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1 Killgore Trout  Fri, Oct 8, 2010 12:26:58pm

The video is pretty damning. Notice how many adult photographers are on the scene filing the children attacking cars.

2 Ericus58  Fri, Oct 8, 2010 12:43:44pm

With the Palestinians willing to make their children engage in hostile actions for a staged event - again, there can be no peace with a group that uses it's kids for propaganda.

Strife will continue.
Settlements are irrelevant.

3 Ericus58  Fri, Oct 8, 2010 1:03:36pm

""David left his home together with his son and began driving when suddenly he was attacked by dozens of masked men who began to throw stones from every direction," his associates said in comments to the press.

"He tried to escape, first by driving in reverse, but the vehicle behind him blocked his path. It must be understood that he believed an ambush was prepared for him, which included cameras brought to the scene ahead of time.""

If you look at the AP photo, you can see the second vehicle with a man at the wheel.

4 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 8, 2010 1:11:39pm

Larger image:

Image: x910.jpg

It is shocking to see anyone get hit by a car and thrown into the air like that. On the other hand, you can see that he couldn't go in reverse, there were cars all over the place. And those kids were wearing masks and throwing big freaking rocks at his car.

I hate to see this kind of violence, but it's pretty clearly self defense. The kids were attacking him.

5 Daniel Ballard  Fri, Oct 8, 2010 3:06:06pm

re: #4 Charles

They were lucky not to be engaged with gunfire really. I would have done the same. And that clearly was an ambush.

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