Jon Stewart on Tucson’s Mexican-American Studies Ban

African American Studies is still there. Listen to Michael Hicks explain why.
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Al Madrigal travels to Arizona, where the powerful evidence of hearsay convinced the Tucson school board to ban Mexican-American studies programs.

Is it any wonder that there’s a recall effort underway to remove Michael Hicks from the TUSD school board?

Here’s one place you can read more about Michael Hicks. This writer is the founder of the recall effort, so don’t expect to see Mr. Hicks’s point of view represented. That’s in the video above.

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1 Sol Berdinowitz  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:13:23am

He has probably also heard that Obama was born in Kenya and is a Muslim...

2 Henchman Ghazi-808  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:16:19am

I'm a black kid. Try to teach me about slavery without being resentful.

3 mikec6666  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:18:37am

Living in AZ I can tell you this whole thing was ginned up to get older white voters out on election day. Scare them into thinking the dirty browns were going to sneak up and kill them in their sleep.

4 wrenchwench  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:21:43am

re: #2 Kronocide

I'm a black kid. Try to teach me about slavery without being resentful.

In an effort to keep kids from learning to resent white people, the school board has given them some pretty good reasons to be resentful. The biggest fail ever. Rich with irony.

5 Sol Berdinowitz  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:22:45am

re: #3 mikec6666

Living in AZ I can tell you this whole thing was ginned up to get older white voters out on election day. Scare them into thinking the dirty browns were going to sneak up and kill them in their sleep.

You mean this was about getting the white vote ginned up? I hope they remembered the tonic and lemon twists!

6 Charles Johnson  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:23:04am

I was actually going to post this video today but you beat me to it, and with links to other info - so I promoted your post instead.

7 wrenchwench  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:25:05am

re: #6 Charles Johnson

I was actually going to post this video today but you beat me to it, and with links to other info - so I promoted your post instead.

I figured you had to have at least already seen the video. When I was watching the Spy I thought I accidentally posted my Page twice.

8 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:29:37am

Rosa Who?

Like the guy's house (I assume that is where the interview took place). Nice American-Style arcitechture.

9 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:31:04am

So, does that mean students can't learn about the Mexican-American War?

10 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:33:47am

Ok, this is my last post because I'm getting too pissed.

This is what happens with otherwise intelligent people won't review the source documents/media. The man wouldn't even go sit in the classes to see for himself. He took the word of others.

He didn't have to travel to the National Archives or write letters to request documents, he simply had to drive to another part of town and sit in a class and he wouldn't do it.

What is it:

"Fanatism and Ignorance are always busy and need feeding"

11 Shvaughn  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:39:06am

re: #10 ggt

I'm not convinced Hicks is "otherwise intelligent."

12 Interesting Times  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:44:47am

re: #11 Shvaughn

I'm not convinced Hicks is "otherwise intelligent."

In the above piece, he comes across as Archie Bunker without the charm and redeeming qualities.

13 William of Orange  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:47:34am


Someone did call Jon Stewart about the Ann Romney gaffe!!!


14 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:49:18am

The server won't let me share on my fb and I can't find it on youtube.

I am too frustrated right now.

15 Kragar  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:51:38am

What a fucking idiot.

16 wrenchwench  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:57:09am

re: #14 ggt

The server won't let me share on my fb and I can't find it on youtube.

I am too frustrated right now.

I think if you go to Stewart's site (the first link) you can share from there.

17 William of Orange  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:57:29am

Void of any basic knowledge to hold that job. He's the proverbial Homer Simpson in a nuclear power plant. (Though that might be unfair to Homer.)

18 Mattand  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:59:30am

Said it before and I'll say it again: for all of the problems NJ has, particularly how school funding drives up property tax, we generally don't have to worry about this kind of shit in our education system.

19 abolitionist  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 11:04:45am

Rosa Clark --wasn't she the great great granddaughter of that guy who accompanied Louis Armstrong, exploring the western territories, and founded the Pacifist Ocean?

Hope nobody finds my remarks offensive or annoying, and if they do, I hope they won't rat me out for calling them a nobody.

Because Arizona Passes Bill Targeting "Annoying" and "Offensive" Online Speech

By: Qichen Zhang on 2 April 2012
Posted in Legislation, United States of America, United States/Canada

Arizona's extension of a bill targeted toward "annoying" and "offensive" telephone solicitation may have censoring effects on the Internet. The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund has drawn attention to Arizona's passage of House Bill 2549. The bill, originally intended to combat telephone harassment, will now apply to communications through "electronic means speech" and criminalizes any attempts to "annoy," "offend," "harass" or "terrify."

Surely you can see how this could get ugly very fast. I'm really terrified by stupid laws that criminalize exercise of free speech. Oh shit. Gee golly willikers. By publishing this law, the great state of Arizona just broke it. Idiocracy isn't just a movie.

/And don't call me Shirley; I might feel threatened.

20 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 11:14:59am

re: #16 wrenchwench

I think if you go to Stewart's site (the first link) you can share from there.


21 jaunte  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 11:44:29am

"Rosa Clark." Hicks is truly an educator from Idiocracy.

22 Joanne  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 11:47:45am
Hicks responded to the recall effort in a Facebook post, calling Morales "radical" and saying the initiative is designed to stop the work that needs to be done for schools.

Facebook, the IT place for RWNJs (Yes, Sarah, I'm speaking to you) to rant, rave and lie.

I'm shocked this moron opted to talk with a Daily Show guy. It's terrifying that he most assuredly doesn't see the problem here.

23 celticdragon  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 11:57:49am

I was actually embarrassed for the guy by the end of the interview. Most people would be forced to tender their resignation by the end of the week after a debacle like that. Wow.

24 ProdSlash  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 12:39:54pm

re: #3 mikec6666

Living in AZ I can tell you this whole thing was ginned up to get older white voters out on election day. Scare them into thinking the dirty browns were going to sneak up and kill them in their sleep.

Gotta make sure Sun City gets out and votes! Otherwise, Joe Arpaio might not get re-elected!

25 Ogami Itto  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 6:39:34pm

re: #19 abolitionist

Rosa Clark --wasn't she the great great granddaughter of that guy who accompanied Louis Armstrong, exploring the western territories, and founded the Pacifist Ocean?

No, no. You're confusing civil rights pioneer Rosa Clark with Lois and Clark Kent who, with their Native American guide Apache Chief, explored the Old West on behalf of President George Jefferson.

26 danhenry1  Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:10:20pm

Thank goodness there are people like Erin Cain Hobbs.

27 wrenchwench  Wed, Apr 4, 2012 10:53:51am

Hicks thought 'The Daily Show' was a news program. And it's not the first time he's been caught being stupid and offensive on the air.


Hicks says he was misled. He thought "The Daily Show" was a news program and, he contends, he's the victim of unscrupulous editing and his statements are taken out of context.

This isn't Hicks' first time being baited by a media outlet. In February, he appeared on the Garret Lewis A.M. show (KNST 97.1) and was goaded into making unfounded and slanderous statements that insinuated wrongdoing by University of Arizona professors and students involved with a MAS teach-in by referencing the Penn State child-rape case.

Hicks said: "While there (at the UA), the director of the Mexican American Studies program indicated that these children were going into their classrooms, with their adult, you know, college students, behind closed doors, and no one was allowed to go into the classes, to either get taught or educated or to be ... I don't know. For me, I'm like, you know what? Penn State? You know, what's going on behind closed doors with our children?"

Wind Hicks up and he keeps talking, even while admitting in the middle of his verbal meanderings that he doesn't know these things firsthand.


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