Monday Night Art: Steven Wilson, “Routine”

A gorgeous animated film set to Steven Wilson’s music
Music • Views: 51,027


“Amongst the hundreds of songs I have written over the years, ‘Routine’ has a very special place. It’s a deeply sad story of loss and denial, but at its conclusion the clouds lift and there is acceptance at least. Having worked with her on 3 previous videos, I knew as soon as I wrote it that it was perfect for Jess to do something amazing with. Even then nothing prepared me for the organic beauty and power of the film she made, a painstaking labour of love that took her months to produce. When we play the song live I look out into the audience and see people swept away with emotion at the combination of music and animation. To find poetry and beauty in sadness is a wonderful thing I think” - Steven Wilson

Directed by Jess Cope

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teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 9:14:27pm

Hey Charles, remember when an airline broke one of your guitars?

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 9:19:02pm

I’ve only flown with ski equipment twice, once on the way to Europe and once on the way back. I got my ski equipment back in Denver about 10 hours after I had landed in Denver. My shit ended up on another plane at Heathrow. Imagine that. No damage, fortunately.

prairiefire  Nov 2, 2015 • 9:19:24pm

Poignant video.

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 2, 2015 • 9:30:06pm

I guess it’s the Canadian in me, but I initially misread the title as “Poutine”.

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 9:58:59pm

re: #4 Eclectic Cyborg

I guess it’s the Canadian in me, but I initially misread the title as “Poutine”.

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:04:43pm

3% of surveyed atheists believe in Hell? That has to be within the margin of error!

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:09:46pm

But church aid is superior, right?

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:09:56pm

re: #6 teleskiguy

A plus six jump in BUDDHISTS??? What the?

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:11:39pm

re: #7 teleskiguy

Notice how all the Christian denominations are nearly at or over 50% for “Does more harm than good” except for Historically Black (surprise, surprise) and, of all things, Jehovah’s Witnesses.

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:11:41pm

re: #8 Eclectic Cyborg

A plus six jump in HINDUSBUDDHISTS??? What the?


Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:12:46pm


Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:13:06pm

re: #10 teleskiguy

Aww, you got me. Original fixed but the point still stands. :P

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:14:49pm

re: #12 Eclectic Cyborg

We all make mistakes. Hell, some of us have said some shit that should never have been said. LGF is cool like that, though. We can evolve. We believe in that shit!

IngisKahn  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:17:49pm

Today I learned from LGF’s talk page on Wikipedia that this site clearly only became anti-Islamophobic “as a means of prosecuting a personal vendetta”…

I edited the LGF logo on that page, BTW (still used the old moonbat pic). Like all Wikipedia edits, I have no clue if that was the right thing to do.

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:22:19pm

re: #14 IngisKahn

I’m frankly surprised by the pre-2007 reputation LGF is still known for. Too many people out there still think this place is Pam Geller’s and iowahawk’s favorite place to hang out. The incredibly baffling thing is that all those folks that still ascribe LGF as being a conservative haven most likely haven’t even looked at the site to see for themselves that it’s not.

IngisKahn  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:30:06pm

re: #15 teleskiguy

Lotta hurt feels out there I guess. It’s all a haze to me. I’m just lucky this site began to turn the corner around the same time I realized what a horrible fool I’d been. So I never had to flounce off as it were.

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:34:19pm

re: #16 IngisKahn

If you had to ask me, I’d say the rift turned into a gulf turned into a fissure turned into a chasm during what I call the Great LGF Creationist Purge. That was a real turning point, in my eyes, for LGF. It all started here, an innocuous post about Ben Stein’s awful and fully discredited film “Expelled.” IMHO

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:41:43pm

re: #17 teleskiguy

If you had to ask me, I’d say the rift turned into a gulf turned into a fissure turned into a chasm during what I call the Great LGF Creationist Purge. That was a real turning point, in my eyes, with LGF. It all started here, an innocuous post about Ben Stein’s awful and fully discredited film “Expelled.” IMHO

So did it end with “Why I parted ways with the right” or did it go on for sometime after that?

Also, holy crap: 2357 COMMENTS?? Was LGF busier back then or did that one just really hit a nerve. Judging by your earlier comment I suspect the latter.

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:43:43pm

re: #18 Eclectic Cyborg

So did it end with “Why I parted ways with the right” or did it go on for sometime after that?

From the Great Creationist Purge all the way to Why I Parted Ways With The Right and beyond, it was flounce-o-rama around here. 2007-2010 was interesting and volatile, from my point of view. Others may differ.

IngisKahn  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:46:38pm

re: #17 teleskiguy

Man, it’s such a bizarro world looking at those comments. But my dings are there as testament!

William Lewis  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:52:34pm

re: #17 teleskiguy

If you had to ask me, I’d say the rift turned into a gulf turned into a fissure turned into a chasm during what I call the Great LGF Creationist Purge. That was a real turning point, in my eyes, with LGF. It all started here, an innocuous post about Ben Stein’s awful and fully discredited film “Expelled.” IMHO

Well, now that was interesting. Even more interesting scanning the handful of names I recognize from starting here a year and a half later (nope, I do not miss Mandy…) and the smaller handful who are still here as lizards of good standing.

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:54:00pm

re: #20 IngisKahn

Heh! I like to look at it and call it evolution. Evolution isn’t strictly biological. It involves our ideas and how we express ourselves. And, being a reader of LGF since at least 2004, I can attest to evolution in action and the results being better than before.

Don’t be a stranger, IngisKahn! Be sure to have fun.

Kragar  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:54:03pm

re: #21 William Lewis

Well, now that was interesting. Even more interesting scanning the handful of names I recognize from starting here a year and a half later (nope, I do not miss Mandy…) and the smaller handful who are still here as lizards of good standing.

And yet somehow, I missed out on that whole thread.

IngisKahn  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:57:38pm

re: #22 teleskiguy

You see, the problem with commenting here too much is that my stealth down-dings won’t be as biting.

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 10:59:02pm

re: #21 William Lewis

Well, now that was interesting. Even more interesting scanning the handful of names I recognize from starting here a year and a half later (nope, I do not miss Mandy…) and the smaller handful who are still here as lizards of good standing.

Seriously, I’ve never seen such a shift at a website, to this day. Those days were heady. I was completing college at the time. I remember them well.

Then again, Charles has been putting up LGF for almost 15 years, there’s few websites that equal. So much has gone on here.

But I get to be teleskiguy! Why not? follow me on that FaceSpace stuff! @teleskiguy

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 11:03:01pm

re: #24 IngisKahn

You see, the problem with commenting here too much is that my stealth down-dings won’t be as biting.

It sounds like you *look* for things to downding. I may be wrong, but…

I don’t want to downding *anybody* here unless I really *really* need to. It has to be really egregious, wrong, self-defeating or ugly. I don’t like it when I have to downding folks here.

Stealth-downdinging? I don’t know what that is.

IngisKahn  Nov 2, 2015 • 11:09:58pm

re: #26 teleskiguy

If we had ding-stats I’d be far, far to the up side, but I’ve always viewed dinging as no big deal. I’ve never commented here much, so for me, I up ding if I really agree, down ding if I don’t.

Pisses some people off, but I find that pretty silly.

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 11:14:37pm

re: #27 IngisKahn

If I were you, I’d keep doing what you’re doing. I get random downdings a lot, and I pay no mind, I’ve got Karma to burn, y’know. I was just saying that I don’t want to downding unless it’s necessary. I see a lot of stuff I don’t agree with in the comments at LGF. 99% of the time I don’t ding it at all, plus or minus. That’s just me.

Oh, the only way you get Karma is to post things for folks to upding! So…throw some chum into the pool!

Somehow I think this picture from The Simpsons best represents the GOP today.
William Lewis  Nov 2, 2015 • 11:16:32pm

re: #27 IngisKahn

Pretty much how I view dinging though I blather plenty as well.

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 11:16:53pm

re: #27 IngisKahn

down ding if I don’t.

Pisses some people off, but I find that pretty silly.

You’d be surprised. Criticism is more welcome than in times past.

IngisKahn  Nov 2, 2015 • 11:22:59pm

re: #28 teleskiguy

If only we could spend that karma for extra big nasty dings :p

teleskiguy  Nov 2, 2015 • 11:24:37pm

re: #31 IngisKahn

If only we could spend that karma for extra big nasty dings :p

Up *or* down!


goddamnedfrank  Nov 2, 2015 • 11:34:08pm

Okay, this is pretty random but it’s late so fuck it, what else are you going to read?

Down at the east end of Simi Valley by the old Corrigan movie ranch there’s this house with a bunch of wingnut signs and I got to wondering what it looked like on Google Maps Street View.

Hit the gas Obama, she’s on to us!

It’s hard to make out the signs but I remember them being totally crazy, the pistol shaped warning sign gives you a taste of that. Also one of the signs on the right says “If you can read this you’re in range,” which is nice. Anyway as the Google Street View car goes down the street she keeps looking at it, hands on her hips, because she knows that shit is suspicious as fuck. Goddamned Obama taking pictures of her survival compound!

Anyway this got me thinking, there should be a Tumblr or something for crazy house living gun nut asshole America. Unfortunately I live in an gated community and the insane people in my immediate vicinity only show themselves during monthly HOA meetings, when the horrible old-fuckers all show up en masse and complain about the most inane bullshit imaginable. Unfortunately the local CC&R’s have my local retards all bottled up and they aren’t allowed to let their freak flag fly like this, which makes me sad.

Somebody should travel the US and then publish a modern book of photography in the vein of Robert Frank’s The Americans, focusing on these people before they all grow old and die. I’d totally do it but I don’t want to get shot.

Ace-o-aces  Nov 2, 2015 • 11:59:44pm

re: #6 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

3% of surveyed atheists believe in Hell? That has to be within the margin of error!

I’m more interested that 22% of Jews believe in hell. I’m like, “We don’t have a hell guys, didn’t you listen in Hebrew school?”

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:02:37am

re: #34 Ace-o-aces

I’m more interested that 22% of Jews believe in hell. I’m like, “We don’t have a hell guys, didn’t you listen in Hebrew school?”

“Jews don’t have Hell—we have acid reflux.”

—Howard Wolowitz

teleskiguy  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:26:06am


Ace-o-aces  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:27:27am

re: #18 Eclectic Cyborg

So did it end with “Why I parted ways with the right” or did it go on for sometime after that?

Also, holy crap: 2357 COMMENTS?? Was LGF busier back then or did that one just really hit a nerve. Judging by your earlier comment I suspect the latter.

A lot of deleted accounts on that thread too.

Ace-o-aces  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:34:33am

It’s times like this I’m sorry I don’t believe in hell.

IngisKahn  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:39:29am

re: #37 Ace-o-aces

And many of them I see I up-dinged. Proponents of science and reason… until they got to the topics of being a decent human being.

Amory Blaine  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:45:30am

re: #33 goddamnedfrank

Like wardriving, for nutjobs.

goddamnedfrank  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:50:33am

re: #36 teleskiguy


Timothy Watson  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:54:48am

re: #38 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]

It’s times like this I’m sorry I don’t believe in hell.

As a long-time agent of Iranian intelligence, I’m sure they’ll look after his family.

teleskiguy  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:09:13am

re: #41 goddamnedfrank


wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:14:27am

re: #19 teleskiguy

From the Great Creationist Purge all the way to Why I Parted Ways With The Right and beyond, it was flounce-o-rama around here. 2007-2010 was interesting and volatile, from my point of view. Others may differ.

May 2010 is when I was finally able to register an account here. I think that was largely after the Big Flounce Event. I remember dimly that my first visits to LGF were earlier in 2009, but now I can’t remember precisely what brought me here. It may have been Charles’ break with the Right, or maybe someone at Ed Brayton’s site lured me over here.

I know I would not have come here while LGF was Islamophobic and hard right wing, except to step back and look incredulously at what I saw.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:29:44am

In today’s episode of Teenagers Showing Adults How to Do It, an Afghan girl, 14, teaches school in a Kabul slum.

Not a Sparkly Vampire  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:32:08am

re: #38 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]

It’s times like this I’m sorry I don’t believe in hell.

That man caused us so much unneeded tragedy.

Timothy Watson  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:50:43am

To my Virginia peeps: Have you voted yet?

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:02:39am

And another teenager, from Australia, wises up about her obsession with social media and scraps most of her Instagram posts.

I can think of some older people using Twitter and Facebook who could learn a thing or two from Essena O’Neill.

Not a Sparkly Vampire  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:13:57am

re: #47 Timothy Watson

To my Virginia peeps: Have you voted yet?

Boo Parrish!

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:32:35am

re: #34 Ace-o-aces

I’m more interested that 22% of Jews believe in hell. I’m like, “We don’t have a hell guys, didn’t you listen in Hebrew school?”

My kids don’t want to come for Pesach. :(

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:33:45am

re: #18 Eclectic Cyborg

So did it end with “Why I parted ways with the right” or did it go on for sometime after that?

Also, holy crap: 2357 COMMENTS?? Was LGF busier back then or did that one just really hit a nerve. Judging by your earlier comment I suspect the latter.

Comments were not disabled after a time limit IIRC.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:45:44am

I expect to see wingnuts flipping out over this==>

Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:48:57am

re: #14 IngisKahn

Today I learned from LGF’s talk page on Wikipedia that this site clearly only became anti-Islamophobic “as a means of prosecuting a personal vendetta”…

I edited the LGF logo on that page, BTW (still used the old moonbat pic). Like all Wikipedia edits, I have no clue if that was the right thing to do.

That’s what I was talking about yesterday - there are some Wikipedia editors who seem to really have a personal grudge against me. It sucks, because what’s going on at that page is basically character assassination.

Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:55:12am

Chuck has filed a motion to quash the mofo subpoena:

Scribd Document

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:59:46am

re: #54 Charles Johnson

Chuck has filed a motion to quash the mofo subpoena:

[Embedded content]

On Dec. 9? Isn’t that closing the barn door after the horses are gone?

Whack-A-Mole  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:01:22am

It appears UpChuck has a new attorney. Wonder if he’s actually paying this one or if he got this one courtesy of the right-wing grift.

Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:05:23am

re: #56 Whack-A-Mole

It appears UpChuck has a new attorney. Wonder if he’s actually paying this one or if he got this one courtesy of the right-wing grift.

That new attorney is a right wing nut he met on Facebook. Could be another pro bono thing.

Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:08:33am
ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:11:50am


Well, election day. Will Ohio pass Issue 3 Marijuana legalization with all the talk of monopolies and cartels?

And Columbus one way or another ends up with a new mayor. Will it be the Democrat City Council President Andy Ginther, or Democrat Sheriff Zack Scott? It will be tough losing long-time and very popular mayor Mike Coleman, a buddy of Obama, but everyone reaches retirement age eventually.

Oh, by the way…I saw people talking about past LGF and present LGF. I still remember what brought me to the site. It was a search for info on a rally that was help near the Franklin County courthouse in downtown Columbus.

I was coming west on Mound Street when I saw people gathered at a rally. I saw this one big guy looking straight at me as I sat in my car. He and a bunch of others were gathered right on the curb. I had no idea who he was, but I never forget a face. A search for local news on the rally lead me to the names Robert Spencer and Pam Geller. A further search on Spencer brought me to a page at LGF. I read, I liked.

That was about this same time of year in 2009. And it was all after the changes at LGF. So, in a way I find the past fascinating having not taken part. I doubt I would have been a member of the past, Had I read some of the stuff some of the older LGF members put up from that time period I would have stayed far away. Glad that it changed!

Robert Spencer at Rifqa Bary Rally in Columbus Ohio November 16, 2011
Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:15:20am

re: #6 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

3% of surveyed atheists believe in Hell? That has to be within the margin of error!

No, it means a notable percentage of Americans don’t understand enough English to take a fucking survey. Any survey.

A similar survey years ago showed that more Americans believed in angels than believed in a god. Angels were big on TV that year.

Joe Bacon  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:23:49am

re: #38 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]

It’s times like this I’m sorry I don’t believe in hell.

I’m sure his lover Judith Miller is all teary-eyed today.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:24:11am

re: #57 Charles Johnson

Chuck originally said he was not going to comply with the subpoena. Now he’s asking for more time to comply. same old same old

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:28:11am

re: #59 ObserverArt

Oh, Rifqa Bary. I followed that story on my blog. I wonder what happened to her. She was supposedly being groomed by her Christian rescuers to be some sort of traveling preacher who escaped the terrors of Islam with the help of Jesus and some rather sketchy Christians.

Joe Bacon  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:31:59am

re: #52 The Vicious Babushka

I expect to see wingnuts flipping out over this==>

[Embedded content]

I’m curious about the state by state breakdown on this. I bet you’ll see that this mortality spike is highest in red states that refused Medicaid expansion…

dharmamark  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:38:50am

re: #49 Not a Sparkly Vampire

After work. Go Ned Gallaway! I so wish I could vote against Parrish.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:41:55am

re: #15 teleskiguy

I’m frankly surprised by the pre-2007 reputation LGF is still known for. Too many people out there still think this place is Pam Geller’s and iowahawk’s favorite place to hang out. The incredibly baffling thing is that all those folks that still ascribe LGF as being a conservative haven most likely haven’t even looked at the site to see for themselves that it’s not.

Other than Charles, and a handful of posters (myself included), very few people from the 2007 days are still here, let alone actively posting. And I’ve been here since 10/2001, so to say that there’s been a sea change in who posts, why they post, the focus of the postings, etc.

Some people, on the other hand, refuse to give up the ghost about LGF and Charles in particular - making all kinds of claims that simply are untrue. But they do so because Charles is irrelevant (as they are fond of saying). Yet, they’re busy trying to parse out every statement, deny facts and circumstances of his break with the right and the Islamophobes, and otherwise are fixated on Charles even to the point of running stalker sites, stalking and harassing him on Twitter, etc.

And it’s to Charles’ credit that he still runs a tight ship here and polices the comments the way he does to keep the site troll-free.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:48:31am

re: #6 teleskiguy

3% of surveyed atheists believe in Hell? That has to be within the margin of error!

Maybe the 3% believe in Hel.

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:48:32am

Oops. That date on the image of Spencer should have been 2009.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:52:02am

Uccch so there is this derp in my mentions

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:52:50am

Whoever is the Democratic nominee should show up to the first general election debate with a list of questions the moderator should ask the Republican: “Do you like kittens?” “Do you stay inside the lines when you color?”

Bird in the Paw  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:55:43am

re: #60 Decatur Deb

No, it means a notable percentage of Americans don’t understand enough English to take a fucking survey. Any survey.

May I please upding this more times, please?

Not a Sparkly Vampire  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:56:15am
The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:56:26am

MOAR DERP in my mentions==>

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:57:59am

Automatic Block Activated==>

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:58:10am

re: #73 The Vicious Babushka

Exactly what dependencies are they talking about?

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:59:11am

re: #73 The Vicious Babushka

MOAR DERP in my mentions==>

[Embedded content]

yeah “free stuff” like quality education and health care as opposed to the Republicans who use the government as a gimme to their wealthy friends and tell you it’s minorities fault you don’t have good schools and health care.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:00:24am

re: #75 Belafon

Exactly what dependencies are they talking about?

The usual derp of Dem voters just want free stuff. As opposed to Republican voters who actually take more from the government than Democratic ones.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:00:42am

re: #75 Belafon

Exactly what dependencies are they talking about?

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:02:34am

Hey Dana, Hillary isn’t saying that, Carly is

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:04:18am

re: #79 The Vicious Babushka

Hey Dana, Hillary isn’t saying that, Carly is

[Embedded content]

Yeah I’m not a big Clinton fan but that’s not true at all. That definitely is Fiorina though and why the R’s chose Palin. Dana self projects yet again.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:05:09am

What a tsunami of derp==>

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:06:59am

re: #6 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

3% of surveyed atheists believe in Hell? That has to be within the margin of error!

My atheist niece believes in ghosts.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:07:08am

Let’s talk about dependence though. One party is fine with there being no price floor, little investment in public education, just saying tough shit if you get pregnant, etc. Republican policies create dependence. The New Deal, a much bigger government program than any current proposal created the modern American middle class.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:08:42am

re: #81 The Vicious Babushka

What a tsunami of derp==>

[Embedded content]

Aunt Tom? For any woman to go along with opposing equal pay is mind boggling especially a younger one. Shit Republican First Ladies in the 70’s supported ERA.

Dr. Matt  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:08:55am

I’ve voted for the Democratic Party since Clinton’s second term and I have yet to be promised any free stuff and I have yet to receive any free stuff. RWNJs really do live in an alternate reality.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:10:16am

re: #81 The Vicious Babushka

They might want to explain the wage gap for students who just graduate from college: This would be before women have families.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:11:38am

re: #85 Dr. Matt

I’ve voted for the Democratic Party since Clinton’s second term and I have yet to be promised any free stuff and I have yet to receive any free stuff. RWNJs really do live in an alternate reality.

It’s just a distraction from the reality that their rank and file is actually more government dependent. Government hands off my Medicare anyone? I don’t mind it but I wish Republican voters would shut the fuck up about how they’re all independent people and us Dem voters are just moochers looking for a handout. It’s not true at all.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:11:52am

I blocked Ms. Voldemort.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:16:52am

re: #86 Belafon

They might want to explain the wage gap for students who just graduate from college: This would be before women have families.

I put in a shit ton of overtime during my career, most of it unpaid because I was “salaried, exempt”

Ford pays contract engineers for overtime. GM does not (at least not while I was there)

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:18:14am

Huckabee has to go canned pheasant hunting to get the shot of him doing “manly” hunting stuff *grunt grunt*. The video shows what can only be surmised to be the release of a pheasant just yards away from Huckabee who then uses a goddamned hand cannon to take out the bird mere feet away.

That’s not sport. That’s not even hunting. It’s a BS photo-op that was exposed for all to see.

I get the appeal of hunting or fishing - especially if you’re hunting to collect meat for your family.

What Huckabee is doing? That aint hunting.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:19:41am

re: #89 The Vicious Babushka

“Salaried, exempt” is a great classification for companies since they can use all manner of pressure to get OT-level work out of employees without having to pay them accordingly. The IT world is rife with that kind of thing, as is the financial industry.

Bird in the Paw  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:22:42am

re: #90 lawhawk

I think this adequately sums up my reaction.

My aim here is not to speak for the pheasant, but to remark on the meager and degraded notions of outdoorsy masculinity that would lead a far-right presidential candidate to release a video of this sad, staged, risk-free execution—to bring reporters and photographers along on it in the first place!—rather than hiding all evidence of it from public view out of shame. This is not a demonstration of hunting prowess—Stevie Wonder could have made that kill, for chrissakes—but of mere, bare willingness to fire a gun at a living thing.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:24:10am

re: #91 lawhawk

“Salaried, exempt” is a great classification for companies since they can use all manner of pressure to get OT-level work out of employees without having to pay them accordingly. The IT world is rife with that kind of thing, as is the financial industry.

It’s the same classification that fast food uses to deny overtime pay for One-Level-Up-From-Minimum-Wage “managers”

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:24:37am

re: #90 lawhawk

Huckabee has to go canned pheasant hunting to get the shot of him doing “manly” hunting stuff *grunt grunt*. The video shows what can only be surmised to be the release of a pheasant just yards away from Huckabee who then uses a goddamned hand cannon to take out the bird mere feet away.

That’s not sport. That’s not even hunting. It’s a BS photo-op that was exposed for all to see.

I get the appeal of hunting or fishing - especially if you’re hunting to collect meat for your family.

What Huckabee is doing? That aint hunting.


lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:24:57am

re: #92 Bird in the Paw

Huckabee actually thinks that his canned hunt would actually go over well with actual hunters is perhaps the most laughable bit in all of this. He thinks that this solidifies his standing among hunters.

I don’t think he could be any more wrong on that point.

It’s just part and parcel of Huckabee’s larger problems with reality.

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:25:32am

re: #90 lawhawk

Huckabee has to go canned pheasant hunting to get the shot of him doing “manly” hunting stuff *grunt grunt*. The video shows what can only be surmised to be the release of a pheasant just yards away from Huckabee who then uses a goddamned hand cannon to take out the bird mere feet away.

That’s not sport. That’s not even hunting. It’s a BS photo-op that was exposed for all to see.

I get the appeal of hunting or fishing - especially if you’re hunting to collect meat for your family.

What Huckabee is doing? That aint hunting.

I bet he wished it was lion so he could get all that free publicity like the dentist that killed Cecil the lion. That would be big with the RWNJ hunter types.

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:25:59am

re: #90 lawhawk

Huckabee has to go canned pheasant hunting to get the shot of him doing “manly” hunting stuff *grunt grunt*. The video shows what can only be surmised to be the release of a pheasant just yards away from Huckabee who then uses a goddamned hand cannon to take out the bird mere feet away.

That’s not sport. That’s not even hunting. It’s a BS photo-op that was exposed for all to see.

I get the appeal of hunting or fishing - especially if you’re hunting to collect meat for your family.

What Huckabee is doing? That aint hunting.

Give The Huck a break. At least he hasn’t shot anyone in the face. Yet.

Bird in the Paw  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:26:00am

re: #91 lawhawk

My 27 yo nephew was a ‘manager’ at GameStop and was working under this rubric until he lost his cool and beat to death told his manager what he thought of him.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:26:50am

Just when you thought Ben Shapiro could not possibly be any more of a scummy little racist shitgoblin==>

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:27:04am

re: #74 The Vicious Babushka

Automatic Block Activated==>

[Embedded content]

Chick from Houston tired of all the tyrannies like Obama taking her free speech liberties and banning her from social media and like that.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:27:34am

re: #99 The Vicious Babushka

Just when you thought Ben Shapiro could not possibly be any more of a scummy little racist shitgoblin==>

Ben inches closer to CCJ territory every day.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:28:53am

re: #95 lawhawk

Huckabee actually thinks that his canned hunt would actually go over well with actual hunters is perhaps the most laughable bit in all of this. He thinks that this solidifies his standing among hunters.

I don’t think he could be any more wrong on that point.

It’s just part and parcel of Huckabee’s larger problems with reality.

Jeb! better include some canned hunting expedition in his next restart, reboot, to get the manly man vote.


Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:29:47am

re: #79 The Vicious Babushka

Hey Dana, Hillary isn’t saying that, Carly is

Dana gunz is such a hack.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:30:12am

Frontier Gibberish Lady==>

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:30:40am

re: #102 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Jeb! better include some canned hunting expedition in his next restart, reboot, to get the manly man vote.


If Jeb! tried that, his crack campaign team would organize a kitten hunt.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:30:50am

Who even pays 46%? I thought the top marginal rate was 39%?

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:31:29am

re: #95 lawhawk

Huckabee actually thinks that his canned hunt would actually go over well with actual hunters is perhaps the most laughable bit in all of this. He thinks that this solidifies his standing among hunters.

I don’t think he could be any more wrong on that point.

It’s just part and parcel of Huckabee’s larger problems with reality.

I wouldn’t be so sure about him being wrong lawhawk. There are a lot of private club “hunts” with pen-raised pheasants released just before the “hunters” hit the field. I don’t think they see it being any different than a regular hunt.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:31:36am

re: #106 The Vicious Babushka

They’re trying to glom on payroll taxes (SS/Medicaid/Medicare), plus state taxes?

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:31:37am

re: #69 The Vicious Babushka

Polish Resistance Goebbels would be proud of your pro Nazi stance though #gunsense loves Naz

I’m trying to unfog this derp, but it’s not working.


lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:32:12am
Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:32:26am

re: #104 The Vicious Babushka

Frontier Gibberish Lady==>

Im nt sre wht ths drper iz tring two sae.


Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:33:02am

re: #110 lawhawk

Wow, really. Didn’t think he was that old. Natural causes?

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:33:54am

re: #106 The Vicious Babushka

Who even pays 46%? I thought the top marginal rate was 39%?

Hurr hurr all my monies I make before April 15 goes to all the taxes I pays!!!!1

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:34:11am

re: #99 The Vicious Babushka

Just when you thought Ben Shapiro could not possibly be any more of a scummy little racist shitgoblin==>

[Embedded content]

Attacking a dead teenager. Classy Ben, I bet your mother and father are so proud of you.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:34:24am

re: #112 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Wow, really. Didn’t think he was that old. Natural causes?

Heart attack, I saw.

CleverToad  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:34:32am

re: #58 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

[Embedded content]

Done voting a couple of days ago, thanks to Colorado’s mail-in ballots. Sort of miss the friendly civic ritual of going in to pull a lever or push a button, but filling everything out at home and dropping it off in one of many convenient 24-hour drop boxes works too. It’s nice for the elderly mother who wants to vote but has a harder time getting out these days.

Voted YES on the tax increase for the local library district. Voted yes on letting the state keep the unexpected bonus of rather more marijuana taxes than they’d expected — most of it will go to schools. Haven’t seen a downside to legalization yet — hope the trend continues rapidly in more states.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:35:11am

Well I haven’t voted yet but I’ll be voting at the end of the day.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:35:43am

re: #57 Charles Johnson

That new attorney is a right wing nut he met on Facebook. Could be another pro bono thing.

What could possibly go wrong?


Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:35:55am

re: #104 The Vicious Babushka

Frontier Gibberish Lady==>

No understanding of economics, people, or Christianity.
Economics: You either pay now or pay later.
People: Very few people sit around and don’t work. The laziest people I know of are those who expect to get paid for spewing right wing nonsense.
Christianity: All sorts of things: judging others, being humble, charity.

A Mom Anon  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:39:23am

re: #84 HappyWarrior

That’s because she’s never lived in a world where she was expected to sit back and shut up while the men are talking. Yes the world is still like that, a lot, but the laws are a lot better than they were even when I was a kid. You could be fired for getting pregnant, denied a job for having kids at home. You couldn’t buy a car without your husband’s signature, my mom went through that. Abortion wasn’t legal. There was no talk ever of equal pay for equal work, and if there was, that was some new fangled lady nonsense, “isn’t that cute?”.

In school, up until 6th grade, girls were not allowed to wear jeans or pants of any kind. Dresses and skirts only. I was told that I could only be a teacher, waitress, secretary or Mom. Maybe a social worker of some kind. That was it. I had a male teacher in 6th grade who was really pissed he had to waste his time teaching girls science and math. He vocally stated it IN CLASS that he thought girls were too dumb to bother with this sort of nonsense. It was a waste of his time. I graduated high school in 1978, this was not THAT long ago.

This is why she is such a nitwit, she truly has never had to experience any of this personally. And for conservatives, if it doesn’t happen to them, it never happens to anyone.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:40:45am

All this hyperventilating and pearl clutching about OMG DUDES IN DRESSES USING TEH GIRLS BATHROOMS!!!!!1!!!

1. All women’s restrooms have private stalls, nobody sees anybody else pee.

2. A transgender female has a greater risk of being assaulted in a man’s restroom.

Dr. Matt  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:40:55am

re: #57 Charles Johnson

That new attorney is a right wing nut he met on Facebook. Could be another pro bono thing.

For “people” that claim to hate handouts, they sure spend a shit load of time grifting for free stuff.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:44:13am

re: #120 A Mom Anon

That’s because she’s never lived in a world where she was expected to sit back and shut up while the men are talking. Yes the world is still like that, a lot, but the laws are a lot better than they were even when I was a kid. You could be fired for getting pregnant, denied a job for having kids at home. You couldn’t buy a car without your husband’s signature, my mom went through that. Abortion wasn’t legal. There was no talk ever of equal pay for equal work, and if there was, that was some new fangled lady nonsense, “isn’t that cute?”.

In school, up until 6th grade, girls were not allowed to wear jeans or pants of any kind. Dresses and skirts only. I was told that I could only be a teacher, waitress, secretary or Mom. Maybe a social worker of some kind. That was it. I had a male teacher in 6th grade who was really pissed he had to waste his time teaching girls science and math. He vocally stated it IN CLASS that he thought girls were too dumb to bother with this sort of nonsense. It was a waste of his time. I graduated high school in 1978, this was not THAT long ago.

This is why she is such a nitwit, she truly has never had to experience any of this personally. And for conservatives, if it doesn’t happen to them, it never happens to anyone.

I think that’s why you have a lot of people unfortunately around my age who embrace a lot of right wing mindsets because of that. I think having a sense of history and perspective keeps me well grounded. Like, women’s suffrage was an event that happened in my grandmother’s lifetime. It’s something she actually remembered happening. I think so much of conservative/libertarian dogma gets to some younger people because not enough of them have a true sense of history and what past women and men went through to get the rights we collectively take for granted as a society.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:45:42am


wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:48:24am

re: #122 Dr. Matt

For “people” that claim to hate handouts, they sure spend a shit load of time grifting for free stuff.

Keeping it in the family, so to speak.

Meuser apparently has run for state senator in CA.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:50:28am

Donald Trump once again retweets a White Supremacist account!

William Lewis  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:51:05am

re: #90 lawhawk

Huckabee has to go canned pheasant hunting to get the shot of him doing “manly” hunting stuff *grunt grunt*. The video shows what can only be surmised to be the release of a pheasant just yards away from Huckabee who then uses a goddamned hand cannon to take out the bird mere feet away.

That’s not sport. That’s not even hunting. It’s a BS photo-op that was exposed for all to see.

I get the appeal of hunting or fishing - especially if you’re hunting to collect meat for your family.

What Huckabee is doing? That aint hunting.

Well, I can’t say that from the picture in that article. I’m no fan of Fuckabee, but the video itself doesn’t show enough to say what kind of hunt was going on.

Pheasants do like that kind of cover when running on the ground trying to avoid predators and will only fly away when forced to or “Flushed”. This can happen when two humans are walking from opposite directions through the field or, more usual, when a dog finds their scent and gets right up next to them. You’ll note several dogs running in the video? One of them is far more likely to have flushed that bird than any human is to have released it.

Once they flush, a shotgun - 12 gauge loaded with number 5, 6 or 7 shot depending on the hunters preference (I like #6) - is used because it’s nearly impossible to hit a fast moving and maneuvering bird with anything but a cloud of fairly small shot. One of the most difficult trade-offs is to decide if you want heavier bigger shot pellets that will kill the bird more certainly but has fewer pellets in a shot to hit them with.

You can NOT use a rifle to hunt birds because a miss will will travel much further - possibly miles beyond your target - than the quickly slowing shot will go.

The shotgun itself is a relatively inaccurate weapon beyond a 30 meters or so. The best way to increase the accuracy of it is to have longer and “choked” (constricted so that the shot column doesn’t spread out as fast) barrels. My old side by side Stevens 311 has 30” barrels with one full choked and the other Improved Modified for this kind of hunting.

Now, was this a “canned” hunt? Probably. Pheasants are not native to North America and the vast majority are farm raised and then released in early fall for hunters to pursue over the northern midwest. It still remains better than the earliest version of Trap shooting were a live pigeon as released from a box when the shooter said “pull”.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:51:07am

re: #126 The Vicious Babushka

Donald Trump once again retweets a White Supremacist account!

[Embedded content]

They’re his base.

Bird in the Paw  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:51:11am

re: #106 The Vicious Babushka

Hurr, hurr, yu fergetz the socaliz securiti iz anuther 15% of yur pay and other taxez

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:52:24am

re: #127 William Lewis

There was a beep right as you start to hear the bird rustle and fly up and away. I think that’s a giveaway.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:52:43am
Dr. Matt  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:53:58am

re: #128 HappyWarrior

They’re his base.


wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:55:26am

GotNwes is hot on the case:

BREAKING: Five days too short a time to produce #PlannedParenthood tapes we have don’t have

After saying he had those purloined Planned Parenthood videos, and then saying he didn’t, now Award Winning JournalistTM Chuck C. Johnson is saying five days is not enough time to comply with a court order to turn them — and the other materials he says he doesn’t have — over.

Why is five days insufficient time to produce something he says he doesn’t have? We’re confused.

More at

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:58:17am

re: #131 The Vicious Babushka

Man accused of bombing Walmart because chain stopped selling Confederate flag, police say

Time has been cruel to Skoal Rebel.

Dr. Matt  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:00:35am

re: #131 The Vicious Babushka

Man accused of bombing Walmart because chain stopped selling Confederate flag, police say

The ironic part is that he called Walmart “anti-American”. SMH

Leonard named Walmart and the Daily Journal as targets in an Oct. 28 post on the newspaper’s Facebook page.

“Journal corporate, you are on final warning,” he wrote Oct. 28. “You are part of the problem. As a result of this, y’all are going down, along with Walmart, WTVA, Reeds department store, and all the rest of the anti-American crooks. I’m not kidding. No messing around anymore!”

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:00:51am

re: #104 The Vicious Babushka

She must have taken those courses that promised

if u cn rd ths u cn mk lts of mny

A Mom Anon  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:01:46am

And speaking of conservatives who don’t understand shit that doesn’t effect them directly, I am about to lose another friend I’m afraid.

I was diagnosed a few years ago with clinical depression and anxiety. I cannot take meds for it, SSRIs especially, make things a lot worse. I’m the person who gets all those side effects they read off really fast in those commercials. I often post articles on my facebook page about the science-y side of the human brain, especially when it comes to autism, depression and anxiety. I do have things that work for me, exercise, CBT therapy tools from prior therapists, and forcing myself to engage with the world. Because I know my brain chemistry lies to me, a lot. It took YEARS of work to get here, believe me.

I posted something yesterday, a study that came out about the importance of friends and that while a good mood is contagious within a group, a person’s depression disorder is helped by a steady support group. We live in a culture that makes you feel like depression is your fault, that you’re feeling sorry for yourself, etc. Many people act like you have fucking leprosy and they withdraw support unless you have a fake smile plastered on your face every minute. This has been my experience and I have been in this battle pretty much alone from day one.

So my friend decides she will respond about how she and her boyfriend were just talking about depression and how some people seem to “shake it off quickly and others don’t”. Sigh. You can’t just shake off clinical depression by petting a puppy and dancing around to that obnoxious Pharrell Williams song. I pretty much told her there’s a damned difference between the two, and she might want to stop clucking about this because there’s a fair chance more than one of her circle of friends is suffering and will not talk to her about it because of the attitude she keeps projecting. What she doesn’t know is that her oldest daughter (same age as my son) is battling this and won’t talk to her about it any more because she keeps making depression into a character flaw and not an illness. I’ve already unfollowed her, I’m seriously considering just washing my hands of her. She used to be fairly liberal, now she’s a gun humping, bootstrap conservative, and it’s working my only nerve. I’ve known her for 30 years, we used to be close, but have drifted apart since our kids were little. She used to compare her kid’s development to mine (my son is autistic, so um, yeah, there’s going to be differences, jerk) and that kind of built a wall. She reached out to me last summer and I responded in kind, but this shit is just about making me want to dig a moat. Empathy, how does it work?

William Lewis  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:02:14am

re: #130 lawhawk

There was a beep right as you start to hear the bird rustle and fly up and away. I think that’s a giveaway.

I’m not sure what that buzz is but I still don’t see anything indicating a bird released - a pheasant would have taken off at a dead run, not flown away, from such a box.

At the bottom of the linked article is this:

[CORRECTION: This post originally referred to the pheasant as a captive; photojournalist Mark Kauzlarich, who was in attendance, claimed in a tweet that there were no captive pheasants on the game reserve.]

What usually happens on these kind of game farms is that they will release 20 or 40 birds into an area that usual has, perhaps, 4 to 6 birds living on it. The release happens from the night before to a hour or two before the “hunt”. This ensures that the birds are too skittish to keep running as is their habit and will flush easier. Most places guarantee that the hunter will get a certain number of birds during their time there.

I’m not trying to defend him or the game farm, but understand these hunts for what they actually are rather than make them out to be worse than they are.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:02:24am

re: #135 Dr. Matt

Oh, so he posted threatening stuff on his Facebook page. Very clever indeed.


The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:04:35am

re: #137 A Mom Anon


Eventual Carrion  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:04:46am

re: #38 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]

It’s times like this I’m sorry I don’t believe in hell.

Yeah, fuck him. His lies caused untold deaths. Again, fuck him. Hope he suffered at the end.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:04:51am

re: #138 William Lewis

So, a lot like luring out a lion that has gotten use to being around humans.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:07:23am

re: #138 William Lewis

You said pheasants are not native to the USA, but they have been here many, many years, and some are feral. I remember seeing some in my backyard when I was a kid. Momma pheasant beat the crap out of the neighbor’s dog, who was getting too close to her chicks.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:07:35am

re: #132 Dr. Matt


It was the intern’s fault.


The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:09:20am

re: #144 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

It was the intern’s fault.


It’s not the first time that Trump has retweeted that account.

Stuff Happens  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:11:58am

re: #137 A Mom Anon

And speaking of conservatives who don’t understand shit that doesn’t effect them directly, I am about to lose another friend I’m afraid.

I was diagnosed a few years ago with clinical depression and anxiety. I cannot take meds for it, SSRIs especially, make things a lot worse. I’m the person who gets all those side effects they read off really fast in those commercials. I often post articles on my facebook page about the science-y side of the human brain, especially when it comes to autism, depression and anxiety. I do have things that work for me, exercise, CBT therapy tools from prior therapists, and forcing myself to engage with the world. Because I know my brain chemistry lies to me, a lot. It took YEARS of work to get here, believe me.

I posted something yesterday, a study that came out about the importance of friends and that while a good mood is contagious within a group, a person’s depression disorder is helped by a steady support group. We live in a culture that makes you feel like depression is your fault, that you’re feeling sorry for yourself, etc. Many people act like you have fucking leprosy and they withdraw support unless you have a fake smile plastered on your face every minute. This has been my experience and I have been in this battle pretty much alone from day one.

So my friend decides she will respond about how she and her boyfriend were just talking about depression and how some people seem to “shake it off quickly and others don’t”. Sigh. You can’t just shake off clinical depression by petting a puppy and dancing around to that obnoxious Pharrell Williams song. I pretty much told her there’s a damned difference between the two, and she might want to stop clucking about this because there’s a fair chance more than one of her circle of friends is suffering and will not talk to her about it because of the attitude she keeps projecting. What she doesn’t know is that her oldest daughter (same age as my son) is battling this and won’t talk to her about it any more because she keeps making depression into a character flaw and not an illness. I’ve already unfollowed her, I’m seriously considering just washing my hands of her. She used to be fairly liberal, now she’s a gun humping, bootstrap conservative, and it’s working my only nerve. I’ve known her for 30 years, we used to be close, but have drifted apart since our kids were little. She used to compare her kid’s development to mine (my son is autistic, so um, yeah, there’s going to be differences, jerk) and that kind of built a wall. She reached out to me last summer and I responded in kind, but this shit is just about making me want to dig a moat. Empathy, how does it work?

I will try to respond more latter, but in the meantime, I am giving you permission to break ties with anyone that doesn’t support you. Depressed folks don’t need others to tell them what is wrong with their character. Ever. It is the opposite of what you need. Run.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:14:43am

re: #137 A Mom Anon

“Just snap out of it!” and “Just think happy thoughts!” are about the worst things that you can say to a depressive.

Dark_Falcon  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:14:54am

re: #142 Belafon

No, if you’re referring to the case on the lion named after that asshole Cecil Rhodes. Cecil the lion was used to people being around but he lived without humans providing for him, unlike a captive raised pheasant. Cecil was still a wild animal, and if one of the humans he was used to seeing was disabled and alone Cecil would have killed said human, because that is what lions do in such cases.

This isn’t to say Cecil did much hunting himself; The lionesses of his pride mostly did that. But a big male lion like him sometimes acts in role that is a reverse of flushing prey: Herding prey animals close to cover from which the females can emerge suddenly and strike.

Dark_Falcon  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:16:54am

re: #143 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

You said pheasants are not native to the USA, but they have been here many, many years, and some are feral. I remember seeing some in my backyard when I was a kid. Momma pheasant beat the crap out of the neighbor’s dog, who was getting too close to her chicks.

They’re adaptable, and pheasants have now fitted into the ecosystem in many places in the US, including the Chicago area.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:17:22am

re: #137 A Mom Anon

Sorry to hear this.

I also have depression, for which I take meds. Fortunately the side effects for me have been minor to non-existent, but that is not the case for everyone as you point out.

But until recently I probably wouldn’t have described myself as “depressed” because I don’t exhibit the usual clinical symptoms. Rather I would have said I just had anxiety or was stressed. But it turns out that that pattern is common among men. That is to say, that for many men, depression is covert as opposed to more overt, or clinical depression.

Whack-A-Mole  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:20:07am

re: #17 teleskiguy

That thread is fascinating as a historical snapshot of LGF’s community at the time. I mean, Killgore Trout being denounced as a moonbat… Wow.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:21:37am

re: #151 Whack-A-Mole

That thread is fascinating as a historical snapshot of LGF’s community at the time. I mean, Killgore Trout being denounced as a moonbat… Wow.

Freetoken getting downdinged for stating that Climate Change is a Science Fact.

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:22:41am

re: #151 Whack-A-Mole

That thread is fascinating as a historical snapshot of LGF’s community at the time. I mean, Killgore Trout being denounced as a moonbat… Wow.

Killgore’s successful anti-Tea Party crusade was the thing that made LGF worth the registration.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:23:50am

re: #153 Decatur Deb

Killgore’s successful anti-Tea Party crusade was the thing that made LGF worth the registration.

But then there was his unsuccessful jihad against Occupy Wall Street…

It's on his hat!  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:25:12am

I think part of the problem is that we need a different term for “clinically depressed.” People hear and use the word “depressed” all the time and many don’t understand that there’s a big difference between being temporarily sad or down-in-the-dumps, and brain-chemistry clinical depression that you take meds for (if it works for you).

It’s a lot like when I make fun of my kids for using “freezing” or “starving” in the same way: no, you’re not freezing, it’s 40 degrees out; no, you’re not wasting away, you had breakfast an hour ago.

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:25:25am

re: #154 The Vicious Babushka

But then there was his unsuccessful jihad against Occupy Wall Street…

In some ways it was the same thing. He hated the process more than the content.

andres  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:25:27am

re: #154 The Vicious Babushka

But then there was his unsuccessful jihad against Occupy Wall Street…

Well, second parts are rarely good… :P

A Mom Anon  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:26:42am

re: #146 Stuff Happens

I know. I will lose a whole group most likely when I tell her to go fuck herself. When my son was little and things were really rough, I lost touch with most of these people so I have no idea when The Great Conservative Shift happened, but the whole group moved that way, at least the vast majority. I’m currently struggling again, as is common for me as the holidays approach and the daylight wanes and I am slowly just withdrawing from these people, especially her. Seriously, I doubt they’ll even notice to be honest. No noisy exit, just a gradual shift away. I’m working on some new coping strategies and getting out of my comfort zone a little to make some new friends. I’m cautious about people, I tend to pick unhealthy relationships, I look for people too extroverted and end up getting trampled. I’m going the introvert/nerd route this time, people more like me.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:27:57am

re: #155 It’s on his hat!

I think part of the problem is that we need a different term for “clinically depressed.” People hear and use the word “depressed” all the time and many don’t understand that there’s a big difference between being temporarily sad or down-in-the-dumps, and brain-chemistry clinical depression that you take meds for (if it works for you).

It’s a lot like when I make fun of my kids for using “freezing” or “starving” in the same way: no, you’re not freezing, it’s 40 degrees out; no, you’re not wasting away, you had breakfast an hour ago.

ME: Hurry up and put your shoes and socks on, the school bus will be here any minute!

SON: I can’t put my socks on after I put my shoes on!

ME: You’re such a literalist!

SON: I do not throw trash in the street!

Dark_Falcon  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:28:36am

re: #156 Decatur Deb

In some ways it was the same thing. He hated the process more than the content.

True, but he’s also a contrarian and there was always a good chance his views would shift to keep him from being too much part of the majority. Some people just prefer to be part of the opposition, and I think he’s one of those people.

A Mom Anon  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:28:42am

re: #155 It’s on his hat!

yeah, this same person I was talking about above always says she has OCD, because she’s organized and neat. No, no you do not have OCD. Makes me cringe. One of these days she is going to figure out her oldest child really is depressed, on a chemical level, and maybe then the light will go on in her head. Maybe.

SteveMcGaziBolaGate RN  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:30:27am

When I was just a little lizard I got into a three of four way discussion about torture, (and it was not long before the transition time so there was a lot of variety on the topic) and I got all mixed up with the different people I was talking to. I was arguing with people who agreed with me and praising somebody who didn’t. I felt like I needed a scorecard.

William Lewis  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:31:50am

re: #143 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

You said pheasants are not native to the USA, but they have been here many, many years, and some are feral. I remember seeing some in my backyard when I was a kid. Momma pheasant beat the crap out of the neighbor’s dog, who was getting too close to her chicks.

Yep, some have gone feral and hunting them is worth the challenge. But all come from birds brought from asia in 1881. Started out west and have been moving east naturally and with farmed birds ever since.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:32:25am

re: #77 HappyWarrior

The usual derp of Dem voters just want free stuff. As opposed to Republican voters who actually take more from the government than Democratic ones.


Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:35:15am

re: #162 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

When I was just a little lizard I got into a three of four way discussion about torture, (and it was not long before the transition time so there was a lot of variety on the topic) and I got all mixed up with the different people I was talking to. I was arguing with people who agreed with me and praising somebody who didn’t. I felt like I needed a scorecard.

It was frustrating to lurk in those days, because there was a definite tendency for Lizards to argue past each other, obviously mistaking each other’s statements even when they agreed. There’s little of that now, it went away with the more conflict-prone posters.

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:37:49am

re: #163 William Lewis

Yep, some have gone feral and hunting them is worth the challenge. But all come from birds brought from asia in 1881. Started out west and have been moving east naturally and with farmed birds ever since.

Pheasants were wildlife in N. PA by the 1950’s. They would burrow into knee-deep snow in the woods and wait for us to step near, then blast up in front of our faces like a landmine.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:39:31am

Jesus Meme For Gun-Fuckers

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:40:10am

re: #90 lawhawk

Huckabee has to go canned pheasant hunting to get the shot of him doing “manly” hunting stuff *grunt grunt*. The video shows what can only be surmised to be the release of a pheasant just yards away from Huckabee who then uses a goddamned hand cannon to take out the bird mere feet away.

That’s not sport. That’s not even hunting. It’s a BS photo-op that was exposed for all to see.

I get the appeal of hunting or fishing - especially if you’re hunting to collect meat for your family.

What Huckabee is doing? That aint hunting.

He is creating gun porn.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:42:43am

re: #102 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Jeb! better include some canned hunting expedition in his next restart, reboot, to get the manly man vote.


If only they would allow a candidate to be a one man firing squad at an execution./

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:42:57am

re: #168 Big Beautiful Door

He is creating gun porn.

Huckabee shooting a gun while wearing a bikini makes me throw up in my mouth.

SteveMcGaziBolaGate RN  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:45:26am

re: #158 A Mom Anon

I don’t advocate telling anybody to go away unless it’s really over something irreversible. There isn’t much chance of this person seeing the light and embracing reality. However, as long as she is seeing what you are going through, and how you are doing it, she has a chance. She will not be the only one to rub the “snap out of it” on your wounds, so if you ditch her, there will just be someone else to take her place.
I guess what I am suggesting is to let the relationship go on, but on terms that work for you. Naturally your comfort takes priority, but managing your disease is an unending process. Keeping this person on your periphery will give you a chance to deal with the feelings that all kinds of social interactions will generate. The lack of effective medication sort of forces you into psychosocial interventions and strategies like CBT. Maybe you can take those times when somebody tells you what to do as an opportunity to reinforce your own coping mechanisms.
The way I approach it is to treat it like a get well wish, even if the advice offered is not helpful.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:45:31am

re: #116 CleverToad

Done voting a couple of days ago, thanks to Colorado’s mail-in ballots. Sort of miss the friendly civic ritual of going in to pull a lever or push a button, but filling everything out at home and dropping it off in one of many convenient 24-hour drop boxes works too. It’s nice for the elderly mother who wants to vote but has a harder time getting out these days.

Voted YES on the tax increase for the local library district. Voted yes on letting the state keep the unexpected bonus of rather more marijuana taxes than they’d expected — most of it will go to schools. Haven’t seen a downside to legalization yet — hope the trend continues rapidly in more states.

It might happen in Ohio today. if it does; I’ll have to decide if i want to make a roadtrip up I-75 for a legal toke.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:48:08am

re: #120 A Mom Anon

That’s because she’s never lived in a world where she was expected to sit back and shut up while the men are talking. Yes the world is still like that, a lot, but the laws are a lot better than they were even when I was a kid. You could be fired for getting pregnant, denied a job for having kids at home. You couldn’t buy a car without your husband’s signature, my mom went through that. Abortion wasn’t legal. There was no talk ever of equal pay for equal work, and if there was, that was some new fangled lady nonsense, “isn’t that cute?”.

In school, up until 6th grade, girls were not allowed to wear jeans or pants of any kind. Dresses and skirts only. I was told that I could only be a teacher, waitress, secretary or Mom. Maybe a social worker of some kind. That was it. I had a male teacher in 6th grade who was really pissed he had to waste his time teaching girls science and math. He vocally stated it IN CLASS that he thought girls were too dumb to bother with this sort of nonsense. It was a waste of his time. I graduated high school in 1978, this was not THAT long ago.

This is why she is such a nitwit, she truly has never had to experience any of this personally. And for conservatives, if it doesn’t happen to them, it never happens to anyone.

When I was in high school in the seventies, I got a history lesson in school that wasn’t in the curriculum. Some of our textbooks were so old they still had a “colored ____ white ____” stamp in them.

It's on his hat!  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:49:26am

I’ll be voting later today; only two things on the ballot: bond issues for the public school system. They’ll probably get even less support than last year, but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.

I’m surrounded by penny-pinching, empathy-lacking bootstrappers who are shown images of our crumbling public school infrastructure and respond with HURR DURR better fire some administrators!!!11!

Dark_Falcon  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:53:37am

I’d wager most of the time politicians go bird-hunting for the cameras the hunts are canned. After all, they can’t show the candidate walking around for hours with nothing to show for it. Their opponents would laugh at them, so the hunt is canned to ensure the needed visuals.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:54:45am

Wow such Presidential very leadership==>

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:55:48am

Steve whitesplains for u==>

SteveMcGaziBolaGate RN  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:56:05am

re: #175 Dark_Falcon

I bet a staffer shoots at the same bird to help make sure the boss doesn’t come out empty handed. “Good shot boss!!”

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:56:33am

Really it’s SJW’s and not “Welfare”?

Steve you’re not staying with the program.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:59:12am

re: #170 The Vicious Babushka

Huckabee shooting a gun while wearing a bikini makes me throw up in my mouth.

Dark_Falcon  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:00:17am

re: #176 The Vicious Babushka

Wow such Presidential very leadership==>

[Embedded content]

To recap: Marco Rubio talks practical politics, Donald Trump responds by being a dick.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:01:15am

re: #176 The Vicious Babushka

Wow such Presidential very leadership==>

[Embedded content]

Immigration may be the issue which keeps Rubio from winning the nomination, if his opponents deploy it effectively.

Dark_Falcon  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:03:00am

re: #178 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I bet a staffer shoots at the same bird to help make sure the boss doesn’t come out empty handed. “Good shot boss!!”

No, because there’s several birds and the pol only needs to be shooting one or two of them. Better to just have more birds and let him miss a few.

Dark_Falcon  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:04:13am

re: #182 Big Beautiful Door

Immigration may be the issue which keeps Rubio from winning the nomination, if his opponents deploy it effectively.

But can we at least agree that in his stance on it Rubio is at least trying not to be an asshole?

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:05:34am

re: #184 Dark_Falcon

But can we at least agree that in his stance on it Rubio is at least not trying not to be an asshole?

Your double negative makes it difficult for me to determine what exactly you are trying to say!

Dark_Falcon  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:06:48am

re: #185 Big Beautiful Door

Your double negative makes it difficult for me to determine what exactly you are trying to say!

I goofed and have edited the post:

re: #184 Dark_Falcon

But can we at least agree that in his stance on it Rubio is at least trying not to be an asshole?

A Mom Anon  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:07:53am

I gotta go walk the pup while there’s a break in the weather. Thanks for the support and feedback, it helps. Seriously. BBL

Dark_Falcon  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:08:18am


Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:10:18am

re: #186 Dark_Falcon

I goofed and have edited the post:

That position is the correct one; the question is can he survive the GOP nomination process while not being an asshole about undocumented immigrants?

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:12:22am

NRO is weaponized alright - weaponized derp. Bigotry, hate speech, misogyny, racism. All weaponized.

Barefoot Grin  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:17:50am

re: #190 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

NRO is weaponized alright - weaponized derp. Bigotry, hate speech, misogyny, racism. All weaponized.

Jonah Goldberg…speaking of tools.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:29:31am

Josh Barro, in the NYT, examines the GOP candidates’ tax plans. For Ben Carson’s 10% “tithe plan”, Barro notes:

Mr. Carson disclaimed that idea. “Well, first of all, I didn’t say that the rate would be 10 percent,” he told Ms. Quick. Well, actually, he did. At the first Republican debate, he described the plan as follows: “You make $10 billion, you pay a billion. You make $10, you pay one.” But anyway, Mr. Carson now doesn’t think a 10 percent rate is workable, and said the rate would have to be closer to 15 percent.

He argued: “If you’re talking about an $18 trillion economy, you’re talking about a 15 percent tax on your gross domestic product. You’re talking about $2.7 trillion. We have a budget closer to $3.5 trillion. But if you also apply that same 15 percent to several other things, including corporate taxes, and including the capital gains taxes, you make that amount up pretty quickly.”

Essentially, he’s saying, if the base is broad enough, a 15 percent tax will suffice. The main problem is his assumption that you can have a tax with a base equal to 100 percent of the economy. Some things are always tax exempt, for a mixture of good reasons and bad. We don’t tax investment income earned by nonprofits like churches and universities, nor do we tax investment returns to pension funds and 401(k) retirement accounts. We don’t tax income that people give away to charity. We don’t tax employee health benefits. Most tax plans decline to tax at least some income for low earners….

Yeah, Carson apparently thinks we take the flat tax thing and apply it to the entire economy, to the whole GDP thing.

Jenner7  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:32:40am

Trump says Hillary got no tough questions…..

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:33:09am

re: #192 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Josh Barro, in the NYT, examines the GOP candidates’ tax plans. For Ben Carson’s 10% “tithe plan”, Barro notes:

Yeah, Carson apparently thinks we take the flat tax thing and apply it to the entire economy, to the whole GDP thing.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:34:11am

re: #184 Dark_Falcon

But can we at least agree that in his stance on it Rubio is at least trying not to be an asshole?

Hard to say since his record is full of double talk on the issue. I mean I’ll give Marco credit, he’s not an abject asshole on the issue like Cruz or Jindal is but he also has a reputation of trying to have both sides of the issue. He may not be a know-nothing asshole like Trump but he seems eager to try to appease the base and also sound reasonable.

Jenner7  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:35:22am

“I mean, why didn’t they ask about…Bill…why didn’t ask about all the different things, no tough question. That was staged by the Democrats.”

GOP Presidential candidate for President

Eventual Carrion  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:36:26am

re: #166 Decatur Deb

Pheasants were wildlife in N. PA by the 1950’s. They would burrow into knee-deep snow in the woods and wait for us to step near, then blast up in front of our faces like a landmine.

I’ve seen plenty of them here in NW PA since my youth. Had one just a few years ago that for a good month or more would be standing at the same spot, just off the road, every morning as I was going to work.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:37:14am

re: #192 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

He [Carson] argued: “If you’re talking about an $18 trillion economy, you’re talking about a 15 percent tax on your gross domestic product. You’re talking about $2.7 trillion. We have a budget closer to $3.5 trillion. But if you also apply that same 15 percent to several other things, including corporate taxes, and including the capital gains taxes, you make that amount up pretty quickly.

Wait, so we tax the whole GDP economy thing at 15%, and then to get moar moneys, we apply the 15% tithe tax to other things, like corporate taxes…..?

LOLwhut? Aren’t a corporation’s income and capital gains part of the whole GDP thing already?

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:39:14am

re: #196 Jenner7

“I mean, why didn’t they ask about…Bill…why didn’t ask about all the different things, no tough question. That was staged by the Democrats.”

GOP Presidential candidate for President


Eventual Carrion  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:40:51am

re: #172 Big Beautiful Door

It might happen in Ohio today. if it does; I’ll have to decide if i want to make a roadtrip up I-75 for a legal toke.

I live about 7 miles from the OH/PA border. Wonder what kind of road blocks/stops the police will be setting up to see if us Pennsylvanians are being weed tourists :-)

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:41:25am

So, a relative to Ike supports Carly? As if that means anything?

Carly’s polling is back in the low single digits. She’s got next to no support, but her PAC is busy churning out puff pieces like the one above.

Considering that Ike was a successful US general whose leadership skills are unparalleled, whose military experience included running Allied military campaign in Europe, and had a keen understanding of politics, bureaucracies, and how to get things done against difficult odds, Carly’s PAC is hoping the name alone will give her a boost.

Problem is that Carly has none of the same skills. She might be a good saleswoman, but even that’s debatable. Her own board put the kibosh on a hugely awful deal to acquire a consulting firm at an outlandish price (which IBM bought for a fraction of the price Carly was willing to pay). Carly’s tenure at HP was wrought with more problems, especially a poorly conceived merger with Compaq, resulting in offshoring jobs and 30,000 jobs at HP being lost.

You know who liked the Compaq/HP merger? Dell and Apple.

And then there’s her stint at LU, which was uneventful if you consider that most of the damage done occurred after she left - accounting gimmicks started on her watch helped implode the storied Bell Labs successor. Yeah, that’s some record on which to run.

Targetpractice  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:41:33am

re: #192 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Josh Barro, in the NYT, examines the GOP candidates’ tax plans. For Ben Carson’s 10% “tithe plan”, Barro notes:

Yeah, Carson apparently thinks we take the flat tax thing and apply it to the entire economy, to the whole GDP thing.

And such would only work until the GOP started whining that taxes are still “too high” and started looking for more things to either exempt or cut back on. The reality is that Carson knows his proposal won’t work to cover the current budget, but works beautifully to justify the sort of draconian cuts that the GOP favors.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:42:55am

re: #201 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

So, a relative to Ike supports Carly? As if that means anything?

Carly’s polling is back in the low single digits. She’s got next to no support, but her PAC is busy churning out puff pieces like the one above.

Considering that Ike was a successful US general whose leadership skills are unparalleled, whose military experience included running Allied military campaign in Europe, and had a keen understanding of politics, bureaucracies, and how to get things done against difficult odds, Carly’s PAC is hoping the name alone will give her a boost.

Problem is that Carly has none of the same skills. She might be a good saleswoman, but even that’s debatable. Her own board put the kibosh on a hugely awful deal to acquire a consulting firm at an outlandish price (which IBM bought for a fraction of the price Carly was willing to pay). Carly’s tenure at HP was wrought with more problems, especially a poorly conceived merger with Compaq, resulting in offshoring jobs and 30,000 jobs at HP being lost.

You know who liked the Compaq/HP merger? Dell and Apple.

And then there’s her stint at LU, which was uneventful if you consider that most of the damage done occurred after she left - accounting gimmicks started on her watch helped implode the storied Bell Labs successor. Yeah, that’s some record on which to run.

ike was hardly an outsider by the time he ran for president in 1952. He had been president of an Ivy League college (Columbia) after he left the Army. Carly trying to liken herself to Ike is a joke. FWIW another of Ike’s granddaughters, Susan has supported Obama both times.

Jenner7  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:44:55am

This was the very first question to Hillary Clinton in the first debate:

Secretary Clinton, I want to start with you. Plenty of politicians evolve on issues, but even some Democrats believe you change your positions based on political expediency.

You were against same-sex marriage. Now you’re for it. You defended President Obama’s immigration policies. Now you say they’re too harsh. You supported his trade deal dozen of times. You even called it the “gold standard”. Now, suddenly, last week, you’re against it.

Will you say anything to get elected?

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:45:16am

re: #196 Jenner7

I mean, why didn’t they ask about…Bill

What’s Hillary doing making her own decisions without her husband’s input?

Lidane  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:45:48am

re: #200 Eventual Carrion

I live about 7 miles from the OH/PA border. Wonder what kind of road blocks/stops the police will be setting up to see if us Pennsylvanians are being weed tourists :-)

Widespread Panic ticket giveaways.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:46:25am

re: #201 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

So, a relative to Ike supports Carly? As if that means anything?

Two words: Alveda King.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:47:18am

re: #200 Eventual Carrion

I live about 7 miles from the OH/PA border. Wonder what kind of road blocks/stops the police will be setting up to see if us Pennsylvanians are being weed tourists :-)

Probably the same kind of road blocks they’ll set up on I-75 at the MI/OH state line.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:48:09am

re: #207 The Vicious Babushka

Two words: Alveda King.

They love to trumpet her out all the while ignoring that MLK’s widow and kids supported progressive causes. Ms. King is entitled to her opinions however fucked up they are but to use her uncle’s name to attempt to claim the conservative movement is friendly to civil rights is a joke.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:48:36am

re: #204 Jenner7

This was the very first question to Hillary Clinton in the first debate:


The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:48:57am

Actually medicinal weed is “legal” in MI but there are so many restrictions and heavy penalties for violating those restrictions (like, police can confiscate your entire house & everything in it) that it might as well not even be legal.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:49:15am

re: #192 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Stop asking too many questions. Especially math questions. Math is hard.

Budget math is even harder - like trying to tell people how a flat tax is a gimmick that can’t work with the budget, or that it’ll result in redistributing tax burdens from the rich to everyone else, or that it requires just as much revisions to the tax code as the current progressive tax system - since the rate portion of the tax code is just one section IRC Sec 1 (not counting the separate AMT and cap gains sections).

The section on rates can be expanded to include 20 rates (or squeezed down to fewer than the rates currently in effect), but the GOP is keen to conflate tax rates with complexity when the rate is actually pretty simple.

Carson wants to use rainbows and unicorn farts to balance the budget or keep it revenue neutral in shifting from the current system to a flat tax, but there’s no way to do it without shifting the tax burden from the rich to everyone else. None.

Teukka  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:52:23am

re: #150 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Sorry to hear this.

I also have depression, for which I take meds. Fortunately the side effects for me have been minor to non-existent, but that is not the case for everyone as you point out.

But until recently I probably wouldn’t have described myself as “depressed” because I don’t exhibit the usual clinical symptoms. Rather I would have said I just had anxiety or was stressed. But it turns out that that pattern is common among men. That is to say, that for many men, depression is covert as opposed to more overt, or clinical depression.


I also have depression, for which I take SNRI’s. I don’t have that many side effects *knocks wood*. I’ve been depressed most of my life, but the last 10 years I’ve been medicating against it and OCD. It is a remarkable difference.

Am I just too cynical for my own good, but is there a tendency in that side of the religio-political spectrum to see mental issues as character flaws or weaknesses, just like they usually see empathy as such?

SteveMcGaziBolaGate RN  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:54:20am

THE most pathetic thing about the GOP candidates and their supporters is their delusion that governing is simple.


lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:54:58am

Apologies to those who are suffering from depression, but this is hugely depressing:

That anyone in their right mind would think either Trump or Carson can be trusted with nuclear weapons is deluding themselves and others. Neither should be trusted with the levers of power, let alone the nuclear button. Neither has the character nor judgment to have that kind of power - the power to obliterate the world with the push of a button.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:55:05am

re: #214 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

THE most pathetic thing about the GOP candidates and their supporters is their delusion that governing is simple.


Short soundbites sell. DRILL BABY DRILL.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:55:45am

re: #215 lawhawk

Apologies to those who are suffering from depression, but this is hugely depressing:

[Embedded content]

That anyone in their right mind would think either Trump or Carson can be trusted with nuclear weapons is deluding themselves and others. Neither should be trusted with the levers of power, let alone the nuclear button. Neither has the character nor judgment to have that kind of power - the power to obliterate the world with the push of a button.

Well if they’re their favorites for president, it’s a logical conclusion that they support them the most with nukes but holy shit this tells you all you need to know about the GOP base.

It's on his hat!  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:57:11am

re: #213 Teukka

Am I just too cynical for my own good, but is there a tendency in that side of the religio-political spectrum to see mental issues as character flaws or weaknesses, just like they usually see empathy as such?

Nope, that’s spot-on. It goes along with the “bootstrapper” mentality.

And then they talk out of the other sides of their mouths when it comes to gun violence. “It’s a mental health issue!”

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:58:44am

re: #214 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

THE most pathetic thing about the GOP candidates and their supporters is their delusion that governing is simple.



Eventual Carrion  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:58:54am

re: #206 Lidane

Widespread Panic ticket giveaways.

I’m there! And they will be in Akron on the 27th too.

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:59:08am

re: #217 HappyWarrior

Well if they’re their favorites for president, it’s a logical conclusion that they support them the most with nukes but holy shit this tells you all you need to know about the GOP base.

If either of them gets the TPGOP nomination, the remaining sane Republican voters (and there are some) will have some tough decisions to make.

Lidane  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:01:47am

re: #215 lawhawk

Not The Onion:

GlutenFreeJesus  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:02:11am

re: #221 Decatur Deb

If either of them gets the TPGOP nomination, the remaining sane Republican voters (and there are some) will have some tough decisions to make.

Any Republicans who gain any amount of sanity would no longer be Republicans.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:04:21am

re: #213 Teukka


I also have depression, for which I take SNRI’s. I don’t have that many side effects *knocks wood*. I’ve been depressed most of my life, but the last 10 years I’ve been medicating against it and OCD. It is a remarkable difference.

Am I just too cynical for my own good, but is there a tendency in that side of the religio-political spectrum to see mental issues as character flaws or weaknesses, just like they usually see empathy as such?

Yeah there’s some truth that, that very conservative religious people tend to look askew at the world of psychology in general, and depression/medication in particular. But I think this is changing, particularly among the more broadly educated and suburban evangelicals. It’s one area where practical experience is making in-roads among the conservative religious. In small churches and communities, in rural areas it may be different.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:04:40am

Recycled from 2008 Obama meme.
Could be more accurately applied to Trump or Carson

Lidane  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:05:20am

re: #221 Decatur Deb

If either of them gets the TPGOP nomination, the remaining sane Republican voters (and there are some) will have some tough decisions to make.

I have had coworkers swear up and down that if Trump gets nominated, they’ll quit politics.

I have already made it clear in this office that if Trump gets nominated, they’d better get used to seeing Hillary or Bernie gear in the office until the election, full stop. I will throw money at the Dems to stop Trump from getting elected.

BadgerB  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:09:54am
re: #137 A Mom Anon
I was diagnosed a few years ago with clinical depression and anxiety. I cannot take meds for it, SSRIs especially, make things a lot worse. I’m the person who gets all those side effects they read off really fast in those commercials. I often post articles on my facebook page about the science-y side of the human brain, especially when it comes to autism, depression and anxiety. I do have things that work for me, exercise, CBT therapy tools from prior therapists, and forcing myself to engage with the world. Because I know my brain chemistry lies to me, a lot. It took YEARS of work to get here, believe me.

I can’t help with your friend but you have my support for what you have to deal with on a such a continuing basis. I have had a life long struggle with a cyclical form, a couple bad weeks every 6 months or so which went really bad when we had our daughter, no more place to hide while trying to ride out the bad patches. I ended up on a ‘mode stabilizer’ which helps to keep me locked in a perpetual state of ‘whatever’ and I still get a semi-regular ‘if you just tried harder to have some fun you would feel happier’ from some of the people around me. As you have noticed, it doesn’t help.

Your phrase “Because I know my brain chemistry lies to me” really resonated with me, it captures a big part of what people just don’t seem to understand about how hard it can be to cope. Having to think ‘around’ the depression can be so much work just to keep things on the level.

So love, hugs, support, prayers if you accept them.

Jenner7  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:13:29am

re: #215 lawhawk


It's on his hat!  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:15:02am

re: #228 Jenner7


[Embedded content]

“Many of them are stupid, like the ones I’ve conned into buying the dietary supplement I endorse.”

Eventual Carrion  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:16:32am

re: #222 Lidane

Not The Onion:

[Embedded content]

Well, Trump did get military training at Morningwood Boys Academy. So him sitting at the head of the boardroom table gives him presidenting experience.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:17:45am

re: #228 Jenner7


[Embedded content]

Even Trump hasn’t gone there yet. Carson is starting to out asshole Trump, and the polls show it works.

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:20:54am


I just flipped on MSNBC to see if there were going to be an early coverage of vote turnout, etc. while grabbing a quick lunch.

Freaking Andrea Mitchell had Chuck Todd on and I just heard him say Ben Carson is rising in the numbers because he tells it like it is and people like that compared to a typical politician.

What if “it” that he tells is full on nuts crazy talk?

Oh no Chuck will not go there. He won’t talk about the content, that is up to us to judge…not Chuck.

He also said another thing that is working for Dr. Crazy is that people trust their doctors. Even if they are talking about something (like taxes) that are totally out of their element they can be trusted?

Again….groan. This may be the election we get a total non-politician as a major candidate. Oh…I hope not.

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:22:28am

re: #228 Jenner7


[Ben Carson on Americans: “Many of them are stupid.” ]

Again, like with feeling stabby, a subject he has personal experience with.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:33:00am

Wingnuts are freaking out because The Richest Man In The WorldTM is being a Traitor to Capitalism.

Romantic Heretic  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:38:46am

re: #213 Teukka


I also have depression, for which I take SNRI’s. I don’t have that many side effects *knocks wood*. I’ve been depressed most of my life, but the last 10 years I’ve been medicating against it and OCD. It is a remarkable difference.

Am I just too cynical for my own good, but is there a tendency in that side of the religio-political spectrum to see mental issues as character flaws or weaknesses, just like they usually see empathy as such?

Another depression sufferer here. It’s under control but I have to lead a rather isolated life due to the fact that too much interaction with people creates stress that exacerbates my illness.

And yes, the people on that part of the political spectrum characterized as ‘Right’ Do regard mental illness as a form of weakness. If those of us that suffer from it just “grew a backbone”, “showed some guts”, “had a little courage”, we would decide not to be ill and all would be well. Assholes.

This cartoon demonstrates how silly this attitude is.

Lidane  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:39:14am
Romantic Heretic  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:41:05am

re: #215 lawhawk

By trust the Carson/Trump supporters mean, “Trust to use them on the right people.”

Carson/Trump supporters know that much of the world needs to be vaporized. Only then will America be safe and powerful again.

GlutenFreeJesus  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:42:10am
Romantic Heretic  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:44:47am

re: #228 Jenner7

And Ben is counting on them to vote for him.

Lidane  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:46:07am
The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:46:21am


I Stand With Planned Parenthood  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:46:41am

been staying off the computer for my mental health. Had to pay bills today, so thought I’d check in.

How is it?

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:48:06am
HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:49:56am

re: #241 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

They’d hardly be soaked.

blueraven  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:51:11am

Death Panels!!!

Dr. Matt  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:51:37am

re: #240 Lidane

The fungus part is asinine.

The baking soda part does have merits:

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:51:45am

re: #244 HappyWarrior

They’d hardly be soaked.

70% marginal tax rate on the highest earners who have 90% of the money is a step in the right direction.

Wingnuts do not understand what “marginal” means, they think a 70% tax rate means on ALL THE MONEYS.

I Stand With Planned Parenthood  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:54:26am

re: #235 Romantic Heretic

Another depression sufferer here. It’s under control but I have to lead a rather isolated life due to the fact that too much interaction with people creates stress that exacerbates my illness.

And yes, the people on that part of the political spectrum characterized as ‘Right’ Do regard mental illness as a form of weakness. If those of us that suffer from it just “grew a backbone”, “showed some guts”, “had a little courage”, we would decide not to be ill and all would be well. Assholes.

This cartoon demonstrates how silly this attitude is.

Same here. For generations my family self-medicated with alcohol. I choose to go to a doctor.

Amazing how much MORE functional I am.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:54:39am

The fact of the matter is in this country the rich are taxed extremely lightly. I’m sorry but it’s just common sense that if you make more, you should pay more. It’s not “punishment”, it’s part of the economic reality that comes with an economy and country our size.

SteveMcGaziBolaGate RN  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:58:25am

re: #243 wrenchwench

Glad to see ya. Was waiting to put this up:

Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill

Shiplord Kirel  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:59:41am

Reams of freeper speculation and assumption up in smoke:

Suspected Gunman In Colorado Springs Posted Rants In Blog

CBS4 has learned that Noah Jacob Harpham, 32, is the suspected gunman. Harpham posted a blog not long before the shootings took place Saturday morning. The statements on the blog appear to be ramblings about his father’s connection to a church in California. They make no mention that he might be about to go on a killing spree.

Harpham’s blog is titled “Is my Dad in a Cult, and even worse is it Satanic?”

This is Noah, not a jihadi, sudden or otherwise, and not black. (Freepers assume that a perp is black if the media do not immediately trumpet his race).

It's on his hat!  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:00:41am

re: #248 I Stand With Planned Parenthood

Same here. For generations my family self-medicated with alcohol. I choose to go to a doctor.

Amazing how much MORE functional I am.

That gives me an interesting perspective on the functioning alcoholics I know.

Alephnaught  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:01:16am

re: #167 The Vicious Babushka

Jesus Meme For Gun-Fuckers

Embedded Image

Ha ha! Very good! As soon as I noticed it was riffing off on the old “Footprints in the Sand” fable, I was wondering where it was going to go.

A Mom Anon  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:02:44am

re: #227 BadgerB

Thank you and big hugs to you too. One of the things a therapist told me after my son was born and I was in a really dark place was that because my brain has chemical imbalances that it will lie to me. When I feel ugly and stupid and worthless, it’s a lie, and that I have to keep working on that, that those things are lies and that I am not going to fall into the trap of believing that because there are people, like my son who need me around. And who don’t think those things about me. But it’s hard, and I have learned to (mostly) accept that this is part of the fabric of who I am. It’s taken decades to get here.

I Stand With Planned Parenthood  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:03:14am

re: #249 HappyWarrior

The fact of the matter is in this country the rich are taxed extremely lightly. I’m sorry but it’s just common sense that if you make more, you should pay more. It’s not “punishment”, it’s part of the economic reality that comes with an economy and country our size.

Obama has worked to institute tax treaties with countries that traditionally have have been tax havens for the rich. This hasn’t made much of a splash in the news.
Review: ‘The Price We Pay’ Maps a Web of Offshore Tax Havens

The Independent Consortium of Investigative Journalists has been documenting this for a while now.

Strangely enough, they are reporting that the US is a tax haven itself. This is a new meme, I have to wonder at it’s timing.

So we lose money when our Corporations and wealthy individuals go off shore with their money but we make money when other’s invest their money here.


lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:05:05am

And then we’d really see just how many retweets are really of the “can you believe this BS?”variety.

Patricia Kayden  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:06:52am

re: #110 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Saving that for Cheney.

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:07:22am

re: #250 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Glad to see ya. Was waiting to put this up:

[Embedded content]


It’s a bicycle video! That’s a nice one too, a Moulton.

Thanks for thinking of me.

blueraven  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:07:48am

re: #253 Alephnaught

Ha ha! Very good! As soon as I noticed it was riffing off on the old “Footprints in the Sand” fable, I was wondering where it was going to go.

Greetings, hatchling.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:08:55am

re: #255 I Stand With Planned Parenthood

It has to do with how corporations are formed, and the rules behind how much information is shared with other jurisdictions. The study points to how easily you can create a corporation in certain states, and they are very good at shielding that information from public scrutiny. That enables companies to potentially shield assets from foreign governments.

That’s what’s going on here - not just that jurisdiction X has lax tax laws where a company or person can set up shop to avoid paying taxes elsewhere.

In the US there’s an entire industry dedicated to reducing tax burdens for corporations by enabling new corporate structures to reduce tax obligations - like where a major company like McDonalds might look at captive REITs or spinoffs or other types of subsidiary structures to reduce the tax burden, instead of outright ownership.

I Stand With Planned Parenthood  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:10:01am

re: #254 A Mom Anon

Thank you and big hugs to you too. One of the things a therapist told me after my son was born and I was in a really dark place was that because my brain has chemical imbalances that it will lie to me. When I feel ugly and stupid and worthless, it’s a lie, and that I have to keep working on that, that those things are lies and that I am not going to fall into the trap of believing that because there are people, like my son who need me around. And who don’t think those things about me. But it’s hard, and I have learned to (mostly) accept that this is part of the fabric of who I am. It’s taken decades to get here.

I was the opposite. Pregnancy produced one of the darkest depressions I’ve ever lived thru. Luckily, I knew what was going on and knew it would end after I gave birth. I declined to breast feed as well. My mantra: JUST SAY NO to Hormones!

Patricia Kayden  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:10:12am

re: #232 ObserverArt

Carson is doing well among Republican voters at this moment in time. Doesn’t mean he would win a general election or that his current poll ranking will last through the primaries. How many times per day does Chucky Todd get to parade his lack of knowledge on MSNBC? Doesn’t he host a two hour session in the afternoon and Meet the Press on Sunday mornings? Sigh.

I Stand With Planned Parenthood  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:11:25am

re: #260 lawhawk

It has to do with how corporations are formed, and the rules behind how much information is shared with other jurisdictions. The study points to how easily you can create a corporation in certain states, and they are very good at shielding that information from public scrutiny. That enables companies to potentially shield assets from foreign governments.

That’s what’s going on here - not just that jurisdiction X has lax tax laws where a company or person can set up shop to avoid paying taxes elsewhere.

In the US there’s an entire industry dedicated to reducing tax burdens for corporations by enabling new corporate structures to reduce tax obligations - like where a major company like McDonalds might look at captive REITs or spinoffs or other types of subsidiary structures to reduce the tax burden, instead of outright ownership.

Yes, it’s actually more tangled a tangled web than the Credit Default Swap/Derivatives scam.

I Stand With Planned Parenthood  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:12:00am

re: #262 Patricia Kayden

Carson is doing well among Republican voters at this moment in time. Doesn’t mean he would win a general election or that his current poll ranking will last through the primaries. How many times per day does Chucky Todd get to parade his lack of knowledge on MSNBC? Doesn’t he host a two hour session in the afternoon and Meet the Press on Sunday mornings? Sigh.

polls and ratings are not voting booths.

Don’t confuse this.

A Mom Anon  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:12:31am

re: #249 HappyWarrior

And, the assholes ALWAYS forget to mention gigantic tax loopholes and incentives rich people and corporations get that the rest of us don’t. There are companies that effectively pay no federal taxes and still get refunds. Some get to build all over the place and never pay any kind of property taxes. Now, where does that extra savings end up? Surely not in the pockets of the workers, as witnessed by the shrinking middle class and the fact that just over half of full time workers in this country now make less than 30K a year. Which was a great wage. IN 1960.

Patricia Kayden  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:13:40am

re: #251 Shiplord Kirel

“(Freepers assume that a perp is black if the media do not immediately trumpet his race).”

You meant Freepers assume that a perp is black because they’re racist. Normal people don’t assume that criminals are always of one race. I have to admit that initially I thought the D.C. sniper was white but I certainly wasn’t shocked that he turned out to be African American (working with a Jamaican teenager).

Alephnaught  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:13:51am

re: #259 blueraven

Greetings, hatchling.

Thank you!

I Stand With Planned Parenthood  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:14:12am


wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:14:40am

re: #246 Dr. Matt

The fungus part is asinine.

The baking soda part does have merits:

I think she had in mind something like an enema, rather than intrasplenic injection.

Lidane  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:16:16am

That moment when you’re sick and the Thai restaurant down the street sends the wrong soup for your lunch. Ugh.


Jebediah, RBG  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:16:32am

re: #258 wrenchwench

My road frame was built for me by Russ Denny, who learned frame building under Dave Moulton. It is an awesome bike with pretty welds.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:18:26am

re: #236 Lidane

ooooooh, is this some hot wingnut-on-wingnut action?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:19:02am

re: #253 Alephnaught

Ha ha! Very good! As soon as I noticed it was riffing off on the old “Footprints in the Sand” fable, I was wondering where it was going to go.

Ha! I thought I was old-fashioned for saying “Aleph-null” instead of “Aleph-zero”! Welcome!

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:20:02am
Lidane  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:20:45am

Mental health break:

I Stand With Planned Parenthood  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:22:53am

OK, HAD to share:




verb tr., intr.:
1. To belch: to expel gases from the stomach through the mouth.
2. To emit violently, fumes from a volcano, for example.



The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:23:54am

re: #276 I Stand With Planned Parenthood

OK, HAD to share:




ERUCT=Fart out of your mouth

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:24:01am

re: #276 I Stand With Planned Parenthood

OK, HAD to share:




if your eruction lasts more than four hours, consult your physician…

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:25:21am
b_sharp  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:25:41am

re: #273 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Ha! I thought I was old-fashioned for saying “Aleph-null” instead of “Aleph-zero”! Welcome!

You are.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:26:04am

re: #274 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Family values.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:27:49am

re: #281 HappyWarrior

Family values.

Passionate about American youth?

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:28:17am

I see Mke Huckabee again showed the world what a fine Christian man he is by coming out opposing insurance for people with pre-existing conditions. Remind me again why a person with a heart condition I got diagnosed with as a teenager should even consider voting for this filthy party.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:28:25am

re: #282 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Passionate about American youth?

Very passionate.

Shiplord Kirel  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:28:43am

re: #266 Patricia Kayden

“(Freepers assume that a perp is black if the media do not immediately trumpet his race).”

You meant Freepers assume that a perp is black because they’re racist. Normal people don’t assume that criminals are always of one race. I have to admit that initially I thought the D.C. sniper was white but I certainly wasn’t shocked that he turned out to be African American (working with a Jamaican teenager).

Well, yes, it almost goes without saying that they are racist but there is another assumption embedded in their speculation, that there is a conspiracy in the media to cover up for non-white criminals. This includes non-white immigrants, Muslims, and anyone else who is darker than a grocery sack. There is no evidence for this conspiracy, of course, and a good deal to the contrary, but it is a necessary component of the overarching narrative of victimization that drives the right-wing these days.

KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:29:07am

re: #263 I Stand With Planned Parenthood

Yes, it’s actually more tangled a tangled web than the Credit Default Swap/Derivatives scam.

I don’t know if it is more tangled than the CDS scam. Those were, for lack of a better phrase, new and innovative products. Lawyers have been creating giant corporate structures for years and within the legal community (lawyers and courts) there is an inherent knowledge of how to untangle them once you have the right information.

BeenHereAwhile  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:29:11am

re: #138 William Lewis

I’m not sure what that buzz is but I still don’t see anything indicating a bird released - a pheasant would have taken off at a dead run, not flown away, from such a box.


Down the road from my childhood residence was a “ranch” owned by one of Florida’s movers and shakers of the time. Suffice it to say, part of the Florida Turnpike is named after him.

One of the entertainments was pheasants raised on the ranch being thrown from a platform 20 feet off the ground by one of the ranch hands. The pheasant would then attempt to fly back to the enclosure where it was fed and watered; the flight path being over the area where the guests could shoot them as they flew overhead.

Lidane  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:31:12am


Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:32:26am
lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:32:57am

re: #241 The Vicious Babushka

During Ike’s term in office, the US top tax rate was 91%.

For instance, this is how it would break down for the 1956 tax year (using 2013 US dollars) :

For married filing jointly, 20% on the first $32,000 going all the way up to 91% on amounts over $3.2 million.

Someone making $150,000 would see 34.0% on the income over $130,730 and under $163,412. IOW, that’d be 34% on the $20,730 between $130,730 and $150,000, plus the carryover amounts from the lower brackets.

Here’s how that actually compares with the current tax rate:

If taxable income is - The tax is:
Not over $36,900 - 15% of taxable income.
Over $36,900 but not over $89,150 - $5,535, plus 28% of the excess over $36,900.
Over $89,150 but not over $140,000 - $20,165, plus 31% of the excess over $89,150.
Over $140,000 but not over $250,000 - $35,928.50, plus 36% of the excess over $140,000.
Over $250,000 - $75,528.50, plus 39.6% of the excess over $250,000.

So, if someone’s taxable income is $150,000 today, they’d see the 36% only on the income over $140,000 - or the $10k.

Stick that in Ike’s grand-daughter’s craw.

Dr Lizardo  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:33:00am

I don’t know why, but this gif just makes me laugh:

Image: RpCohdc.gif

as does this one:

Image: 9345d3f747a41d1c70d6f7cfac752702.jpg

KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:34:10am

re: #266 Patricia Kayden

I had a friend, who has since passed away, former Navy SEAL, he was “doing some security related work” in the DC area at the time of the sniper - blonde haired, blue eyed, white guy, driving a van. He got stopped pretty much daily. He (or his dad) told me a story that he got stopped by the police and he told the cop, “call this number, tell them my name.” Apparently it was straight out of spy movie kind of stuff, the cop called did a couple of “yes, sir” and then let my friend go. Which made since because at the time, every profile was that the shooters were white guys.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:34:32am

re: #288 Lidane

Jon Stewart, now with less bleeps.

Maybe he could be John Oliver’s reporter.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:37:27am
The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:39:33am

If you guess that something is missing, CONGRATULATIONS, YOU’RE A LIBTARD!

A Mom Anon  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:42:08am

re: #295 The Vicious Babushka

And if we don’t kill the rapist, why, we’ll go ahead and grant him parental rights. God these people are stupid as hell.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:42:30am

Credit for chart goes to Epectitus on The Fogbow.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:44:05am

re: #297 Skip Intro

Embedded Image

Credit for chart goes to Epectitus on The Fogbow.

Bush told the fewest lies? Because he’s too stupid to think up consistent fibs?

KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:44:17am

re: #290 lawhawk

Your person making $150,000 in 2013 actually pays slightly more in tax under the current system than under the system in Ike’s time. Based on my math, under the 1956 tax code (again in 2013 dollars), the tax payer would pay $38,169 in taxes for an effective rate of 25.4%. Under the current system, he would pay $39,528 for an effective tax rate of 26.4%.

Joe Bacon  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:44:35am

re: #276 I Stand With Planned Parenthood

OK, HAD to share:




So did Chuck C “eruct” on the floor???????

originalben  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:44:55am

re: #47 Timothy Watson


Both Dems unopposed,

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:47:32am

re: #299 KGxvi

There were a lot more deductions back in 1956 than there are now, so the actual amount of taxes paid was lower than just using the tax rates implies.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:47:35am

re: #276 I Stand With Planned Parenthood

OK, HAD to share:




OK, I’ve seen the noun “eructation” used quite a bit, the verb “eruct” never—and I read a buttload of 19th and 18th Century prose.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:48:18am

Wingnuts should be kissing liberals asses. It’s thanks to liberalism that we’re one o the most successful countries in the world. Conservatism is often than not a barrier to progress especially in this country.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:49:33am

re: #302 Skip Intro

There were a lot more deductions back in 1956 than there are now, so the actual amount of taxes paid was lower than just using the tax rates implies.

Which is probably why you didn’t see as much complaints. That’s why even though I sympathize with Sanders’ idea, I think the real problem are the rich finding loopholes and not paying taxes. I’d rather have top brackets be around 40% with more enforcement of tax cheats.

KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:49:44am

re: #302 Skip Intro

I’m just looking at it as $150k in taxable income, rather than in terms of gross income. Probably should have been more clear on that.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:52:43am

re: #305 HappyWarrior

Which is probably why you didn’t see as much complaints. That’s why even though I sympathize with Sanders’ idea, I think the real problem are the rich finding loopholes and not paying taxes. I’d rather have top brackets be around 40% with more enforcement of tax cheats.

But Da tax code is SO complicated its VERY complicated and hard to understand and too complicated!!!1

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:54:16am

re: #302 Skip Intro

There were a lot more deductions back in 1956 than there are now, so the actual amount of taxes paid was lower than just using the tax rates implies.

That makes the apples to apples comparisons more difficult. By looking at the taxable income (the amount that is subjected to the tax rate) you can better compare the tax burdens, but it doesn’t take into account the deductions, credits, or exclusions available to those taxpayers in their respective tax years.

But it does show the income tax structure in 1956 did look to capture revenue from high income earners that has since been lost as a result of eliminating the top tax rates first above 70%, then above 50%, and now where the top rate is 39.6%.

One could make the argument that creating a new top tax rate of 50% on all income over say $2 million could result in significant revenues enabling funding of infrastructure - lock box revenue as it were. It could be used to supplement motor fuels taxes for all kinds of infrastructure and to pay down debt. The effects of which would be long lasting economic growth and efficiencies.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:54:24am

If Ted Cruz or any other GOP ABOLISH TEH IRS!!!!1!!!! actually does away with the IRS, what apparatus will they use for collecting revenue?

Dr. Matt  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:54:30am

re: #269 wrenchwench

I think she had in mind something like an enema, rather than intrasplenic injection.

Good Dog SMH

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:55:07am

re: #309 The Vicious Babushka

If Ted Cruz or any other GOP ABOLISH TEH IRS!!!!1!!!! actually does away with the IRS, what apparatus will they use for collecting revenue?

Probably just privatize it because that would be much better. //

blueraven  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:55:25am

re: #297 Skip Intro

Embedded Image

Credit for chart goes to Epectitus on The Fogbow.

Good grief. If that chart is accurate, about 80% of Carson’s statements are at least mostly false. Of course, he is leading in the polls.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:55:40am

re: #305 HappyWarrior

One of the biggest ways high income earners avoid tax is that they’re earnings on capital gains is taxed at a favorable rate, rather than at the taxpayer’s general income tax rate. This is supposedly to encourage long term investments, but it ends up benefiting high income earners shielding them from higher tax bills.

Alephnaught  Nov 3, 2015 • 10:56:01am

re: #273 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Ha! I thought I was old-fashioned for saying “Aleph-null” instead of “Aleph-zero”! Welcome!

Thanks! The name comes from a Maths lecture when I was in studying in Glasgow University. The lecturer was covering the Aleph series, and the first of the series was the aleph symbol+0, and it was pronounced as “Aleph Naught”, and at this point, the lecturer paused the lecture, and added that if any students wished to start a band, “Aleph Naught” would be a really good name for a band, especially a “New Wave” band. “Go on, make an old man happy!” I remember him saying, before resuming the lecture.

Given this was about 1990, when dance music was starting to get really big in the UK, there was much bemusement amongst the students. However, I thought at the time: “That’s a really good name for a dance music record label!” And when I started doing music for Atari demos, i would say in the info file for the music file that it was released by “Alephnaught Recordings, Glasgow”. Then when I released various tunes on, I used the same name. So from there on, it’s basically become my brand name for whatever I’m doing.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:01:41am

re: #312 blueraven

Good grief. If that chart is accurate, about 80% of Carson’s statements are at least mostly false. Of course, he is leading in the polls.

There does seem to be some correlation between the number of lies told and standing in the polls.

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:02:11am

re: #309 The Vicious Babushka

If Ted Cruz or any other GOP ABOLISH TEH IRS!!!!1!!!! actually does away with the IRS, what apparatus will they use for collecting revenue?


Half /

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:02:47am

Maybe wearing a seatbelt & avoiding excessive speeds would help, even if less delicious.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:02:52am

re: #313 lawhawk

One of the biggest ways high income earners avoid tax is that they’re earnings on capital gains is taxed at a favorable rate, rather than at the taxpayer’s general income tax rate. This is supposedly to encourage long term investments, but it ends up benefiting high income earners shielding them from higher tax bills.

I’ve never understood how my long term investment in Amazon benefits anyone but me, but thank you very much.

Three Chord Monty  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:03:47am


Charles, I posted a Page on Friday which looks to have attracted a lot of views in the past 24 hours, far more than the first 3 days. I didn’t share it anywhere, because it would have been pounced upon by people in the community I belong to of patients and advocates/activists, and I was more interested in first in it being seen by people outside the community, who are unfamiliar with the issues involved. Moreover, my Twitter is not anonymous, and I prefer to not have my name on it. I know that seems strange, but a small measure of paranoia is something I find wise with this. It wasn’t because I wasn’t interested in people seeing it or driving traffic to LGF.

I shared it with one person who I didn’t ask to not share it, only to use their discretion. After reading it they decided it was worth sharing, and it went on Twittter and Facebook yesterday afternoon. I believe that around the time that happened it had around 750-800 views, and last I looked it was over 2,000.

In retrospect, it actually helps as I often wonder if there are ways to measure the size of the community, at least people who are active, who would presumably have noticed it, read it, perhaps shared it. It’s said there are 250,000 people in the UK with ME, and a million in the US. I happen to feel those numbers are too large, but that’s another story. When people say there are a million people with this, and it seems like there are only around 1,000 active participants…well, we are all extremely sick and becoming familiar with the issues involved is daunting and entails having to delve through a lot of negative shit—like this:

ME ‘Not Actually A Chronic Illness’

After becoming familiar with the issues, then we’re left with only the people inclined and well enough (and well off enough, in a condition that causes extreme poverty, to have a functioning computer, which in most cases means a laptop in bed, since getting and staying out of bed is so difficult). That’s looking like an unscientific but plausible number now. So I wanted to thank you for allowing me the platform, explain indirectly why I’m not more active here, and point out why, if it seemed odd, why all of a sudden there was a run on a days-old Page.

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:06:05am

re: #316 Eclectic Cyborg


Half /

Here’s the half that isn’t sarc: Sales taxes are usually collected by retailers, who are not compensated for all that bookkeeping and money-handling work, so yeah, slaves. I’ve been told that some states DO pay retailers for this, but I don’t know which, if any.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:07:29am

re: #317 The Vicious Babushka

Maybe wearing a seatbelt & avoiding excessive speeds would help, even if less delicious.

[Embedded content]

So this is the guy who ended up on the freeway sign?

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:08:24am

re: #321 Skip Intro

So this is the guy who ended up on the freeway sign?

That’s the one.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:10:12am

re: #320 wrenchwench

A number of states have collection discounts, usually equal to a percentage of the revenues collected for the period, but this is seen as a cost of compliance with state law that puts the collection burden on sellers.

WhatEVs  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:10:50am

re: #104 The Vicious Babushka

Frontier Gibberish Lady==>

[Embedded content]

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:12:39am

re: #262 Patricia Kayden

Carson is doing well among Republican voters at this moment in time. Doesn’t mean he would win a general election or that his current poll ranking will last through the primaries. How many times per day does Chucky Todd get to parade his lack of knowledge on MSNBC? Doesn’t he host a two hour session in the afternoon and Meet the Press on Sunday mornings? Sigh.

He has his new MTP Daily at 5 PM. They also have him on as a analyst throughout the day. He is NBC’s main political wonk.

And yet, they are considered the mainstream liberal media.

Chuck is just fascinated by poll numbers and movements up and down. He doesn’t appear to care about the actual policy and laws and what they mean to the people and this country overall. He is just surface politics. Depth is not needed.

Shiplord Kirel  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:13:29am

Kremlin-fueled Freeper Madness:

Migrant crisis pushing Germany towards ‘anarchy and civil war’

Once again, we learn how impoverished middle eastern refugees, outnumbered thousands to one and with nothing but the clothes on their backs, have managed to reduce a whole continent to chaos and violence. The freepers are eating it up, of course, but not one of them has mentioned that the source,, is a state-owned outlet of the Russian government.

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:13:37am

re: #319 Three Chord Monty

Impressive. Here’s a link to said Page.

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:18:15am

re: #323 lawhawk

A number of states have collection discounts, usually equal to a percentage of the revenues collected for the period, but this is seen as a cost of compliance with state law that puts the collection burden on sellers.

28 states allow vendor discounts

Nothing for NM, of course. And it should be noted, those are the STATE tax rates; counties and municipalities can add more on top.

WhatEVs  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:23:46am

re: #201 lawhawk

Not just a relative but Carly’s own SuperPac. The relative aspect is meaningless, that they are touting an endorsement from her own SuperPac…wow. Just freaking wow.

CleverToad  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:03:48pm

re: #137 A Mom Anon

{{{{{{belated hugs for you, and hope that the unhelpful friend’s daughter can also find the help and support her mom isn’t giving her.}}}}}

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