848 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:52:49am

re: #846 Spare O'Lake

Thus my extreme dislike for the fact that the current US political process seems to be much more interested in such "troop rallying" events that pander to the base (and attempt to attract independents) rather than working with the opposition in a genuine attempt to govern ethically and effectively for the good of the nation (and the world).

And both parties, the media, and our current culture all seem to prefer this model since it sells so well and is so widely accepted.

849 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:54:51am

re: #845 SanFranciscoZionist

Also, the abused men I have known tend to feel that it's not OK for them to make a fuss about the abuse, since they rationalize that she can't damage them all that much. Often that's not true, but they figure they should be able to take a punch from a woman, and ignore the fact that they're being hit by someone who should love and respect them.

Exactly. I didn't bring this up earlier but it was very much in my mind. Abused women often don't go for help until they have some very severe physical damage, and often they didn't go for help-- they wind up in an ER or doctor's office and the records and their thin excuses reveal a problem.

female abusers just don't inflict the same kind of physical damage on average. They can't. Plus there is this macho/chivalrous/shame dynamic in place-- "I'd just laugh at a woman who tried to hit me".

All abused spouses feel shame, partly because the abuser manipulates them to feel shame. Men have a separate dynamic going on which means they feel a certain special kind of shame at admitting their female partner abuses them.
And the woman abusing a man does more often resort to throwing knives, throwing something at or near the spouse, less direct forms of physical abuse. It's still abuse.

850 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 10:57:00am

re: #847 windsagio

You are one huge stinking ball of tribalism and bad faith, aren't you?

Elegant proof of my point. Thanks, chump.

851 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:00:39am

re: #800 windsagio

Do people on here ever compare righties to Pedophiles or Islamic Terrorists?

Sometimes. But then we hear about it for three or four weeks.

852 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:01:58am

re: #851 SanFranciscoZionist

I don't think I've ever seen that. Of course, you've been here alot longer than I have >>

Anybody that makes that kind of comparison would rightly be hounded.

853 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:02:53am

re: #851 SanFranciscoZionist

Sometimes. But then we hear about it for three or four weeks.

Hahaha. You are very good.

854 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:04:49am

re: #851 SanFranciscoZionist

Sometimes. But then we hear about it for three or four weeks.

because in my experience, a 'lefty' ocassionally makes a bad analogy with the conclusion that 'some' behaviours are 'like' X or Y. Then we here about that for months and have allout wingnut wardance.

In contrast, at least once a week here some 'lefty' is accused of supporting the terrorist bombings of buildings in the US, or 'hating the military', or 'hating america'.

855 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:05:31am

re: #852 windsagio

I don't think I've ever seen that. Of course, you've been here alot longer than I have >>

Anybody that makes that kind of comparison would rightly be hounded.

That's because it hasn't happened.

856 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:06:28am

re: #855 iceweasel

Fair enough.

Anwyays, all someone has to do to limit being attacked for making those kind of comparisons is...

Withdraw the Comparisons.

857 RogueOne  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:08:47am

re: #855 iceweasel

didn't it happen just last week? I tend to stay out of the squabbles but I'm pretty sure that's the way I read it.

858 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:11:46am

re: #857 RogueOne

I don't want it on my record that I searched LGF for the term "Pedophile" >>

859 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:12:26am

re: #857 RogueOne

didn't it happen just last week? I tend to stay out of the squabbles but I'm pretty sure that's the way I read it.

It was a poor analogy, and we've heard endless wingnut whining and distortions of it ever since.

Soandso says AGWdeniers are like pedophiles!

Nope. Part of a months-long wingnut attack on one specific poster, I might add.

860 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:14:29am

I'm gonna ask a classic NOOB question. What does >> or

861 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:15:56am

re: #860 Dragon_Lady

I'm gonna ask a classic NOOB question. What does >> or

Hey it only posted half of my question! I wanted to know what >> means, it deleted my left arrows when I posted! Bummer...

862 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:16:24am

re: #860 Dragon_Lady

Its not a noob question, its just a weird habit I have.

They're essentially messed up Emoticons. I should really put it in my profile tho :)

>> is a shifty eyed look to the right,
>< is an excited squint (or something) :p

863 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:17:36am

re: #861 Dragon_Lady

I don't do the latter one too much because you have to enter it as a special code ( & l t ; without the spaces), so I just use >> for everything, which makes it more confusing.

I like to believe its an endearing habit :D

864 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:17:37am

re: #858 windsagio

I don't want it on my record that I searched LGF for the term "Pedophile" >>

Oh windsagio-- I once searched my own comments here for a post of mine (with link) about the Freepers claiming they needed to know whether Obama was circumcised or not (to determine whether he was REALLY born in the US)

multiple searches on "user:iceweasel" + penis and then cut then uncut etc. Then it got ... ugly.

I think I even commented here about how ashamed I was of that search pattern and what people would think, lol.

865 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:17:58am

re: #862 windsagio

Its not a noob question, its just a weird habit I have.

They're essentially messed up Emoticons. I should really put it in my profile tho :)

>> is a shifty eyed look to the right,
>< is an excited squint (or something) :p

Thanks ever so much for the explanation! :-) (-:

866 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:19:26am

re: #864 iceweasel

haahhaa thats brilliant!

867 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:20:05am

re: #863 windsagio

I don't do the latter one too much because you have to enter it as a special code ( & l t ; without the spaces), so I just use >> for everything, which makes it more confusing.

I like to believe its an endearing habit :D

I think its an endearing habit too, now that I know what it means! But then you're an endearing person to converse with... :-)

868 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:20:24am

re: #867 Dragon_Lady

Upding! >>

869 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:21:13am

re: #868 windsagio

You too!

870 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:23:17am

re: #864 iceweasel

Upding for you too! I do have a list of favs I like to converse with and you're on it... your hubby doesn't answer me much but I like him too. :-)

871 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:24:02am

re: #866 windsagio

haahhaa thats brilliant!

At a certain point I was searching "user:iceweasel" + Obama penis.

Truth: I finally found it because Mandy had immediately commented about my snarky comment in that thread about how 'revolting' my post was. I think I made a crack about how the Freepers needed a tip.

I just searched her comments and the abusive term she'd used for me and BAM. original iceweasel Freak Republic post.

I don't know if you've ever seen that Freeper thread, but it's a cavalcade of stupid.

872 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:24:31am

Hey wait! I know what you just did!

Sneaky sneaky lady!

873 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:25:16am

Gee, I see a bunch of folks have jumped. Think I'll open a tab and check it out.

874 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:26:10am

re: #870 Dragon_Lady

Upding for you too! I do have a list of favs I like to converse with and you're on it... your hubby doesn't answer me much but I like him too. :-)

Oh, when he's here I'm usually distracting him-- never take it personally please if either of us don't answer you, we're either 1)online and working while posting or 2)online, working, posting on LGF and talking to each other!

Apologies-- you and your hon are 2 of our faves!

875 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:27:30am

re: #873 Dragon_Lady

Hint: They're arguing about AGW again.

A fairly civil one this time tho'

876 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:29:08am

re: #875 windsagio

Hint: They're arguing about AGW again.

A fairly civil one this time tho'

Oh hey, windagio, if you're still here in this thread I have a little Tatu story for you...

877 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:30:29am

re: #876 iceweasel

I'm in all threads at all times!

Hit me :)

878 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:33:12am

re: #874 iceweasel

Oh, when he's here I'm usually distracting him-- never take it personally please if either of us don't answer you, we're either 1)online and working while posting or 2)online, working, posting on LGF and talking to each other!

Apologies-- you and your hon are 2 of our faves!

No offense taken and no apologies are necessary, he's usually distracted by the other posters and I'm just a noobody so I don't worry about it. There are a lot of folks that don't like or pay attention to noobs I've noticed so I just aim my comments to those who do. And you are right, its hard to post when your honeys in the same room, they tend to demand too much attention when you need to concentrate. I tend to let RWC commandeer the PC and since I don't like the laptop we don't do a lot of dual posting. :-)

879 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:34:45am

re: #875 windsagio

Hint: They're arguing about AGW again.

A fairly civil one this time tho'

It's about time, I don't know about you but all the bickering kind ticks me off and I tend to logout rather that indulge the children in the group with responding to them.

880 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:35:50am

re: #878 Dragon_Lady

No offense taken and no apologies are necessary, he's usually distracted by the other posters and I'm just a noobody so I don't worry about it. There are a lot of folks that don't like or pay attention to noobs I've noticed so I just aim my comments to those who do. And you are right, its hard to post when your honeys in the same room, they tend to demand too much attention when you need to concentrate. I tend to let RWC commandeer the PC and since I don't like the laptop we don't do a lot of dual posting. :-)

You're lovely and I know he's a big fan of yours and also of RWC. Small smack (in a loving way) for saying you're a nobody!
Jimmah really doesn't post that much. He's been here for 2 years more than me, for example.

You're lovely and I know he's a big fan of yours and also of RWC.
As am i. :)

881 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:37:12am

re: #879 Dragon_Lady

Heh either you're into that kind of 'discussion' or you're not. I've gotta say, if you're not, refusing to even read it is probably the smart thing to do :) Otherwise it'll make yo ucrazy!!!

PS to Ice: I want my Tatu lesbian hardcore story!

882 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:37:46am

re: #880 iceweasel

You're lovely and I know he's a big fan of yours and also of RWC. Small smack (in a loving way) for saying you're a nobody!
Jimmah really doesn't post that much. He's been here for 2 years more than me, for example.

You're lovely and I know he's a big fan of yours and also of RWC.
As am i. :)

Thanks! Now that we have a mutual admiration society going lets get the party started!

883 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:39:04am

re: #881 windsagio

No worries, I'm hard to offend unless you're a troll in sheep's clothing. LOL!

884 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:39:25am

re: #877 windsagio

I'm in all threads at all times!

Hit me :)

Oh so you were teasing me about Tatu and I told you about that history for me and Jimmah here, lol. We would post these vids and various messages to each other in Russian to freak out since-banned people who insisted I wasn't american, was a commie, etc etc. Also to leave little love messages in cyrillic for each other.

I didn't mention the translation of the specific vid I'd posted--
Nas Ne Dagoniat
They're not gonna get us.

885 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:41:30am

re: #884 iceweasel

That was dissapointingly tame :p

That video was hilarious tho :p

For D_L:

886 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:43:06am

re: #885 windsagio

That was dissapointingly tame :p

That video was hilarious tho :p

For D_L:


Well, duh, it's tame! This is also hilarious.

887 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:43:49am

re: #886 iceweasel

heh thats the first of their videos I ever saw >

888 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:45:07am

re: #887 windsagio

heh thats the first of their videos I ever saw >

ME TOO! I blame jimmah.

889 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:46:05am

re: #888 iceweasel

I bet you blame him for alot of things...


//deep apologies if he actually gave you herpes :(

890 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:50:19am

re: #885 windsagio

Sweetie, I afraid my sound card is on the fritz and I can't hear it. I keep asking RWC to get it fixed but there never seems to be enough $$$. Sorry!

891 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:51:00am

re: #890 Dragon_Lady

hehe, np >>

Now I'm freaking out that my STD joke was a bit far >>

892 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:53:36am

re: #891 windsagio

hehe, np >>

Now I'm freaking out that my STD joke was a bit far >>

Are you kidding? I LOVED that joke! Actual LOL here!
/big fan of windagio, oh yes I am...

893 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:54:20am

re: #892 iceweasel


Ok, Ill be secure then;

... damn its hard to actually talk without something to fight about >>

894 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 11:56:26am

re: #881 windsagio

Heh either you're into that kind of 'discussion' or you're not. I've gotta say, if you're not, refusing to even read it is probably the smart thing to do :) Otherwise it'll make yo ucrazy!!!

PS to Ice: I want my Tatu lesbian hardcore story!

I'm not. I popped in to check out the conversation and it's starting to heat up to a point I don't want to get into it. I have enough stress in my life and I'm doing everything I can to do my part in reducing the strain on the environment and what they're doing seems like beating a dead horse. It's the same old argument over and over and over and over and over....ad infinitum, ad nausea (my nausea usually). :-P

895 Donna Ballard  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 12:01:15pm

re: #892 iceweasel

Are you kidding? I LOVED that joke! Actual LOL here!
/big fan of windagio, oh yes I am...

Me too!

896 windsagio  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 12:09:40pm

re: #895 Dragon_Lady

re: #892 iceweasel

Hmm, fish for more praise or not?

897 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:30:35pm

re: #859 iceweasel

It was a poor analogy, and we've heard endless wingnut whining and distortions of it ever since.

Soandso says AGWdeniers are like pedophiles!

Nope. Part of a months-long wingnut attack on one specific poster, I might add.

And for the record, I did not say that AGW deniers were like pedophiles.

I said, that if no one would complain about coming down harshly on one who would be OK with pedophilia which really hurts children terribly and is horrible, then why would it be wrong to come down on those who deny AGW, or work to prevent action, when their words and actions will actually kill children?

898 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 6:33:24pm

re: #796 windsagio

Since Ludwig comes up, I just wanna throw something in here before I don't mention it again :P He has unfortunately let people troll him to the point where he can't really function (for the purposes of this blog) anymore.

To really piss people off, it has parallels to the spousal abuse discussion above.

I think that is unfair. I think that when you take flak you are over the target.

As to hitting the deniers hard, look, we will eventually come to a point where we treat them like we treated the Evolution deniers. I am simply a bit ahead of the curve.

899 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:08:30pm

re: #897 LudwigVanQuixote

And for the record, I did not say that AGW deniers were like pedophiles.

I said, that if no one would complain about coming down harshly on one who would be OK with pedophilia which really hurts children terribly and is horrible, then why would it be wrong to come down on those who deny AGW, or work to prevent action, when their words and actions will actually kill children?

Sorry, computer crash. :(

I know exactly what you said, and I was parodying the wingnut distortion of it in that post. And for the record I agree with your analogy, just as I did the earlier one about NK and torture. When I said it was a poor analogy, I meant that it was poorly chosen from a rhetorical standpoint. I knew the second I saw it that the wingnuts would howl and distort it for weeks, just like they did the torture one. You took a bit of a break after that thread but I was here, and I tell you, every fucking day for weeks the wingnuts were on about it, or making oh-so-sly 'hidden' allusions to it, just like what someone tried to do here about the pedophilia one.

re: #898 LudwigVanQuixote

I think that is unfair. I think that when you take flak you are over the target.

As to hitting the deniers hard, look, we will eventually come to a point where we treat them like we treated the Evolution deniers. I am simply a bit ahead of the curve.

Windsagio does have a small point here, honey. (and you know I love you). They're trolling you. You've missed a few posts here recently, but CJ recently made it very clear that he's sick to death of the bickering. The deniers are now deliberately trolling you in shifts to provoke outbursts from you. Now you know how much we all (the sane ones) admire your passion on the issue, but be advised that it sometimes works against you, especially right now. I'll write you more.

Finally-- deniers are treated differently than we treat creationists here for 2 reasons, imo. the first is that AGW is not a settled issue. Of course I am not referring to the science, but to the public's acceptance of it. AGW denial is widespread and it is infecting our policies and our discourse and has a far greater potential for harm (and IS causing harm) than creationism can. My humble opinion is that this is why they're tolerated here. Because its very very important that people who are confused, or have questions, about the issue (and there are LOTS of people in that category, honest folks) have a place to go to where they can ask questions and get informed. You remember, even CJ was a sceptic at one point-- he took the time to learn about the issue and study it seriously, unlike most folks, and IMO he wants others to be able to do the same.

We can't just dismiss the deniers. There are too many of them! In life I mean. Some of them are honest but confused or just don't know enough. This is one of the few places where they potentially can get informed while feeling like their questions are being answered. Otherwise, what? They'll all keep getting their info from the denial industry, Fox, lying politicians. These aren't people already hanging out on scienceblogs. They need help.

Hope this answers your question.

(BTW I have saved and will relink as many times as necessary our discussion on the pedophilia analogy, although I did the same everytime the torture one came up and it didn't shut anyone up then either).
Don't let the bastards grind you down. :)

900 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:17:21pm

LVQ-- just saw your last post on the other thread. Very, very unwise mate. To quote Withnail and I. Be cool.

901 The Left  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 7:20:25pm

Ludwig! Yahooooo!

902 bagua  Mon, Mar 1, 2010 8:00:54pm

re: #730 Charles

And the way you're portraying it is disgusting.

re: #774 Charles

That's an absurd and disgusting statement, and it comes straight out of Bagua's totally irrational climate change denialism.

I have twice clarified that the statements you are attributing to me were quoted verbatim from the link I posted.

I respectfully request a retraction of these two comments as the statements you are condemning as made by me were not in fact made by me.

903 Charles Johnson  Tue, Mar 2, 2010 10:02:27am

re: #902 bagua

You not only posted it here without identifying it as a quote, you proceeded to defend that statement and make it clear that you agreed with it. You may not have written the words, but you made them your own.

I'm not retracting anything.

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