NBC/WSJ Poll: Obama Leads Romney With African American Voters, 94% to ZERO

A nice round number
Politics • Views: 27,845

Yes, you read that right.

Looking inside the numbers, Obama continues to lead Romney among key parts of his political base, including African Americans (94 percent to 0 percent), Latinos (by a 2-to-1 margin), voters under 35-years-old (52 percent to 41 percent) and women (51 percent to 41 percent).

(h/t: Angry Black Lady.)

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1 Kragar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:08:42pm

Maybe Mitt just needs to explain to them why they're a bunch of freeloaders again. That should clear things right up.

2 Patricia Kayden  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:09:03pm

Is anyone shocked? Romney is on record saying that Black folks who want free things should "vote for the other guy".

That's exactly what we're doing. Except Herman Cain and Mr. West.

3 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:11:35pm

re: #2 Patricia Kayden

Please tell me Mr. West isn't Cornell West.

4 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:12:50pm

O/T but just had to make this

Image: Romney.jpg

5 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:13:14pm

Well, he'll make up for that with the overwhelming Hispanic support he's going to get, right?


6 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:13:20pm

re: #3 OhNoZombies!

Allen west.

7 freetoken  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:13:50pm

Of course, this result will only encourage the far right haters to emphasize once again that it is Obama who is flaming race wars. They've tried that line of argument all along these past four years.

The atavistic right in this country will not accept brown people, and it is little wonder that Romney, who has spent the last 5 years moving his public persona farther and farther into that atavism now is being rejected by people who are not of traditional Anglo background.

Furthermore, the neolithic tribalism of the far right is being pushed harder and harder. Example:

Long time National Review contributor and editor John O'Sullivan has a new piece up:

The Case against Optimism

[...] If you want examples of a policy rooted firmly in optimism, the best ones are probably U.S. immigration policy since the 1965 Immigration Act, and British immigration policy under Blair and Brown. It’s not necessary to say more than that. The case argues itself.


The article nominally is about "optimism" and Jack Kemp, but in reality the core is what I quoted - that the battle is over brown people immigrating into previously Anglo countries.

This is why that O'Sullivan National Review Racists Online piece is mentioned today at VDARE, which writes of O'Sullivan thusly:

So it's fitting that John O'Sullivan, VDARE friend and longtime colleague of Peter Brimelow, used the subject of immigration to illustrate a central point in his brief piece, The Case Against Optimism, today at National Review Online [...]

And yet National Review is referenced continually as some sort of high ground among "conservative" outlets.

In practice NRO is simply an outlet for those who want to write at a 12th grade level, versus say a Breitbart outlet or WND which targets less educated readers.

As long as Romney courts these backwards "right wing" (a term I keep emphasizing is not accurate for today) types he will be seen rightly as an enemy of those not of the old guard dominant political groups.

8 Someone Please Beam Me Up!  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:13:52pm

But... but they've explained why Romney is the last, best hope for the Negro race. Are they just too stupid to get it?


and again ///

9 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:16:39pm

The party of National Review Readers John Derbyshire.

10 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:16:59pm

The party of "race realists."

11 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:18:57pm

re: #6 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

I blocked out Allen West and soon I'll forget about Herman . I thought Cornell had lost his mind for a minute. I was thinking Cornell and Tavis Smiley, sour grapes, poverty tour etc.

12 darthstar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:20:19pm

So Romney's team is now telling reporters what questions they can and can't ask? I wonder if he's going to set up those fenced in 'free speech zones' that Bush used...oh, who am I kidding, of course he will.

13 Sophia77  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:20:22pm

Where the heck did Romney get 41% of the women? Just sayin'...

14 Patricia Kayden  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:21:16pm

re: #3 OhNoZombies!

Please tell me Mr. West isn't Cornell West.

No. Allen West -- the "communists are everywhere" fellow.

15 BongCrodny  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:25:31pm

re: #11 OhNoZombies!

I blocked out Allen West and soon I'll forget about Herman . I thought Cornell had lost his mind for a minute. I was thinking Cornell and Tavis Smiley, sour grapes, poverty tour etc.

I was going for Adam West.

Hey, both he and Romney wear magic underwear, right?

16 God of Binders with Women  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:25:45pm

So where are the other 6%?

17 Kragar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:26:17pm

re: #16 Changing Colors, Spinning Yarns

So where are the other 6%?

Margin of error.

18 Big Joe  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:28:02pm
Obama continues to lead Romney among key parts of his political base, including African Americans (94 percent to 0 percent), Latinos (by a 2-to-1 margin), voters under 35-years-old (52 percent to 41 percent) and women (51 percent to 41 percent).

..and yet he is only 1 percentage point behind overall, wtf?

19 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:30:34pm

re: #15 BongCrodny

Yeah, but at least Adam wears his on the outside of his clothes, so, you know, no surprises.

20 God of Binders with Women  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:31:33pm

Saw this today at the U-Haul store today. Only in Texas...

Image: photo-2.JPG

21 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:33:36pm

re: #20 Changing Colors, Spinning Yarns

Saw this today at the U-Haul store today. Only in Texas...

Image: photo-2.JPG


22 HappyWarrior  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:34:00pm

Well when you go out of your way to be an asshole to a demographic e.g. claiming that they support your opponent because they want free stuff or bragging about getting booed at the NACCP then this is what happens. Of course, this news will be used by right wing pundits to claim that blacks only support Obama because he's black and that the Democratic Party is a "plantation", they'll use someone like Keyes or Allan West to claim that all the while they continue to play off the old Southern Strategy for votes and support.

23 Kragar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:35:33pm

I see they're planning on upgrading the Romney chassis to get the cool kids vote.

24 nines09  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:38:15pm

I'm still astounded a woman would even consider voting for Mitt. Or GOP. Or "conservative". Or whatever other word they transmuted . I guess it all gets down to "They vote for Mitt, they are just who we said they are." And boy. Did they say a lot.

25 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:43:57pm

GOP slogan (again)
Anyone but the black guy from Kenya for President.

More seriously why is that lead among women so slim? That's jaw dropping to me. (slim compared to what makes sense to me and the wife)

26 Kragar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:45:56pm

The GOP's New Fireable Offense: Talking About the Party's Platform

It's the reality of real people that Republican leaders are desperately trying to avoid. As soon as Akin's comments hit the national news,prominent Republicans starting calling for him to step out of the Senate race in Missouri. Par for the course, once it became clear that that was the thing to do, Mitt Romney eventually joined the onslaught.

What's puzzling is that Romney and the others aren't criticizing the substance of Akin's remarks. They're just really angry that he's making them look bad.

It's strange, but you almost have to admire the right-wingers who are standing up for Akin. At least they're being honest about what their real position is. Akin's fellow unhinged congressman Steve King of Iowa backed up his friend's comments, saying he had never "heard of" someone getting pregnant through statutory rape or incest. Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh said Akin was "wrong" but that he couldn't understand why his fellow Republicans were in a "rush to pile on."

Here is what Romney and his fellow Republicans need to do if they want to actually convince Americans that they respect women: stop catering to the wishes of anti-choice extremists and start listening to women.

27 Mattand  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:47:32pm

re: #25 Daniel Ballard

GOP slogan (again)
Anyone but the black guy from Kenya for President.

More seriously why is that lead among women so slim? That's jaw dropping to me.

Probably equal parts "The abortion debate will never affect me or my family", frustration with the economy, and anyone but the black guy from Kenya for President.

28 Killgore Trout  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:47:38pm

re: #25 Daniel Ballard

I hope you didn't take any personal offense to my comments on your NYPD spying page. It wasn't intended as an insult at you. To be fair almost every major news outlet ran AP's article without any skepticism.

29 God of Binders with Women  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:47:51pm

re: #21 Learned Mother of Zion


Thanks. The guy at the store said the sign gets a lot of laughs every day. I said "I love 'Alternative Couples'." He replied "So do I. Alternative couples like to spend their money just as much as the married ones, and I don't give a shit what these religious people say, ain't none of their damn business." Made my day.

30 Lidane  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:49:17pm

re: #25 Daniel Ballard

More seriously why is that lead among women so slim? That's jaw dropping to me.

Because there are a lot of women that are still conservative and/or Republican for some reason.

I have several friends on FB that are very conservative and they're ALL moms. I don't know if becoming a parent automatically makes you more conservative or if they just got more politically active after they had kids or what, but a fair number of women I know are in for the GOP all the way. It's like they don't even notice or care about what the actual GOP agenda means for women. They seem to be fine with it as long as people on welfare are drug tested and Obama gets voted out of office.

31 JamesWI  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:50:23pm

re: #25 Daniel Ballard

More seriously why is that lead among women so slim? That's jaw dropping to me.

Because idiot comes in both sexes.

32 God of Binders with Women  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:50:44pm

re: #30 Lidane

They have a "By any means necessary" attitude to them, their rights be damned.

33 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:52:12pm

re: #28 Killgore Trout

I hope you didn't take any personal offense to my comments on your NYPD spying page. It wasn't intended as an insult at you. To be fair almost every major news outlet ran AP's article without any skepticism.

No offense taken. Thanks for mentioning it.

34 Killgore Trout  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:52:46pm

Bain Document update
New Yorker: Gawker’s Bain Docs and the Private Equity Knowledge Gap

The important point about Gawker's data dump is not that it shows that Romney was lying about his finances, or that he has made millions of dollars from evil investments. It's that it illuminates the huge gap between the average Gawker reader and Mitt Romney when it comes to matters of money.

That gap – between what Wall Street (and the financial media) knows about private equity, and what the average voter knows about it – has worked in the Obama campaign's favor so far. If you're writing attack ads for an unsophisticated general audience, it's easy enough to use scary-sounding words like "credit default swaps" and "Cayman Islands shell entities" to make Romney's financial arrangements sound nefarious.

Gawker's trove of documents could theoretically narrow the knowledge gap, if journalists who do understand how private equity works are willing to explain what it means (and why it's not an all-out scandal) to laymen, and if those laymen are patient enough to sit through the explanation.

ABC is the first MSM outlet to uncritically run with a new Bain outrage
Bain Documents: Romney Offshore Investments Used 'Blockers' To Avoid Taxes

35 Lidane  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:54:18pm

re: #34 Killgore Trout

You know what would have made dumping those 950 pages completely irrelevant?

Mitt Romney releasing multiple years of tax returns, just like every other candidate has in the past.

36 SteveMcG  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:54:51pm

The GOP doesn't care about 94-0. They'll more than offset it with voter supression laws.

37 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:55:19pm

re: #25 Daniel Ballard

Don't know for sure, but this might have something to do with it.

Ann Wagner defends Todd Akin

“Todd has apologized and understands he was wrong in what he said,” Wagner writes in a statement today. “It is now up to Missouri voters to decide whether they accept his apology.” She also notes that she’s invested in her own race: “I have been running for Congress in Missouri’s 2nd District for 16 months and will continue to work hard to earn the trust and confidence of every voter.”

38 Mattand  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:55:57pm

re: #30 Lidane

Because there are a lot of women that are still conservative and/or Republican for some reason.

I have several friends on FB that are very conservative and they're ALL moms. I don't know if becoming a parent automatically makes you more conservative or if they just got more politically active after they had kids or what, but a fair number of women I know are in for the GOP all the way. It's like they don't even notice or care about what the actual GOP agenda means for women. They seem to be fine with it as long as people on welfare are drug tested and Obama gets voted out of office.

I'd be curious as to how many of them partied it up before settling down. Regardless of gender, the people I know who caroused the hardest are the ones that became the staunchest conservatives.

I know one guy who was in the thick of the hippy movement in the late 60's. Born-again Republican who insists that the modern conservative movement is a natural extension of the hippy DIY ethos.

Because we all know how much hippies were against same sex marriage, just as the Bible taught them.

A mutual acquaintance has him pegged perfectly: he feels a ton of guilt for all the things he did as a kid and is now scrambling to get into heaven.

39 God of Binders with Women  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:56:47pm

re: #34 Killgore Trout

it's easy enough to use scary-sounding words like "credit default swaps"

Considering that credit-default swaps led to trillions in worthless paper and is one of the reasons the housing market is in a shit hole, they can use it all they want.

40 HappyWarrior  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:56:59pm

re: #37 Bubblehead II

Don't know for sure, but this might have something to do with it.

Ann Wagner defends Todd Akin

“Todd has apologized and understands he was wrong in what he said,” Wagner writes in a statement today. “It is now up to Missouri voters to decide whether they accept his apology.” She also notes that she’s invested in her own race: “I have been running for Congress in Missouri’s 2nd District for 16 months and will continue to work hard to earn the trust and confidence of every voter.”

It's not an apology if you continue to blame other people for your own sexism. I've seen Akin and his allies try to blame the left for what Akin said which is comical. But these people live in a world where they're capable of doing no wrong and everything bad is tied to the left and President Obama.

41 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:58:20pm

re: #26 Kragar

"Here is what Romney and his fellow Republicans need to do if they want to actually convince Americans that they respect women: stop catering to the wishes of anti-choice extremists and start listening to women."

Not going to happen. Those anti-choice extremists are the one who now run the party and it will be their way or the highway.

42 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:59:35pm

re: #27 Mattand

Maybe instead of 94% to zero it's really 94% to the suppressed vote.

43 Kragar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:59:37pm

Romney Plan Would Raise Taxes On Middle Class To Finance Massive Corporate Tax Cut

The TPC authors confirm that accounting for Romney’s unpaid-for corporate tax cuts would necessitate “even larger cuts to tax expenditures [i.e. tax breaks], and correspondingly larger increases in taxes on middle- and/or lower-income taxpayers,” than their original study found.

How big? The original TPC study found that in a single year, 2015, Romney’s plan would shift at least $86 billion of the tax burden from households with incomes over $200,000 to households with incomes below that level. TPC estimates that in the same year, Romney’s unpaid-for corporate tax cuts would cost $96 billion. Therefore, the tax increases on the middle class that TPC originally estimated – at least $2,000 for families and $500 for all taxpayers with incomes under $200,000 – would likely be around twice as much if Romney’s unpaid-for corporate tax cuts are taken into account.

That’s right: according to the TPC analysis — which, again, uses the most generous assumptions to fill in the blanks Romney left in the plan — the Romney plan would raise the average middle class family’s tax rate by as much as $4,000 to finance trillions of dollars in tax cuts for the rich and corporations. That includes the cost of a transition to a tax system that not only dramatically lowers the amount corporations will pay on domestic profits, but also the amount they pay on profits earned overseas and return to the U.S. — a system that will encourage outsourcing and further stashing of profits in offshore tax havens.

44 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:01:16pm

I used to worry about whether or not black allegiance to the Democrats was a good or bad thing, but the GOP is so batshit crazy at this point I think it makes us the smartest voting block in the country. If voters want to hand over all branches of the government to the GOP just four years after the disastrous Bush years, where everything that could have gone wrong went wrong, I will be proud to be a member of a group that had virtually nothing to do with such stupidity.

45 garhighway  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:01:23pm
46 God of Binders with Women  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:01:43pm

Chris Matthews just mentioned that Willard once said that he had a stronger record on gay rights than then-Sen. Kennedy. OMFG, I hope this finds Tampa next week. The riots will be a blast to watch.

47 Kragar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:02:22pm

re: #46 Changing Colors, Spinning Yarns

Chris Matthews just mentioned that Willard once said that he had a stronger record on gay rights than then-Sen. Kennedy. OMFG, I hope this finds Tampa next week. The riots will be a blast to watch.

He did say stronger, not better.

48 garhighway  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:03:09pm

re: #47 Kragar

He did say stronger, not better.

More severe.

49 Mattand  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:03:57pm

re: #42 Daniel Ballard

Maybe instead of 94% to zero it's really 94% to the suppressed vote.

As much as I'm not a fan of Christie, I look across the river at the horseshit that Corbett is doing in PA and shake my head.

Not that Christie wouldn't implement a Voter ID scheme; I think he may not be confident he could get away with it here.

Then again, I've met enough teachers in NJ who support him to know that the Fucking Stupid American Voter rule is always in play.

50 God of Binders with Women  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:04:01pm

re: #47 Kragar

re: #48 garhighway


51 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:04:28pm

re: #46 Changing Colors, Spinning Yarns

Chris Matthews just mentioned that Willard once said that he had a stronger record on gay rights than then-Sen. Kennedy. OMFG, I hope this finds Tampa next week. The riots will be a blast to watch.

R-money didn't have a record on gay rights at that point because he had never held office so that makes no sense at all.

52 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:05:14pm

re: #40 HappyWarrior

It's an apology if you continue to blame other people for your own sexism. I've seen Akin and his allies try to blame the left for what Akin said which is comical. But these people live in a world where they're capable of doing no wrong and everything bad is tied to the left and President Obama.

They are not blaming the Left or the Media for what Akins said, but they are blaming them for having the audacity of pointing it out and connecting it to the Republican Party as a whole.

53 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:06:50pm

God these people are so freaking stupid.

54 SteveMcG  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:09:13pm

re: #49 Mattand

Christie doesn't have a rubber stamp legislature.

55 Kragar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:09:36pm

CA approves Election Day registration

As voter suppression laws spread across the country, voting rights advocates can take heart: the biggest state in the nation is on the cusp of passing a major voter protection initiative.

Election Day Registration (EDR), which allows citizens to register up to and on Election Day, passed the California State Senate today by a party-line vote of 23-13. AB 1436 had passed the State Assembly in May 47-26.

Under current law, Californians cannot register to vote in the final two weeks before an election, just as many Americans are beginning to tune in. EDR will eliminate that deadline, ensuring that no citizen is disenfranchised because he or she wasn’t registered beforehand.

This won’t just benefit slackers. Historically-disenfranchised citizens like minorities and poorer Americans, will particularly benefit from EDR. On average, studies have found that EDR boosts voter turnout by seven percentage points. Common Cause’s Phillip Ung told ThinkProgress he “expects voter turnout to increase by the hundreds of thousands” solely as a result of EDR.

56 SteveMcG  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:10:05pm

Don't forget, the best thing that ever happened to Chris Christy was Jon Corzine.

57 Someone Please Beam Me Up!  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:10:11pm

re: #44 moderatelyradicalliberal

I used to worry about whether or not black allegiance to the Democrats was a good or bad thing, but the GOP is so batshit crazy at this point I think it makes us the smartest voting block in the country. If voters want to hand over all branches of the government to the GOP just four years after the disastrous Bush years, where everything that could have gone wrong went wrong, I will be proud to be a member of a group that had virtually nothing to do with such stupidity.

And don't blame me either, I'm from California. Not quite as pure as your group, but we're very, very blue.

58 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:10:31pm

TPGOP makes a technological leap for the RNC in Tampa:

Image: BftCv.jpg

59 darthstar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:10:43pm
60 Lidane  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:11:22pm

re: #38 Mattand

I'd be curious as to how many of them partied it up before settling down. Regardless of gender, the people I know who caroused the hardest are the ones that became the staunchest conservatives.

I often wonder that myself. I've known a few folks who were either on the cusp of alcoholism or just massive party types and now they're the exact opposite. The few addicts I've known in the past become the biggest religious conservatives and/or No Fun Types once they get into rehab and get clean.

It's almost like they switch from one addiction (booze, pills, etc.) for another, whether it's religion, or exercise or politics.

A mutual acquaintance has him pegged perfectly: he feels a ton of guilt for all the things he did as a kid and is now scrambling to get into heaven.

Pretty much, yeah. That pegs an uncle of mine perfectly. He used to be a heavy smoker and moderate drinker. Now he's a teetotaler who goes to church several days a week and who talks endlessly about being saved by the Lord.

61 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:11:38pm

re: #36 SteveMcG

The GOP doesn't care about 94-0. They'll more than offset it with voter supression laws.

At least they'll try...

62 Killgore Trout  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:11:45pm

re: #46 Changing Colors, Spinning Yarns

Chris Matthews just mentioned that Willard once said that he had a stronger record on gay rights than then-Sen. Kennedy. OMFG, I hope this finds Tampa next week. The riots will be a blast to watch.

The moonbats are already working on that
Agencies warn of possible anarchist activity at conventions

Law enforcement officials are concerned about possible violence by anarchist extremists at the upcoming Republican and Democratic national conventions, according to an intelligence bulletin prepared by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security.

The bulletin, which was obtained by CNN, says that anarchists could try to use improvised explosive devices.

It also says that, as of March, the FBI had intelligence indicating individuals from New York "planned to travel to Tampa and attempt to close" all of the Tampa Bay-area bridges during the Republican National Convention next week.

I'll be rooting for law enforcement, but that's just me.

63 garhighway  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:11:54pm

re: #56 SteveMcG

Don't forget, the best thing that ever happened to Chris Christy was Jon Corzine.

And pizza.

64 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:13:00pm

re: #59 darthstar

[Embedded content]

The list of topics that are only to be discussed in "quiet rooms" is getting longer and longer.

65 God of Binders with Women  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:13:27pm

I meandered over to the Dumbest Man on the Planet's site. That idiot Tom Head got a thread, and the comments should surprise no one.


The Lib-Cong were making similiar comments in 2004 and 2008. Seemed extreme then, seems extreme now. I have, however, secured a sufficiency of ammunition in military calibers. Just in case.


Whatever happens and should it come to a confrontation as the judge describes, I hope every county has elected a sheriff such as this one in Texas and Sheriff Joe.


I don’t think you understand the fury that is bubbling beneath the surface with the populace. Many also don’t understand this man, and his plans at ruining this country, and take away our rights. When they do, they will also explode.
People can put up with stupidity for awhile. But they won’t put up with treason!!

66 Kragar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:13:29pm

If anything gets voters on your side, its telling them what issues you'll let them talk to you about.

67 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:13:43pm


I couldn't even explain Marxism to you. At least not in the accurate academic sense. Bozos.

68 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:14:19pm

re: #51 moderatelyradicalliberal

re: #46 Changing Colors, Spinning Yarns

Yes, he actually did say that.

A Mitt Romney Gay Rights Timeline

Image: enhanced-buzz-22089-1336617374-0.jpg

Image: 1-1133949c37.jpg

I missed one.

Image: enhanced-buzz-10631-1336617158-1.jpg

69 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:14:20pm

re: #62 Killgore Trout

The moonbats are already working on that
Agencies warn of possible anarchist activity at conventions

I'll be rooting for law enforcement, but that's just me.

No, it's also little ol' Democrat Me. We want the Black Bloc asshole parasites removed from our valid, focused, legal demonstrations.

70 darthstar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:15:22pm

re: #64 moderatelyradicalliberal

The list of topics that are only to be discussed in "quiet rooms" is getting longer and longer.

And two of the three debates are likely to get canceled as a result.

71 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:16:31pm

re: #62 Killgore Trout

The moonbats are already working on that
Agencies warn of possible anarchist activity at conventions

I'll be rooting for law enforcement, but that's just me.

Hope nothing happens. Those people are idiots. RNC attendees should be treated with respect. If the cops tell you to move to the other side of the street you should move to the other side of the street...

72 darthstar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:16:57pm
73 God of Binders with Women  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:17:12pm

re: #68 Bubblehead II


74 Kragar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:18:04pm

re: #72 darthstar

[Embedded content]

They're having a key exchange party? Kinky.

75 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:18:40pm

re: #71 Gus

Hope nothing happens. Those people are idiots. RNC attendees should be treated with respect. ...snip...

In reality, they should be treated with mockery and contempt, but you don't get to break their skin.

76 garhighway  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:20:46pm

It's a shame all of this is happening on a week when Jon Stewart is on vacation.

77 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:21:20pm

re: #75 Decatur Deb

In reality, they should be treated with mockery and contempt, but you don't get to break their skin.

Yeah. But sometimes the mockery thing gets a little out of hand if it involves a lot of incoherent screaming and genuflecting.

78 darthstar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:21:21pm

re: #76 garhighway

It's a shame all of this is happening on a week when Jon Stewart is on vacation.

Shit always happens when Stewart is on vacation. He's just learned to accept it.

79 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:21:34pm

re: #76 garhighway

It's a shame all of this is happening on a week when Jon Stewart is on vacation.

Jon Stewart is setting up in Tampa. My son and his wife got the last tickets.

80 Someone Please Beam Me Up!  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:21:56pm

re: #78 darthstar

Shit always happens when Stewart is on vacation. He's just learned to accept it.

Maybe God doesn't want things too, too easy for him.

81 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:21:56pm

re: #77 Gus

Yeah. But sometimes the mockery thing gets a little out of hand if it involves a lot of incoherent screaming and genuflecting.


82 Killgore Trout  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:22:22pm

re: #71 Gus

Hope nothing happens. Those people are idiots. RNC attendees should be treated with respect. If the cops tell you to move to the other side of the street you should move to the other side of the street...

The trouble makers are probably well infiltrated and monitored so I don't expect any widespread violence but there's always the chance that a few of them could slip through and create some damage.

83 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:22:34pm

re: #77 Gus

Yeah. But something the mockery thing gets a little out of hand if it involves a lot of incoherent screaming and genuflecting.

Has to be good mockery.

84 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:22:36pm

Some "angry Marxist" I am. LOL

85 darthstar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:23:11pm

re: #80 Someone Please Beam Me Up!

Maybe God doesn't want things too, too easy for him.

He only has thirty minutes...a week like this one would be too hard to condense into a show.

86 Mattand  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:23:52pm

re: #62 Killgore Trout

The moonbats are already working on that
Agencies warn of possible anarchist activity at conventions

I'll be rooting for law enforcement, but that's just me.

I worked in Center City Philadelphia during the 2000 RNC. West of Broad Street is where most of the business/financial area is.

You'd have loved it; literally squads of police on every corner. Ready to beat the shit out of anyone who wasn't wearing a red, white and blue elephant pin, in true Philly PD style.

Any protesting was sequestered miles from the stadium complex in a "free speech zone".

They did have a few incidents with people acting up. IIRC, most of the arrests were thrown out of court because the charges were designed solely to get protesters and their inconvenient views off the street until after the convention.

The Tampa PD should be vigilant and as long as people are protesting peacefully, they should be left alone. I sometimes get the feeling you get a charge out of seeing protesters beaten up, though.

87 M. Dubious  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:25:36pm

Exciting stuff going on in the Pages section...

[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com...]

WTF is a "progromchik"?

88 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:26:25pm

re: #60 Lidane

Now I got into Sufism as a result of some nice Muslims I'd met in Berlin.

I never was, and still ain't, a big party animal. And I never ate enough pork to develop a real taste for it to be honest. I'm not the best Muslim; I still smoke, I occasionally drink a beer on a hot day, and I'm a bit of a skirt-chaser.

But I've never been one who goes to extremes; I detest extremism in any form, be it political, social, religious. And the Sufis are fairly mellow, not too pushy, and generally have a more pluralistic viewpoint in regard to other religions and philosophies.

I was never an outright atheist: I did have a flirtation with Pure Land Buddhism (Jodo Shinsu) when I lived in Japan, and again, they're also a pretty mellow bunch.

89 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:26:28pm

re: #85 darthstar

He only has thirty minutes...a week like this one would be too hard to condense into a show.

He's doing a (4-day) week.

[Link: www.examiner.com...]

90 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:26:48pm


Zonation is an idiot.

91 jaunte  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:27:30pm
92 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:32:55pm
93 God of Binders with Women  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:33:27pm

Uh oh. The Tea Party ain't gonna like this a bit.

[Link: www.slate.com...]

94 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:34:09pm

re: #87 M. Dubious

Exciting stuff going on in the Pages section...

[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com...]

WTF is a "progromchik"?

"Pogromchik". Someone who engages in a pogrom. It's like a neighborhood watch, but with snappier uniforms.

95 MittDoesNotCompute  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:36:46pm

re: #92 Gus

[Embedded content]

Yeah, pretty much, because Romney is the archetype of the modern American robber baron superman, while President Obama is a sneaky, devious Marxist usurper.

/do I?

96 garhighway  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:37:16pm

re: #87 M. Dubious

Exciting stuff going on in the Pages section...

[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com...]

WTF is a "progromchik"?

A progressive romantic chick?

Am I close? Did I win something?

97 M. Dubious  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:37:58pm

re: #94 Decatur Deb

The jews go pogroming in fancy uniforms now? Where's the outrage?!

98 Etaoin Shrdlu  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:38:09pm

re: #13 Sophia77

Where the heck did Romney get 41% of the women? Just sayin'...

Most of it was taken before Akin broke rules 1 and 2 of the Republican platform:

The NBC/WSJ poll was conducted of 1,000 registered voters (300 reached by cell phone) from Aug. 16-20

The next directly comparable poll will be interesting.

99 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:39:06pm

Because all the GOP needs at their convention is more reminders of insensitivity about rape......

[Link: www.balloon-juice.com...]

The news that New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the nation’s most prominent Catholic prelate, will deliver the closing blessing to the Republican National Convention in Florida next week was seen as a huge coup for Mitt Romney, the party’s presumptive nominee. But the move has also prompted a sharp debate within the church over the increasingly close ties between leading bishops and the GOP.

This guys has insulted pedophile priest rape victims and paid off priests accused of rape. Unbelievable.

100 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:39:32pm

re: #87 M. Dubious

Exciting stuff going on in the Pages section...

[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com...]

WTF is a "progromchik"?

Hmmm. Signed up today. First post and it's that. Hmmm. Suspicious.

101 M. Dubious  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:40:18pm

re: #96 garhighway

A progressive romantic chick?

Am I close? Did I win something?

You are now the owner of a fancy uniform customized for pogroming.

102 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:40:37pm

Here's the last part of the 972 article...

Israeli leftists often compare their country to apartheid South Africa or the dying Weimar Republic. The comparison is not without merit. (Even though one suspects it is the left’s infatuation with martyrdom that makes the Weimar comparison so popular.) But perhaps another model needs to be examined: that of Pakistan. A country whose identity is violently religious, with an army too strong for its own good, nuclear weapons (according to foreign reports), and a rapidly-disintegrating claim to support the United States, which funds it generously while its education system teaches its students to hate all infidels, and its young people, considering themselves victimized, engage in state-supported terrorism.

Pakistan? Seriously?

103 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:40:47pm

re: #99 moderatelyradicalliberal

Because all the GOP needs at their convention is more reminders of insensitivity about rape......

[Link: www.balloon-juice.com...]

This guys has insulted pedophile priest rape victims and paid off priests accused of rape. Unbelievable.

Maybe Dolan is going to lead Mitt to the one true faith, outside of which there is no salvation.

104 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:40:48pm

re: #100 Gus

Hmmm. Signed up today. First post and it's that. Hmmm. Suspicious.

I think it may be the anti-aigle.

105 sattv4u2  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:42:34pm

re: #62 Killgore Trout

I'll be rooting for law enforcement, but that's just me.

Why do you hate the 99%!?!

106 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:42:46pm

re: #100 Gus

Yep. I don't think it will be long with us. But then again, the aigle bot is still here so who knows.

107 sattv4u2  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:43:27pm

re: #100 Gus

Hmmm. Signed up today. First post and it's that. Hmmm. Suspicious.

Sometimes your first is your worst!

108 moderatelyradicalliberal  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:43:45pm

re: #103 Decatur Deb

Maybe Dolan is going to lead Mitt to the one true faith, outside of which there is no salvation.

Maybe R-money will offer to re-baptize him into the Mormon faith after he is dead, outside of which there is no salvation.

109 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:44:00pm

re: #93 Changing Colors, Spinning Yarns


Yeah, OK; I accept that the Tea Party is "frightened and angry". But at what? Are they "frightened and angry" that a black man is President of the United States? Are they "frightened and angry" over the nonsensical conspiracy theories they spout off? What exactly are they so "frightened and angry" about?

Perhaps it's more that they're "frightened and angry" over their failed and miserable lives, and they're lashing out at largely imaginary phantoms so they won't have to confront their own shortcomings.

110 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:44:30pm


111 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:44:36pm

re: #107 sattv4u2

Sometimes your first is your worst!

First was my worst and my best.

112 garhighway  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:45:00pm

re: #108 moderatelyradicalliberal

Maybe R-money will offer to re-baptize him into the Mormon faith after he is dead, outside of which there is no salvation.

That would be mighty white of him.

113 sattv4u2  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:45:03pm

re: #111 Decatur Deb

First was my worst and my best.

I know

She told me!!

114 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:45:14pm

See. It fell off the margin!

115 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:45:43pm


116 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:45:58pm


117 sattv4u2  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:46:06pm

re: #114 Gus

See. It fell off the margin!

Thass 'Kay

I was getting tired of separating the words anywho!

118 MittDoesNotCompute  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:46:31pm

re: #111 Decatur Deb

First was my worst and my best.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

119 sattv4u2  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:46:38pm

re: #116 Gus



now I gotta read it !

120 M. Dubious  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:46:47pm

Ok. We have learnt Israel = Pakistan except with fancier uniforms.

LGF Pages - the place to go to learn stuff!

121 Sionainn  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:47:18pm

re: #60 Lidane

I often wonder that myself. I've known a few folks who were either on the cusp of alcoholism or just massive party types and now they're the exact opposite. The few addicts I've known in the past become the biggest religious conservatives and/or No Fun Types once they get into rehab and get clean.

It's almost like they switch from one addiction (booze, pills, etc.) for another, whether it's religion, or exercise or politics.

Pretty much, yeah. That pegs an uncle of mine perfectly. He used to be a heavy smoker and moderate drinker. Now he's a teetotaler who goes to church several days a week and who talks endlessly about being saved by the Lord.

I've also noticed, in addition to the above, that these same people simply have no common sense.

122 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:49:23pm

re: #115 Gus



Fixed better!

123 Hercules Grytpype-Thynne  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:50:22pm

re: #57 Someone Please Beam Me Up!

And don't blame me either, I'm from California. Not quite as pure as your group, but we're very, very blue.

I'm from Mass. I'd debate blue credentials with you, but Scott Brown.

124 sattv4u2  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:51:51pm

re: #123 Hercules Grytpype-Thynne

I'm from Mass

Really? May I ask where?

Me, born and raised in Everett. Lived in/ around Boston till I was 45 (save for 6 months to a year now and then) . In Atlanta now for the last 13 years

125 CuriousLurker  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:52:29pm

OT - Poor, poor, brother Akin. How can the GOP be so cruel as to crucify such a godly, moral man (yes, he actually uses the word crucify):

Huckabee Backs Akin, Slams GOP’s ‘Systematic Attack’ On Fellow Republican

While Republican Rep. Todd Akin‘s recent controversy left him largely abandoned by his party and high-profile conservatives (e.g., Sean Hannity), he still has a friend in Mike Huckabee. In an email sent to his supporters Thursday afternoon, Huckabee criticized the GOP’s “carefully orchestrated and systematic attack on a fellow Republican.”

Calling Akin a “friend,” Huckabee said he will join Akin in his “fight for our Party’s pro-life policies, traditional marriage and our efforts to rein in the massive expansion of government under President Obama.”

Huckabee’s email below: ...

When you read the email at the source, note how heavy it is with religious words like crucify, sacred, sacrificial, pilgrim, scourged, etc.

There are also many references to war, violence and death: political battlefield; wounded and bleeding; a casualty of his self-inflicted, but not intentional wound; end the political life; crucify; push him off the plank; the demand for Akin’s head; army of people; the genius...who thought it wise to not only shoot our wounded, but run over him with tanks and trucks and then feed his body to the liberal wolves; etc.

The whole thing is really creepy.

I found this sentence strange:

There is a vast, but mostly quiet army of people who have an innate sense of fairness and don’t like to see a fellow political pilgrim bullied.

Army? Political pilgrim? Odd turn of phrase. Must be some sort of fundie dog whistle. The man is a venomous snake. Anyone who buys the kindly, aw-shucks "Uncle Huck" routine needs to pay way more attention to what he actually says.

126 jaunte  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:55:06pm

re: #125 CuriousLurker

Image: intent.jpg

127 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:55:09pm

Not really bannable though, IMO. Stupid that it is.

128 dragonath  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:55:20pm

The Passion of the Todd

129 M. Dubious  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:56:01pm

re: #125 CuriousLurker

I'm just waiting for Akin to clarify his stance by yelling "you can't thread a moving needle!".

130 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:56:13pm

re: #128 dragonath

The Passion of the Todd

Can I quote you on that?

131 sattv4u2  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:58:17pm

re: #130 Gus

Can I quote you on that?

Why ask?

You will!

(me too)

132 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:58:45pm


I hate stupid comparisons like that. Like when people brought up Pinochet becuase of the whole UK/Assange/Ecuador flap.


And suddenly the UK is now "the enemy."

133 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:59:47pm

re: #131 sattv4u2

Why ask?

You will!

(me too)

Jack Benny/Fred Allen ding.

134 dragonath  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:00:33pm

re: #130 Gus

Haha, sure!

135 wrenchwench  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:00:57pm

re: #122 Learned Mother of Zion

Fixed better!

Is that what is sounds like when your tubes go all spastic?

136 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:01:10pm
137 Big Joe  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:02:08pm

re: #122 Learned Mother of Zion

Fixed better!

It looks like the name of a Welsh town now.

138 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:02:19pm

Seriously. Pakistan. LOL Give me a fucking break.

139 M. Dubious  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:02:58pm

Israel = North Korea with a party hat!

140 Someone Please Beam Me Up!  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:07:09pm

re: #123 Hercules Grytpype-Thynne

I'm from Mass. I'd debate blue credentials with you, but Scott Brown.

And I'd claim perfect ritual purity, except Republicans from my state are funding half the superPACs attacking Obama.

141 Hercules Grytpype-Thynne  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:07:21pm

re: #124 sattv4u2

I'm from Mass

Really? May I ask where?

Me, born and raised in Everett. Lived in/ around Boston till I was 45 (save for 6 months to a year now and then) . In Atlanta now for the last 13 years

Raised in NJ; left in 1978 and have never been back. Moved to Mass in 1982, currently in Acton.

142 sattv4u2  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:10:34pm

re: #141 Hercules Grytpype-Thynne

Raised in NJ; left in 1978 and have never been back. Moved to Mass in 1982, currently in Acton.


For a group of us, Acton was our "meeting point" 30+ years ago when we taught in Fitchburg. We'd each drive to Acton, leave all but one car there and continue up Rte 2

143 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:10:42pm

re: #125 CuriousLurker

"I’ve heard the talk of new deadlines and the nonsense about the Republican Party running a 3rd party candidate, but I am no longer listening to that noise"

The only one I have heard even suggesting a 3rd party candidate has been Sarah Palin and I didn't know that she had been elevated to a top Republican party spot.

At least he got the noise part right.

144 Big Joe  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:13:39pm

He is so smooth!

[Link: imgur.com...]

145 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:14:30pm

Well. It's 5:15PM mountain time. By now close to a million people have looked at the Gawker documents. Haven't heard or seen much about it all day.

146 sattv4u2  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:15:56pm

re: #145 Gus

Well. It's 5:15PM mountain time. By now close to a million people have looked at the Gawker documents. Haven't heard or seen much about it all day.

Me'thinks there's no "there" there!


Romneys RICH!


147 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:16:14pm

Breaking! //


148 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:20:24pm

Oh dear. This is hilarious. I wound up in some chemtrail newsletter.

Which was from this Tweet.

149 sattv4u2  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:21:17pm

re: #147 Gus

Breaking! //

[Embedded content]


As a souvenir, when I was a kid, I got the air out of one of their basketballs

I still have it around here somewhere!!

150 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:23:24pm

Anyone see my tinfoil hat? I know it's around here somewhere.

151 Killgore Trout  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:30:24pm

re: #145 Gus

Well. It's 5:15PM mountain time. By now close to a million people have looked at the Gawker documents. Haven't heard or seen much about it all day.

It might be a slow burn but one of the reasons why I suspect this "leak" comes from the Obama camp is it's probably laying the groundwork for more bogus attack ads. Check out the ABC link @ #34. It's a safe bet that the ABC headline "Romney Offshore Investments Used 'Blockers' To Avoid Taxes" will show up in an Obama ad soon. That and a few more MSM dupes and Obama will have a nice 30 second spot to run in swing states. None of it will be true and the factcheckers will pan it but the purpose is to persuade and frighten people who aren't well informed. It serves a purpose.

152 Interesting Times  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:31:22pm
153 Achilles Tang  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:31:42pm

re: #148 Gus

Oh dear. This is hilarious. I wound up in some chemtrail newsletter.

[Embedded content]

Wow. I had heard of this but had no idea it was really real. This makes WND sound almost sane in comparison.

154 darthstar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:33:13pm
155 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:34:55pm

re: #150 Gus

I used it to make one of these. I plan on releasing it on a ballon to simulate a UFO (after I hang a bunch of Chemlight sticks on it.)

156 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:35:51pm

re: #153 Achilles Tang

Wow. I had heard of this but had no idea it was really real. This makes WND sound almost sane in comparison.

You've never seen this stuff before? Yeah. It's way out there. Loco!

157 jaunte  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:35:52pm

re: #151 Killgore Trout

The whole point of blocker corporations is to reduce a individual's tax bill if they're receiving income from private equity funds. I don't think stating that will be untrue.

158 jamesfirecat  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:36:41pm

re: #151 Killgore Trout

It might be a slow burn but one of the reasons why I suspect this "leak" comes from the Obama camp is it's probably laying the groundwork for more bogus attack ads. Check out the ABC link @ #34. It's a safe bet that the ABC headline "Romney Offshore Investments Used 'Blockers' To Avoid Taxes" will show up in an Obama ad soon. That and a few more MSM dupes and Obama will have a nice 30 second spot to run in swing states. None of it will be true and the factcheckers will pan it but the purpose is to persuade and frighten people who aren't well informed. It serves a purpose.

Wat other "bogus attack ads" has Obama run?

159 Interesting Times  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:37:39pm

re: #158 jamesfirecat

Wat other "bogus attack ads" has Obama run?

Comparing Obama ads to Romney ads in terms of "bogusity" is like comparing Israel to Pakistan.

160 darthstar  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:38:18pm

re: #150 Gus

Anyone see my tinfoil hat? I know it's around here somewhere.

Kilgore's got it.

161 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:39:36pm

The Romney "blocker" issue is already old news.

From Romney’s Returns Revive Scrutiny of Lawful Offshore Tax Shelters

The issue revolves around “blocker corporations,” set up in tax havens like the Caymans to help nonprofit giants avoid the unrelated business income tax, which was created to prevent nonprofits from straying into profit-making ventures that compete with taxpaying companies. Although not illegal, so-called UBIT blockers cost the United States Treasury nearly $1 billion a decade, according to Congress’s bipartisan Joint Committee on Taxation.

162 engineer cat  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:39:37pm

Barracks O'Bama

reminds me of the BBC pronunciation of his name which comes out like:

Barricoe Bomber

163 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:41:59pm

If blockers are legal what else can you say? If there's a problem and the IRS changes those rules you can't really charge people post-facto.

164 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:43:15pm
165 Achilles Tang  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:43:22pm

re: #156 Gus

You've never seen this stuff before? Yeah. It's way out there. Loco!

On reflection, I suppose it is no weirder than conspiracies to get the UN (many think that is NATO) to invade the USA.

It is worrisome however to think that as a race we have such a primitive sector of the population in what is supposedly the most advanced age ever.

166 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:43:49pm

re: #164 Gus

Read this: Obama's Bain Backers

It's not really that much money. Anywho.

167 gwangung  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:46:49pm

re: #158 jamesfirecat

Wat other "bogus attack ads" has Obama run?

"Romney Was In Charge Of Bain When It Outsourced"

168 b_sharp  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:47:49pm

re: #151 Killgore Trout

It might be a slow burn but one of the reasons why I suspect this "leak" comes from the Obama camp is it's probably laying the groundwork for more bogus attack ads. Check out the ABC link @ #34. It's a safe bet that the ABC headline "Romney Offshore Investments Used 'Blockers' To Avoid Taxes" will show up in an Obama ad soon. That and a few more MSM dupes and Obama will have a nice 30 second spot to run in swing states. None of it will be true and the factcheckers will pan it but the purpose is to persuade and frighten people who aren't well informed. It serves a purpose.

We will call you on it when it doesn't materialize.

169 researchok  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:55:37pm

re: #145 Gus

I believe this a case of a lot people hoping for and wanting a smoking gun.

When you consider the whole brouhaha, filed disclosure documents, prepared by tax accountants and tax lawyers who specialize in obfuscation are going to confuse more than they give up.

Another reason the current tax code has to go

170 allegro  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:55:45pm

re: #163 Gus

If blockers are legal what else can you say? If there's a problem and the IRS changes those rules you can't really charge people post-facto.

I suspect Romney and his wealthy cohorts do not want us to see all those loopholes and how they are exploited. That's one reason he is so anxious to keep his taxes under lock. If we all saw those laws they've bought in action it's a good way to see a backlash in getting those tricks stopped. It would cost them millions and since money seems to be their reasons for living, it would hurt them terribly to have to pony up their fair share.

171 researchok  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 4:56:54pm

re: #150 Gus

Anyone see my tinfoil hat? I know it's around here somewhere.

You gave it to me, remember?

172 Gus  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:00:26pm

re: #169 researchok

I believe this a case of a lot people hoping for and wanting a smoking gun.

When you consider the whole brouhaha, filed disclosure documents, prepared by tax accountants and tax lawyers who specialize in obfuscation are going to confuse more than they give up.

Another reason the current tax code has to go

You know I'm looking for one. I just don't see it.

173 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:03:29pm

re: #172 Gus

You know I'm looking for one. I just don't see it.

The gun isn't necessarily smoking. What percentage of the electorate is aware or convinced of Mitt's little off-shore stash, legal or not?

174 researchok  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:03:40pm

re: #172 Gus

You know I'm looking for one. I just don't see it.

Not from tax accountants and lawyers.

The only smoking gun can come from a Bain management insider- not even Bain board members- who show up once a year for free food, free stocks and free options- would have a clue.

Even then, the insider would have to have been on the financial team.

175 Robert O.  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:04:33pm

I wonder who are the one-third of Latinos who are still voting Republican. I am going to guess a large number of these are Cuban exiles or Latinos of many generations who can blend in as "white", so the racist profiling laws passed by the GOP do not affect them. Otherwise, can I say..."self-hating Latino"?

176 researchok  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:05:59pm

re: #173 Decatur Deb

They tried that with the Kennedy offshore trusts- and they are a whole lot bigger and have been in existence for decades.

If it's legal, it's legal.

And let me say again, that is another reason the tax code needs to be revamped.

177 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:08:39pm

re: #176 researchok

They tried that with the Kennedy offshore trusts- and they are a whole lot bigger and have been in existence for decades.

If it's legal, it's legal.

And let me say again, that is another reason the tax code needs to be revamped.

Legal keeps Mitt out of jail. Outrageous keeps him out of the White House.

178 allegro  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:08:44pm

re: #175 Robert O.

I wonder who are the one-third of Latinos who are still voting Republican. I am going to guess a large number of these are Cuban exiles or Latinos of many generations who can blend in as "white", so the racist profiling laws passed by the GOP do not affect them. Otherwise, can I say..."self-hating Latino"?

I know of at least one US-born Hispanic who keeps his TV on FOX 24/7. I imagine he's not the only one.

179 researchok  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:11:46pm

re: #177 Decatur Deb

Oh, on that I agree.

At least it should.

He is imperious- not quite the humble servant of the people as the Kennedy's portrayed themselves (and to some degree, some of them were/are good civil servants).

180 researchok  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:13:38pm

re: #177 Decatur Deb

Mitt chose imperious over servant of the people.

It will hurt him, but no so much among the ideologues.

I'll tell, it is really, really lonely where I am.

181 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:17:07pm

re: #180 researchok

Mitt chose imperious over servant of the people.

It will hurt him, but no so much among the ideologues.

I'll tell, it is really, really lonely where I am.

He tells the old, white, agnostic, leftist in Bumfuck, Alabama.

182 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:18:50pm

re: #153 Achilles Tang

Wow. I had heard of this but had no idea it was really real. This makes WND sound almost sane in comparison.

Warning: this can cause brain damage

183 allegro  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:19:04pm

re: #181 Decatur Deb

He tells the old, white, agnostic, leftist in Bumfuck, Alabama.

LOL I was thinking something similar as a tree-hugging, atheist liberal in Texas.

184 sagehen  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:38:46pm

re: #175 Robert O.

I wonder who are the one-third of Latinos who are still voting Republican. I am going to guess a large number of these are Cuban exiles or Latinos of many generations who can blend in as "white", so the racist profiling laws passed by the GOP do not affect them. Otherwise, can I say..."self-hating Latino"?

A lot of Hispanics are devout Catholic -- abortion and gay marriage may have a bigger pull on their vote than immigration.

185 researchok  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:44:47pm

re: #181 Decatur Deb


186 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:47:06pm

re: #185 researchok


You were telling us how lonely you are politically. I don't talk politics at the barbershop, for fear of the straightrazor.

187 researchok  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 5:48:47pm

re: #186 Decatur Deb



Let me tell you, I'm not exaggerating.

Lots in the same position

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