Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Throws Her Tinfoil Hat in the Ring

The 2012 election will be an unprecedented wingnut-fest
Politics • Views: 22,070

Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) sort of announced today that she’s kind of thinking of maybe running for President.

This is great news for Democrats, of course, because let’s face it — Bachmann is one of the looniest of the loony Republicans. If she runs, she’ll do an excellent job of exposing the GOP for what they are: intolerant, reactionary, ignorant, fanatically religious, and possessed of more than a few loose screws.


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1 Targetpractice  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:17:32am

Christmas comes early this year!

2 Simply Sarah  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:18:14am

I dunno. The way things have been lately, I'm worried she'll just make everyone else look totally sane and rational in comparison.

3 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:18:18am

I'm so glad that God finally got around to telling Mr. Bachmann that she should run.

4 Achilles Tang  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:19:46am

A lot of scummy ads showing up here. Anyone taken them up on the $88 per hour yet?

5 Nervous Norvous  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:20:08am

but think of the stimulative effect of increased popcorn sales on the economy!

6 Targetpractice  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:20:14am

re: #2 Simply Sarah

I dunno. The way things have been lately, I'm worried she'll just make everyone else look totally sane and rational in comparison.

I'm hopeful that the exact opposite will be true, that the few RINOs who will dare show their faces in the GOP line-up this year will make a dash to the far-right in the hopes of stealing away the Tea Party from her, leaving themselves with a lot of toxic soundbytes should they win the nomination next year.

7 lawhawk  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:20:40am

Ah, but she'll make the rest of the pack of potential candidates look sane and moderate by comparison.

I'm sure that's not her rationale, but that's what GOP voters will be left to deal with - candidates so extreme that they have no chance of winning anything this side of dog catcher, and extreme candidates who have no chance of winning on the other side of dog catcher. In other words, as this is shaping up - there aren't any potential candidates who have a real chance of winning against Obama, and Obama is more than vulnerable in 2012, particularly if the economy doesn't snap out of the funk.

8 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:20:41am

Seriously, if you're gonna run, isn't it time to run already? It's late March of 2011.

9 elizajane  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:21:03am

She'll have to produce her earthling birth certificate. In long form.

Seriously, now, I have a sliver of greater respect for MB than I did for SP. I actually think she walked the walk. She fostered 28 kids and hasn't done a reality show or claimed to be a witch. She's a dope, but she actually believes what she says, unlike some I could name.

However, the fact that I do not despise her to the extent that I despise some of her rivals does not mean that I think she should be running my country. For Pete's sake, Republicans! Rally behind somebody sane, serious, and consistent, will you?

10 jaunte  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:21:35am

Mars Exploration!

11 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:21:40am

re: #1 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Christmas comes early this year!

I know this is awesome. This is going to be the craziest, scariest GOP field ever. I want all of them out there acting crazy and saying crazy things. I want to be able to point and laugh at the Republicans I knew and they shame that they will feel about these candidates. I want all of them going on GMA and the View announcing themselves as birthers like Donald Chump. I want either on of these fools up on stage with Obama trying to go toe-to-toe and failing miserably carrying the burden of all of the ignorant dumb asses in their party trying to campaign with unpopular Teapublican governors in the swing states. This shit it going to be awesome.

On Palin, on Bachmann, on Donald and Cain! On Romney, on Huckabee, on Gingrich and Rand! They will make December 25, 2012 a very merry Christmas, indeed!

12 Gus  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:22:25am

This has got be the weirdest collection of right wingers ever to compete for the nomination of the Republican Party presidential primary.

13 Simply Sarah  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:22:47am

re: #8 SanFranciscoZionist

Seriously, if you're gonna run, isn't it time to run already? It's late March of 2011.

I think it just feels late after last time, where the 2008 campaign seemed to start sometime in the middle of 2003.

14 Gus  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:23:59am

re: #10 jaunte

Mars Exploration!

Mars? How did it get there? Hmm?

15 Nevertires  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:24:02am

What a glorious debate that would be - Obama vs. Bachmann.

Get the popcorn ready!

16 Jeff In Ohio  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:24:04am

What can i say - I wished for Palin, the Aquabuddah delivered Bachmann.

You can have your cake and eat it to.

17 Nervous Norvous  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:24:10am

re: #9 elizajane

She'll have to produce her earthling birth certificate. In long form.

Seriously, now, I have a sliver of greater respect for MB than I did for SP. I actually think she walked the walk. She fostered 28 kids and hasn't done a reality show or claimed to be a witch. She's a dope, but she actually believes what she says, unlike some I could name.

However, the fact that I do not despise her to the extent that I despise some of her rivals does not mean that I think she should be running my country. For Pete's sake, Republicans! Rally behind somebody sane, serious, and consistent, will you?

they can't do that without alienating their base.

18 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:24:21am

re: #6 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

I'm hopeful that the exact opposite will be true, that the few RINOs who will dare show their faces in the GOP line-up this year will make a dash to the far-right in the hopes of stealing away the Tea Party from her, leaving themselves with a lot of toxic soundbytes should they win the nomination next year.

Donald Trump is pretending to be a birther and Romney has to run away from his health care plan even though it has an 83% approval rating in MA. I think you are correct, they will all run to the crazy, not away from it. A majority of Republicans have severe ODS and anyone who wants to be the GOP nominee will have to do a good job of pretending they do too.

19 Targetpractice  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:24:38am

re: #12 Gus 802

This has got be the weirdest collection of right wingers ever to compete for the nomination of the Republican Party presidential primary.

Seems like the nutbars are throwing their hats in early, in hopes of getting some kind of name recognition before the bigger names jump in. Start trying to build up some sort of momentum to help mow down the big names when they finally choose to actually run, rather than hem and haw about it for a few more months.

20 Lidane  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:25:13am

re: #11 moderatelyradicalliberal

I know this is awesome. This is going to be the craziest, scariest GOP field ever.

The writers over at The Onion, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report must be thrilled. They've all been handed a great gift. The least they can do is send a fruit basket, or some flowers. Heh.

21 Lidane  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:25:37am

re: #15 Nevertires

What a glorious debate that would be - Obama vs. Bachmann.

Get the popcorn ready!

And the booze. The drinking games will be epic.

22 jaunte  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:25:57am

re: #12 Gus 802

It will be entertaining to see which candidate can out-birther which, using only raised eyebrow, nudge-nudge, just-asking-questions techniques.

23 Targetpractice  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:26:22am

re: #21 Lidane

And the booze. The drinking games will be epic.

"Kenya! DRINK!"

24 Buck  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:26:34am

Just like when John Edwards when he ran for the Democratic nomination exposed the Democrats as ....

Or the Rev Jesse Jackson, or (insert left kook here)

I really don't think it is any more fair to label the entire GOP as Michele Bachmann clones. (Or Sarah Palin clones, or Ron Paul Clones, etc.)

I think this is the reason why in a democracy you have multiple representatives, and no small number has power over the whole. I think that is the concept behind needing a majority and sometimes more than a majority.

25 Gus  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:26:58am

re: #19 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Seems like the nutbars are throwing their hats in early, in hopes of getting some kind of name recognition before the bigger names jump in. Start trying to build up some sort of momentum to help mow down the big names when they finally choose to actually run, rather than hem and haw about it for a few more months.

They'll make money doing so. Either way all of the names out there now will never get the nomination: Gingrich, Yosemite Sam Pawlenty, Bachmann, Barbour, etc.

26 jaunte  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:27:05am

re: #23 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Anti-colonial mindset!

27 BishopX  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:27:31am

re: #8 SanFranciscoZionist

Seriously, if you're gonna run, isn't it time to run already? It's late March of 2011.

I think republicans are making a strategic decision for a short campain season. They want this election to be a referendum on Obama, not on their own guy. So they're going to rush the primary season and then turn up the rhetoric during the general election and hope that Obama's negatives will carry the independents while the crazy carries the base.

The scary thing is that this might work. If the economy continues to stagnate and the tea party remains strong Obama is going to have problems. A short campaign season won't give him enough time to show off just how crazy his opponent is.

28 Kragar  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:28:57am

Such a heroic woman has not existed since Joan of Arc conquered France and told the world "Veni, vidi, vici!

29 Lidane  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:28:57am

re: #25 Gus 802

They'll make money doing so. Either way all of the names out there now will never get the nomination: Gingrich, Yosemite Sam Pawlenty, Bachmann, Barbour, etc.

Which makes you wonder who will get the nomination. There's really no one else out there right now that can play in the GOP field, since you have act like you're bugfuck crazy to get the teabaggers and the party base on board, then you have to try and convince the rest of the country that you really aren't that crazy while trying to keep the nutbars happy.

30 Targetpractice  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:29:07am

re: #25 Gus 802

They'll make money doing so. Either way all of the names out there now will never get the nomination: Gingrich, Yosemite Sam Pawlenty, Bachmann, Barbour, etc.

Wouldn't be surprised if some of them are jumping in early so as to help set themselves up for the VP spot on the ticket. "Yo-ho! I've got a following going! Pick me for your VP and pick up all these votes!"

31 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:30:00am

re: #12 Gus 802

This has got be the weirdest collection of right wingers ever to compete for the nomination of the Republican Party presidential primary.

Yes, but they are an accurate reflection of where most GOP voters are. It's fun to make fun of the candidates, but they are a symptom not the disease. I good portion of our fellow Americans are bugfuck crazy. Donald Trump is pretending to be a birther because he knows most Republicans are birthers. Huckabee has to pretend he thinks the POTUS grew up in Kenya because he knows that appeals to the bigots. Same with Tim Pawlenty and his calls to repeal the repeal of DADT. And Romney has to run away from Romenycare, his signature achievement as governor, because the POTUS decided it was a good idea. It's not the candidates, it's the voters they need to appeal to. They are all working with what they've got. They are dancing with the ones that can bring them to the nomination.

32 Gus  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:30:03am

re: #24 Buck

Just like when John Edwards when he ran for the Democratic nomination exposed the Democrats as ...

Or the Rev Jesse Jackson, or (insert left kook here)

I really don't think it is any more fair to label the entire GOP as Michele Bachmann clones. (Or Sarah Palin clones, or Ron Paul Clones, etc.)

I think this is the reason why in a democracy you have multiple representatives, and no small number has power over the whole. I think that is the concept behind needing a majority and sometimes more than a majority.

Swing and miss!

33 Mickey_being_mickey  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:31:44am

I still can't believe Jeebus took time out of his Fantasy Baseball live draft to tell Michele to run in 2012.

34 Nevertires  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:32:05am

re: #20 Lidane

I remember an interview with Jon Stewart after the Obama election where they were basically asking him if the Daily Show could survive not having Bush to kick around.

I think the reporter inferred that the Democrats would not provide any material for him. Not to mention that they didn't foresee the increase in right wing madness and rise of the Tea Party and the gift that that would provide to his show.

Who knew that the comedic opportunities would be so plenty.

35 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:33:46am

If Michelle Bachmann could get Ted Turner to be her VP candidate, it would really put her campaign into overdrive...

36 Gus  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:34:41am

re: #35 ralphieboy

If Michelle Bachmann could get Ted Turner to be her VP candidate, it would really put her campaign into overdrive...

Ike Turner would be even better. But alas, it's too late.


37 Targetpractice  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:35:14am

re: #27 BishopX

I think republicans are making a strategic decision for a short campain season. They want this election to be a referendum on Obama, not on their own guy. So they're going to rush the primary season and then turn up the rhetoric during the general election and hope that Obama's negatives will carry the independents while the crazy carries the base.

The scary thing is that this might work. If the economy continues to stagnate and the tea party remains strong Obama is going to have problems. A short campaign season won't give him enough time to show off just how crazy his opponent is.

Thing is, that's a strategy that may backfire on them if the economy should begin to show some signs of life late in the campaign season. The Dems tried something similar in '04, trying to make the election a referendum on Bush, thinking they could play anti-war feelings and misgivings about the economic situation into at least a squeaker victory. Then the economy began to improve, the situation in Iraq began to look less grim, and he walked away with the victory against a "not Bush" challenger.

38 Mickey_being_mickey  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:36:13am
"Well, I think it's great for Minnesota that we have two people who are, you know, considering runs for the presidency," said Sutton. "That's fantastic, an embarrassment of riches for Minnesota."

Normally, of course, a state party's activists and elected officials will line up behind a single favorite son or daughter who is in the race. So how might Republican support in Minnesota work out with two native candidates, I asked?

"Well, that's hard to say right now because both Michele and Tim have, you know, pretty good support here in Minnesota. It would be hard to say how things shake out," said Sutton. "Pawlenty was governor, which I certainly think would give him a lot of contacts and things like that in the business community. But Michele Bachmann has also been a very prominent member of Congress. It's really too early to say how things would shake out."

Talking Points Memo

It's an embarrassment, but not of riches.

39 Gus  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:37:28am

Here. I found her a running mate...

Image: 482px-Jesse_Ventura.jpg

40 NervyNews  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:37:29am

OT: this is a great story/see the video after the jump: Israeli Man at Jerusalem Bus Station Told People to Move Away from the Suspicious Bag Before It Blew Up. He was about 3 feet away and was wounded. Undoubtedly he saved many people!

41 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:39:13am

re: #27 BishopX

I think republicans are making a strategic decision for a short campain season. They want this election to be a referendum on Obama, not on their own guy. So they're going to rush the primary season and then turn up the rhetoric during the general election and hope that Obama's negatives will carry the independents while the crazy carries the base.

The scary thing is that this might work. If the economy continues to stagnate and the tea party remains strong Obama is going to have problems. A short campaign season won't give him enough time to show off just how crazy his opponent is.

This could be true but I think a better way to look at the situation is state by state. The Teapublicans took over a lot of swing states in the 2010 elections and based on polls out of OH, WI, MI, and FL, a majority of people don't like what they got. Rick Scott of FL has an appoval rating of 30%. People who are being governed by the TPers don't like it at all. These are very important swing states in which the GOP is doing serious damage with their radical policies, even many TPers don't like what they are seeing in OH if this is an indication.

[Link: columbusteaparty.com...]

[Link: columbusteaparty.com...]

The national GOP isn't getting much attention right now, but whoever the GOP nominee is will carry the burden of their parties unpopularity state by state. The election is a long away and things could change, but the initial impression of Teapublican governance is not good in states that decide election.

42 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:40:54am

re: #35 ralphieboy

If Michelle Bachmann could get Ted Turner to be her VP candidate, it would really put her campaign into overdrive...

I think Ted Turner is a Democrat.

43 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:42:11am

re: #40 GNIDAthe#seCond

Are you familiar with the LGF Pages?

44 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:43:10am

The Republicans have no interest in seeing an economy on the rebound or a world at peace with a low threat of terror: it would seriously lower their chances in the 2012 elections.

45 prairiefire  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:45:22am

re: #41 moderatelyradicalliberal

This could be true but I think a better way to look at the situation is state by state. The Teapublicans took over a lot of swing states in the 2010 elections and based on polls out of OH, WI, MI, and FL, a majority of people don't like what they got. Rick Scott of FL has an appoval rating of 30%. People who are being governed by the TPers don't like it at all. These are very important swing states in which the GOP is doing serious damage with their radical policies, even many TPers don't like what they are seeing in OH if this is an indication.

[Link: columbusteaparty.com...]

[Link: columbusteaparty.com...]

The national GOP isn't getting much attention right now, but whoever the GOP nominee is will carry the burden of their parties unpopularity state by state. The election is a long away and things could change, but the initial impression of Teapublican governance is not good in states that decide election.

Fantastic point. You have made my afternoon a bit brighter. The down ticket is going to suffer greatly from the poor governing of the past two years.

46 Targetpractice  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:45:43am

re: #41 moderatelyradicalliberal

And that's something that's also going to figure into '12, governors either with Tea Party connections or trying to play up their approval of the Tea Party who have taken actions to snub Obama that have cost jobs at the same time. Such as turning away federal dollars for construction projects that would have created thousands of jobs and brought much-needed money into local economies, simply so as to claim to be "fiscally conservative."

47 prairiefire  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:46:25am

re: #45 prairiefire

Governing by the R Guvs, I mean. Kiss Ohio bye, bye, Rs.

48 jamesfirecat  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:50:05am

Derpers gonna derp.

49 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:50:21am

re: #47 prairiefire

Governing by the R Guvs, I mean. Kiss Ohio bye, bye, Rs.

The GOP can't win without OH or Fl. They have to win one of the two at least, and they may very well both be gone. I'd say Obama is on track to win every state he won in 2008, save maybe IN which was a real fluke.

50 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:53:09am

re: #46 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

And that's something that's also going to figure into '12, governors either with Tea Party connections or trying to play up their approval of the Tea Party who have taken actions to snub Obama that have cost jobs at the same time. Such as turning away federal dollars for construction projects that would have created thousands of jobs and brought much-needed money into local economies, simply so as to claim to be "fiscally conservative."

The POTUS campaigned on not giving the TeaGOP the back the keys. He can run in these states on taking the keys back.

51 webevintage  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:53:45am

Now if only Palin will run.
Fingers crossed ya'll.
Can you imagine the level of crazy if Palin, MB and The Donald are all fighting it out in Iowa.
Good times.

52 Targetpractice  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 11:55:12am

re: #51 webevintage

Now if only Palin will run.
Fingers crossed ya'll.
Can you imagine the level of crazy if Palin, MB and The Donald are all fighting it out in Iowa.
Good times.

That brings up a good point, now that Bachmann has thrown her propeller-beanie into the ring, will Palin follow suit?

53 prairiefire  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 12:00:15pm

re: #52 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

That brings up a good point, now that Bachmann has thrown her propeller-beanie into the ring, will Palin follow suit?

Mean Girl Vs. Mean girl throwwwwwwww dowwwwnn!!

54 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 12:06:38pm

re: #53 prairiefire

Mean Girl Vs. Mean girl throwww dowwwnn!!

The Battle of the Frienemies!

55 abbyadams  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 12:07:30pm

Non eligible, as she's from Mars!

I demand to see the Nirth Certifikit!

56 Areopagitica  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 12:12:53pm

I wonder how much her campaign will cost? I bet she gets $11 gagillion billion million dollars in donations. Of course this pales in comparison to Obama's trip to India that cost $20 bagillion gazillion and of course the $120 bajillion she claims he misappropriated in the health care.

I'm so fed up with the GOP...I haven't been a fan of either party and pretty much think that they are all paid off by lobbyists. But the current crop of GOP and TGOPers belong on another freakin planet with their intense focus on social issues that have nothing to do with job creation or repairing our economy.

Since Bachman is (R-Mars), I think we should demand to see her birth certificate. She seems more alien than human. That might run afoul of the Constitution

57 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 12:18:03pm

re: #56 Areopagitica

I wonder how much her campaign will cost? I bet she gets $11 gagillion billion million dollars in donations. Of course this pales in comparison to Obama's trip to India that cost $20 bagillion gazillion and of course the $120 bajillion she claims he misappropriated in the health care.

I'm so fed up with the GOP...I haven't been a fan of either party and pretty much think that they are all paid off by lobbyists. But the current crop of GOP and TGOPers belong on another freakin planet with their intense focus on social issues that have nothing to do with job creation or repairing our economy.

Since Bachman is (R-Mars), I think we should demand to see her birth certificate. She seems more alien than human. That might run afoul of the Constitution

I think at this point, you'll have to decide which sides lobbyists and interest groups scare you more.

58 Targetpractice  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 12:25:58pm

re: #56 Areopagitica

I wonder how much her campaign will cost? I bet she gets $11 gagillion billion million dollars in donations. Of course this pales in comparison to Obama's trip to India that cost $20 bagillion gazillion and of course the $120 bajillion she claims he misappropriated in the health care.

I'm so fed up with the GOP...I haven't been a fan of either party and pretty much think that they are all paid off by lobbyists. But the current crop of GOP and TGOPers belong on another freakin planet with their intense focus on social issues that have nothing to do with job creation or repairing our economy.

Since Bachman is (R-Mars), I think we should demand to see her birth certificate. She seems more alien than human. That might run afoul of the Constitution

It's not the focus on the social issues that's going to bite them in the ass so much as their piss-poor explanation for why they're focusing on such issues alone, namely that doing so "save money," even if it means putting much needed resources and medical care out of the reach of those hardest hit by the economic downturn, the poor and unemployed. Add that in with efforts to sell off public infrastructure to private interests and it seems that the GOP, in sharp contrast to all their promises, is the same party we voted out back in '06 and '08.

59 cmdvimes  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 1:04:32pm

I'm embarrassed to say this but I find Michelle Bachmann strangely attractive, sometimes it's like that with the crazy ones.

60 nines09  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 1:51:57pm

I say non-stop Michelle for 364/24 on a major channel of her choice with a web cam in her house so when she comes up with more gems she can spit them out. Let her talk and talk and talk till they have no doubt who she is. Future Governor of Mars.

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