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Belafon  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:18:23am
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:19:32am

Threads 2 minutes apart? Is that a record?

Bubblehead II  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:20:56am
Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:22:18am

re: #2 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Threads 2 minutes apart? Is that a record?

Might be, lol.

And here I was just thinking: “You bastard! You killed it before it even had a chance!”


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:26:42am

Donnie Jr.’s getting a lot of flak for the Alex Jones earpiece story.

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:26:44am

Going back to the Lauer/NBC debacle. I think it did serve one useful purpose as last night the american people were exposed very openly to something that happens ALL THE TIME behind closed doors in the job sector.

People competing for the same job can be treated very, VERY differently by the interviewer for a variety of reasons (and yes, race and gender are very much among them, I don’t believe for a second Lauer would have treated another man the way he did Clinton). Despite what some people want to believe, things of this nature are very rarely 100% unbiased and down the middle.

Remember: It’s not about who is best qualified, it’s about who the decision maker thinks is the best “fit”. If that happens to be an inexperienced yet rather attractive young woman instead of a man who’s been in the business for 20 years and has a great track record, so be it.

It’s a brutal, unfair system.

And quite honestly I don’t think we’ve seen it played out at a Presidential level before because we’ve never had two candidates quite like this before.

GlutenFreeJesus  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:26:52am

So the Hillary earpiece thing is just a photoshop?

Patricia Kayden  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:30:24am

re: #5 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

So it’s okay to retweet a story from Alex Jones now? Shows what type of people will be running our government should Trump win.

Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:31:39am

Share this…

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:32:20am
lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:34:54am

re: #8 Patricia Kayden

So it’s okay to retweet a story from Alex Jones now? Shows what type of people will be running our government should Trump win.

They’re the kind of people who think Jones is telling truth, facts, and is presenting a logical explanation for the world or govt.

It’s no such thing, as Jones is peddling conspiracies, BS, and is fact-free. But it’s not stopping Trump or Drudge, or the right wing generally (see also SMOTI, who peddled the same nonsense this morning).

They’ve got their own reality bubble, and think anyone outside it isn’t truthful or dealing in facts.

This is a dangerous time, as one group of people have become unmoored from facts and no expression to the contrary will dissuade them. Trump and the media have done tremendous damage to society for not only normalizing conspiracy BS, but for enabling ever more ridiculous claims be made with nothing more than wishful thinking and a wink and a nod.

KGxvi  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:35:38am

re: #6 Eclectic Cyborg

Remember: It’s not about who is best qualified, it’s about who the decision maker thinks is the best “fit”. If that happens to be an inexperienced yet rather attractive woman instead of a man who’s been in the business for 20 years and has a great track record, so be it.

I’ve actually been a part of the hiring/interview process from the employer side. The “best fit” thing is real in employment because someone can be immensely qualified but be an asshole that won’t function well within the group dynamic that the employer has developed. Big picture, it’s often better to pass on that “more qualified” person in order to save the overall productivity of the group.

And that’s often the case when the qualifications are close. Candidate A might check off 9 of 10 boxes but personality-wise doesn’t fit, while Candidate B only checks 7 of 10 boxes but fits better within the company’s dynamic.

The problem here, though, is that one candidate has checked of 8 of 10 boxes while the other has checked off 2 of 10.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:38:01am

re: #6 Eclectic Cyborg

I think it is important to call it out. Saying that this treatment is just because “she’s a Clinton” dismisses the fact that women experience this sort of thing all the time. That double standard? Being told to smile more? Being interrupted constantly and having what you say dismissed? Being a far better candidate for the position but having to take your opponent seriously because you know that everyone else will, simply because he’s male? Constantly being called out on your tone because it doesn’t match whatever the (typically male) listener wants to hear from you?

Those things aren’t exclusive to HRC at all and have nothing to do with her being a Clinton. But pretending they are lets people ignore the fact that sexism and misogyny is still just below the surface in the same way racism was before Obama’s election.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:39:04am

re: #10 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

email shocker!
Did Colin Powell Lead Hillary Clinton Into Life Of Dirty Email Crime? MAYBE!

[Embedded content]

I was so in hopes that we’d heard the last of this guy so I didn’t have to listen to people pronouncing “Colin” “colon” any more….

dangerman  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:40:04am

re: #12 KGxvi

Th e other is asking whether it’s ok to use a pen or pencil

Targetpractice  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:40:26am

re: #12 KGxvi

I’ve actually been a part of the hiring/interview process from the employer side. The “best fit” thing is real in employment because someone can be immensely qualified but be an asshole that won’t function well within the group dynamic that the employer has developed. Big picture, it’s often better to pass on that “more qualified” person in order to save the overall productivity of the group.

And that’s often the case when the qualifications are close. Candidate A might check off 9 of 10 boxes but personality-wise doesn’t fit, while Candidate B only checks 7 of 10 boxes but fits better within the company’s dynamic.

The problem here, though, is that one candidate has checked of 8 of 10 boxes while the other has checked off 2 of 10.

Yet, in the eyes of the media, the guy who gets 2 of 10 should be given a handicap because the woman who managed 8 of 10 doesn’t smile enough in the interviewer’s opinion. The 2 of 10 guy is an insufferable and boorish asshole who tells a lot of racist and bigoted jokes and then insults you for not laughing with him, but the 8 of 10 woman has a negative view of coworkers because of her last job and so the interviewer thinks the guy might be a better fit because at least he’s trying to be your “friend.”

Sir John Barron  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:40:29am

re: #5 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Donnie Jr.’s getting a lot of flak for the Alex Jones earpiece story.

[Embedded content]

Oh, the ear-piece was an Alex Jones thing?

Here is my shocked face….

Kilroy01  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:41:06am

Well.. what a waste of time that was… or was it?

Just spend an hour watching the Commander in Chief Forum, pausing several hundred times, and would you believe….. no ear piece in Hillary’s ear.
HD and everything.

Hillary Clinton Participates In Commander-In-Chief Forum (Full) | NBC News

I’m totally shocked that people are lying about it though.. Shocked I tell you…


GlutenFreeJesus  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:41:15am
dangerman  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:42:02am

re: #16 Targetpractice

So trump…the affirmative action candidate ?

jaunte  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:43:15am

re: #20 dangerman

More like the “white male fragility” candidate.

dangerman  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:43:50am

re: #19 GlutenFreeJesus

25 logical reasons to vote for Donald Trump

My phone jjust locked up and then melted
(Using borrowed phone)

Interesting Times  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:44:11am

re: #9 Jenner7

Share this…

I’m going to embed it so people can read without being subjected to the inevitable herp-derp in the comments:

Facebook Post

wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:44:16am

re: #13 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I think it is important to call it out. Saying that this treatment is just because “she’s a Clinton” dismisses the fact that women experience this sort of thing all the time. That double standard? Being told to smile more? Being interrupted constantly and having what you say dismissed? Being a far better candidate for the position but having to take your opponent seriously because you know that everyone else will, simply because he’s male? Constantly being called out on your tone because it doesn’t match whatever the (typically male) listener wants to hear from you?

Those things aren’t exclusive to HRC at all and have nothing to do with her being a Clinton. But pretending they are lets people ignore the fact that sexism and misogyny is still just below the surface in the same way racism was before Obama’s election.

And that it’s a kid like you pointing this out shows that when I was a kid, they* were working on maintaining control, not working out how to share it. They thought we’d shut up if they let us wear pants. Nuh uh.


GlutenFreeJesus  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:45:53am

re: #22 dangerman

Didn’t you hear. The Galaxy S7 Note was recalled. ;)

Targetpractice  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:46:34am

re: #20 dangerman

So trump…the affirmative action candidate ?

Nah, the “Good Ol’ Boy” candidate. Trump’s the guy management hires because his daddy is best buds with the director and who stands at the water cooler pinching asses and telling racist jokes because he knows HR will never fire him because his daddy has their boss’ # on speed dial.

Hillary is the woman who management passes over because her last boss gave her a poor review because she wouldn’t show more leg and wouldn’t give him the time of day. Her work record was strong, she had a great record bringing in business for the company, but she wouldn’t go along with the “Good Ol’ Boys” and their baser instincts, so she’s treated as a frigid old shrew who’s best shoved somewhere down in Records.

wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:46:41am

re: #23 Interesting Times

I’m going to embed it so people can read without being subjected to the inevitable herp-derp in the comments:

[Embedded content]

That wouldn’t be another ‘women’s issue’, would it? Damn right it would.


klys (maker of Silmarils)  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:46:48am

re: #24 wrenchwench

And that it’s a kid like you pointing this out shows that when I was a kid, they* were working on maintaining control, not working out how to share it. They thought we’d shut up if they let us wear pants. Nuh uh.


I can stand and shout from the shoulders of those who have gone before. The fight’s not over, just moved to a different battleground.

(I have so much respect for the trailblazers, including HRC, because that shit is so hard and exhausting and one slip-up is taken as proof that you’re not capable and competent, where it would be overlooked in a man. See: this election cycle.)

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:47:14am

re: #16 Targetpractice

See, I get the concept of wanting to go a bit easy on the “new guy” because he’s still learning. That’s the way to handle things in a lot of job situations.

Unfortunately, you don’t get a grace period as President of the United States. You MUST be fully able to handle all aspects of the job from day one. There’s no safety net, it’s sink or swim. That’s why you want someone who can handle themselves under stress and deal with difficult situations.

Given Trumps penchant for knee jerk reactions and juvenile name calling, I don’t think it’s him.

I’m no fan of Clinton, but Trump scares the shit out of me.

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:48:18am

re: #23 Interesting Times

I’m going to embed it so people can read without being subjected to the inevitable herp-derp in the comments:

[Embedded content]


dangerman  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:51:02am

re: #26 Targetpractice

Nah, the “Good Ol’ Boy” candidate. Trump’s the guy management hires because his daddy is best buds with the director and who stands at the water cooler pinching asses and telling racist jokes because he knows HR will never fire him because his daddy has their boss’ # on speed dial.

Hillary is the woman who management passes over because her last boss gave her a poor review because she wouldn’t show more leg and wouldn’t give him the time of day. Her work record was strong, she had a great record bringing in business for the company, but she wouldn’t go along with the “Good Ol’ Boys” and their baser instincts, so she’s treated as a frigid old shrew who’s best shoved somewhere down in Records.

So “access” hmmmm.

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:51:15am

OT: Charles some of those “sponsored links” from AdReclaim are redirecting to bogus malware sites.

makeitstop  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:51:32am

re: #23 Interesting Times

I’m going to embed it so people can read without being subjected to the inevitable herp-derp in the comments:

[Embedded content]

I can attest to Hillary not being cold or aloof.

I attended Bush’s 2002 State of the Union address, and was treated to a dinner in the Senate office building. Hillary came in and ‘worked the room,’ and she was funny, attentive and engaging, kidding with a lot of the attendees. I got to shake her hand and thank her for the work she and Bill did on behalf of the country, and she looked me straight in the eye and thanked me for saying so.

If she was the least bit insincere, she did the best job of faking sincerity that I’ve ever seen.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:51:34am

re: #29 Eclectic Cyborg

Unfortunately, you don’t get a grace period as President of the United States. You MUST be fully able to handle all aspects of the job from day one. There’s no safety net, it’s sink or swim. That’s why you want someone who can handle themselves under stress and deal with difficult situations.

Some have grown into the job. Some, like Reagan and Dubya, were such “What—me worry?” chuckleheads that they never appreciated the seriousness of the matter. Nobody, and I mean nobody, has been remotely as prepared for the job on Day One as Hillary Clinton.

wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:52:21am

re: #28 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I can stand and shout from the shoulders of those who have gone before. The fight’s not over, just moved to a different battleground.

(I have so much respect for the trailblazers, including HRC, because that shit is so hard and exhausting and one slip-up is taken as proof that you’re not capable and competent, where it would be overlooked in a man. See: this election cycle.)

And I’m still happy about losing Scalia and Schlafly. I am sorry that we can’t get to the future with everyone, but some people just won’t go there.

Anymouse  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:56:00am

re: #19 GlutenFreeJesus

25 logical reasons to vote for Donald Trump

I get a page full of random ASCII charcters.

I am not sure whether this is a Website problem, or the page of random characters is the intended information (in other words, random BS)

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:00:05am
GlutenFreeJesus  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:00:08am

re: #36 Anymouse

It’s some sort of animation “thinking. Still thinking. Hold on. Ok. Got nothing.” Paraphrased. Quite amusing. :)

Anymouse  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:01:03am

re: #32 Eclectic Cyborg

OT: Charles some of those “sponsored links” from AdReclaim are redirecting to bogus malware sites.

saw that myself.

Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:03:02am

Pence is droning on before dumbo show up.

Sir John Barron  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:03:51am

re: #37 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Sure, nothing odd or disqualifying about this.


Bubblehead II  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:04:37am

re: #36 Anymouse

I get a page full of random ASCII charcters.

I am not sure whether this is a Website problem, or the page of random characters is the intended information (in other words, random BS)

Page loaded fine for me. It’s just a spinning wheel with text that more or less says working on it an ends with a fuck it, we can’t think of anything

MsJ  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:05:06am

re: #23 Interesting Times

In case anyone wants to RT.

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:08:29am

Trying to conflate the Benghazi terror attack and actual military combat.

Someone reading headlines or tweets would think there’s something to it. There isn’t.

Charles Johnson  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:13:11am
Charles Johnson  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:16:36am

re: #32 Eclectic Cyborg

OT: Charles some of those “sponsored links” from AdReclaim are redirecting to bogus malware sites.

Um. You realize you’re seeing those ads because you’re using an ad blocker to visit LGF, right? And when you do that you’re basically harming the site and me by depriving us of the income we need to keep going, yes?

Just checking. I’ll report that to AdReclaim, but the only reason those ads are there is because we’re being seriously hurt by ad blockers.

This article has been archived.
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