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1 Michael McBacon  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 7:10:35am

This is sickening.

2 What, me worry?  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 7:16:27am

So that's what those little slimeballs are up to these days? What else can you expect from a bunch of banned losers who have spent YEARS casing this place for every little word they can mock. I mean really. Get a life already.

Oh, and I suppose Frank and me, and everyone else is going to have their own special thread now on the Diary of Butthurt. Who the hell cares.

3 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 7:33:36am

thanks for highlighting this, Frank.
daedalus aka ricky martinez is a well-known liar and a neo-fascist, known for posting videos praising serbian death squads.
now he is also exposed as a neo-nazi.

4 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 7:46:42am

frank, did you use webcite to save the page?

5 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 8:01:18am

re: #4 Sergey Romanov

frank, did you use webcite to save the page?

No, I saved the page locally as an .webarchive file via Safari. Webcite is down currently but the post is still up if anybody else wants to grab a copy of the page. Strictly speaking I don't think it's necessary though, too many eyes have seen it by now, there's no way they can plausibly deny it.

6 Aye Pod  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 8:43:05am

These losers are so pathetic they'll just be happy that they got this crumb of attention -even if it is just for spreading evil rubbish like that video.

7 SpaceJesus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 9:22:39am

Don't forget the time Rodan made a blog post wherein he posted a youtube video which was glorifying ethnic cleansing of women and children in the Balkans. Nobody over there said a damn thing. Fascist scum, the lot.

8 Kronocide  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 9:42:00am

Pinochet: Caravan of Death

9 dragonfire1981  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 9:58:50am

Hey Charles, if I was you I might put a call into the FBI about these people...

10 Obdicut  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 10:04:59am

re: #9 dragonfire1981

Hey Charles, if I was you I might put a call into the FBI about these people...

They're cowardly idiots who fetishize big strong protective dictators who'll make them feel safe. I don't think they're the type to actually get het up into action.

11 Sheila Broflovski  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 10:42:18am

Dead Louse made a screen shot of a comment that I made last Thursday, using naughty words, because I was angry about my debit card getting hacked.

Oh you so caught me, Dead Louse, I totally said those cuss words! I should have my keyboard washed out with Windex.

12 KernelPanic  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 1:03:21pm

heh. Been a while since I checked out the mouth breathers over at the stalker boyscamp. Given their penchant for overcompensating with homoerotic & 'manly' gravitars it's not particularly unusual to see them expressin' their "bro love" for strongmen and dictators.

13 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 2:39:29pm

Since D-bag is now claiming that the video was mocking The Turner Diaries as an example of extremism let's look at a couple of comments from the video's author:

@enesdeape "The Turner Diaries" symbolize here the outcome of what would happen if Pinochet did not abolish the commies. And what WILL happen to America, if the current march towards socialism under Obama is not stopped in time.
Arjozof 1 year ago

@Mattwolf1186 Both, actually. The MIR guerilla was formed by Allende, but financed and trained by Soviet and Cuban officers.
the Turner Diaries are symbolic of what might happen to America, if socialism is not stopped in time. Perhaps, if there is no hope for an American Pinochet, only a libertarian counterrevolution will be the only way out of the mess which is about to happen.
Arjozof 1 year ago

So, the author wasn't mocking Nazi extremism but was presenting it as a solution to what he posits is currently a socialist administration. Good times.

Try again D-bag.

14 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 3:15:46pm

re: #13 goddamnedfrank

Frank, I salute you. It's good to see "Daedalus" AKA "Dorkus" get the pasting he so richly deserves.

15 Obdicut  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 3:24:45pm

Honestly, being pro-Pinochet is a close second to being pro-Turner diaries in terms of moral reprehensibilty.

He killed more than 3000 of his political opposition, and had far more tortured, hounded, their lives destroyed, their property confiscated.

Including my friend Diego's father, a journalist and socialist, before Diego was even born. He never met his father, because Pinochet's goons kicked down the door to his newspaper and took everyone there out, never to be seen or heard from again.

Fuck Pinochet.

16 Gus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 4:31:14pm

Here's another song by this band Warraha.

Warraha - Aryan, of the Aryan Race

Now if you visit Stormfront you'll see this very same video was posted by a member of the band, Warraha, who goes by the name of KelThuz where he can be found at LastFM.

Things get a little stranger with KelThuz when he has a falling out with Stormfront because of their anti-Israel stance which he opposes and sees as an affront to white nationalism. This can be seen in this Stormfront post of his from 2009 where he ends with:

"One of the greatest White Nationalists of all time, John "Birdman" Bryant, would agree with me 100%, as he, just like my humble self, knew and understood what was Western civilization all about, and what it takes to protect it."

So we have a white nationalist who allegedly supports Israel but maintains a strong white nationalist identity. Yet, again, in a contradictory move if we go to his blog we see that he utilized modified image of the Schutzstaffel (SS) in his blog which can be found translated from Polish here.

He also mentioned this at his falling out with Stormfront at this same blog found here:

I was "silenced" on Stormfront, even though I've been a long-time member, for my defence of homesteading principle during the debate about Israel.

It's also mentioned here with this excerpt:

Following your logic, it would be Americans who have no right to America, because Amerinds were here first. Or Afrikaners would have no right to South Africa, because some apemen were there first. So what if they did not recognize private property rights, they were first. That's your flawed logic of subhuman savage mind, which revels in collectivist circular 'reasoning'.

17 Obdicut  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 4:39:27pm

re: #16 Gus 802

The fucking idiots posted a video made by someone who is comfy at Stormfront?

This could be a moment for them to learn about themselves, but I doubt it will be.

From this dude's blog, a defense of Breivik:

Anyway, government people may beat us, rob us, kill us - as long as they follow the law (which they wrote themselves) and wear uniforms. By this magick of written law and worn uniform, the class of ubermenschen may initiate force and we may not defend ourselves. Quite neat, huh?

Now, enter Anders Behring Breivik.

By shooting to death 69 kids, he surely transgressed the non-aggression principle. But, precisely, why do all the mainstream media, politicians and public opinion condemn him? They are not libertarians. They do not uphold non-aggression principle as an absolute axiom, as we do. Why do they think that Anders Breivik committed a crime, while soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan, or SWAT policemen during a raid are not criminals? Huh? Why the dividing line?

It is quite baffling.

Did Anders Breivik wear a uniform? He did.

Did Anders Breivik act under objectively defined law? He did.

Well, he wrote his manifest himself - just like government who writes his own tyrannical laws.

What differentiates Anders Breivik from a murderous policeman, soldier or a tax collector?

Listen closely. NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL.

Nice pick, morons. Someone who equates soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan with Breivik, that's who made the video you love.

Fucking morons.

18 Gus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 4:43:34pm

Post Script:

If you happen to look for the video it was taken down within the past hour:

This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy on shocking and disgusting content.
Sorry about that.

That was pretty quick. [Grin]

19 SpaceJesus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 4:44:43pm
Or Afrikaners would have no right to South Africa, because some apemen were there first.

This is the same way RodanDaedalus and most of those clowns view Native Americans

20 Gus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 4:45:18pm

re: #17 Obdicut

I think what we're looking at here is some new kind of hybrid white nationalists. Not unlike the EDL.

21 Obdicut  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 4:51:06pm

re: #20 Gus 802

I think what we're looking at here is some new kind of hybrid white nationalists. Not unlike the EDL.

I'd note the large, large difference between being pro-Jewish, and pro-Israel, too.

It makes sense that a white nationalist supports Israel-- or his skewed, fucked-up idea of what Israel is, people all of one 'race' banding together and creating a nation through force, taking land from a less-developed, inferior race.

22 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 4:53:13pm

I'm glad that I defensively registered @goddamnedfrank on twitter months ago. I can feel beady little eyes trying to look at my countertops through the intertubes.

re: #18 Gus 802

Post Script:

If you happen to look for the video it was taken down within the past hour:

That was pretty quick. [Grin]

ROFL @ "shocking and disgusting content." Man, Youtube doesn't mince words. This just keeps getting better and better

D-bag links to unambiguous advocate of mass murder, then whines like a stuck pig and contorts himself into a pretzel in attempts at rationalization.

23 Gus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 4:59:24pm

re: #22 goddamnedfrank

You know I'm just laughing my head off here with the speed at which this video was taken down. It was indeed "shock and disgusting content" which was not only supporting the Turner Diaries but used the backdrop of the Oklahoma City Bombing and a public hanging which seems to have originated in either Afghanistan or Iran. Said video was also promoting violence and terrorism. There's no excuse for either the video or trying to brush at off as satire or humor. It was neither and this group is formed around a white supremacist organization and individuals such as Stormfront member, Kel Thuz, who I believe wrote the lyrics to that song.

24 Obdicut  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 5:03:12pm

re: #23 Gus 802

He says it's a one-man band, so he either wrote or took the lyrics from somewhere.

What a weirdo.

25 Achilles Tang  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 5:07:30pm

I haven't been back there for a time, and have no inclination to do so now although I expect this page will result in more of the same. However I am somewhat surprised that they came up with something that wasn't entirely based on LGF commentaries. I suppose even these types have some latent originality, in a none complimentary sense.

26 Gus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 5:09:39pm

re: #24 Obdicut

He says it's a one-man band, so he either wrote or took the lyrics from somewhere.

What a weirdo.

You can see in this Google search that Stormfront member Kel Thuz wrote the lyrics to this song dedicated to dictator and war criminal Augusto Pinochet.

Dedicated to Gen. Augusto Pinochet music & lyrics: KEL`THUZ a LiberTV production

27 Interesting Times  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 5:11:02pm

re: #23 Gus 802

Said video was also promoting violence and terrorism. There's no excuse for either the video or trying to brush at off as satire or humor.

It wuz made by librul plantz tryin to make conservatives look bad!!1!


Seriously though, I hope someone saved a copy of it for law enforcement purposes (just in case the cowardly-keyboard-warrior-for-now decides to become a Tim McVeigh devotee in deed as well as word)

28 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 5:14:53pm

re: #23 Gus 802

But but but, Pinochet was a Golden God who gobbled communism and shat economic miracles! That the Chilean government, who's economic growth he was somehow still responsible for as a retired old dumb ass, charged him with kidnappings and murders just shows you what an accomplished multi-tasker the guy was. Hell, he's been dead for years and he's still responsible for current Chilean prosperity, amazing.

29 Gus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 5:18:40pm

re: #27 publicityStunted

Seriously though, I hope someone saved a copy of it for law enforcement purposes (just in case the cowardly-keyboard-warrior-for-now decides to become a Tim McVeigh devotee in deed as well as word)

There one other one I just saw labeled as a "re-mix." Not sure how long it will stay up though. ;)

30 Gus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 5:21:29pm

re: #27 publicityStunted

Seriously though, I hope someone saved a copy of it for law enforcement purposes (just in case the cowardly-keyboard-warrior-for-now decides to become a Tim McVeigh devotee in deed as well as word)

Check your Twitter messages.

31 SpaceJesus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 6:24:02pm

Rodan is over there trying to say that the Turner Diaries appear in the video because the maker of the video wanted to show what socialism looks like and warn against it. Well, here is the account of the video's maker:


Looks like he is completely sympathetic with the Turner Diaries, being a racist fascist rightwing scumbag (just like Rodan).

32 SpaceJesus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 6:33:45pm

Also, I love how the owner of the account claims to be anti-Nazi, but listens to nothing but "Aryan Pride" Metal.

33 Gus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 6:37:19pm

The Turner Diaries are there because Kel Thuz believes that will be the outcome and supports the premise of the book. And here is proof:

@enesdeape "The Turner Diaries" symbolize here the outcome of what would happen if Pinochet did not abolish the commies. And what WILL happen to America, if the current march towards socialism under Obama is not stopped in time.
Arjozof 1 year ago

@Arjozof - Turner Diaries is a great book, is actually NOT a nazi book, but very pro-freedom and gun rights, I like it alot. McVeigh was very good.
Evropae 1 year ago

Arjozof is Kel Thuz

He later makes this warning again referencing the Turner Diaries:

@Mattwolf1186 Both, actually. The MIR guerilla was formed by Allende, but financed and trained by Soviet and Cuban officers.

the Turner Diaries are symbolic of what might happen to America, if socialism is not stopped in time. Perhaps, if there is no hope for an American Pinochet, only a libertarian counterrevolution will be the only way out of the mess which is about to happen.
Arjozof 1 year ago

Thuz is not using the Turner Diaries to symbolize socialism [sic]. He's using it as a warning in much the same way that Timothy McVeigh was inspired by it. The same is true with the use of the OKC bombing imagery.

34 SpaceJesus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 6:40:32pm
Arjozof is Kel Thuz

I wonder what his handle is over at Daedalus and the swamp.

35 Obdicut  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 6:43:17pm

re: #33 Gus 802

And that's exactly the way the author of the Turner Diaries saw it: not a future to be hoped for, but what he thought would be 'necessary'. The mass killing of blacks and Jews by whites, after the government became too cartoon-liberal.

It is a vicious and hateful book.

36 SpaceJesus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 6:49:49pm

I'm gonna go say hi

37 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 6:53:07pm

re: #36 SpaceJesus

I'm gonna go say hi

Don't. Nothing good can come from posting over there.

38 Velvet Elvis  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 7:00:29pm

Is idealizing Pinochet actually an acceptable republican position now? I know no democrat could ever get away with speaking positively of Lennin.

39 Sheila Broflovski  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 7:04:37pm

re: #37 goddamnedfrank

Don't. Nothing good can come from posting over there.

Spacejesus can go places the rest of us dare not tread, because he's you know, Spacejesus.

40 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 7:12:01pm

re: #39 Alouette

Spacejesus can go places the rest of us dare not tread, because he's you know, Spacejesus.

But, they'll be able to see his countertops!!!

41 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 7:16:50pm

re: #38 Conservative Moonbat

Is idealizing Pinochet actually an acceptable republican position now?

to my knowledge, nobody said or implied this here.

i would not be surprised if it became such one day, though.

42 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 8:09:10pm

re: #31 SpaceJesus

Rodan is over there trying to say that the Turner Diaries appear in the video because the maker of the video wanted to show what socialism looks like and warn against it. Well, here is the account of the video's maker:


Looks like he is completely sympathetic with the Turner Diaries, being a racist fascist rightwing scumbag (just like Rodan).

The weird part is that about six months ago the primary Stalker Blog (called 'The Blogmocracy' and 'The Diary of Daedalus' jointly banned a loon with the nic of 'Banshee' for posting racist attacks on Latinos. So Rodan posting this shit kind of surprises me. If he keeps up down this path, then the Stalker Blogs will get even worse, ending up as Stormfront-style race-hate mills.

43 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 8:19:50pm

re: #42 Dark_Falcon

The weird part is that about six months ago the primary Stalker Blog (called 'The Blogmocracy' and 'The Diary of Daedalus' jointly banned a loon with the nic of 'Banshee' for posting racist attacks on Latinos. So Rodan posting this shit kind of surprises me.

Not me, the guy has a serious hard on about racial identity, he's mired in that mindset. He actually thinks the left hates Pinochet because he somehow "proved Latins are not biologically inferior and can have a modern economy." Um, no, people hated him because he was a mass murderer.

Speaking of the Turner Diaries, take this quiz, can you tell the difference between passages from that famous novel calling for a right wing race war and those from Ron Paul's newsletter?

44 SpaceJesus  Sun, Jan 8, 2012 9:19:34pm

re: #42 Dark_Falcon

Yeah, it's kind of weird. That place is full of people who see Hispanic immigration as an "invasion", yet Rodan and Speranza pretty much run the place and see Hispanics as the most glorious race of all time. It's kind of a microcosm of the GOP in general over there; several different groups who hate each other, bound together by a flimsy economic mythology.

45 Dancing along the light of day  Mon, Jan 9, 2012 12:12:21am

Sick F'ers. Giving them attention, shines the light on them, and hopefully causes them to slime back under their rock.

46 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Jan 9, 2012 3:10:51am

re: #42 Dark_Falcon

The weird part is that about six months ago the primary Stalker Blog (called 'The Blogmocracy' and 'The Diary of Daedalus' jointly banned a loon with the nic of 'Banshee' for posting racist attacks on Latinos. So Rodan posting this shit kind of surprises me. If he keeps up down this path, then the Stalker Blogs will get even worse, ending up as Stormfront-style race-hate mills.

They're not consistent. Individuals may have specific sets of standards, but Rodan, and most of the crew, seem to be oddly flexible in what they'll stand, so long as it contributes to the greater glory of sniping at Charles and anything they perceive as being attached to him.

47 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jan 9, 2012 5:59:48am

re: #46 SanFranciscoZionist

They're not consistent. Individuals may have specific sets of standards, but Rodan, and most of the crew, seem to be oddly flexible in what they'll stand, so long as it contributes to the greater glory of sniping at Charles and anything they perceive as being attached to him.

Indeed. They have walked that PATH* since being banned from LGF. One might in some ways compare Rodan to Satan in that way, acting in eternal rebellion (though to be clear, I do not see Rodan as diabolically evil).

*: 'PATH' as in 'PATHETIC', which is what the Stalker Blog is.

48 What, me worry?  Mon, Jan 9, 2012 9:34:40am

re: #32 SpaceJesus

Also, I love how the owner of the account claims to be anti-Nazi, but listens to nothing but "Aryan Pride" Metal.

The world is truly confusing. Maybe the anti-Nazi, pro-Aryan Pride guy is kind of like the anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews in reverse??

49 SpaceJesus  Mon, Jan 9, 2012 11:08:05am

re: #48 marjoriemoon

The world is truly confusing. Maybe the anti-Nazi, pro-Aryan Pride guy is kind of like the anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews in reverse??

I'm pretty sure the guy is Polish and just dislikes the Nazis because they invaded Poland. Other than that, he is totally OK with the race war stuff the nazis were all about

50 What, me worry?  Mon, Jan 9, 2012 12:55:20pm

re: #43 goddamnedfrank

Not me, the guy has a serious hard on about racial identity, he's mired in that mindset. He actually thinks the left hates Pinochet because he somehow "proved Latins are not biologically inferior and can have a modern economy." Um, no, people hated him because he was a mass murderer.

Speaking of the Turner Diaries, take this quiz, can you tell the difference between passages from that famous novel calling for a right wing race war and those from Ron Paul's newsletter?

Just as an observation, I noticed in the comments section someone linked to "proof" that Ron Paul didn't write his newsletters. It's on one of FOX pages (natch) and it quotes an article from the newsletter that does have a byline, one of few. The FOX reporter says that the material is essentially the same type as the others so therefore, it must be written by the same person, a one "Mr. James B. Powell." Certainly not the man whose name is written all over the newsletter and who owns it. And we know that because... ??? Well, because FOX says so.

Then he goes on to say that since every presidential candidate in the past has been called a racist (and he names them), that means no one is a racist. Move along now, people!

Seriously, if this what it takes to be a reporter at FOX News, I'm putting in my application TODAY. Hike up my skirt, pull down my blouse and I'M THERE!

Back to you, Frank...

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