
Guide to Female stalkers and the other side of Sexism

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/08/2010 3:59:53 pm PDT

re: #4 iceweasel

Noticed that one before myself.

Good post. I’ll be back with some thoughts about the bigger issue (misogyny among women).

I would like to note, though, that the worst and most vicious attacks I have experienced on the internet have all come from women.
Including the sorts of violent sexual threats that, if you didn’t know better, you would swear had to be from a man.

That’s a subject for a page in itself though and isn’t about the hater blog.

(Although I would like to point out at this moment that the psychotic Irish Rose, after her banning, furiously posted all sorts of shit about me, including calling me a ‘gold-digging whore who married Jimmah for his money’. )
Anyway, I’ll be back.

I can’t wait for your return or your thoughts about women who are misogynist. I ask though, that you post some of those thoughts here.