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1 SpaceJesus  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 2:56:57pm

ditto exactly what you said about eliana. i would just like to add that i don't think she, he, whatever, is actually jewish.

2 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 3:00:30pm

re: #1 SpaceJesus

ditto exactly what you said about eliana. i would just like to add that i don't think she, he, whatever, is actually jewish.

I hope to G-d not. I am pretty certain that Buzzy is though much to my shame.

3 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 3:16:35pm

I wonder whose sock eneri is.

4 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 3:56:31pm

re: #3 LudwigVanQuixote

I wonder whose sock eneri is.

Noticed that one before myself.

Good post. I'll be back with some thoughts about the bigger issue (misogyny among women).

I would like to note, though, that the worst and most vicious attacks I have experienced on the internet have all come from women.
Including the sorts of violent sexual threats that, if you didn't know better, you would swear had to be from a man.

That's a subject for a page in itself though and isn't about the hater blog.

(Although I would like to point out at this moment that the psychotic Irish Rose, after her banning, furiously posted all sorts of shit about me, including calling me a 'gold-digging whore who married Jimmah for his money'. )
Anyway, I'll be back.

5 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 3:59:53pm

re: #4 iceweasel

Noticed that one before myself.

Good post. I'll be back with some thoughts about the bigger issue (misogyny among women).

I would like to note, though, that the worst and most vicious attacks I have experienced on the internet have all come from women.
Including the sorts of violent sexual threats that, if you didn't know better, you would swear had to be from a man.

That's a subject for a page in itself though and isn't about the hater blog.

(Although I would like to point out at this moment that the psychotic Irish Rose, after her banning, furiously posted all sorts of shit about me, including calling me a 'gold-digging whore who married Jimmah for his money'. )
Anyway, I'll be back.

I can't wait for your return or your thoughts about women who are misogynist. I ask though, that you post some of those thoughts here.

6 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 5:11:06pm

re: #5 LudwigVanQuixote

I can't wait for your return or your thoughts about women who are misogynist. I ask though, that you post some of those thoughts here.

Well, we're a woman-hating culture. Oppression succeeds only with the willing collaboration of some of the oppressed.

There's a variety of reasons why women can be misogynistic. The main one is that they internalise the misogynistic messages of the culture. And in any oppressed population, some of the oppressed enforce the oppression-- because they have a relatively privileged position within the oppressed group, and they don't want to jeopardise the status quo (and thus their own status).

(An example outside the realm of sexism would be the 'house slave' in the Old South who looks down on the 'field slaves'. This is a person who has internalised the values of the slaveowning society to such an extent that he's replicating them and propagating them.)
Part of this dynamic is the very human desire to identify oneself with the powerful, and not the oppressed. (This is the same reason why abused children often grow up to be abusers themselves, or despise their mother for being hit rather than their father for hitting).

As to the women who inhabit the griefhole blog, they have no shame and are perfectly happy to dwell among the sexist bastards there-- just so long as it's not directed at them.

more to say about the dynamic of women who actively hate on other women, rather than those who acquiese to woman-hating, but I'll do that in a moment. This is long already. :)

7 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 5:37:59pm

Oh and another good example of how women internalise and then perpetrate misogyny-- a very obvious one would be the sexual double standard. Women who say of male sexuality 'boys will be boys' yet enforce 'slut-shaming' and a double standard for women's sexual behaviour do so in part because they are protecting themselves and their status by attacking other women.

Some of the worst behaviour you'll ever see comes from women directed at other women who they perceive as having it 'easier' or, most of all, breaking the rules women are 'supposed' to live by.
-- the rules that the hater has lived under. Women who got married really young say, and who then condemn women who don't marry. The Concerned Women for America and all those sorts of groups are exactly that. They are outraged and find it deeply unfair that women should have choices open to them-- particularly ones they feel weren't open to them.
More in a bit.

8 Interesting Times  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 6:09:54pm

re: #6 iceweasel

Well, we're a woman-hating culture world.

Adjusted. And how bad it gets is a function of the culture/society in question. The two worst scenarios for women tend to be:

1) Rigid, fundamentalist, authoritarian cultures (usually theocracies, though not always - as demonstrated by brutal tribal customs in certain parts of the Third World that predate organized religion stepping in)

2) Societies in which law and order have broken down completely (e.g. Somalia and post-earthquake Haiti - heartbreaking story about the latter aired on ABC World News earlier tonight).

It pretty much goes without saying that women in the west are the luckiest in the world (relatively speaking), but only as long as we stave off either of the possibilities above (#1 is rapidly gaining strength in many Southern states, and #2 is a risk as well, if economic conditions get bad enough).

(I'm not ignoring your other points, by the way - there's just so much to discuss on this issue I can't possibly fit it all in one post!)

9 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 6:12:14pm

re: #8 publicityStunted

Completely agree with you and very well said.

10 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 6:20:47pm

re: #6 iceweasel

(An example outside the realm of sexism would be the 'house slave' in the Old South who looks down on the 'field slaves'. This is a person who has internalised the values of the slaveowning society to such an extent that he's replicating them and propagating them.) Part of this dynamic is the very human desire to identify oneself with the powerful, and not the oppressed. (This is the same reason why abused children often grow up to be abusers themselves, or despise their mother for being hit rather than their father for hitting).

I suppose that is much like Rodan demanding that he is white when he is not.

Of course, there are many other sad examples of this in human history.

But onto the other points that you have written in your excellent (as always) post. It sounds as if you are writing about a sort of feminine Stockholm syndrome when you are talking about those who have internalized the message. That is really dreadful to imagine, but I can't find fault in the assertions from my own experiences with certain women.

11 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 6:24:04pm

re: #8 publicityStunted

Adjusted. And how bad it gets is a function of the culture/society in question. The two worst scenarios for women tend to be:

1) Rigid, fundamentalist, authoritarian cultures (usually theocracies, though not always - as demonstrated by brutal tribal customs in certain parts of the Third World that predate organized religion stepping in)

2) Societies in which law and order have broken down completely (e.g. Somalia and post-earthquake Haiti - heartbreaking story about the latter aired on ABC World News earlier tonight).

It pretty much goes without saying that women in the west are the luckiest in the world (relatively speaking), but only as long as we stave off either of the possibilities above (#1 is rapidly gaining strength in many Southern states, and #2 is a risk as well, if economic conditions get bad enough).

(I'm not ignoring your other points, by the way - there's just so much to discuss on this issue I can't possibly fit it all in one post!)

This is an amazingly good post. What you say is absolutely correct. The question is why do women put up with the first? The second case is understandable. If there is no law, and you are not a ninja, then the barbarians with guns have their way. But the first case is what I don't get. Educated women in those states surely see this coming. Is it that they all hope to be the "house slaves" and the Palins of such systems as Ice was intimating?

I have to say that I find such discussions deeply illuminating.

12 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 6:40:32pm

re: #10 LudwigVanQuixote

It sounds as if you are writing about a sort of feminine Stockholm syndrome when you are talking about those who have internalized the message.

That's essentially what it is. That's why the consciousness raising groups of the 70's and the mantra 'the personal is political' were so crucial, and in fact women exchanging their experiences with other women continues to be crucial. There are some things you don't see, can't see, when you're enmeshed in the system. Example: it might not occur to a girl to question why her family has a curfew for her, but not her brother. Or why he's encouraged to go to college, but she is not. Or why she and her mother are expected to take care of elderly relatives, but the men in her family are not.
Those are just crude example, but you get the drift.

As for women who hate other women, actively hate them, some of that has to do with despising themselves. It's like the abused child who grows up to be an abusive parent. They identify with the power and despise 'weakness'. Being victimised makes you 'the weak one'-- so you victimise others yourself, over and over again, because it 'proves' you aren't like them-- you're not a victim. How can you be, if you're victimising others? (such people are always victims themselves but this is their thinking).

Phyllis Chesler has an excellent book called Women's Inhumanity to Women which is about all this-- women hating on women, the myth of sisterhood.

And on the subject of the internet: stalking statistics show that women are 99% (or similar) the victims of stalking. The perpetrators tend to be overwhelmingly male.

But when you enter the internet into the equation, that suddenly changes. The gender of the victims doesn't change-- but the number of female perpetrators leaps, from under 5 percent to around 24 percent.

The internet is perfectly suited to female aggression. Women aren't allowed or encouraged to be angry in our society, and for various reasons, lack of physical strength being one of them, women seek indirect and covert means of expressing aggression.

So the internet is perfect for them. Nasty anonymous emails, anonymous comments, anonymous blogs. The perpetrator can strike from a distance without ever leaving their room. Women are just as capable of aggression and anger as men; the internet finally allows them to express it. In another time some of them would have been the nasty old gossip down the street who sent anonymous poison pen letters--now the availability and ease of the internet make it all too easy for women to act out. (and men too of course).

If I write in more detail about my experiences of this I'll link this page of yours.
Here is an excellent example of the sort of thing I'm talking about though.
She’s trying to destroy me
A survivor of the 7/7 London attacks led a campaign to help victims – but the cruellest test of her life was yet to come

13 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 6:43:28pm

re: #6 iceweasel

Well, we're a woman-hating culture. Oppression succeeds only with the willing collaboration of some of the oppressed.

re: #8 publicityStunted

Well, we're a woman-hating world. Oppression succeeds only with the willing collaboration of some of the oppressed.

I can fully understand why both of you have said this. What saddens me though is that I do not come from a culture that hates women. I mean that in all senses. In the academic world I inhabit, almost all of the physicist and mathematicians I know are about as feminist as they come. I admit, that this was not always so. I admit that there are still some jerks, but the vast majority of men I know in my field wish fervently that there were more women in the field - if only to have a mate to talk about work with.

More deeply though, despite certain angry writings about Judaism by secular Jews who are projecting King James and the actions of certain minority sects onto the culture as a whole, the reality is that Jewish women have always been educated, capable of owning property, expected to be strong and cherished for their strengths. I think this reflects very clearly in our women as well. I am certain that in the course of 3500 years of Jewish history, there was a meek blushing wallflower once, but I have never heard of her.

The roots of this are very old indeed.

No less than G-d Himself tells Abraham to listen to Sarah in all that she says. In other words our matriarch was considered a greater prophet than our patriarch.

This translated into many things. But it should be especially emphasized that any reading of Eshet Chayil - a woman of valor- which is King David's version of the ideal woman, and written 3,000 years ago paints a picture of the modern feminist vision of the woman who has it all. It praises her as a wife and mother, but it also says things like how strong she is, how she purchases fields and makes a profit (for an agrarian society, that is like saying she kicks ass in the board room!) and is kind to the poor. Wisdom flows from her lips. Beauty is fading, but her middot (virtues) are what really matters. Her value is greater than rubies.

I can honestly say that every woman in my family from my great grandmother down to my sisters, and female cousins is anything but weak or silly or uneducated.

I suppose this is a long way of saying that I truly was not brought up with the sorts of things you two are talking about. I know that they exist. I know that even in my own culture, certain views you might find on a Yishuv or Mea Sharim are repugnant. However, I also know that what you are talking about is not ubiquitous. Even though it is tragically widespread and repulsive.

14 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 6:56:02pm

re: #12 iceweasel

Wow. That second link you posted was devastating. That is exactly the phenomena we have been talking about all along. Though it is not plain sexism at that point, that is simply full blown bile made possible for a stalker by the internet.

There is a component to this that seems to have nothing at all to do with gender, and everything to do with the opportunity for whackos to lash out.

15 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 6:56:32pm

Thank you, Ludwig for giving that poisonous turd "Princess Natasha" what she deserves. I really don't know what bee she has in her bonnet about me, though I did find her faux description of my a triumph of unintentional hilarity.

16 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 6:58:45pm

re: #14 LudwigVanQuixote

Wow. That second link you posted was devastating. That is exactly the phenomena we have been talking about all along. Though it is not plain sexism at that point, that is simply full blown bile made possible for a stalker by the internet.

There is a component to this that seems to have nothing at all to do with gender, and everything to do with the opportunity for whackos to lash out.

Rachel didn't even mention there some of the worst things Lowde emailed her, either.

17 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:00:24pm

re: #16 iceweasel

Rachel didn't even mention there some of the worst things Lowde emailed her, either.

Do you know Rachel?

18 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:01:28pm

re: #17 LudwigVanQuixote

Do you know Rachel?


19 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:02:08pm

Also some of the other people she mentions in the piece.

20 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:03:19pm

re: #18 iceweasel


Then please tell her that I admire her courage.

21 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:03:28pm

re: #19 iceweasel

Also some of the other people she mentions in the piece.

Which Rachel is this again?

22 Interesting Times  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:03:36pm

re: #11 LudwigVanQuixote

This is an amazingly good post. What you say is absolutely correct. The question is why do women put up with the first?

For some, it's undoubtedly that "Stockholm Syndrome", and for others, it's (as bizarre as this may sound) a twisted sense of independence and invincibility. I can use myself as an example here, since I used to be a fan of Camille Paglia and Dr. Laura (you have no idea how humiliating it is to admit that now *shudder*)

What they (and others like them) do is take the concept of "personal responsibility" and turn in into a noxious though intoxicating brew of "you can do anything and have anything you want! Victims only got that way because of their own bad decisions!" (That's the glibertarian view. The socon version is "You'll be rewarded in heaven unlike those godless, immoral sluts. Revel in how you're so much better than them.")

It pretends to be empowering, when in reality, it's anything but.

re: #12 iceweasel

Phyllis Chesler has an excellent book called Women's Inhumanity to Women which is about all this-- women hating on women, the myth of sisterhood.

On that note, let me sadly say that (with but a few exceptions) my worst bosses have all been other women.

23 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:05:33pm

re: #15 Dark_Falcon

Thank you, Ludwig for giving that poisonous turd "Princess Natasha" what she deserves. I really don't know what bee she has in her bonnet about me, though I did find her faux description of my a triumph of unintentional hilarity.

Well Princess N is truly a repugnant slobbering troll and exactly as disgusting a POS as any of the others. I suppose the point of this screed is that online women really do have equal opportunity to be just as wretched as men.

I suppose that is a perverse triumph for feminism in a desperately saddening way.

24 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:05:36pm

re: #20 LudwigVanQuixote

Then please tell her that I admire her courage.

Will do. She's a remarkable woman.

I'd rather not say anything more about this because our little stalker friends will be reading.

Anyway, short of someone like Lowde, nothing anyone does or says to me on the internet can get to me, believe me.

25 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:08:38pm

Speaking of.....asshole troll alert here.

26 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:12:42pm

re: #25 iceweasel

Speaking of...asshole troll alert here.

responded to harshly and reported.

27 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:13:11pm

BY the way SJ or DF have they seen this particular post at the village of the banned?

28 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:13:53pm

re: #26 LudwigVanQuixote

responded to harshly and reported.

Obvious troll wanting a reaction, I think. Excellent job, you know I adore your smackdowns.

29 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:16:46pm

re: #28 iceweasel

Obvious troll wanting a reaction, I think. Excellent job, you know I adore your smackdowns.

I exist to serve - and to spank those that ask for it.

30 SpaceJesus  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:17:02pm

re: #27 LudwigVanQuixote

BY the way SJ or DF have they seen this particular post at the village of the banned?

dunno. ive had about all of that crap i can stand for a while.

31 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:21:08pm

re: #27 LudwigVanQuixote

BY the way SJ or DF have they seen this particular post at the village of the banned?

I think it was shat out while I was at work.

32 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:21:38pm

re: #30 SpaceJesus

dunno. ive had about all of that crap i can stand for a while.

And Space Jesus wept... I really don't blame you.

Honestly, I have my limits with them as well.

33 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:22:40pm

re: #31 Dark_Falcon

I think it was shat out while I was at work.

Well they are voicing their resistance right about now.. so they are prolly all soothing each others wounds and fantasizing about what they would do if they met me and ll that jazz.

34 SpaceJesus  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:23:05pm

maybe i should call into their show via skype. challenge rodan to a drinking contest. whoever loses has to never post on the internet ever again and also gets a tattoo of the winner's choosing.

i can drink a fair amount of bourbon.

35 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:24:56pm

I worship SpaceJesus.

36 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:28:32pm

re: #34 SpaceJesus

maybe i should call into their show via skype. challenge rodan to a drinking contest. whoever loses has to never post on the internet ever again and also gets a tattoo of the winner's choosing.

i can drink a fair amount of bourbon.

I think Rodan would look better with a tatoo of your avatar. :D

37 goddamnedfrank  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:30:29pm

re: #34 SpaceJesus

maybe i should call into their show via skype. challenge rodan to a drinking contest. whoever loses has to never post on the internet ever again and also gets a tattoo of the winner's choosing.

i can drink a fair amount of bourbon.

This is definitely your event, the divine ability to transmute / transubstantiate various fluids puts you at an inherent advantage.

38 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:31:17pm

re: #34 SpaceJesus

maybe i should call into their show via skype. challenge rodan to a drinking contest. whoever loses has to never post on the internet ever again and also gets a tattoo of the winner's choosing.

i can drink a fair amount of bourbon.

I would be curious for a report honestly, and be sure to give my regards to their lovely ladies if you do ;)

39 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:32:12pm

re: #21 Dark_Falcon

Which Rachel is this again?

Read Ices second link in that post about women hating on women.

40 SpaceJesus  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:33:09pm

re: #36 Dark_Falcon

I think Rodan would look better with a tatoo of your avatar. :D

i would have him get this entire thread tattooed on his back

41 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:43:23pm

re: #40 SpaceJesus

i would have him get this entire thread tattooed on his back

Well speaking of women hating on women, M has taken the time to insult my mother.

And she wonders why I consider her ugly.

Eliana is bitching that I said that Orthodox Jews are required to be Liberal Dems. They are not, and I did not say that. Unfortunately for her, they are required to care for the poor and the downtrodden, give to charity, uphold the rights of the oppressed, take care of the environment and seek justice for all. These views are somewhat antithetical to the Teabag positions she takes. It doesn't matter how many other Jews are as deluded as she is. It is all rather clearly laid out in Torah, Nach and Talmud.

This is a Jew who hates Judaism.

The others are assuming that I don't have Miss S.

Oh dear... At least I give meaning to their pathetic existences.

42 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:44:30pm

re: #34 SpaceJesus

maybe i should call into their show via skype. challenge rodan to a drinking contest. whoever loses has to never post on the internet ever again and also gets a tattoo of the winner's choosing.

i can drink a fair amount of bourbon.

It would be an interesting fight. You can likely transmute the bourbon back into water, and you will certainly rise if it strikes you down. However, he has no liver.

43 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 7:52:09pm

re: #39 LudwigVanQuixote

Read Ices second link in that post about women hating on women.

Got it, thanks.

44 Aye Pod  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 9:51:28pm

re: #33 LudwigVanQuixote

Well they are voicing their resistance right about now.. so they are prolly all soothing each others wounds and fantasizing about what they would do if they met me and ll that jazz.

You said 'jazz'. You do know what that word alone does to the stalkers blood pressure? lol

45 Aye Pod  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 10:03:25pm

(posted this on the other stalker page as well)

It's not just men who employ misogynistic attacks on women, as I've discovered.

The experience of posting here this last year has also opened my eyes to the levels of hate that can be generated by female sexual jealousy. The hate that was directed at iceweasel (and to a much lesser extent myself) by Sharmuta* came totally out of the blue as far as I was concerned. As far as I knew, we pretty much agreed on most things - there had been no animosity whatsover - then one day - while I was in Glasgow with ice-ski - bam - massive downding attack followed by all kinds of bitchy comments.

Ice told me she had been expecting it - I had no idea it was coming. The idea that someone would be enraged by the knowledge of two other people she hadn't even met finding happiness with each other was simply alien to me. Sadly, no more. I now know that for some women, there is nothing more abhorrent than knowing that another woman is happy when they aren't.

Ditto for Irish Rose.

*There was another issue (money) involved of course, but again, I had no reason to expect that there was any ill feeling caused by it at that point.

46 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 10:21:07pm

re: #45 Jimmah

Ice told me she had been expecting it - I had no idea it was coming.

The only thing i want to say about that is, because I'm a woman and I've experienced it before, I knew it was coming. As you know, and others here know.

I hoped it wouldn't happen and I didn't want to believe it would--but I wasn't surprised at all when it did. And I knew that her latent hostility would explode, if it would at all, the second you and I were in the same place.

The idea that someone would be enraged by the knowledge of two other people she hadn't even met finding happiness with each other was simply alien to me. Sadly, no more. I now know that for some women, there is nothing more abhorrent than knowing that another woman is happy when they aren't.

Ditto for Irish Rose.

The difference is that I don't know Irish Rose at all and I was completely shocked to discover the depth of her animosity towards me. I had no idea she was emailing CJ demanding that he ban me (and others), and I was fairly stunned by her posts about me after her banning.

And since I don't know her, I feel quite ok with speculating.

Irish Rose was claiming for at least a year to be engaged to some guy-- but then announced that they were 'officially engaged' the day after you and I posted here about our wedding.

I have some guesses, but they're only guesses.

Let me say this: you will never, ever, ever, find more hostility between women than these two situations: the rage of a woman who desperately wants to be married and whom no one wants to marry-- directed at any woman who is getting married.

unless it's this:
The total rage of a woman who wants to be pregnant and can't conceive, directed at a woman who is pregnant.

I mention that last one not because it applies here, but because these two situations destroy female friendships all the time, let alone relationships between women who don't know each other.

So, yeah. Sexual jealousy.

47 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 10:25:19pm

re: #44 Jimmah

You said 'jazz'. You do know what that word alone does to the stalkers blood pressure? lol

I like to jazz up their conversations ;)

48 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 10:35:38pm

re: #46 iceweasel

So, yeah. Sexual jealousy.

Pretty damned creepy, all the same.

They first went nuts the same week Jimmah and I got together geographically. That is not a coincidence.

49 Aye Pod  Fri, Jul 9, 2010 4:15:08am

re: #47 LudwigVanQuixote

I like to jazz up their conversations ;)

Let's take a quick look into the cheeto strewn grief hole that savage calls home shall we? From the thread about their "voice of the resistance" blog radio 'show' :


"when I was talking about Reagan earlier Mom screamed at me, im not kidding"


"I thought I heard mom in the background…"


"you are correct"


50 SpaceJesus  Fri, Jul 9, 2010 8:23:35am

re: #45 Jimmah

I now know that for some women, there is nothing more abhorrent than knowing that another woman is happy when they aren't.

it's even worse if your ex is this kind of woman, and you find happiness again before she does. a world of shit then falls down from the sky.

51 Dancing along the light of day  Mon, Jul 12, 2010 12:10:58pm

re: #25 iceweasel

Speaking of...asshole troll alert here.


Also, I think some women feel that they are more likely to be successfully, competing against a woman, rather than a man. I don't know why this is, but I have seen it many times.

Thanks for the page, Ludwig!

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