How Ben Shapiro Spent His Time During Michael Brown’s Funeral

Just more of the same Breitbart race-baiting
Wingnuts • Views: 30,071

So what was strange, twisted right wing hatchet man and malevolent garden gnome Ben Shapiro doing yesterday while the funeral of Michael Brown took place?

He was busily digging up examples of funerals that weren’t attended by Obama administration officials. And look! He made them into a listicle, for ease of hating: 6 FUNERALS OBAMA CARED LESS ABOUT THAN MICHAEL BROWN.

On Monday, the funeral of 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was shot under disputed circumstances by Officer Darren Wilson, took place. Slated attendees included Snoop Dogg, Governor Jay Nixon (D-MO), Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO), P. Diddy, Spike Lee, Jesse Jackson, and giving the eulogy, Al Sharpton.

The White House has also sent three aides to the funeral: Broderick Johnson of My Brother’s Keeper Task Force; Marlon Marshall, deputy director of the White House Office of Public Engagement; and Heather Foster, adviser for the Office of Public Engagement.

Which begs the question: why would the Obama administration send not one but three attendees to the funeral of a strong-arm robbery suspect who allegedly punched a police officer in the face - but ignore the funerals of other, more worthy characters?

It’s absolutely SHOCKING — that someone like Shapiro, who supposedly went to Harvard Law School, doesn’t understand the meaning of the phrase “begs the question.”

The article? It’s the usual Breitbart race-baiting incitement; I won’t bore you with the idiotic details. (One inadvertently funny note: with his usual perfectionism and attention to detail, Shapiro refers to singer Whitney Houston as “Whitney Housing.”) But once again we see the Breitbart audience responding in that adorable Pavlovian way, spewing all kinds of outright racism and repulsive hate speech in response to Shapiro’s bloviations.

Here’s a sample of the creepiness; I’m hiding it by default because, as usual, it’s ugly beyond belief, like turning over a rock in a sewer.

Obama is and probably always will be a Chicago thug. He only sends his people to the funerals of high profile fellow thugs.


If the Black Community gave a damn about their living black males as much as they appear to care about the dead ones, we’d have less of these events.


Law abiding conservative TEA Party Patriot citizens, their counterparts in the military, Government. Police, Firemen, Services, Business, etc., etc, are vastly outnumbered by criminals, schemers, thugs, takers, and layabouts! It took a century for communism to squeeze the life out of America and now Communist control “everything”; do you really expect they’ll allow citizens to exercise their vote in free and open ‘elections’ to remove them from “Power”? The world is entering a second “Dark Ages” and the slate of recorded History is about to be wiped clean. Expect our Libraries, museums, collections, and History to be obliterated in the blink of an eye!


“Oh da pain!” “Oh da pain o’ bein’ a black man in a white man’s world!” “Whut am I gonna do?” “I jus’ can’t take dis anymo’ ” “Lordy, lordy!”


The wookie be sayin’ check yo white privilege!


Here are the nicest words oBAH!ma could ever repeat on a golf
course: “I’m having a stroke,” “I’m having a stroke,” “I’m having a


Cigars purloined from the local quickmart were passed out after the services.


Exactly. I can just hear that scrawny jive-asss Big Al saying to everybody at the funeral “Yeah baby, thanks to brutha Mike, dis here is one fine tastin’ see-gar!”


see AMERICA- the conservatives were NOT wrong when they told you that obama doesnt know what class is—he only knows what thuggery is and he LOVES it! notice how our AMERICA has spiraled downhill and out of control——yeah—he is doing it intentionally-wake up people!


Happy NOW, Dark America and your pale sycophants?


Obama is no different than the rest of the jives in the black community, they all prefer “fresh white poozy” instead of “the black musk”.


Did they smoke blunts to mark his passing?


I wonder if it was Big Al or P. Diddy who picked up the tab “fo’ all da fried chiggin’ ” at the reception they had afterwards?


You have to be careful using select words that are pre-programmed into the website computer to be filtered out, words like “s—t” “asss” etc. You have to modify the word slightly as indicated.


When the muslim mulato issues his EO amnesty ploy, how long will it take the entitlement crowd to figure out they have to split the gubment goodies another 15 million ways.


Why does this surprise anyone? Barack Hussein Obama is a truly evil man and he loves to show his devotion to evil every chance he gets. Hopefully we’ll see his funeral very soon! We can dispose of his evil ass in the same manner we did his evil brethren Osama Bin Laden. Hell, why wait, let’s do it now!


Thuggie got what he deserved.


I wonder when Breitbart is going to pick up on the story of Ralph Weems, a white Marine who was brutally beaten by a pack of black animals in West Point, Mississippi?

On and on it goes, crazy ranting, overt white supremacism, conspiracy theories, and whining about being falsely accused of racism followed by sickening racist comments.

In other words, the right wing blog business model.

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1 Charles Johnson  Aug 26, 2014 10:45:06am
2 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 10:46:00am
3 lawhawk  Aug 26, 2014 10:50:03am

Other more worthy characters?

Wait. What? More worthy characters?

More worthy people. A person has character. But it’s a person who is being eulogized/buried.

/grammarian off.

Michael Brown’s death is a touchstone to many in the black community because it speaks to so many other incidents that have been reported in recent years - excessive force used by law enforcement, deaths under suspicious circumstances, law enforcement agencies accused of covering up the facts, and policies that have been identified as racist.

The Obama Administration is using this as an opportunity to try and do something about that. It’s a reminder that the Supreme Court got it wrong with their VRA decision. It’s a reminder that there’s still lots of work to be done to make sure that we adhere to the Constitution’s Equal Protection and Due Process clauses because communities all too frequently fail to do so when a minority is involved.

4 Bulworth  Aug 26, 2014 10:50:34am
Which begs the question: why would the Obama administration send not one but three attendees to the funeral of a strong-arm robbery suspect who allegedly punched a police officer in the face - but ignore the funerals of other, more worthy characters?

Oh, I don’t know.

Maybe because there had been 10 days of public demonstrations and the story had been in the national spotlight during that time and that the developments in Ferguson are in many ways symbolic of the problems faced in many minority communities and that it makes sense for the mutherf0king executive branch of the gdamn government to participate in the healing process, you ninny.

5 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 10:51:06am

Ben is just pandering to the TCOT bubble, “Patriots” like this fuckbag:

6 Charles Johnson  Aug 26, 2014 10:52:51am

Shapiro’s idea of a “worthy character:”

Chris Kyle. When the famed sniper was murdered at a Texas shooting range in February 2013, not only did the White House make no statement, the White House sent nobody to his funeral. And while the White House did issue a statement about the death of singer Whitney Housing (she died that same month), the White House never even mentioned Kyle.

Uh, “Whitney Housing?”

But Chris Kyle was a raving far right bigot, by the way.

7 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 26, 2014 10:54:09am

re: #6 Charles Johnson

Was he typing on his phone?

8 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 10:54:49am

re: #6 Charles Johnson

Shapiro’s idea of a “worthy character:”

Uh, “Whitney Housing?”


9 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 10:55:39am

re: #6 Charles Johnson

Shapiro’s idea of a “worthy character:”

Uh, “Whitney Housing?”

But Chris Kyle was a raving far right bigot, by the way.

Is he repeating the urban legend that “Obama” lowered flags to half staff for Whitney Houston?

That was Chris Christie.

10 Flying Squirrel Girl  Aug 26, 2014 10:58:35am

re: #2 Pie-onist Overlord

This photo makes me tear up every time I see it. My heart breaks for him.

11 Gus  Aug 26, 2014 10:59:09am

The “counter-jihad” far-right assholes are coming out of the woodwork again.

12 Bulworth  Aug 26, 2014 11:00:25am


And hardly anybody knew who Chris Kyle was anyway.

13 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 26, 2014 11:04:11am

Peskov says the meeting has not been canceled.

14 lawhawk  Aug 26, 2014 11:05:48am

re: #12 Bulworth

A good guy with a gun who died at a gun range (surrounded by other good guys with guns) after being shot by another good guy with a gun who had PTSD.

Oh, and the suspect in that murder also rammed into a police cruiser, and yet he was taken into custody alive and is awaiting trial.

15 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 26, 2014 11:07:43am

re: #13 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Peskov says the meeting has not been canceled.

It begins.

16 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 11:09:38am

TCOT idiot is Derping at me that Obama should salute HTTC

17 lawhawk  Aug 26, 2014 11:10:59am

re: #16 Pie-onist Overlord

What part of protocol do these people not understand. Presidents do not salute themselves. That’s what would happen if they saluted or placed their hand on their heart. They’d be saluting themselves and their office.

18 Shazam  Aug 26, 2014 11:11:39am

re: #5 Pie-onist Overlord

Isn’t the president technically always represented at a military funeral?

19 andres  Aug 26, 2014 11:12:08am

re: #17 lawhawk

What part of protocol do these people not understand. Presidents do not salute themselves. That’s what would happen if they saluted or placed their hand on their heart. They’d be saluting themselves and their office.

And imagine the derpitude at Obama saluting himself.

It’s a never ending spiral.

20 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 11:12:53am

re: #17 lawhawk

What part of protocol do these people not understand. Presidents do not salute themselves. That’s what would happen if they saluted or placed their hand on their heart. They’d be saluting themselves and their office.


21 Bulworth  Aug 26, 2014 11:13:21am


Hurr Hurr stoopid Muslim in chief dont understand protocals of his office or duties !!!111 1

22 Shazam  Aug 26, 2014 11:13:42am

re: #19 andres

Derped if you do, derped if you don’t.

23 Ace-o-aces  Aug 26, 2014 11:13:52am

I see the RWNJs have settled on calling Brown a “strong-arm robbery suspect”. I guess this is obscure the fact that Wilson emptied his clip into an unarmed shoplifter.

24 FemNaziBitch  Aug 26, 2014 11:14:25am

He Was Raised By A White Mom And Didn’t Think The Cops Were Out To Get Him. Until They Got Him.

One unforgettable night in 2009, then-college student Alex Landau wandered into the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong cops on duty. Listen as he and his mother recount the events of that night and how it transformed their lives forever.

25 Ace-o-aces  Aug 26, 2014 11:15:46am

BTW, anything stopping Shapiro from attending any of these funerals?

26 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 26, 2014 11:17:15am

Starting to blow up at Raw Story and elsewhere:

Another young black male…a marine, in fact, trying very hard not to get beat down by the police. He films the encounter, wherein he politely tries not to get hit repeatedly…but of course, fails.

Youtube Video

27 Timothy Watson  Aug 26, 2014 11:17:18am

re: #16 Pie-onist Overlord

TCOT idiot is Derping at me that Obama should salute HTTC

[Embedded content]


28 CuriousLurker  Aug 26, 2014 11:18:34am

re: #24 FemNaziBitch

He Was Raised By A White Mom And Didn’t Think The Cops Were Out To Get Him. Until They Got Him.

Holy crap, I just plugged his name into Google Images and the photos of his injuries are horrific.

29 Schadenboner  Aug 26, 2014 11:19:59am

re: #25 Ace-o-aces

BTW, anything stopping Shapiro from attending any of these funerals?

The sack-shrinking terror he feels at the thought of being around all those Ni*CLANG*s?

30 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 26, 2014 11:21:42am
31 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 26, 2014 11:22:02am

re: #28 CuriousLurker

Holy crap, I just plugged his name into Google Images and the photos of his injuries are horrific.

This shines a new light on Sunil Dutta’s psychopathic article:

Even though it might sound harsh and impolitic, here is the bottom line: if you don’t want to get shot, tased, pepper-sprayed, struck with a baton or thrown to the ground, just do what I tell you.

32 Timothy Watson  Aug 26, 2014 11:23:45am
Virginia ex-Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) revealed during testimony last week that he moved out of his family home and in with his parish priest the week before his federal corruption trial began.

McDonnell explained on the stand that living separately from his wife Maureen would make it easier for him to prepare for trial each day and described their marriage as “on hold.” The priest he is staying with or the time being, Rev. Wayne Ball of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Va., is a family friend who officiated his daughter Cailin’s wedding.

Ball also pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor sex charge in late 2002.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported at the time that Ball, then pastor of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Norfolk, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of frequenting a bawdy place. Other media reports defined that as a place used for “lewdness, assignation or prostitution.” Norfolk police had arrested Ball and another Richmond man the night before Thanksgiving when they were found together in a parked car in a local park.

33 Lidane  Aug 26, 2014 11:28:16am
34 Schadenboner  Aug 26, 2014 11:29:28am

re: #32 Timothy Watson

Honestly surprised they still even have “Bawdy House” laws on the books.

35 Stanley Sea  Aug 26, 2014 11:29:48am

re: #30 Aunty Entity Dragon

Trying hard not to cry listening to that.

It’s StoryCorps. Crying is unavoidable.

36 FemNaziBitch  Aug 26, 2014 11:30:48am


James Woods D-AZ

Pages Post

37 FemNaziBitch  Aug 26, 2014 11:30:57am

re: #30 Aunty Entity Dragon

Trying hard not to cry listening to that.

I know.

38 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Aug 26, 2014 11:31:11am

re: #33 Lidane

Mah surprise, etc. —

NRA News Praises White Vigilante Patrols That Shot African-Americans After Hurricane Katrina

This is what scares me: the aftermath of another major natural and/or man-made disaster on the scale of Katrina or larger. We are gonna have these goombahs out shooting at blacks and National Guardsmen and anybody else they perceive as a threat to their God-Given Rights.

39 Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 26, 2014 11:35:00am

re: #38 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

This is what scares me: the aftermath of another major natural and/or man-made disaster on the scale of Katrina or larger. We are gonna have these goombahs out shooting at blacks and National Guardsmen and anybody else they perceive as a threat to their God-Given Rights.

What scares me, is how do I tell who is the real National Guard from the wannabes?

40 lawhawk  Aug 26, 2014 11:35:09am

re: #31 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

This shines a new light on Sunil Dutta’s psychopathic article:

Even though it might sound harsh and impolitic, here is the bottom line: if you don’t want to get shot, tased, pepper-sprayed, struck with a baton or thrown to the ground, just do what I tell you.

Which is tough to do when the police say one thing, and go ahead and completely ignore their policy. It happened during the Ferguson protests under the full glare of the media spotlight. And it happens outside the glare.

41 FemNaziBitch  Aug 26, 2014 11:35:50am

For real?

42 Bulworth  Aug 26, 2014 11:35:51am
Which begs the question: why would the Obama administration send not one but three attendees to the funeral of a strong-arm robbery suspect who allegedly punched a police officer in the face - but ignore the funerals of other, more worthy characters?

Also stupid libtards this is not about race and we’re not racists—behold are love for Allen West and Ben Carson—we’re just about seeking truth and asking questions and being fair and balanced

43 Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 26, 2014 11:37:54am

re: #41 FemNaziBitch

For real?

[Embedded content]

it is complete bullshit

44 sagehen  Aug 26, 2014 11:38:11am

re: #39 Backwoods_Sleuth

What scares me, is how do I tell who is the real National Guard from the wannabes?

The real National Guard are the ones with a chain of command and some semblance of unit cohesion and discipline.

45 b.d.  Aug 26, 2014 11:39:55am

re: #39 Backwoods_Sleuth

What scares me, is how do I tell who is the real National Guard from the wannabes?

The National Guardsmen will have minorities interspersed within their ranks.

46 Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 26, 2014 11:40:25am

re: #44 sagehen

The real National Guard are the ones with a chain of command and some semblance of unit cohesion and discipline.

yes, but at first look, how can you tell the difference? Especially given the behavior and attitudes toward the public we seen recently.

47 FemNaziBitch  Aug 26, 2014 11:42:02am

Police and Domestic Violence tonite on Frontline.

48 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 26, 2014 11:42:32am

re: #40 lawhawk

Which is tough to do when the police say one thing, and go ahead and completely ignore their policy. It happened during the Ferguson protests under the full glare of the media spotlight. And it happens outside the glare.

Like here:

People held at gunpoint at threatened if they did not allow the police to search their cars. Parents threatened with guns pointed at their children. Cars searched and then people threatened after the fact if they did not sign papers saying the search was authorized.

49 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 11:44:18am

Idiot wingnut trying to EBTsplain why single moms don’t “deserve” to get assistance to feed their kids

50 Targetpractice  Aug 26, 2014 11:47:28am

re: #49 Pie-onist Overlord

Idiot wingnut trying to EBTsplain why single moms don’t “deserve” to get assistance to feed their kids

[Embedded content]

Yeah, unless they do stay together, then we’re told “If they can’t afford to feed/clothe/house those kids, they shouldn’t have them!”

51 Bulworth  Aug 26, 2014 11:48:13am


Very Freedom.

What if “Dad” walked out, was abusive, is dead, etc?

Can single Dad’s with kids get help?

52 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 26, 2014 11:48:37am

Making the rounds on Facebook:

Love how if you are a police critic, you should assume that you are a target for extra judicial “justice” dispensed from a German submachine gun.

53 Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 26, 2014 11:49:10am

re: #49 Pie-onist Overlord

Idiot wingnut trying to EBTsplain why single moms don’t “deserve” to get assistance to feed their kids

[Embedded content]

oh gee, Dad was killed in an accident at a non-union mine where safety regulations were regular flaunted. Too bad for you surviving moochers…

54 Shiplord Kirel  Aug 26, 2014 11:51:44am

re: #39 Backwoods_Sleuth

What scares me, is how do I tell who is the real National Guard from the wannabes?

Wannabes will prominently display expensive commando style fighting knives, probably in upside down sheaths above their left breast pocket, the better for a fast draw when things get down and dirty. Wannabes and dreamers place great emphasis on this sort of thing. Regular soldiers do not use these knives, or keep them out of sight if they do. The wannabes will be fatter on the average, they will mostly have handguns in addition to their rifles. Their uniforms will show less wear and fading. Helmets, if any, will slide around on their heads. Their rucksacks will be lumpy and less heavily packed. Non standard headgear of every kind, Russian, Wehrmacht or Academy Sporting Goods, will be common. Rations and supplies are another clue: Many of the wannabes will not understand the importance of tabasco sauce, snacks, and toilet paper.

55 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 11:52:38am

Blocked that fucking moron when she went all HURR HURR BOOTSTRAPS!!!!! I DID IT!!!!

56 FemNaziBitch  Aug 26, 2014 11:53:12am

re: #51 Bulworth


Very Freedom.

What if “Dad” walked out, was abusive, is dead, etc?

Can single Dad’s with kids get help?

What if dad was a user of resources of the household instead of a contributor?

WHAT do the Whackos say about people who use government resources without contributing?

57 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 26, 2014 11:53:20am

re: #53 Backwoods_Sleuth

oh gee, Dad was killed in an accident at a non-union mine where safety regulations were regular flaunted. Too bad for you surviving moochers…

Obviously, he was at fault for not being a Galtian super producer. Also, too, Conservative very concerned Bell Curve guy Charles Murray thinks he lived in Fishtown and lacked moral fibre. Rich people are moral. Poor people need to be taught manners and thrifty American goodness by their betters.


58 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 26, 2014 11:54:20am

re: #54 Shiplord Kirel

One big difference I’ve noticed: Most real special forces guys I’ve met are cheerful and calm, not tense and angry-seeming.

59 FemNaziBitch  Aug 26, 2014 11:54:38am


60 Randall Gross  Aug 26, 2014 11:56:51am

LGF & Charles get kudos in this Salon article

61 Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 26, 2014 11:57:11am

re: #57 Aunty Entity Dragon

Obviously, he was at fault for not being a Galtian super producer. Also, too, Conservative very concerned Bell Curve guy Charles Murray thinks he lived in Fishtown and lacked moral fibre. Rich people are moral. Poor people need to be taught manners and thrifty American goodness by their betters just shut up and keep out of sight of their betters.



62 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 11:57:16am
63 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 11:58:30am

It would have been cheaper to pass out free eyeglasses.

64 Targetpractice  Aug 26, 2014 11:59:01am

re: #62 Pie-onist Overlord

[Embedded content]

Paul Ryan, Ron Paul, Ben Carson, Mitt Romney. You ever notice the people most willing to preach about the “dignity” of work and the “virtues” of living within your means are the people who benefited from government handouts?

65 FemNaziBitch  Aug 26, 2014 11:59:26am
66 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 26, 2014 11:59:29am

re: #58 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

One big difference I’ve noticed: Most real special forces guys I’ve met are cheerful and calm, not tense and angry-seeming.

The guys I knew in the army who had been to Special Forces school where some of the most laid back and low key people I had ever seen.

They were cool in a way that defied belief. They simply had no need to prove anything or have a chip on the shoulder about anything.

One in particular was a W-3 in my cav unit in Korea. He had his Ranger tab, his Special Forces tab and he was an instructer pilot. He would let me borrow his miniature air compressor to power my airbrush so I could paint model tanks and aircraft. The guy was seriously amazing, and very, very approachable.

67 Lidane  Aug 26, 2014 12:00:47pm

re: #52 Aunty Entity Dragon

Making the rounds on Facebook:

[Embedded image]

Love how if you are a police critic, you should assume that you are a target for extra judicial “justice” dispensed from a German submachine gun.

Looks exactly like all the pro-war herpty derp during the Bush years.

68 gwangung  Aug 26, 2014 12:01:57pm

re: #52 Aunty Entity Dragon

Making the rounds on Facebook:

[Embedded image]

Love how if you are a police critic, you should assume that you are a target for extra judicial “justice” dispensed from a German submachine gun.

East Germany had similar slogans, I believe.

69 FemNaziBitch  Aug 26, 2014 12:02:43pm

re: #60 Randall Gross

LGF & Charles get kudos in this Salon article

And what of Jim Hoft? How did Hoft react when his story fell apart? Being Jim Hoft means never having to say “I was wrong.” In fact, in a follow-up piece, Hoft doubled down. His original two anonymous sources were now four anonymous sources. Hoft even took CNN to task for not running with his original BS story. Under the headline “NOW THERE ARE FOUR SOURCES: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered Fractured Eye Socket,” Hoft hilariously cites himself as a source, then closes with: “CNN really needs to be more responsible with such sensitive information.”

70 b.d.  Aug 26, 2014 12:03:00pm

re: #60 Randall Gross

LGF & Charles get kudos in this Salon article


Later that afternoon on the conservative leaning website Little Green Footballs, Charles Johnson, who takes delight in debunking Hoft, shredded the story.

I ain’t leaning that way.

71 FemNaziBitch  Aug 26, 2014 12:03:50pm

re: #66 Aunty Entity Dragon

The guys I knew in the army who had been to Special Forces school where some of the most laid back and low key people I had ever seen.

They were cool in a way that defied belief. They simply had no need to prove anything or have a chip on the shoulder about anything.

One in particular was a W-3 in my cav unit in Korea. He had his Ranger tab, his Special Forces tab and he was an instructer pilot. He would let me borrow his miniature air compressor to power my airbrush so I could paint model tanks and aircraft. The guy was seriously amazing, and very, very approachable.

Kinda like a 75 yo 10th degree black belt I know.

I swear the man difuses anxiety and anger just by walking in a room.

72 FemNaziBitch  Aug 26, 2014 12:04:29pm

re: #70 b.d.


I ain’t leaning that way.

I try not to lean at all.

It hurts my back.

73 Lidane  Aug 26, 2014 12:04:41pm

re: #70 b.d.

I’d bet money that LGF being called “conservative leaning” set a few Twitter trolls on edge. Haha.

74 Decatur Deb  Aug 26, 2014 12:05:03pm

re: #70 b.d.


I ain’t leaning that way.

Someone who’s registered go and (gently) educate the Salon writer.

75 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 26, 2014 12:05:40pm

I’m wondering if it’s the same roving band of goons that keeps all the right wing blogs in business?

76 bratwurst  Aug 26, 2014 12:06:07pm

The good news is that the de facto chairman of the GOP took a break today from his non-stop Ferguson race-baiting.

The bad news is that he turned his fat snout toward date rape:

Rush Limbaugh Dismisses Date Rape: “The Reality Is That Boys Chase Girls”

“They Call It Sexual Objectification,” But “It’s Just The Way Of The World”

77 b.d.  Aug 26, 2014 12:06:41pm

re: #74 Decatur Deb

Someone who’s registered go and (gently) educate the Salon writer.

In fairness, from Salon’s view, everyone other than them is conservative leaning.


78 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 26, 2014 12:07:43pm

re: #76 bratwurst

The good news is that the de facto chairman of the GOP took a break today from his non-stop Ferguson race-baiting.

The bad news is that he turned his fat snout toward date rape:

Rush Limbaugh Dismisses Date Rape: “The Reality Is That Boys Chase Girls”

“They Call It Sexual Objectification,” But “It’s Just The Way Of The World”

Funny, I never knew boys were supposed to use drugs to chase girls.

79 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 12:08:40pm

I got this email from a recruiter and I just LOL

My name is Ben Shapiro and I am a headhunter in the IT industry. I came across your resume on and I am following up on a voicemail that I left you. I have a Windows/ Developer role that I am recruiting for and I believe with your background you would be a solid candidate for this position There is no one on the pipeline at the moment. I am not the type of recruiter to oversell an opportunity but I would love to chance to chat and see if you would at least have an exploratory conversation with my client to see for yourself if this is the right next step for you in your career.

80 William Barnett-Lewis  Aug 26, 2014 12:08:59pm

re: #54 Shiplord Kirel

Rations and supplies are another clue: Many of the wannabes will not understand the importance of tabasco sauce, snacks, and toilet paper.

Oh, yeah. I never liked tobasco personally but you have to have ways to deal with the sameness of the rations over any length of time. I liked a spice mix or one of the lemon pepper salt mixes out there. Of course nothing could salvage ham & lima beans …

And even when I didn’t smoke I’d always have my ration card allotment along in the bush to trade for money or better rations.

81 Decatur Deb  Aug 26, 2014 12:09:25pm

re: #77 b.d.

In fairness, from Salon’s view, everyone other than them is conservative leaning.


The New York Times thinks it’s liberal.

82 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 26, 2014 12:11:44pm

re: #79 Pie-onist Overlord

Seems like you got a Nigerian recruiter there…

83 Decatur Deb  Aug 26, 2014 12:12:01pm

re: #80 William Barnett-Lewis

Oh, yeah. I never liked tobasco personally but you have to have ways to deal with the sameness of the rations over any length of time. I liked a spice mix or one of the lemon pepper salt mixes out there. Of course nothing could salvage ham & lima beans …

And even when I didn’t smoke I’d always have my ration card allotment along in the bush to trade for money or better rations.

Hershey bars, nylons, parachute silk.

84 Bulworth  Aug 26, 2014 12:12:38pm


According to the Family Values Christian Conservatism that backs the GOP the “way of the world” is full of Sin and Totally Depraved. But I guess the “way of the world” is OK is the GOP’s party chairman says so.

85 Mentis Fugit  Aug 26, 2014 12:12:54pm

re: #53 Backwoods_Sleuth

oh gee, Dad was killed in an accident at a non-union mine where safety regulations were regular flaunted. Too bad for you surviving moochers…

OT pet peeve: it’s “flouted” as in, “The mine owners flaunted the fact that they regularly flouted safety regulations.”
The courageous job creators bravely revolted against government regulation that stifled the profitability of their enterprise.

86 Bulworth  Aug 26, 2014 12:13:59pm


We’d like to recruit you for our highly paid position but first please if you send $$$ 10 million $$$ dollars to are secure bank account to guarantee position for you.

87 William Barnett-Lewis  Aug 26, 2014 12:14:11pm

Oh, and speaking of rations, there are now reproduction C-Rats available for 20 Euros each…

88 Charles Johnson  Aug 26, 2014 12:14:37pm

re: #60 Randall Gross

LGF & Charles get kudos in this Salon article

It’s a really nice write-up - but unfortunately, once again, it refers to LGF as “conservative-leaning.” It’s been a long time since that was true, but I’ve been seeing people say this all over the place since the “eye socket” story broke.

It’s like calling MTV a “music video channel.”

89 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 26, 2014 12:14:58pm

I wonder how many of the RW militia types would freak the hell out if they ever had to make do with only rations.

90 Decatur Deb  Aug 26, 2014 12:15:07pm

re: #87 William Barnett-Lewis

Oh, and speaking of rations, there are now reproduction C-Rats available for 20 Euros each…

No P38. That’s cold, man.

91 Bulworth  Aug 26, 2014 12:15:39pm


I missed this FB meme when the Bundy Militia was doing its thing….

92 Decatur Deb  Aug 26, 2014 12:16:30pm

re: #88 Charles Johnson

It’s a really nice write-up - but unfortunately, once again, it refers to LGF as “conservative-leaning.” It’s been a long time since that was true, but I’ve been seeing people say this all over the place since the “eye socket” story broke.

It’s like calling MTV a “music video channel.”

“They keep calling me ‘Admiral’, and I haven’t been to sea in years.”

93 GunstarGreen  Aug 26, 2014 12:16:32pm

re: #26 Aunty Entity Dragon

Starting to blow up at Raw Story and elsewhere:

Another young black male…a marine, in fact, trying very hard not to get beat down by the police. He films the encounter, wherein he politely tries not to get hit repeatedly…but of course, fails.

[Embedded content]

Breathing While Black: yet another criminal offense punishable by summary beating. Keep note that this man has video evidence of everything that went down, and the cop is still trying to claim that he ‘charged’ when he stepped out of the car.

Hmm. ‘He then charged me’. Where else have I heard that phrase recently…

94 Bulworth  Aug 26, 2014 12:16:51pm


I missed this FB meme when the RWNJ were freaking out about The DHS has bought all the ammos and tanks to take are gunz aways!!!!!!1

95 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 26, 2014 12:17:14pm

re: #88 Charles Johnson

Might it have something to do with the fact that, at the time it got some of its biggest attention (The Killian memos), it WAS a conservative leaning site?

Granted that was 10 years ago (or close to it), but still.

96 b.d.  Aug 26, 2014 12:18:12pm

re: #88 Charles Johnson

It’s a really nice write-up - but unfortunately, once again, it refers to LGF as “conservative-leaning.” It’s been a long time since that was true, but I’ve been seeing people say this all over the place since the “eye socket” story broke.

It’s like calling MTV a “music video channel.”

May not want to correct them, the only way to make it into the traditional media is for them to think that you are a conservative.


97 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 26, 2014 12:18:19pm

re: #93 GunstarGreen

Breathing While Black: yet another criminal offense punishable by summary beating. Keep note that this man has video evidence of everything that went down, and the cop is still trying to claim that he ‘charged’ when he stepped out of the car.

Hmm. ‘He then charged me’. Where else have I heard that phrase recently…

Reminds me of that old South Park episode: “Oh no, it’s coming right for us!”

98 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 26, 2014 12:19:09pm

I wonder if Charles went full blown RWNJ again…would LGF get MORE or fewer hits than it did before??

99 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 12:20:30pm

Except when you’re convicting/executing the dead Black kid

100 Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 26, 2014 12:22:22pm

re: #85 Mentis Fugit

OT pet peeve: it’s “flouted” as in, “The mine owners flaunted the fact that they regularly flouted safety regulations.”
The courageous job creators bravely revolted against government regulation that stifled the profitability of their enterprise.

I know, I’m typing fast during short work breaks and didn’t bother to double check.

101 Bulworth  Aug 26, 2014 12:23:24pm


Be easier to do that if police incident reports were filled out adequately.

102 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 12:24:58pm

LOL this must be a parody account

103 GunstarGreen  Aug 26, 2014 12:25:47pm

re: #101 Bulworth


Be easier to do that if police incident reports were filled out adequately.

That would involve leaving evidence, which is something police in this country can’t abide.

See also: Just how quick the cops are to do whatever is in their power (and quite a bit that is beyond their allotted, legal power) to prevent people from filming them.

If you encounter a police officer in the United States of America, it is not a question of if that officer is going to commit a crime against you, it is only a question of “when” and “how severe”.

104 Randall Gross  Aug 26, 2014 12:26:33pm

re: #88 Charles Johnson

It’s a really nice write-up - but unfortunately, once again, it refers to LGF as “conservative-leaning.” It’s been a long time since that was true, but I’ve been seeing people say this all over the place since the “eye socket” story broke.

It’s like calling MTV a “music video channel.”

It helps their narrative if you are seen as “conservative leaning”

105 Lidane  Aug 26, 2014 12:26:50pm

re: #102 Pie-onist Overlord

I would hope it’s a parody, but there ARE some really stupid people out there. Some moran probably does think that Libertarianism is free.

106 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 26, 2014 12:27:06pm

Arrested for walking while black in Beverly Hills last week…while trying to get things tidied up for the Emmys.

On Friday afternoon, August 22nd around 5:20pm, while innocently walking by myself from a restaurant on Wilshire Blvd, to my car up LaCienega Blvd my freedom was taken from me by the Beverly Hills Police Department.

Within seconds, I was detained and told to sit on the curb of the very busy street, during rush hour traffic.

Within minutes, I was surrounded by 6 police cars, handcuffed very tightly, fully searched for weapons, and placed back on the curb.

Within an hour, I was transported to the Beverly Hills Police Headquarters, photographed, finger printed and put under a $100,000 bail and accused of armed bank robbery and accessory to robbery of a Citibank.

Within an evening, I was wrongly arrested, locked up, denied a phone call, denied explanation of charges against me, denied ever being read my rights, denied being able to speak to my lawyer for a lengthy time, and denied being told that my car had been impounded…..All because I was mis-indentified as the wrong “tall, bald head, black male,” … “fitting the description.”

I get that the Beverly Hills Police Department didn’t know that I was a Consultant for the NAACP, a film and tv producer, a previous VP of Marketing for a wireless application company, VP of Integrated Promotions for a marketing agency, ran Community Affairs for the Atlanta Hawks, was the Deputy Director of Olympic Village Operations for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, was a Test/Quality/Mfg Engineering Manager for IBM and was a Bond Trader on Wall street. Surely, folks that fit the description wouldn’t qualify as any of those.

I get that the Beverly Hills Police Department didn’t know that throughout my entire life I have been very active in serving the communities that I have lived in, including Chapter President and National PR Chair for NSBE, a USC Student Senator, a USC Trojan Knight, a USC Engineering Student Council Member, a USC Black Students Council Member, and a Resident Assistant; as well as a founding board member of the RTP NBMBAA, a member of Durham County Transportation Advisory Board, Durham City / County Planning Commission, Atlanta House of Love for the Homeless Board, Cobb County Transportation Advisory Board, Georgia CASA Board, United Way of Greater Atlanta VIP Selection Committee, Jomandi Theater Board, Silver Lake Film Festival Board, Downtown LA Film Festival Board, Chaka Khan Foundation Fundraising Dinner Committee, and the USC Black Alumni Association Board. Nawl, not a “black male”, especially a “tall, bald” one.

I get that the Beverly Hills Police Department didn’t know that just hours earlier, I was at one of the finest hotels in their city, handling celebrity talent at a Emmy Awards Gifting Suite, as part of business as usual, and, invited to attend a VIP Emmy pre-party that very night in their city. The guy doing that, just DON”T fit the description.

What I don’t get………WHAT I DON”T GET, is, why, during the 45 minutes that they had me on the curb, handcuffed in the sun, before they locked me up and took away my civil rights, that they could not simply review the ATM and bank’s HD video footage to clearly see that the “tall, bald headed, black male”… did not fit MY description.

107 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 12:27:46pm

re: #105 Lidane

I would hope it’s a parody, but there ARE some really stupid people out there. Some moran probably does think that Libertarianism is free.

It has to be a parody. When did a Libertarian ever do anything for free?

108 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 26, 2014 12:28:37pm

re: #93 GunstarGreen

Breathing While Black: yet another criminal offense punishable by summary beating. Keep note that this man has video evidence of everything that went down, and the cop is still trying to claim that he ‘charged’ when he stepped out of the car.

Hmm. ‘He then charged me’. Where else have I heard that phrase recently…

Among other things…South Park, as well as Ferguson. It was cynically used by white hunters on South Park to justify shooting just about anything.

109 Gus  Aug 26, 2014 12:28:50pm

Who better to speak about the black experience in America than Ben Shapiro.

110 Lidane  Aug 26, 2014 12:29:15pm

re: #107 Pie-onist Overlord

It has to be a parody. When did a Libertarian ever do anything for free?

All the time. Just think of how many of those idiots freely tell you their opinion about the evils of the state whether you want to listen to them or not.


111 Gus  Aug 26, 2014 12:30:01pm

In GOP land, men speak for women and white people speak for blacks.

112 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 12:30:01pm


113 Higgs Boson's Mate  Aug 26, 2014 12:30:30pm

re: #90 Decatur Deb

Oh, and speaking of rations, there are now reproduction C-Rats available for 20 Euros each…

For those who are nostalgic for constipation. I had to live on those things for way too long. Twenty Euros wouldn’t be enough to get me to open one of the cans and sniff the contents. And they left out the toilet paper pack, the mini pack (3 ciggies) of not-my-brand cigarettes, and the book of damp resistant matches as well as the p-38 can opener mentioned above,

114 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 12:31:14pm

What do they eat off of after she shoots all the dishes?

115 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi  Aug 26, 2014 12:31:38pm

Updinged for the gripe about the phrase “begs the question”.

116 Decatur Deb  Aug 26, 2014 12:31:46pm

re: #106 Aunty Entity Dragon

Arrested for walking while black in Beverly Hills last week…while trying to get things tidied up for the Emmys.

Lucky he didn’t charge them.

117 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Aug 26, 2014 12:31:58pm

re: #52 Aunty Entity Dragon

Boy, that photo looks like a lot of paperwork…

118 Schadenboner  Aug 26, 2014 12:32:06pm

re: #63 Pie-onist Overlord

It would have been cheaper to pass out free eyeglasses.

[Embedded content]

Now now. Good done by the wicked is still good.

I wonder if Aqua Buddha commanded him to do this?

119 gwangung  Aug 26, 2014 12:32:27pm

re: #112 Pie-onist Overlord


[Embedded content]

A strong national defense NEEDS big government.

CHOOSE, “conservatives.”

120 GunstarGreen  Aug 26, 2014 12:32:51pm

re: #114 Pie-onist Overlord

What do they eat off of after she shoots all the dishes?

[Embedded content]

Srsly? Appropriating Rosie the Riveter for a gun-fucking meme?


121 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 12:33:52pm

re: #120 GunstarGreen

Srsly? Appropriating Rosie the Riveter for a gun-fucking meme?


Gun-fucking AND anti-women

122 Minor_L  Aug 26, 2014 12:33:58pm

re: #99 Pie-onist Overlord

The lack of self-awareness never ceases to amaze me.

123 Schadenboner  Aug 26, 2014 12:34:03pm

re: #83 Decatur Deb

Hershey bars, nylons, parachute silk.

One combination Rooshin’ phrase book and bible…

124 Decatur Deb  Aug 26, 2014 12:34:50pm

re: #113 Higgs Boson’s Mate

For those who are nostalgic for constipation. I had to live on those things for way too long. Twenty Euros wouldn’t be enough to get me to open one of the cans and sniff the contents. And they left out the toilet paper pack, the mini pack (3 ciggies) of not-my-brand cigarettes, and the book of damp resistant matches as well as the p-38 can opener mentioned above,

We were required to keep an emergency food stash in Seoul. the easy answer was to stock a few cases of the C-rats still sold by the commissary (1979). Once the kids found out about the date-nut loaf, they got their own P-38s.

125 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Aug 26, 2014 12:35:23pm

re: #105 Lidane

I would hope it’s a parody, but there ARE some really stupid people out there. Some moran probably does think that Libertarianism is free.

It does’t cost the business owners anything.

126 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 12:35:31pm

re: #118 Schadenboner

Now now. Good done by the wicked is still good.

I wonder if Aqua Buddha commanded him to do this?

I would not want a free lasik operation by Rand Paul. It creeps me out to think of this guy fucking around inside people’s eyeballs.

127 Decatur Deb  Aug 26, 2014 12:36:26pm

re: #126 Pie-onist Overlord

I would not want a free lasik operation by Rand Paul. It creeps me out to think of this guy fucking around inside people’s eyeballs.

Hey—he’s board-certified !!

128 dog philosopher  Aug 26, 2014 12:38:12pm

6 Funerals Obama Cared Less

another abominable strawman glimpsed in the wild

129 Targetpractice  Aug 26, 2014 12:38:13pm

re: #123 Schadenboner

One combination Rooshin’ phrase book and bible…

Shoot, fella could have a good week in Vegas with this stuff.


130 Minor_L  Aug 26, 2014 12:38:24pm

re: #88 Charles Johnson

I sometimes feel like they do it in the “even the conservative Little Green Footballs took Hoft to task…” kind of way. Like, “even the liberal New Republic…” As if it carries more heft if conservatives are criticizing another conservative.

131 BeachDem  Aug 26, 2014 12:41:00pm

re: #88 Charles Johnson

It’s a really nice write-up - but unfortunately, once again, it refers to LGF as “conservative-leaning.” It’s been a long time since that was true, but I’ve been seeing people say this all over the place since the “eye socket” story broke.

It’s like calling MTV a “music video channel.”

The more you get mentioned by NON-conservative sites, the more people will get the right info. I know that’s what it took for me—somebody posted a quote from you and I asked “When did LGF turn from Little Green Freepballs (what some of us affectionately called the site) to sanity?”

I was referred to your ‘why I left the right’ article and interview and then started reading regularly and citing you in blog posts.

You should contact Joan Walsh to spread the word at Salon.

132 Kid A  Aug 26, 2014 12:42:31pm

Never mind. Salon piece already posted.

133 b.d.  Aug 26, 2014 12:44:02pm

re: #114 Pie-onist Overlord

What do they eat off of after she shoots all the dishes?

[Embedded content]

Who said it was a woman’s job to take care of the household?

134 Schadenboner  Aug 26, 2014 12:44:23pm

re: #126 Pie-onist Overlord

I would not want a free lasik operation by Rand Paul. It creeps me out to think of this guy fucking around inside people’s eyeballs.

While I agree that Dr. Paul doing it would make it worse, the mere thought of getting lasik is skin-crawlingly terrifying to me already.

Plus I’m in front of a computer 16x7x365 so Lasik is probably a bad idea (staring at a screen slows down your blink rate which can lead to eye drying, this is also a problem with contacts, that and the whole “touching my eye” thing…)

135 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Aug 26, 2014 12:44:46pm

re: #132 Kid A

I would correct the writer that LGF is not “conservative-leaning.” Other than that, a good piece on the right-wing derp machine.

If you look at it over a historical perspective, perhaps…

136 wrenchwench  Aug 26, 2014 12:45:33pm

re: #133 b.d.

Who said it was a woman’s job to take care of the household?

Certainly not Rosie. She let the place go to hell while she was building ships.

137 Gus  Aug 26, 2014 12:45:55pm

re: #132 Kid A

I would correct the writer that LGF is not “conservative-leaning.” Other than that, a good piece on the right-wing derp machine.

Enter Jim Hoft — the man often described as the stupidest man on the Internet, by people on both the left and the right.

See last link.

138 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Aug 26, 2014 12:46:25pm

re: #88 Charles Johnson

It’s a really nice write-up - but unfortunately, once again, it refers to LGF as “conservative-leaning.” It’s been a long time since that was true, but I’ve been seeing people say this all over the place since the “eye socket” story broke.

It’s like calling MTV a “music video channel.”

Have to admit I used to loathe this site (many years ago) but remember the flip (I think it was Balloon-juice where I heard about it) then started reading here and hanging out more and why I became a supporting member.

Anyone can change/come around.

139 klys  Aug 26, 2014 12:46:37pm

re: #137 Gus

See last link.

I would grant we’re probably more centrist than the folks used for the “left” link but that’s about as much as I’d grant.

140 lawhawk  Aug 26, 2014 12:47:06pm
141 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Aug 26, 2014 12:47:27pm
142 dog philosopher  Aug 26, 2014 12:47:36pm


when are radical idiotocratists gonna stop hiding behind the inaccurate term “conservative”?

143 Gus  Aug 26, 2014 12:48:19pm

Not prostrating oneself on the altar of The Mighty Greenwald = conservative!

144 Gus  Aug 26, 2014 12:48:46pm

No biggie. It’s still Salon.

145 Skip Intro  Aug 26, 2014 12:49:07pm

re: #112 Pie-onist Overlord

Is Boortz still on the radio, because if he is I suggest that all stations broadcasting near his frequency expand theirs just to give the finger to the FCC.

146 wrenchwench  Aug 26, 2014 12:50:32pm

re: #143 Gus

Not prostrating oneself on the altar of The Mighty Greenwald = conservative!

Yup. Current misconceptions coexist with old misconceptions.

Never was a RWNJ site. Had some RWNJ commenters, for sure, though.

147 Charles Johnson  Aug 26, 2014 12:50:39pm

re: #143 Gus

Not prostrating oneself on the altar of The Mighty Greenwald = conservative!

Actually, I think they’re just going on old stereotypes - doubt it has to do with Greenwald. Inertia is a bitch.

148 Schadenboner  Aug 26, 2014 12:51:07pm

re: #140 lawhawk

9-year-old girl accidentally shot him in the head with an Uzi he was showing her how to use.

What in the literal fuck?

149 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 26, 2014 12:51:33pm

re: #140 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

A fucking Uzi.

A nine year old girl with an Uzi.

The guy dies for being an utter, irredeemable idiot.

I let my kid shoot a semi auto weapon last week. He is 14…and I still hovered over him to make sure he didn’t swing the rifle around (which he almost did once)…and that was a .22.

150 makeitstop  Aug 26, 2014 12:52:20pm

re: #141 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Megyn Kelly tries to bait a black pastor into slamming Al Sharpton and gets punked.

Is it me, or is Megyn’s chin getting pointier?

151 Gus  Aug 26, 2014 12:52:42pm

The Right™

152 BeenHereAwhile  Aug 26, 2014 12:53:19pm

re: #80 William Barnett-Lewis

Oh, yeah. I never liked tobasco personally but you have to have ways to deal with the sameness of the rations over any length of time. I liked a spice mix or one of the lemon pepper salt mixes out there. Of course nothing could salvage ham & lima beans…

ham & lima beans… AKA ham and motherfuckers

153 Decatur Deb  Aug 26, 2014 12:53:23pm

re: #140 lawhawk

“This is a rarity for something like this to happen,” the spokeswoman said.

Not so much. A kid about 9 killed himself at a range with an Uzi a couple years ago. Same recoil-control dynamic.

154 Bulworth  Aug 26, 2014 12:54:43pm


Yeah, me, too.

Of course when I started off reading and blogging my daily diet of blogs ranged all the way from the mainstream left to the really wacky left. I was a faithful Greenwald reader for several years. Regularly checked in at Kos, Atrios, etc.

This place is my only regular stop these days.

Some of my favorite bloggers from the early days quit blogging or passed away.

155 Decatur Deb  Aug 26, 2014 12:55:43pm

re: #148 Schadenboner

What in the literal fuck?

Kid is going to ace the “How I spent my summer vacation” assignment.

157 All-Consuming God-Monster One  Aug 26, 2014 12:56:51pm

re: #155 Decatur Deb

Rough chuckle is rough. :(

158 Schadenboner  Aug 26, 2014 12:57:13pm

re: #155 Decatur Deb

Kid is going to ace the “How I spent my summer vacation” assignment.

I lol’ed. Then I felt sorta bad about it.

159 Schadenboner  Aug 26, 2014 12:57:52pm

re: #156 Lidane

Bill Kristol: What’s the Harm in Bombing ISIS and Seeing What Happens?

This sounds like a sober, realpolitik-based approach to foreign policy.

160 b.d.  Aug 26, 2014 12:59:47pm

re: #156 Lidane

Bill Kristol: What’s the Harm in Bombing ISIS and Seeing What Happens?


161 wrenchwench  Aug 26, 2014 1:00:20pm

My twitter notifications thingy is broken again. Says I have two notifications, but no matter how many times I check, I have none.

162 Jenner7  Aug 26, 2014 1:01:41pm

re: #141 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

I especially liked how she lectured him on getting all the facts first, yet the network she works for keeps peddling a third hand account of Darren Wilson’s side of the story, along with the eye socket lie, AND the idea that Mike Brown’s hands were weapons. OH, and the all important, Mike Brown is a criminal.

So, excuse me Megyn, but FUCK YOU.

Sorry, harsh, but true.

163 Mentis Fugit  Aug 26, 2014 1:02:30pm

re: #89 Eclectic Cyborg

I wonder how many of the RW militia types would freak the hell out if they ever had to make do with only rations.

I’m thinking there’s an opportunity there. Sell them “Military-Spec Mountain Dew”.

Mil-Dew for short.

164 Gus  Aug 26, 2014 1:03:11pm

Thought we were already bombing ISIS.

165 allegro  Aug 26, 2014 1:03:16pm

re: #162 Jenner7

So, excuse me Megyn, but FUCK YOU.

Sorry, harsh, but true.

Sounds more like fair and balanced. :D

166 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Aug 26, 2014 1:03:19pm

re: #150 makeitstop

Is it me, or is Megyn’s chin getting pointier?

slow motion over time pinnochio effect.

167 b.d.  Aug 26, 2014 1:03:40pm

BTW, I’m really glad that we got Assad’s chemical weapons taken away from him before he either lost them to ISIS or used them again.

That is one big victory that sure as hell doesn’t get any press time.

168 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Aug 26, 2014 1:04:11pm

re: #162 Jenner7

Sorry, harsh, but true.

Not harsh enough IMO.

169 b.d.  Aug 26, 2014 1:04:21pm

re: #164 Gus

Thought we were already bombing ISIS.


170 Gus  Aug 26, 2014 1:04:51pm

re: #169 b.d.


Well, there is that.

171 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Aug 26, 2014 1:04:55pm

re: #167 b.d.

BTW, I’m really glad that we got Assad’s chemical weapons taken away from him before he either lost them to ISIS or used them again.

That is one big victory that sure as hell doesn’t get any press time.

Yeah. I mean we went into Iraq to keep WMD from falling into the hand of terrorists right…right? *crickets*

172 GunstarGreen  Aug 26, 2014 1:07:48pm

re: #145 Skip Intro

Is Boortz still on the radio, because if he is I suggest that all stations broadcasting near his frequency expand theirs just to give the finger to the FCC.

Boortz retired a bit under a year ago, so technically no.

However, he still frequently appears in advertising for WSB Radio here in Georgiastan, and still has a daily 2-minute or so segment every morning and afternoon, so he’s not really gone. Understandable, given how much of WSB’s cachet with its audience came from Boortz over the years.

It’s a damn pity, just how far he slid into raving RWNJ territory after Royal Marshal died. Royal was the only set of brakes on Boortz’s crazy train.

173 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 26, 2014 1:09:20pm

I’d say that LGF (in general) prolly agrees with Salon on everything but the NSA-GG-Snowden thing.

174 lawhawk  Aug 26, 2014 1:11:36pm

re: #164 Gus

Thought we were already bombing ISIS.

It’s just a line on a map. /

Seriously though, I don’t think people - including the nitwits in Congress - know anything about ISIS, where it operates, and what it does, let alone what the US has been doing in the region.

The US has carried out airstrikes against ISIS across Northern and Western Iraq, including in retaking the dam outside Mosul. They’ll continue airstrikes as deemed necessary inside Iraq. The question is whether to conduct airstrikes against ISIS inside Syria.

As you know, the problems are far more complicated in that regard, because if you say you’re bombing ISIS, then you’re tacitly helping out Assad who’s busy with his democide. If you go after Assad, you’re tacitly helping ISIS, which is busy trying to carry out its genocidal program. So, you pick the least bad option, which is…. *drumroll* bomb both/neither.

Or you hope that France picks up the slack. Or Israel does everyone’s dirty work. Or…

It’s a mess, and there are no good answers. But Congress will get to it after they get back from their recess. You’re interrupting their vacation in the meantime.

175 Schadenboner  Aug 26, 2014 1:12:14pm

re: #173 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

I’d say that LGF (in general) prolly agrees with Salon on everything but the NSA-GG-Snowden thing.

Slate’s better but yes, this.

176 Jack Burton  Aug 26, 2014 1:13:12pm

As far as the whole “conservative leaning” thing is concerned…

Most people can’t think outside of that left/right box. I don’t really want to put words in Charles mouth or speak for him but, my view of LGF has always been that it’s on what Charles and the community consider to be the non-crazy, non-stupid, non-hate side of current politics rather than left/right.

When the site was called “right wing” was from 9/11 until about 2006-2007 when most of the crazy/stupid/paranoid/bullshit was coming from left of center. The glibertarian kooks and the conspiracy theory crowd was in communion with the left at the time. So LGF wasn’t. Also, the left, like the right, has always has a problem with it’s own brand of antisemitism so that didn’t help either (remember The Protocols of the Daily Kos series?)

Then 2006-2007 came and things started to normalize. The anti-jihad crowd started to make it clear that most of them were really just anti-muslim bigots, so Charles dropped them like a bad habit. The Pro-Israeli crowd on the right proved to just be Pro-Israel because “fuck Muslims and JESUS needs a place to come back to!!!11”

The crazy from the right started to outpace the crazy from the left. A black man and a woman ran for president. The right went into rabid racist and misogynist mode and has been there ever since. The democrats are “in power” now so the glibertarian dudebro kooks are now in communion with the right.

So IMO, LGF didn’t move around much. Everything else moved around it. The whole story is much more complicated (as the real world tends to be) but that is the gist of it.

177 BeachDem  Aug 26, 2014 1:13:12pm

And going back to the Walmart shooting in Beavercreek, OH—

Video shows police shot Ohio man ‘on sight’ as he leaned on toy gun in Walmart, attorney says

Oh, but Mike DeWine (don’t even get me started) says he was glad he had allowed Crawford’s family to view the surveillance video, but he did not plan to publicly release the video to avoid tainting the jury pool.

Yeah, because the 20,000 previous cop-oriented versions couldn’t possibly do that. Sigh.

Edited to add:

Sgt. David Darkow, one of the officers involved in the shooting, has already been allowed to resume his duties.

The other officer, Sean Williams, remains on administrative leave.

178 Eventual Carrion  Aug 26, 2014 1:16:24pm

re: #78 Eclectic Cyborg

Funny, I never knew boys were supposed to use drugs to chase girls.

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.
- Ogden Nash, Hard Lines

179 Franklin  Aug 26, 2014 1:19:31pm

re: #177 BeachDem

I am reading that article, wondering what living hell it must have been for the parents to watch it.

180 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 26, 2014 1:19:41pm

re: #176 Jack Burton

Sorry, I disagree. LGF used to be RWNJ, and the alleged craziness of the center-left - assuming it ever existed - was always exceeded by the right-wing craziness throughout the whole period.

181 makeitstop  Aug 26, 2014 1:19:42pm

re: #178 Eventual Carrion

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker,
You can drink all the liquor down in Costa Ricka.
(Ain’t nobody’s business but your own.)

—Taj Mahal

182 wrenchwench  Aug 26, 2014 1:20:45pm

re: #161 wrenchwench

My twitter notifications thingy is broken again. Says I have two notifications, but no matter how many times I check, I have none.

Klys fixed it! She’s a genius!

183 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Aug 26, 2014 1:20:57pm
184 Gus  Aug 26, 2014 1:21:29pm

O.o I am what I am. BBL

185 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 26, 2014 1:21:36pm

re: #140 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Where were all the good guys with the guns?

186 Jack Burton  Aug 26, 2014 1:22:57pm

re: #180 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Sorry, I disagree. LGF used to be RWNJ, and the alleged craziness of the center-left - assuming it ever existed - was always exceeded by the right-wing craziness throughout the whole period.

I said the story was more complicated. That said even in 2004 I wouldn’t have called Charles Johnson a right wing nut job, and if you are then you have an overly simplistic view of things.

187 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 26, 2014 1:23:53pm

re: #186 Jack Burton

I said the story was more complicated. That said even in 2004 I wouldn’t have called Charles Johnson a right wing nut job, and if you are then you have an overly simplistic view of things.

Or maybe you do.

188 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 26, 2014 1:25:24pm

re: #183 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Cop said handcuffed prisoner “shot himself in the back” Autopsy shows entrance wound in the chest.

Another case of black man super powers, no doubt. He show himself in the chest while his hands were cuffed behind him to make the police look bad.


189 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 26, 2014 1:25:52pm

Gotta love revisionist history.

190 gwangung  Aug 26, 2014 1:26:58pm

re: #177 BeachDem

And going back to the Walmart shooting in Beavercreek, OH—

Video shows police shot Ohio man ‘on sight’ as he leaned on toy gun in Walmart, attorney says

Oh, but Mike DeWine (don’t even get me started) says he was glad he had allowed Crawford’s family to view the surveillance video, but he did not plan to publicly release the video to avoid tainting the jury pool.

Yeah, because the 20,000 previous cop-oriented versions couldn’t possibly do that. Sigh.

Edited to add:

Sgt. David Darkow, one of the officers involved in the shooting, has already been allowed to resume his duties.

The other officer, Sean Williams, remains on administrative leave.

So, basically, carrying a gun into Target, Kroger, etc. is just an exercise in white privilege, not in 2nd Amendment rights.

191 BeachDem  Aug 26, 2014 1:27:48pm

re: #179 Franklin

I am reading that article, wondering what living hell it must have been for the parents to watch it.

Just awful, I imagine—and they’d all already heard what transpired, as he was talking to his girlfriend on the phone when it happened.

I guess when whiter-than-white Beavercreek fought to keep buses from bringing “those people” into town, they forgot that some of them would be driving into their little haven.

Mostly-White Ohio Suburb Fighting To Prevent Mostly-Black Bus-Riders From Entering Community

Mostly-White Ohio Suburb Gives In, Allows Mostly-Black Bus-Riders Into Community

192 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Aug 26, 2014 1:27:58pm

re: #176 Jack Burton

I was also impressed that the site was staunchly anti-Creationist and even most of the conservatives here offered reasonable arguments and not just knee-jerk piss-of-a-liberal rants.

193 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Aug 26, 2014 1:29:40pm

Charles may not have been a total RWNJ but there were plenty of others here who really, really were and they contributed to the rep LGF had. And admittedly a lot were pissed over Rathergate which did not help.

Personally after everything settled down Charles was right, and I think the doc was a forgery and CBS/Dan Rather took a big hit running with it. But that being said, this site had a “come to Jesus” meeting so to speak and things are way different.

I wish I had been here to witness the great flouncing since it sounds like it was pretty epic.

194 BeachDem  Aug 26, 2014 1:30:30pm

re: #188 Aunty Entity Dragon

Another case of black man super powers, no doubt. He show himself in the chest while his hands were cuffed behind him to make the police look bad.


But before they found out he shot himself in the chest while cuffed, the cops said he shot himself in the back while cuffed. OBVIOUSLY suicide. ///

195 wrenchwench  Aug 26, 2014 1:31:38pm

re: #187 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Or maybe you do.

You both do!


I think it was never RWNJ because: no racism; no sexism; no anti-abortion (the topic was banned for a time to keep flame wars down); no small-govt crapola.

But there was a rightist bent on foreign policy and national security. There was too much anti-Islam sentiment. I think when Frank disappeared for a while, it may have been out of deference to the religious righties who populated the comments.

196 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Aug 26, 2014 1:31:55pm

re: #193 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

I joined the site around then but was not a regular visitor or contributor when that was going down.

197 wrenchwench  Aug 26, 2014 1:33:32pm

re: #193 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

I wish I had been here to witness the great flouncing since it sounds like it was pretty epic.

That it was.

198 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Aug 26, 2014 1:34:54pm

re: #195 wrenchwench

The racism/sexism of the right has always been there, the catalyst for it coming out in plain view was the 08 election.

199 wrenchwench  Aug 26, 2014 1:38:00pm

re: #198 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

The racism/sexism of the right has always been there, the catalyst for it coming out in plain view was the 08 election.

It’s always been in plain view. It has higher contrast now because the left/Democrats are not as racist and sexist as they used to be.

200 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Aug 26, 2014 1:38:07pm

re: #198 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

The racism/sexism of the right has always been there, the catalyst for it coming out in plain view was the 08 election.

The GOP also tried to play it down in public, but with the Tea Party’s ascendancy, they lost control of the message.

201 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 26, 2014 1:38:35pm

re: #195 wrenchwench

All elements at once don’t have to be present for something to be R or LWNJ. The anti-Muslim element alone was so strong that the site would have qualified. And, as you have indicated, there were also other things.

202 wrenchwench  Aug 26, 2014 1:40:56pm

re: #201 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

All elements at once don’t have to be present for something to be R or LWNJ. The anti-Muslim element alone was so strong that the site would have qualified. And, as you have indicated, there were also other things.

Does it come down to the definition of Nut Job?

203 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 26, 2014 1:42:43pm

re: #202 wrenchwench

Does it come down to the definition of Nut Job?

Were Fjordman posts nutjob?

204 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Aug 26, 2014 1:44:10pm

re: #201 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

I think that’s the thing that stood out most was the anti-muslim bigotry and hate that I would hear about. Granted I never came here to see for myself just like I wouldn’t be caught dead reading Breitbart or any of the other RWNJ blogs to see what they were saying. It’s stomach turning enough to read what some copy and post here.

I look at it like a bar. Sure the bar tender may be a great guy but if the bar is loaded with KKK members then I wouldn’t be going to that bar. In this case the bar tender took the bat from behind the bar and chased said crazies out.

205 wrenchwench  Aug 26, 2014 1:44:57pm

re: #203 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Were Fjordman posts nutjob?


206 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 26, 2014 1:48:12pm

I appreciate LGF so much exactly because of the U-turn Charles made. Saying that LGF never moved anywhere is preposterous. And I’m through with this topic.

207 Jack Burton  Aug 26, 2014 1:58:02pm

The come to Jesus Moment was not one but several.

The Righties started howling about Creationism a lot and it got to a point where it was not something that could be ignored regardless of any other common causes,,,

The Common causes turned out to be way more complicated and nuanced than any one was able to see coming out of 9/11. Time heals all so as the reality came into focus, Fjordman, and Robert Spenser and Pamela Gellar and the whole rogues gallery of anti-muslim bigot maniacs stuck out like a sore thumb so they could be seen for who and what they really were. Especially since over time they made far less effort to hide it.

A few of us who bought a lot of the denialist bullshit on AGW were convinced that we were refusing to see the truth for dumb reasons (for example, my AGW denialism was because I didn’t agree with the solutions being offered at the time, so I just disregarded it out of hand.) Being that we are rational people who generally don’t subscribe to magical thinking it was only a matter of time before we, Charles included, came around on the subject. Those who didn’t left or were shown to the door.

This happened at the same time as:

The left stopped comparing GWB to Hitler. They marginalized the 9/11 truthers in their midst. They started to crack down on antisemitism on their blogs (they still have work to do on this one). They stopped letting Hamas supporters and communists co-opt their unrelated protests with no comment or resistance. I didn’t hear CNN anchors talking about GWB reinstating the draft anymore. I didn’t see mainstream left of center websites ranting about how Bush was going to declare martial law with some obscure continuity of government executive order.

In other words, the calmer heads on the left side of the aisle started to take over, just when the right was going from a simmering but manageable crazy to ORLY Taitz.

208 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 26, 2014 2:02:18pm

re: #207 Jack Burton

The left stopped comparing GWB to Hitler. They marginalized the 9/11 truthers in their midst. They started to crack down on antisemitism on their blogs (they still have work to do on this one). They stopped letting Hamas supporters and communists co-opt their unrelated protests with no comment or resistance.

None of this was ever mainstream on the left, at all.

209 Jack Burton  Aug 26, 2014 2:04:25pm

re: #208 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

None of this was ever mainstream on the left, at all.

It’s apparently all about perception. I’m not going to dig up six years worth of evidence and data dump it here. We all apparently have our revisionist history today.

210 Tigger2  Aug 26, 2014 2:18:09pm

re: #112 Pie-onist Overlord


[Embedded content]

Until those Independent people need it, then it’s get out of my way don’t stand in between me and what the Gov owes me.

211 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 26, 2014 2:22:03pm

re: #209 Jack Burton

It’s apparently all about perception. I’m not going to dig up six years worth of evidence and data dump it here. We all apparently have our revisionist history today.

No, it’s not all a matter of perception. For example, nobody except the fringiest of Democrats ever even flirted with 9/11 truthiness, or with outright communists. Republicans, on the other hand, embraced birtherism full-bore and associate freely with white supremacists, Birchers, lunatic preachers with absolutely no problem.

212 Jack Burton  Aug 26, 2014 2:31:11pm

re: #211 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

No, it’s not all a matter of perception. For example, nobody except the fringiest of Democrats ever even flirted with 9/11 truthiness, or with outright communists. Republicans, on the other hand, embraced birtherism full-bore and associate freely with white supremacists, Birchers, lunatic preachers with absolutely no problem.

If you are saying that the left’s crazy was no where near as bad as the right’s is now (which is over 9000) and not as widely subscribed to, I’ll agree with that. Thinking otherwise is MBF bullshit. As for claiming that it was the fringe only, we are just going to have to agree to disagree. I spent very little time watching fringe far left news or going to the left’s versions of Free Republic and I saw this. A lot. Every day. It was bad enough to turn off many people who were not raving conservative crypto-fascist maniacs.

213 WhatEVs  Aug 26, 2014 2:56:28pm

re: #183 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Cop said handcuffed prisoner “shot himself in the back” Autopsy shows entrance wound in the chest.

And it’s still listed that his death was by suicide.

214 alpuz  Aug 26, 2014 4:16:49pm

My first intro to LGF was when I used to post at ThinkProgress. The links to this site were always from the dipshits who are now stalking LGF.

They were psychos back then, and they’re psychos today.

Once upon awhile ago I referred to this place as ‘little freep goofballs’.

Then one day, I posted that over at TP. Immediately I was corrected by a commenter who disagreed with me by supplying a link to LGF. I lurked for a good 6 months or so and eventually signed up during an ‘open registration’ window.

I’m glad I did. I get more info here than anywhere on any news medium. Both TP & TPM changed their comment sections weekly(due to the stalker dipshits who would organize a site take down) that I found somewhat of a peaceful dialogue here, with a well thought out comment section. Well, then I was introduced to KT - but that’s neither here nor there.

Anyhow, LGF has brought knowledge and sanity to the constant stream of MBF bullshit I read on other forums, and I appreciate it.

My grammar sucks, my punctuation is even worse, but I’ve found a reliable source for info about just what in the goddam hell is going on out there.

Not suckin’ up, but thanks Charles… you’ve got some seriously big brass balls(no offense to those w/out said brass balls).

215 Goldenpipewrench  Aug 26, 2014 5:45:17pm

tidbits are just a tease…..

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